Unity III: Against All Odds, Redux (Complete)

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Star Empire
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Post by Star Empire »

Looks really good so far. I especially liked Three's account of what happened after his deassimilation. That is one huge mess to clean up.
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Ghost Rider
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Good distinction of the two relationships, and I still enjoy Sith Luke is silent and not even really grunting.

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all

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Post by Sonnenburg »

Star Empire wrote:Looks really good so far. I especially liked Three's account of what happened after his deassimilation. That is one huge mess to clean up.
Yeah, I've always had a soft spot for ex-drones, the duality of being both victim and victimizer. Seeing how the Alliance treats them (compared to how the Empire will) shows that they can at least somewhat get beyond that. Having Picard and Seven certainly helped.

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Post by Sonnenburg »

Ghost Rider wrote:Good distinction of the two relationships, and I still enjoy Sith Luke is silent and not even really grunting.
He's a creepy SOB. :)

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Post by Sonnenburg »

FYI: There will be another chapter this afternoon

Part IV

"Captain's log, Stardate 57613.3: It has been difficult the past several months, but we have finally completed our humanitarian efforts for the former Borg drones. We're currently on our way to Earth to pick up Ambassador Solo and deliver her to Starbase 213, in orbit around the Republic world of Sanctuary, where we will assist in their medical efforts. It also gives us a chance to pick up our colleague and attend to a matter that's been delayed a long while."

The crew was on hand in full dress in Shuttlebay 1 as the shuttle landed. The door opened and Leia and Han exited, followed by Seven, who surprisingly wore a standard uniform rather than her usual one. Riker stepped forward and nodded. "Ambassador, Mr. Solo, welcome aboard the Enterprise."

"It's good to be back, captain," Leia said with a warm smile.

Riker looked up at Seven. "And speaking of being back, if you don't mind, there's a bit of old business we need to clear up." Leia nodded and she and Han stood aside.

Laforge stepped forward. "Attention on deck!" The crew immediately complied. "Lieutenant Commander Seven of Nine, step forward."

Seven stood in front of Riker, who pulled out a box. "From the Starfleet Division of Better Late Than Never," he said with a smile. He spoke in a more formal tone. "Lieutenant commander, in recognition for your bravery, dedication, and leadership in the finest traditions of Starfleet, and for delivering us from a mortal enemy, Starfleet confers on you the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, and the Starfleet Medal of Honor, with Clusters." He attached them both to her uniform, then shook her hand.

Seven nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"Anything you'd like to say?" Riker asked. He saw her expression as she looked up the ranks of her shipmates. She was visibly fighting her emotions.

"Just," she managed to get out, "that it's so good to be home, sir."

The Enterprise slowed docked with Starbase 213, in orbit over Sanctuary, one of the centers for Republic re-colonization efforts. The planet was a true melting pot of aliens from throughout the galaxy, united only in the fact that they were torn violently from their homeworlds and forced to join the waking nightmare known as the Borg Collective. Medical teams were immediately deployed to check and see how the survivors were dealing with the changes. While the medical droids of the Republic were excellent, the Federation had a great deal of experience in dealing with Borg technology.

As soon as they arrived Leia and Han had gone to over to the Starbase to find out what their current progress was, so that they’d have a better understanding for when they personally beamed down to oversee some of the developments on Sanctuary. Their journey wasn’t political; Leia knew that this was the real testing ground. Could the former Borg drones build a new society; the Republic and the Federation were betting that was a “yes.” Leia could sense Han’s concern as, after their briefing, they proceeded to the transporter room. "What's wrong?" she finally asked.

Han looked over at her and then ahead as he kept on walking. "I'll admit," he said finally, "I've never liked these things. They give me the creeps."

"The transporter?" she asked. "I thought you liked technology; something to get your hands greasy on."

"First, this is Starfleet; grease has been rendered extinct. And second, I don't like anything that pulls me apart and tries to put me back together again."

"The transporter is perfectly safe," she replied.

Han stopped, causing Leia to finally cease in her tracks too. "No it ain't. People have been killed by these things. I've heard about someone showing up as two people. How do you like that?"

"Two of you running around," Leia said. "That does scare me."

"Ha," Han muttered as they continued. "Then there was the time someone wound up transporting into another reality by accident. Does that scare you? To wind up in a universe where everything's all wrong?"

"I'm sure they've ironed that problem out as well," Leia said. "They've been using the technology for a while now, they know what they're doing."

"And you know what scares me the most?" Han said as they neared the door. "Annika told me about someone using the transporter through hyperspace. Can you imagine? The thing pukes you into another reality with an ion storm, who knows what happened to that poor shmuck."

“Who knows,” Leia agreed, unable to keep the minute sarcasm out of her voice as they entered the transporter room. "Would you like to make out a will before we beam down?" she asked as they stepped up onto the transporter pads.

"Look, just don't do anything to jinx this, okay?" Han muttered. "I hate irony."

Leia smirked at him and then nodded to the transporter chief, and they beamed down to the planet, intact, ensuring that transporter safety statistics would remain high this year.

Lt. Comm. Borui stepped through the double doors of Holodeck 1 into a screaming nightmare. There was row after row of people here, some standing, some sitting, all shouting at the top of their lungs. She pressed as best she could through the group towards the aisle and started walking down. Once she had cleared that it became obvious what was going on.

Borui hadn't been there at the time, but she had heard about the time Seven and Lieutenant Travis had been abducted on their way to the delta quadrant. Seven had been forced to fight in the Tsunkatse arena to ensure Travis' survived... apparently this time it was just for fun.

