Original unaltered trilogy coming to DVD

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Post by Anguirus »

Great news!

...soured by the fact that they're bundled with the '04 versions that everybody already has. Still, I'm enough of a nostalgic tool to buy them, and then buy them again when there's a format change in ten years, ad nauseam...

Hey, I suppose this makes up for the fact that no EU was decent enough for me to buy this year. (Except Dark Lord, I only didn't buy it because I'm poor.)
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
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Post by Stravo »

And they couldn't have done this with the original 2004 release because? This is such bullshit its infuriating but also painfully predictable from GL $ Co.

I think I'll be passing on this. How often is he going to jerk fans around for cash?
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Post by Dooey Jo »

Eh? I don't need another set of the 2004 DVDs and I think I can live without the not-quite-so-good effects of the original ANH. And if I can't, I have them on VHS. The crappy quality even blurs out the horrible lightsabre effects somewhat, too...
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Post by Elfdart »

Actually, I prefer the newer versions. I do like the idea of both being available.

Ah well, I'm off to perform some massive trolling on AICN! :twisted:
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Post by Mange »

skyman8081 wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:If there truly was, certainly He would digitally remaster the sound and audio. :P
No, because the "deliberate creative descisions" on the 2004 ANH disc might crop back up(reversing the rear channels, muting the Battle of Yavin score, messed up Krayt dragon call). The original sound mixes were brilliant the way they were.

Remastering isn't just cleaning up a few things on the audio mix, it means taking all the elements and recreating it from scratch at a higher quality.

The USA Today article says that its a transfer from 1993, which would mean that it is likely a DVD transfer from the source tapes used for the "Definitive Collection" Laserdisc release. Hopefully this release is anamorphic, even though the transfer wasn't made so originally.

@ Vympel: But Luke being able to change his lightsaber from blue to green to blue while on the Falcon was fun! ;-)
The press release does say that:
Official Site wrote:That means you'll be able to enjoy Star Wars as it first appeared in 1977, Empire in 1980, and Jedi in 1983.
Although I think the Ward quote is pretty specific, wouldn't that mean the version that first was released in '77 without the Episode IV title etc.?
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Post by VT-16 »

Well, congratulations, years of hard whining finally paid off. I wonder if Originaltrilogy.com are peeing themselves as we speak. :P

I mean, face it, what else is there to enjoy in the original versions than Han shooting first? Lucas finally took that Emperor scream out of ESB, and.... that was it really. Guess this is one less reason to complain about GL, so that's good. He probably needs the money to finance the upcoming series or something, anyway. >P
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:Well, congratulations, years of hard whining finally paid off. I wonder if Originaltrilogy.com are peeing themselves as we speak. :P

I mean, face it, what else is there to enjoy in the original versions than Han shooting first?
Well, the only things besides that I can think of is the shot of the fighters lifting off from Yavin IV in ANH and Lapti Nek in ROTJ.

I thought it would've been rather nice with an updated ROTJ space battle a la ROTS instead, but that's just me perhaps...
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Post by Elfdart »

The only thing I really disliked about the Special Editions was the way they chopped up the escape from Bespin. Other than that, the changes ranged from "who cares?" to big improvements.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Stravo wrote:And they couldn't have done this with the original 2004 release because? This is such bullshit its infuriating but also painfully predictable from GL $ Co.

I think I'll be passing on this. How often is he going to jerk fans around for cash?
Just once in this case. I think I must be the only Star Wars fan on the planet who hasn't yet bought that snazzy OT DVD box-set. My patience, it seems, has been rewarded.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

The only things that badly needed to be redone were the Alderaan/DSI explosions, the orange blur under Luke's landspeeder and the matting and stuff. Other than just generally restoring the film quality.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
Stravo wrote:And they couldn't have done this with the original 2004 release because? This is such bullshit its infuriating but also painfully predictable from GL $ Co.

I think I'll be passing on this. How often is he going to jerk fans around for cash?
Just once in this case. I think I must be the only Star Wars fan on the planet who hasn't yet bought that snazzy OT DVD box-set. My patience, it seems, has been rewarded.
Bastard :P ...okay I didn't buy mine, more of a gift.

Even still I'd actually buy the DVD, for the exact same reason as Mike. I have the original from the LD transferred to my DVD, and I would not mind a professional version.

