Hamel wrote:MGS4 has some god-damn ugly-ass post-processing.
And this matters when the game is coming out in over a year's time, because?
Vympel wrote:It's not so much the concept of the unit that bothers me (I mean, I can accept Mecha in MG, for god's sake) but even knowing that the REX plans proliferated- having these units torsos being scaled down, virtual *exact* copies of the REX is really uninspired design. I'm really dissapointed with the art guys in that department.
The REX like head design is a good design though, since the top half is essentially a turret that connects to the drive chassis. Why change a good design just to be original? There are no "art guys" anyway, there is just
the art guy, him being Yoji Shinkawa, and his work is always brilliant. I see nothing wrong with the Gekkou units, and the resemblance to the two previous MGS Metal Gear designs is nice, especially with the juxtaposition of an obviously standard tank like upper body, with the organic bottom (consider REX was going to be like RAY until they found the PSX couldn't deal with the poly count). You can't compare his stuff to the original MG machines, which were more at home to a version of Metal Slug if anything, but you retcon the hell out of that stuff to fit the new games.
I love the mooing. Seriously, that bull/cow like attitude is great, and like the Combine machines in HL2, probably instills just as much fear when they can land infront of you like that. I bet the AI is even based on a pred-pray model, given the somewhat animalistic nature, though gets the job done.
Nephtys wrote:
Well, the REX Torso did resemble a modern battletank. Admittedly, they don't go well at all with the RAY-styled legs, nor are they appropriate to be styled like something armored given how fragile those legs are. Doesn't really make sense why the guns are on top instead of on bottom, given how tall they are but..meh!
There's only so much armour you can put on anything. Even an Abrams or Challenger can be done in with enough firepower, so it's obvious that there is light weapons durability, but reliance on stealth and speed/agility for avoiding getting done in by an ATGM. There's no way a guy is going to sit there and prime a Javelin or Milan when one comes charging towards you using those .50 cals or standard MG in the "snout".