Seven of Nine stood in the center of the arena, her hands folded in front of her, her face looking down towards the floor. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she wore her dark fighting suit she had worn during her gladitorial days. The announcer came over and the crowd's shouts roared for a few seconds and then fell quiet as four doors opened around the arena and others stepped out. A Cardassian, a Klingon with one of their large daggers, one of the Royal Guards of the now dead Emperor, and a Jem'hadar soldier; each stood before the door with an impenetrable stare on the Borg. Suddenly, music began playing throughout the arena; a quiet, pleading song with a light guitar in the background.

"Wait! Wait! I never had a chance to love you.

Now I only wanna say 'I love you' one more time!"

The four began advancing on Seven slowly, sizing up their opponent. The Borg didn't even seem to breathe.

"Wait, just a moment, before our love will die.

'Cause I, must know the reason why we say goodbye.

I said wait! Just a moment, and tell me why,

'Cause I, can show you lovin' that you won't deny."

Seven's eyes snapped open as the Klingon jumped at her from behind, and as a deep bass chord punctuated by a drum beat blared out she jammed her elbow backwards into his face, turned and followed with a punch to the throat. She dropped onto her hands while her feet shout out backwards, driving both of them into the chest of the Cardassian with a blow that knocked him clear off his feet. She spun counter-clockwise and knocked the Jem'hadar's feet out from under him, then jumped back to her feet just in time to avoid the blow from the guard. She dodged a second and third strike, then snap kicked him in the sternum, following up with a quick crescent.

"I said wait and show your lovin like it was before

'Cause I, won't let that feelin walk out through the door.

I said wait! Just a moment and try once more

'Cause babe I need to hold you like I did before."

Seven spun to her right, avoiding the Jem'hadar and throwing him head first into the advancing Klingon, causing both to tumble to the floor in a heap. There was a silent series of cracks as implants appeared along her fingers, forming a solid bar of metal as she brought them together in a tight fist and punched the Cardassian in the mouth with a blow that fractured his jaw and shattered his teeth, effectively removing him from the battle as the crowd cheered. She grunted and fell to one knee as the guard punched her in the lower back and put her in a choke hold, but she grabbed his left arm and yanked, dislocating the joint and allowing her room to flip him over her head and slam him head first onto the floor with such force as to crumple his helmet. And all the while, the crowd cheered the gory display as the primal beat of the music continued.

"So if you go away, I know that I will follow

'Cause there's a place inside my heart that tells me

Hold on!

Hold on!

Hold on!"

Seven turned with a wide stance, arms at her side as she waited for what would come next. The Jem'hadar and Klingon, side by side, launched themselves at her together. While the Klingon thrust the dagger at her she twisted sideways, grabbing his left arm and pushing the blade past her while swinging her right leg up and surprising the Jem'hadar with a kick to the face with the back of her foot. She stabbed the fingers of her left hand into the flesh of the Klingons upper arm, the nerve strike causing his hands to lose their hold on the dagger. She turned to her right, still holding the Klingon's wrist, using her momentum to swing her right leg up and crescent kick the Jem'hadar in the head. She had now come through her turn, her back against the Klingon's front, and with a powerful yank flipped him over her shoulder and bodyslammed him to the floor. She swung her knee down onto his cranium, the blow actually loud enough to be heard over the crowd. It had happened very fast, but not fast enough as the Jem'hadar tackled her, driving his spiked head into her midsection and knocking the wind out of her as he then picked her up and slammed her against the ground. He brought his foot down, but she rolled to her left and narrowly missed the powerful impact. She continued this for several meters, the Jem'hadar close behind, until suddenly she grabbed his foot as it came down, twisting it to throw him off balance. As she rolled to her feet she picked up the dagger, grabbed the blade, and tossed it at him. He grunted in pain as it drove into his chest, but the wound was not fatal; apparently Seven hadn't put her full strength into the toss. While he tried to pull the heavy blade out of his chest she grabbed his shoulder and punched him in the solar plexis with enough force to actually lift his feet off the ground. She then brought the heel of her hand up and knocked him off his feet with a blow to the chin. As the fallen body of the Jem'hadar hit she turned around quickly, checking to see if any of her other opponent's had recovered; the sight of their unconscious forms proof enough that she was the victor.

The crowd was on its feet, screaming in adulation at the victory. Seven did nothing but breathe heavily, not even looking up at them. "Freeze program," Borui said, and the deafening noise finally stopped. Seven looked up and saw Borui standing in the aisle, her displeasure obvious.

"You enjoy poking about in my business?" Seven asked.

"I had been planning to talk to you about your leave of absence," Borui said. "I assumed you were running one of your workout programs."

"You assumed right," Seven said, taking a towel and wiping down her face.

Borui climbed down into the arena with Seven. "Wanna explain this to me," she asked. "'Cause frankly, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"Healthy exercise and honing my skills," Seven replied, not even looking at her. "I don't think that needs explaining."

"Violent combat in a gladiatorial setting isn't honing your skills; it's reveling in destruction." Borui stopped. "And I know you were enjoying it."

"So what if I was," Seven replied. "It was a bit of a thrill; that's hardly abnormal." She picked up a clear bottle with an opaque liquid inside and drank some, making a sour face as she did.

Borui waited until she had screwed the cap back on, but she could see Seven was a bit self-conscious. "You've experienced a profound personal loss," she said with concern. "You seem to have a lot of anger inside."

"You say that as if it were abnormal," Seven replied.

"For you, yes."

"Then maybe I'm just becoming more normal."

"Seven," Borui said, "Nobody's normal. We all act our own ways-"

"Then this is how I act," Seven said sharply. "So leave me alone."

"Seven," Borui said almost pleading, "Take a good look at yourself. This isn't you. You've always tried to solve problems with your brain, not your fists."

"And I still do," Seven replied. "All I'm doing is expanding my horizons. Preparing myself for situations that turn violent. It's exactly why we run combat drills."