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Post by VT-16 »

the shot of the fighters lifting off from Yavin IV in ANH and Lapti Nek in ROTJ
I'll concede on Lapti Nek, but wasn't the old lift-off just lights zooming off in the background?
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Post by Mange »

VT-16 wrote:
the shot of the fighters lifting off from Yavin IV in ANH and Lapti Nek in ROTJ
I'll concede on Lapti Nek, but wasn't the old lift-off just lights zooming off in the background?
Yeah, but I always liked that...
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Post by Hotfoot »

I now feel perfectly justified in not buying any editions of Star Wars past the 1994 videotapes.

Fuck George for doing it like this though.
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Post by Anguirus »

Other than that, the changes ranged from "who cares?" to big improvements.
I actually agree...I generally prefer the Special Editions. But there is a very strong desire to have the original versions preserved for posterity and personal enjoyment. It seems that at least Lucas has given up on making the originals disappear.

And let's face it, the reason why "Han shot first" is such a cultural meme now is because that change was a REALLY TERRIBLE IDEA.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
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Post by VT-16 »

The posterity argument is hilarious, because the National Archives already have a copy of each original film, IIRC. So they had better just fess up and admit it's not for "posterity's sake" that they demanded it. :P
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Post by JediToren »

I can't say this is surprising at all. The only movies that don't have multple DVD releases are the ones that didn't make enough money to justify the expense. I figured this was GL's plan the moment I heard that they weren't release the originals on DVD.

My only gripe is that, apparently, they are using an old transfer made back in 1993. The original camera negative has been cleaned and repaired TWICE since then, once for the SE and again for the new DVD release.
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Post by Laird »

No thanks, I'm happy with my 2004 set and the discs mike made me.
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Post by Bounty »

Aha, I've been waiting for this. I thought about getting the OT box set until I saw the butchered version of ANH on TV. At least now I can replace my worn-out tapes.
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Post by Jason von Evil »

Why is the floor sticky?

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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

skyman8081 wrote:The USA Today article says that its a transfer from 1993, which would mean that it is likely a DVD transfer from the source tapes used for the "Definitive Collection" Laserdisc release. Hopefully this release is anamorphic, even though the transfer wasn't made so originally.
The report on The Digital Bits says they'll be anamorphic.

I'm seriously curious about what the disc covers will look like. I look forward to turning my four-disc set into a seven-disc set...
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Post by Surlethe »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:Just once in this case. I think I must be the only Star Wars fan on the planet who hasn't yet bought that snazzy OT DVD box-set. My patience, it seems, has been rewarded.
Nope; I haven't got them, so I'm looking forward doubly to getting these.
Darth Raptor wrote:The only things that badly needed to be redone were the Alderaan/DSI explosions, the orange blur under Luke's landspeeder and the matting and stuff. Other than just generally restoring the film quality.
Yes, the Alderaan explosion needs redoing, but can't they just leave the goddamn ring out? I've wasted heaven knows how many hours trying to rationalize that thing.
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Post by Anguirus »

because the National Archives already have a copy of each original film
Well that doesn't help me, does it? :P

Anyone know what kind of shape those copies are in?
"I spit on metaphysics, sir."

"I pity the woman you marry." -Liberty

This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Anguirus wrote:
because the National Archives already have a copy of each original film
Well that doesn't help me, does it? :P

Anyone know what kind of shape those copies are in?
Not very good IIRC, judging from how the original film looks in the intro short documentaries on my video edition of the Special Edition. The Archives' edition may be in better condition though, as the bits we saw on the video were from Lucasfilm's archives.
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Post by PayBack »

VT-16 wrote:Well, congratulations, years of hard whining finally paid off. I wonder if Originaltrilogy.com are peeing themselves as we speak. :P

I mean, face it, what else is there to enjoy in the original versions than Han shooting first? Lucas finally took that Emperor scream out of ESB, and.... that was it really. Guess this is one less reason to complain about GL, so that's good. He probably needs the money to finance the upcoming series or something, anyway. >P
Well there were a number of things that bothered me other than them making Greedo shoot first, including Han chasing a handful of stormtroopers and then rounding a corner into a hanger full of them.. I thought it was better when they just had it with just that handful turning the tables on him.. as you need a room full to do that. The Close the blast doors, open the blast doors bit... Then there was just the general disneyfying of it with comical cgi creatures and stuff.

Having said that.. I saw the original when I was 10 years old and grew up with it, so is it so surprising I'm so pleased I can get the original on DVD?
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