+http://forums.starwars.com/thread.jspa? ... start=1635
Never mind that, as many have pointed out, Traviss was not abused while she was there. TFN is "retconning" that history straight away.Time for quick thank you while I have the floor.
I'd like to thank Philip Wise and his admin staff at TF.N for the work they've out in during the last couple of weeks to deal with abuse in their forums. We shouldn't expect the owner of the biggest fan site and his senior staff to get involved with the minutiae of forums, and they shouldn't have to, but they did. They removed a large amount of abusive and libellous material aimed at me by a small group, a long and tedious job that couldn't have been much fun for them. Anyway, if you note the large gaps and wonder what went on, it was Philip and his team showing that enough was finally enough. Thank you, chaps.
Here's where I get off the boat. Fuck you, (current) Star Wars. Fuck you long and hard.