"Yes," Borui said, "But we don't relish them."

Seven stepped up and poked Borui in the chest. "My mind is MY business. Stay out." She turned around and walked back to her bottle and took another drink.

"Some thoughts, like some people, are too loud to ignore," Borui replied. Seven said nothing as she swallowed, her face showing her disgust. "When tragedy comes into our lives, Seven, we have to deal with it. I know you don't want to, but you have to."

"I am dealing with it," Seven replied.

Borui sighed. "There are four stages to the process: Shock, then Denial, then Anger, and finally Acceptance. You're refusing to accept what has happened, Seven. Luke, however much you loved him, is gone, and he's not coming back."

Borui sensed her anger flare at the remark, but Seven showed little change in her demeanor. Whatever the problems she had were, she certainly had learned how to control herself. "He is," she replied with confidence.

"Seven, you have to accept the facts."

"Facts are irrelevant," she retorted. "I know he's coming back. I know it."

"How long will you continue torturing yourself?" Borui asked. "This is an obsession Seven. Listening to that weird tribal love music while you beat up on holograms, that's healthy behavior? That's logical?"

"There is nothing logical about what I've felt," Seven said. "I loved him; against all logic I loved that man. And I did it because I know that there's a time and place for logic, and this isn't one of them." She stepped closer to Borui, holding up her water bottle. "This is a nutrient-metallic suspension Dr. Crusher and I designed. It helps restore my systems after excessive use of my nanoprobes. It's the worst thing I've ever tasted but I drink it because it is the logical choice." She crossed her arms. "There's nothing wrong with me. I am in control of my emotions, doctor. And if I choose to spend my free time venting my anger on projections of light it's my business, and no one else's."

She turned to leave, but Borui shouted after her. "If you think that deliberately allowing yourself to hurt is the right thing, I'm afraid you're not very bright."

Seven stopped. "Well, I may be stupid," she replied, "but I'm not crazy."

On a swamp planet in the backwaters of the galaxy, a long while before Seven gave her parting words, there was a rumble like a restrained thunder. The X-Wing's powerful repulsorlifts pushed the craft into the air, and the ship began its ascent into the sky over Dagobah, the pilot reflecting on the recent revelation and the warning: "You will face enemies more powerful than you can possibly imagine." While that young man reflected on this, Obi-Wan Kenobi's shade remained standing in the now darkening swamp, a great sorrow filling his heart as he watched him leave. There was a quiet crunching of footsteps on the ancient undergrowth. "He's gone," Obi-Wan said.

"You have done all you can for him, old friend," the man said. "It's time for him to choose his own path."

"It is true then," Obi-Wan said, knowing the answer. "Things have been changed." The silence answered him. "He will give in to the dark side, won't he."

"Yes," he replied with pain in his voice. "But it won't be in vain. His sacrifice will be the first step towards Unity."

Obi-Wan sat down wearily on the log where he and Luke had spoken just a few minutes before. "It seems I have failed two generations of Skywalkers."

"The other will grow in the Force," he said, trying to offer some comfort. "She will become a Jedi, a shining example for your people."

Obi-Wan nodded. "But it won't be enough."

The man was quiet as he sat down. "No," he admitted. "When the time comes she will have her little ones; she won't be able to involve herself directly... and even if he returns, he will no longer be strong enough to face the nemesis."

"Which means, Benjamin," Obi-Wan replied, "You have no choice. You'll need to prepare your alternate."

"I've already begun," Sisko said. He sighed wearily as he looked about the swamp planet. "But she still has much to learn. She's stubborn and overconfident; I'm afraid that her will must be broken before she makes any progress."

"Just like him," Obi-Wan said, nodding his understanding. "No wonder they'll fall in love; they're so very alike." He stroked his beard as he thought, then turned to his friend. "You know that the nemesis will grow very powerful in the Dark Side. Her power may even approach that of the Emperor."

"Yes," Sisko answered. "But I have every bit of confidence in my student."

"I hope so," he replied. "The evil must be destroyed, Benjamin. You, and her, are the last hope we have."

Sisko patted him on the back. "Have faith old friend. The evil doesn't stand a chance, not in the face of Unity." Finally, he stood and walked slowly towards the trees, and vanished.

"All our hopes go with you," Obi-Wan said as his friend disappeared. "For the sake of this generation, and the next."

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Post by ElPintoGrande »

So 'The Sisko' is going to throw down his heavy black hand in the name of justice? And this Nemesis character I assume to be Janeway based on all of the irate posts I've seen in your stories. Good as always.
Yay! Midget Toss!
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Post by Sonnenburg »

ElPintoGrande wrote:So 'The Sisko' is going to throw down his heavy black hand in the name of justice? And this Nemesis character I assume to be Janeway based on all of the irate posts I've seen in your stories. Good as always.
The nemesis is actually Mara Jade. The Greeks gave the name "nemesis" to the goddess of vengeance, which fit her, and it's also a reference to the dictionary meaning of being an adversary that is difficult to overcome, which is again her. Seven, as the context obviously indicates, is the one who will face her, and while she did kick serious butt against holograms... we'll have to see what she can do against a dark lady of the Sith. :)

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Post by CERC »

I'll start a collection to get you to kill janeway early this time and change how the story goes....... lol
Sum Senatus

And thus, the Padawan and the Master are dispatched, and it falls to the champion of the Force, Yoda to save them; whom in his near infinate power, displays little intelligence, by stopping the piller with the force instead of jerking his underlings out of the way so that his fight with Dooku can continue.....
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Second part for today (make sure you read part 4 if you haven't)

Part V

The rest of the science department heads were on hand when Seven arrived and took her place at the head of the conference table. "Still in the uniform, commander?" Cabot asked with a smirk.

