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Post by freker »

I'd be a Chiss, I like those cool red glowing eyes
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Post by 2000AD »

I'm tempted by Noghri due to their seemingly inate ninja-like skills. As close to a ninjas your going to get without being force sensative.
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Post by Spartan »

Zabrak for me; horns check, receding hair line check, elaborate facial tatooes check. With latent force sensitivity for the win. I mean seriuosly their humans with horns on their heads.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

The only reason I didn't pick Ssi-Ruuk is because I loathe their culture, and they're almost never found outside of their tiny Imperium.
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Post by Star-Blighter »

X-1 Viper War droid.

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Post by Solauren »


Failing that, Hojib.

'cause they get's the ladies
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Chiss. Cause' they're creepy bluish and have glowing red eyes.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

I would chose whatever race Yoda is, because all examples seen have been very powerful force-users and/or high ranking Jedi. Failing that i'd be a Hutt, because despite their criminal dealings they are a race with considerable history and power.
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Post by DesertFly »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:I would chose whatever race Yoda is, because all examples seen have been very powerful force-users and/or high ranking Jedi. Failing that i'd be a Hutt, because despite their criminal dealings they are a race with considerable history and power.
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Post by Anomie »

Star-Blighter wrote:X-1 Viper War droid.

Need I say more?
Nice choice. But I myself would go with a Dark Trooper war droid. Keep the humanoid frame and manual dexterity and such.
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Post by rhoenix »

Have the Chiss ever been shown as Force-users, in any of the canon? If so, a Chiss - Force optional, though welcome.

If not, likely a Wookie. One really can say a thousand words with one artfully hurled heavy object at high speed. Force again optional, though welcome.
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Post by Acidburns »

I'd choose a wookie myself. The limited speech ability would suck, but nothing that a simple translator driod wouldn't fix.

For a droid, how about a world devastator?
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Acidburns wrote:For a droid, how about a world devastator?
Now THATS a choice for a Droid! Think big dude, think big!

Oh, and after looking at the choices, Im guessing I'll go for Cathar. Not quite Anime style CatGirl(boy) But close enough :D
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Post by Darth Raptor »

rhoenix wrote:Have the Chiss ever been shown as Force-users, in any of the canon? If so, a Chiss - Force optional, though welcome.
Sevrance Tann. She was one of Tyranus' lieutenants during the Clone Wars and a Dark Jedi.
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Post by Lex »

Chis, just fort the eyes... and with Thrawns tactical and stategical mind s'íl vous plait
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Post by Molyneux »


I've got to say I'm giving very serious consideration to whatever the heck Shaak Ti was.

That said, I'm gonna have to go with the Nelvaan - granted, they may not have been too advanced technologically, but they appear to possess physical capabilities greater than those of standard humans as a natural trait (judging from the manhood ritual that Anakin interrupted), and odds are that by the time of the EU there are probably at least a few Nelvaan warriors running around the galaxy.

Also, blue-furred wolf-people just automatically get a bonus.
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Post by Darth Lucifer »

Twi'lek, so I can have some bomb ass head tail tattoos like the chick from the Sith Academy in KOTOR. :twisted:

My other choice would be an Ewok. Why? The bliss of ignorance stemmed from lack of technology. It sounds dumb, but the denizens of Endor have a special appeal. If I was one of them, I can chop wood and swing from vines, gather food, hunt, and live the Ewok life. All while looking cute!!
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Darth Raptor
She was also sexy. :twisted: OT: Actually, is there a real backstory behind Sev'rance appearance in the Clone Wars, how did she get in the CIS?
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Post by Wild Karrde »

If I had to choose it' probably be a Selonian. Otters are already awsome, being space faring alien otters just seals the deal. :P :twisted:
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Post by Noble Ire »

Stas Bush wrote:Darth Raptor
She was also sexy. :twisted: OT: Actually, is there a real backstory behind Sev'rance appearance in the Clone Wars, how did she get in the CIS?
Here's her Wookiepeida Entry.

Presumably, she was exiled from the Chiss Ascendancy under circumstances similar to Thrawn's own banishment, perhaps even stemming from the same incident.
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Post by Vicious »

Crossroads Inc. wrote:
Acidburns wrote: For a droid, how about a world devastator?

Now THATS a choice for a Droid! Think big dude, think big!
Technically, if we take the Bounty Hunter's Tales, you can do one better. Pick a copy of IG-88 ... the one who was in the DS2 computer, for instance. Hello, planet-smashing superlaser!

"But the DS2 was destroyed!", you cry?

Fuck that. If I was the DS2, I'd suck Palpatine (and everyone else, for that matter) out an airlock, waste the Imperial fleet, smash the Rebels and leave. It'd be fun to wander the galaxy in a nigh-invicible battle station.

And yes, it is pretty much the ultimate wank. I'm just saying it'd be funny as hell.

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Post by Vanas »

Human Replica Droid.

Just make sure the brain is downloadable, and I'm set for a good eternity. Could be fun as well.
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Post by Lancer »

Echani. Human-offshoot race with higher than average capabilities.
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Post by need4spd »

Human stuck in general grievious bionical body. Because even if i entered the world without force powers i would have the ability to kill tons of jedi's with ease.

OH and a functional unit if you know what i mean.
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Post by OmegaGuy »

Force - sensitive Noghri.

That would kick ass.
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