Secrets of Star Wars 07

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Secrets of Star Wars 07

Post by VT-16 »

Ok, those of you with Hyperspace accounts can now enjoy a new series of tantalizing concept art and other stuff meant to hype whatever is in store for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars.

I have no idea if this is brand new stuff or previously unseen old concept art, but I suspect it's something new. The only partial image shown outside HS, depicts stormtroopers (post-ROTS?) either flying or floating in water. No context given. :)
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Post by 000 »

It's concept art for an upcoming super-next-gen video game at this point titled simply Star Wars. It's most likely one and the same as the Vader-centric game that's been rumored for the past few years.
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Post by VT-16 »

Great. No tv show concepts then? ;)

I guess they're saving stuff like that for later.
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Post by 000 »


More about the game nyah and nyaah.

Looks to be intersting. Hopefully it comes out on PC, and has cheats. I ain't much of a gamer, but I like cheating through them for continuity info.

It seems like an awful prosaic project for the Hyperspace folks to be hyping up, though, unless it's part of a greater multimedia event a la Shadows of the Empire or Clone Wars.
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Post by VT-16 »

It's the 30th anniversary. You bet your ass this is just the beginning. 8)

Thanks for the links!
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Post by Darth Lucifer »

As the Stormtrooper screams, the Jedi repeats his actions and then by the third lift crashes the armored clone horizontally into the bulkhead of a wrecked ship. In pain, the trooper tries his hardest to make the Jedi stop by grabbing onto a piece of metal protruding from the spacecraft... only to be pulled off of it (ship metal still in hand) for one final death blow. As this is happening, an Imperial TIE Fighter soars out of the sky firing at the Jedi -- and it's then that the stormtrooper is used as a human projectile and is thrown at the fighter causing a huge explosion. It was a great way to end the movie.
Sounds to me this is something a Sith would do. I personally found it to be a little distasteful and borderline Force Wanking.

Otherwise, it does sound pretty neat. I don't care so much for graphics, just so long as it's fun to play, has a good story, and is true to GL's vision of Star Wars.
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Post by VT-16 »

I do believe one of those four pictures show an AT-TE or UT-AT variant. (The one with three Jedi Force-pushing stormies. To the lower right.)
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Post by Base Delta Zero »

Is it just me, or does one of the pictures show a Jedi single handedly taking down a Star Destroyer? Please, say it ain't so...
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Post by VT-16 »

Red lightsabre = Sith or Dark Jedi.

Uhm, yeah, anyways that's what it looks like. XD
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Post by KhyronTheBackstabber »

Base Delta Zero wrote:Is it just me, or does one of the pictures show a Jedi single handedly taking down a Star Destroyer? Please, say it ain't so...
I think it looks more like a "wrong place, wrong time" type of thing for the jedi.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Meh, like it's never happened before... :P
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Post by Surlethe »

As an aside, is that an Acclamator?
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I don't think so. It looks different.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by VT-16 »

Some people pointed out that it seems to combine elements of Venators (the rear "secondary hull", as well as possible hangaropenings) and Imperators.
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Post by loomer »

I'd say it's more of an "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I had to go for a walk now." moment than a "Woohoo, I blew up a Star Destroyer" one.

And it does seem to combine Imperator and Venator elements. It could possibly be a prototype version or one designed to take advantage of the strengths of both designs.
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Post by VT-16 »

Oh god. What if this is their "solution" to Imperator ---> Imperial? Judging from the OS Databank it sounded like Imperator was just a prelimenary design. (is that Pablo's doing?) >___<

Then again, my theory is that "final design" only means those refitted ISD-I's seen in ESB and ROTJ, while the ANH ISD-I's were the original Imperators.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Actually, the Databank only says that testbed models of the Imperator existed shortly after the Clone Wars, not that the Imperator is the testbed model. ROTS ICS also says that the Imperator wasn't renamed into Imperial until after the Jedi Purge, which went on for quite some time. Therefore, the Imperator is still safe. :)

However, even though the wording of the Databank doesn't refute Saxton's work, I do suspect that it was an attempt by Pablo (or whoever wrote it) to play down the Imperator name.
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Post by 000 »

Seriously, folks, it's just concept art. Don't read too much into it.
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Post by Winston Blake »

000 wrote:Seriously, folks, it's just concept art. Don't read too much into it.
Example from some video i saw ages and ages ago, took a screenshot of, then never used:

That's right, the Borg Queen in Episode 3.
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