Seven looked down at her standard Starfleet uniform, then nodded with approval. "It seemed like a good idea," she said. "Don't you approve?"

"Of course not," Lia in exobiology said, "he's male." There was some snickering around the table.

"Guilty as charged," Cabot said.

"Yes, well lieutenant, I'm afraid you'll have to stick to the holodeck if you want to ogle the command nacelles from now on." There was some chuckling around the table. The truth was, Leia had broken her out of her rut. The alien sensation of being draped was now comfortable, natural, and when she wore this uniform, she felt... legitimate. It was like, after what had happened, she'd truly shown she had the right to wear it. "Getting down to business, I do commend your excellent work, lieutenant; you held down the shop quite well. And the rest of you, I'm very pleased with what I've read. I'm proud to have you on my team... even if you do fail to achieve perfection." There was some polite laughter. "Lia, would you care to elaborate on your Borg observations?" Lia filled them in on some of the details, a few others offering their own observations. They were good enough to be on the flagship, and they all had something worthwhile to contribute.

"For any of you who haven't had your fill of ex-drones," Seven said when the discussion ended, "we're going to be running into some more on Sanctuary. Dr. Crusher is heading the efforts, of course, but we'll be assisting her as per our usual protocols on experimental medicine." She cleared her throat. "Since the purpose of our mission is centered on this, I suppose the cat's out of the bag, so let me explain it to you if haven't heard. Any female which reproduces internally has been rendered sterile by the Borg." She gave them some time for the fact to sink in, and of its implications. "We're hopeful that a way can be found to... to... make it happen," she finally said, looking down at her PADD because it meant not making eye contact.

"We understand, commander," Cabot said in as comforting a tone as he could.

Seven looked up and forced a smile to her face. "Fortunately, we have the best." She swallowed. "But suffice to say that anyone here who can help fix this problem will make a new best friend... and I promise to do whatever I can to show my appreciation on your record."

"Commander," Jodie Hildebrant in geo-mechanics said, "we take care of our own." There was a chorus of agreements. They were the science department, the reason Starfleet was out here in the first place, trying to learn and pass it along so other people can use their knowledge to create and fight and get medals of their own. There was no glory in what they did, just a passion to pick the universe apart and understand it, and they relished being with other people who shared their enthusiasm. Yeah, they took care of their own... if there was an answer, this group would bust a gut trying to find it.

Seven shook her head. "God, I've missed you all... even Cabot and his stares at my nacelles." They laughed. "Let's do what we do best," she said getting up. "Let's figure out the impossible."

There was an irregular sound as the Borg drone stepped about uncertainly on the exposed deckplates of this strange room. It seemed to extend a great distance, but there was some kind of energy field that was interfering with his sensors and blinding him from seeing past it. Uncertain, he began a slow walk towards it, wondering what would happen next.

His face suddenly darkened to black and caved in in a few places, and he collapsed backwards on the floor, a few of his cybernetic devices still functioning briefly before they too stopped.

Darth Whind looked over at Gen. Delric Taar as he slowly lowered his blaster pistol. "Good shot, general," she remarked with approval.

"You are too kind, my lady," Taar remarked as they watched the remains of the drone vanish into the maintenance chute. A few seconds later the stormtroopers shoved two more drones into the room, and again they wandered about stupidly. Stripped of all their powers, they were almost comical to look at, if the very sight of them didn't cause such nausea. Darth Whind gestured and the pair grabbed their throats as they thrashed about before collapsing dead on the floor.

"How is the production coming?" Darth Whind asked as the drones were once again disposed of.

"Production is coming along fine," Taar replied, checking the power level on his blaster. "I am concerned that the ships will be undermanned by the time they are finished."

"That's my concern, not yours," Darth Whind said as several more drones were shoved into the room. She looked over to where Skywalker stood to her left; almost lifeless to Taar's eyes, but he knew better than to assume that. He seemed to be waiting for something, although for what Taar couldn't imagine. In truth, he didn't really want to know. Finally, she just nodded to him and turned back to the drones. Suddenly one was lifted up off the ground, much to her surprise Taar noted with satisfaction. She slammed into the other two drones repeatedly like a club, battering them mercilessly until they collapsed on the floor in death. Her rasping breath could still be heard, but then her head jerked back with the sound of someone stepping on a wet husk, and she fell lifeless out of the air.

"Pardon my presumption, my lady," Taar continued, "But I'm afraid that if my ships are undermanned it will effect the fleet's performance, which is very much my concern." Another drone entered the room and Taar pulled out his pistol and fired quickly to test his snapshot. He drifted just slightly, hitting the drone in the left cheekbone and blowing it off along with half his jaw. He corrected and finished it off with a second blast.

"I will handle it," Darth Whind said icily. "In the mean time, I have a task for your fleet to perform." Four more drones were escorted into the room. "I want to increase our delta quadrant presence," she said. "You will take the fleet, and you will add one hundred systems within the next thirty days."

Taar aimed more carefully this time, and put the blaster bolt straight into the throat of one of the drones. He lowered his weapon, pleased with the shot. "Why so quickly?" he asked. "While I'm not opposed to expanding Imperial territory, the time element may interfere with our effectiveness. A rushed mission is a mission ill-performed."

Darth Whind smiled as she felt the terror of the other drones as they stumbled about in fear. She pulled her Sith weapon from where it hung at her belt. "Our initial expansion has succeeded beyond even my hopes," she said. "Step back, general," she warned as she ignited both blades. Gen. Taar wisely moved well away from her. "But we must continue to maintain this growth if we are to triumph." She turned slowly as she spun the double-bladed weapon in one hand, her attention focused on the three drones as she moved. "An object at rest will remain at rest," she commented, and then with a fluid motion she threw the weapon across the room, watching as it spun through the air towards the unsuspecting drones. "But an object in motion will stay in motion." The drones had no time to react, and the spinning sword sliced through the torsos of two of them, then curving around as it continued its deadly whirl, terrifying the remaining drone. It severed his head and then fell to the floor for a moment as it shut down. Then it slid across the floor and into her waiting hand.

"If that is your wish, my lady," Taar said, admiring her clear skill with the weapon, "So be it." They watched two more drones get pushed into the room. "But I must point out that it still will not be easy. It may be more prudent to set a lower figure for now, increasing it later on if the situation allows."

Darth Whind, like most Sith, had little tolerance for having her decisions questioned. If anyone other than Delric Taar had said that, he'd be dead now. Fortunately for him, she knew better. He spoke only with genuine concern for the Empire; her Empire. Besides, despite her power she needed him; his destiny would help ensure the new era of the Empire. "Your opinion is noted, general, but your orders stand."

Before anything more could be said on the subject a voice rang out across the room. "Why do this?" the drone's voice called across the room to them. "This is a waste. We can help you if you only let us."

Darth Whind was displeased at her target's words. A betazoid, she realized, the man had sensed them despite their efforts to keep them in the dark. The other drone became more fearful as he continued. "With your wisdom, I'm sure you can see that this is pointless. We can give you so much...." He stopped talking as the tubules that twisted into his neck and head ripped out, and he grunted and seized as he fell to the floor. The other drone began to panic.

"Yes," Darth Whind said. "You can entertain us." She smiled at the other drone's fear. "Do you wish to entertain us as well?" she goaded him.

Terrified of what would happen, the drone tried to be as entertaining as he could. Lacking any real skill, he began doing a small jig. The three watched the display for several seconds with mute horror.

"This is offensive," Taar said with disgust as the dancing Borg continued.

"Agreed," Darth Whind said with loathing.

Skywalker observed for a moment, then stood up and walked forward towards the drone. The Borg tried dancing all the more as he saw the man approaching, until he stood face to face with him.

"Do you know what it is to be a former drone?" asked a voice out of his memory. He looked into the frightened face of the creature before him as her words came back to him. This pitiful wretch was no different than she had been... small, helpless... Which was why the Borg tried to kill her! Borg just like him! He looked at the drone with hatred in his eyes, then ignited his lightsaber. It cowered back, but it was too late; Skywalker hacked at the drone repeatedly, severing limbs and connections as he dismembered him without mercy. Finally he turned off the blade and turned around to return, noting Darth Whind's approval. "Excellent work," she praised him as he returned to his seat.

"My lady," came a voice over the communicator, "That's all the drone prisoners we have."

"Fine commander," she said as she re-attached her weapon to her belt, then turned her attention back to Gen. Taar. "Begin immediately on your invasion," she said. "One hundred systems, not one less. Do not fail me."

"Of course not, my lady," he replied as he exited. She looked over to Skywalker and he stood up, and together they left the range. Their relaxation was over; it was now time to get back to ruling the galaxy.

There was a quiet hum that was on the edge of the subsonic, so low and quiet that it wasn’t until its absence that it could have even been recognized that it had existed. It was followed by a popping sound and a slowing whirl as the cycling ceased. “Regeneration cycle complete,” the computer announced as Seven opened her eyes. She stepped out of her alcove and slid out of her nightgown, grabbing her uniform from where she had hung it the night before. Two nights in a row that she hadn’t been able to sleep, she thought bitterly. Tonight would be different, she told herself. No worries, no concerns, just relax and sleep. She slipped her shoes on and began heading towards the door.

“Seven of Nine, report to Ten Forward,” the computer said.

She paused. Ten Forward? Why? Curious, she left her quarters and traveled through the ship, wondering why the halls were so empty. “Deck ten,” she said as the doors closed on the turbolift. “Computer, what is the time?” she finally asked.
The doors opened.

“02:47,” it announced. Seven halted halfway through the door. That would explain why no one was out and about. Why had she been woken up so early? she wondered; her cycle should have continued until 06:30. “Seven of Nine, report to Ten Forward,” the computer repeated. Uncertain, she continued down the hall towards the recreation area for the Enterprise crew.

The doors slid open at her approach, revealing that the room was empty of all but the single individual behind the bar. “Come in,” he said politely enough, gesturing towards one of the stools. Hesitantly, Seven stepped over and took a seat, her eyes never leaving the man as he worked quietly. Finally, he produced a tall glass and set it down before Seven. “I’d give you a lemon slice,” he said, “but I know you don’t want one.”

Seven paused and looked between him and the drink, and then an implant appeared on her head, it’s small antenna pointed at the glass. Ice water; nothing more. The implant was reabsorbed as she picked up the glass and took a small sip. He turned back and faced towards her, leaning against the opposite wall with his arms folded across his wide chest. “You’re a captain,” Seven said, noticing his pips.

“Yes,” he said with his deep yet warm voice. “But rank isn’t important here. You can call me Ben, Annika.”

Seven hesitated, afraid of where this was going. “Sir, I don’t mean to presume, but just so we’re clear from the beginning, I’m not interested in pursuing a relationship right now.”

The man held back his head and laughed. “Well,” he said, “I am, but not in the sense that you’re thinking.” His laughter died away as he became more serious. “You and I need to work together, Annika, if humanity is to survive.”

“Survive what?” she asked. There was something about him that was odd, and made her less inclined to trust him.

“Unity,” he replied. “The time of its arrival approaches. Even now the pangs of childbirth are already here. Soon it will begin, and that’s why the situation is so dangerous.”


“Because with any birth,” Sisko said, “there is the risk of miscarriage. We must ensure that all happens as it should; that Unity succeeds.”

“What is Unity?” Seven asked.

Sisko opened his mouth and then closed it again. “I’m afraid it’s not time yet. You’ll learn soon enough. All you need to know is that before the coming of Unity, the galaxy will face great peril. The risks are great, but so are the rewards.”

“You’re deliberately being vague,” Seven replied. “Quite frankly, it irritates me. Try to make sense or I’m walking out that door.” She stepped off the barstool.

“I’m trying my best,” Ben replied. “But there are some things that I can't tell you yet, not without jeopardizing everything. You have to trust me.”

Seven looked at him for a long moment. “I don’t,” she said simply, and started walking towards the doors.

“It involves Luke,” he said. She froze in her steps. “You, Luke, Sebastian-“

“Who?” Seven asked.

Sisko ground to a halt. “I forgot; you haven’t met him yet. Never mind him, but know that Leia, Han, even their children, all will be affected by what is to come.” She looked back towards him. “Whether you choose to or not, you will be a part of it. The question is, Annika, do you want to be prepared, or do you wish to fight in the dark?”

Slowly, she walked back towards the bar as she thought on this. “I don’t like playing games,” she said darkly. “None of this ‘beyond your understanding’ business. We do this...”

“You want to know everything,” Ben finished. “I understand. And you will too, given time. As we continue Annika, you’re going to learn to let go of many of the things you now accept. As Obi-Wan said, what've you've known is true, from a certain point of view."

Seven stared at him. "How'd you know that?"

"A long story. But believe me, there was more truth in those words than you'd like to admit. From a certain point of view, Luke died over the Borg planet-"

"No!" Seven said firmly.

"From a certain point of view," Ben said again.

"That's a lie," Seven said harshly. "Because Luke is still alive, it just makes it easier."

Ben wet his lips. "From a certain point of view, you killed my wife."

Seven did a double take. "What?"

"Her name was Jennifer Sisko," he said. "She was killed aboard the Saratoga at Wolf 359."

Seven ground to a halt. It always came back to that, didn't it. The most shameful moment of her entire life, when she worked directly to aid the Borg in killing her own people. "I'm- I'm sorry." Maybe this was why Luke was taken away... maybe this was the universe finally making her pay for what she'd done.

"It's all right, Annika," Sisko said in a friendly tone. "I don't hold you responsible; I merely pointed out that it was true from a certain point of view. It just doesn't happen to be my point of view."

"I see," Seven said, even though she found it rather hard.

"It's not just words, Annika," Sisko said. "In time it will offer you a power that could save the entire galaxy."

“When?” she asked, unable to keep the distrust out of her voice.

“When you’re ready, which unfortunately will be all too soon.” He sighed wearily. “Your will will be broken. I’m sorry, but that’s what it will take to open your eyes. You still don’t trust me, but you will in time.”

She said nothing for a while. “Ben, huh?”

“Yes,” he said with a smile.

“Can’t say I like the sound of it.”

“Most people disagree,” he said. “An old friend liked it so much he called himself that when he went into hiding.” His smile faded. “I hope your pain isn’t too great, Annika. The burden placed on your soul is continuing to grow; I fear it may be overwhelmed. Be strong child... the pains of childbirth always lead to a greater joy...” He looked seriously at her. “...trust me on that.”

And suddenly he was gone. No, Seven realized as she looked at all the faces in Ten Forward, I’ve... what’s happened? “Computer, what is the time?”

“06:30,” it announced.

Uncertain, she turned and moved past the couple at the end of the bar and walked out, wondering what had happened, and what was to come.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

lol...ah 'A certain point of view' is always a great line for the "Well, you see..." One of the nicer things of the redux is I can see things like Ben and what he becomes and what Unity really did and other things. Dovetails nicely as when you see it all.

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Excellant. How much of this one is new? I don't recognise it at all.

Does Sisko's line imply he knew Kenobi before ANH? I take it this is the result of his being all "non-linear time"-y with the Prophets?
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Ghost Rider wrote:lol...ah 'A certain point of view' is always a great line for the "Well, you see..." One of the nicer things of the redux is I can see things like Ben and what he becomes and what Unity really did and other things. Dovetails nicely as when you see it all.
Thanks. I've always enjoyed stories like the Usual Suspects where you see it the first time one way, and then having seen everything, can see how it all means something else now that you have that knowledge. That's kind of what I went for with AAO.

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Post by Sonnenburg »

Crazedwraith wrote:Excellant. How much of this one is new? I don't recognise it at all.
The middle scene is mostly untouched, just that we see what's going on inside Skywalker's head this time when he does the deed. The last scene was tweaked a bit; I figured it had to be, considering how Seven being at Wolf 359 would affect a relationship with someone who lost a wife in said battle.

The first scene is brand new and hopefully is a more positive direction for Seven. Looking back, I really kind of missed the opportunities with her growth as a character. Sure I got her out of her Borg funk, but I didn't really let her grow. The uniform thing is new; I think it shows that she finally truly sees herself as a Starfleet officer, that despite the means of her gaining a commission she has earned the right to wear it. This is just the start; after a great deal of reflection Seven's life is going to take a substantially different path than what we saw originally. I hope it works out. :)
Crazedwraith wrote: Does Sisko's line imply he knew Kenobi before ANH? I take it this is the result of his being all "non-linear time"-y with the Prophets?
Yeah, Sisko's not bound by time or space any more.

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Post by Chris OFarrell »

DIE Weyoun, DIE!
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Chris OFarrell wrote:DIE Weyoun, DIE!
LOL I'll bet about ninety-five percent of the people who read that have no idea what you're talking about.

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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Sonnenburg wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:DIE Weyoun, DIE!
LOL I'll bet about ninety-five percent of the people who read that have no idea what you're talking about.
But it is so very good to see Weyoun DIE. As to those 95 percent..let them wonder. :P
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Like yesterday, there will be a second chapter this afternoon

Part VI

General Delric Taar was no Thrawn, and he would be the first to admit that. Not just the traitorous Thrawn of course, but the one who had plotted out how to rebuild an empire shrunk to a handful of sectors into a galactic power through cunning and manipulation. Where the division between those two comes in is a bit hazy, but in spite of that the fact remained that he wasn’t Thrawn, nor did he intend to be. He was an ex-fighter jockey who somehow found himself commanding the fleets of the Empire, and the more he thought about it the more ridiculous it sounded. And yet here he stood, and with a seemingly impossible task: add one hundred systems to the Empire in thirty days. That would mean overrunning three to four systems a day without failure, which was clearly not likely to happen without a great deal of planning. Unless of course, you actually knew a thing or two about how to run a fleet, which Taar did.

Yes, Taar was no Thrawn, but he had been an able student of the Chiss and understood that war and conquest are definitely not the same thing. Force is not a requirement for submission, it is only one means to an end, and with that in mind he knew Darth Whind’s orders were hardly the great test she had made it out to be. Perhaps she understood, and wanted to make certain that he did as well if he was to command her fleets. Maybe, in the end, that was the test; not one of arms and command but one of understanding that it was the prize and not the means that were important.

The principle is actually quite simple once one takes the time to consider it. A hold-out blaster can hold eight shots, and yet one can hold twenty or more beings hostage with it after shooting only one. Why? Because you have shown that you have the will and means to kill and have no qualms about doing it again. The basic mathematical fact that you cannot kill all those people is completely inconsequential because, while everyone is perfectly capable of doing that simple arithmetic, the realization also is there that “the first seven who step forward are dead, so the most prudent thing is to wait for someone else to play statistic.” In effect, you can do more with less not through force, but just the threat of force. And that was where Thrawn’s genius had come in. He was not a magician, he was merely a master of the most obvious fact: you are not fighting machines, you are fighting machines commanded by men. Defeat the man and the great dreadnoughts are powerless.

So for this reason Taar’s fleet -consisting of thirty-six Imperator-class Star Destroyers and his flagship, the Vendetta- crossed through space intent on overrunning one hundred worlds; no more would be necessary. And this happened not on the first or second day of the Dark Lady’s challenge, but rather sixteen days into it; because a skilled commander knew that time was better spent on preparation than on the actual fighting. Every detail had to be considered for this to succeed, and Taar had spent the first two days carefully scanning every possible fact that could effect his campaign, and then making allowances for those he couldn't.

The target was quite an interesting choice, but the preferable one, all things considered. The Krenim Imperium had emerged as one of the powers of the delta quadrant after the Borg were eliminated. While their ships operated on a pathetically slow means of propulsion, they were quite capable of maintaining their hold on their sector of space, partially through their effective Chronaton Torpedoes, which due to their nature could bypass any known energy shield. Because of that position they were ideal for this campaign. Anyone who’s ever been in a brawl can tell you that if you knock down the biggest opponent, the rest will often scatter. Interstellar politics is often a bar brawl with fancy light shows and no cover charge.

The Krenim controlled eight hundred forty-nine worlds. The Imperial fleet traveled towards their homeworld, the most well defended of all. When it falls -and there was no doubt in Taar’s mind that it would- at least one hundred of those worlds would consider joining the Empire instead of trying to resist.

The fleet dropped out of hyperspace and began to move into position for the assault on the Krenim forces. Aware that something was coming the Krenim had brought in over a hundred of their own warships to hold off against any invader that might threaten the survival of their homeworld. Numbers may have been on their side, but their ships, dwarfed even by Nebulon-B frigates, were clearly outclassed. Their only hope lay in their powerful Chronaton Torpedoes. Taar could only imagine their fear as the mile-long ships, dwarfed in turn by his own nineteen kilometer vessel, closed to effective targeting range with their ships.

Normally they would give the Krenim a chance to surrender, but that would undermine the purpose of the assault. The Krenim homeworld needed to be yanked by force out of their hands to show that the Empire could do it to any other world in the Imperium given the chance. That, not the conquest itself, was the goal, and so not a single word was spoken to the dumbfounded captains on the other side as they sent repeated hails to withdraw.

The Krenim launched their torpedoes. The weapons closed quickly on the Imperial vessels, some shot down harmlessly before they could actually reach their targets, but many moved in and quickly hit. As predicted, they passed right through the Imperial shields and exploded directly on the hull of the ship. The armored hull. The ships rocked under the impact and in some places there were small breaches which damage repair teams needed to tend. No, the Imperials were not invulnerable, but it was a small comfort to the Krenim as the Imperials took their turn. The Heavy-Turbolaser Batteries pierced the shields of the smaller warships without effort, blasting them to pieces. After the first thirty seconds of the battle, two Star Destroyers suffered moderate damage, and over twenty Krenim ships were destroyed.

The Krenim were uncertain now. They had been used to dispatching any enemy ship with the greatest of ease thanks to their superior weaponry. They were worried; what would they do now? Fortunately, this is the reason why there are commanders, to adapt to the situations and pull the fleet through. All that was called for was a change of tactics. They stopped their mass assault technique and instead brought their weapons to bear on the deadly weapons of the Star Destroyers. That was the way to stop them, he said; destroy their arms and we can destroy them at will. They moved in for concentrated attacks and after a short while succeeded in disarming three Star Destroyers, who were simply unable to stop that many torpedoes coming at them all at once. But of course, Taar had anticipated this possibility, and his fleet continued to pound away at the Krenim while they slowly encircled them. Their turbolasers continued to vaporize one Krenim ship after another. When all was said and done the first battle, the one Gen. Taar spent two weeks planning, was over in under twenty minutes. Four ships destroyed, another eleven with serious damage, but there wasn’t a single Krenim ship within lightyears of space. Taar smiled as he listened to the communications, finally hearing the planetary distress signal. Perfect. “Move in,” he ordered, and the fleet surrounded the planet.

The green-brown world hung beyond the viewports of the bridge of his grand ship as they monitored the activity on the planet below. Give them a little time, he thought, let them know exactly where they stand; cut off from the rest of their pitiful little imperium. Finally, he spoke again.

“General Wellis,” he said clearly. “You may start landing your troops. Show them who the masters of the delta quadrant are.”

The time on Sanctuary was predictable. Many long-winded speeches, a lot of people trying to vie for the spotlight during the ambassador’s visit; in general, politics as usual. Still Leia was glad she came. This gave her a great opportunity to see the faces of her people as they went about their daily lives. In the end, this is what they fought for; not political ideas or principles, but the simple idea that people could go about their lives without fear. The trip around the capital so far had been more interesting in that respect, although the person leading the tour seemed intent on trying to impress her with the speed of construction and the beauty of the city. Civic pride perhaps, although it was more than likely intended to raise points with her.

She was pleased to learn that the manufacturing plants had already begun running, and that there was already some interest in their products on several worlds throughout the quadrant. It seemed that very soon Sanctuary would be a completely self-sustaining world, and that meant hope for the future of them and the Republic.

As Leia continued her tour of the city, she saw that a large group was waiting outside one of the hospitals where the Federation personnel had been working. This was also why she was here, so she took leave for a moment to check on the progress. When she finally got inside she saw Dr. Crusher and her medical staff hard at work with some of the medical droids. Leia walked quietly over as Dr. Crusher continued talking to her patient. "Hold still," she said as she held the device to the patients wrist for a second and then pulled it away, removing a small slide and handing it to her nurse. "Have you given much thought to what you're looking for?"

The woman seemed hesitant. "Not really. It seemed so unlikely, we never really considered. We didn't want to torture ourselves."

"Well, please don't get your hopes up, we're still not sure the procedure will work," Dr. Crusher said. "But if it does, do you have any preferences?"

"I suppose," the woman said finally, "we always wanted a little girl."

"Anything else?" Dr. Crusher asked.

The woman thought but then shook her head. "We're not fussy. We certainly won't dictate our miracles."

"Check back with the doctor in about a week, and he'll be able to give you a more definite answer." As the patient stood up Dr. Crusher saw Leia and came over. "Carolyn, I'm taking a short break," she said to the nurse. "Can I help you, ambassador?" she asked.

"I don't mean to interrupt," Leia said. "It looks like you've got a lot of work to do."

"You're right about that," Dr. Crusher said as she stretched. "It's been non-stop since we arrived. But I can't think of anything more rewarding than what we're doing."

"What are you doing?"

"We're attempting to perform the exvetro-fertilization techniques," Dr. Crusher answered. "Weren't you briefed on it?"

"No," Leia admitted. "There's so much going on with the Republic right now, it's simply overwhelming."

"I can imagine," Dr. Crusher replied. "We're trying to help these women get pregnant."

"All of them?" Leia said with surprise. "There's so many."

"Of course," Dr. Crusher said. "The Borg destroyed their reproductive systems. They can't get pregnant naturally."

It was such a surprising remark that it didn't really sink in at first. "Oh my," Leia replied in horror as she finally grasped it. "Please tell me that's a bad joke."

"I'm not laughing, and neither are they. The Borg felt the system non-essential and that it interfered with efficiency, so it was... dealt with." Her face was downcast. "An entire generation rendered sterile because of them."

"That's almost too horrible to imagine," Leia said, thinking about the twins she'd had for only this brief time. They were work, but she couldn't imagine being without them. "Monsters," she muttered. She had to admit, she was glad they were gone, but unfortunately this was only one more example of how they would leave their scar on the galaxy.

Dr. Crusher nodded. "It's not enough to take your humanity, they have to take away part of what makes you a woman." She shook her head in disbelief as she thought more on it. "Such a horrible violation... it seems just when the Borg couldn't have been more inhuman, they manage to outdo themselves."

Leia agreed, and after a short while she decided to leave, the thought of such a fate too much to bear. How would she have reacted in their place? Maybe not as badly as she thought; your outlook really does change once you actually have children. Still, she found it hard to believe it could be viewed as any less than the grossest violation possible. She continued her quiet reflection as she walked back towards the rest of the group, who were beginning to reassemble to continue the tour. Such a great loss; she hoped the efforts would succeed, so that at least there was a chance for something, some hope.

Then it hit her like a flash. How could she have been so stupid? Her already downcast heart filled with grief as the revelation sunk in. She couldn't have known, but still.... no wonder Seven had been so depressed. Leia had completely misunderstood; she should have known she never would've doubted Luke's return; it was her other remark that had hurt her so. She looked back at the hospital, and hoped that Dr. Crusher could perform a miracle... for her people and for her family.

The Krenim Imperium didn't have much in the way of planetary defenses. No one had even attempted an invasion of their homeworld in decades, and the idea that anyone could break through their fleet and actually land on the planet as conquerors was laughable. No one was laughing now.

However, there were some planetary defensive forces that were still maintained for situations like this, to the relief of the Krenim people. True these Imperial invaders had managed to penetrate their fleet for the moment, but their forces should be able to buy them enough time for reinforcements to arrive. At least, that was the plan. Unfortunately, Gen. Delric Taar had plans of his own, and they included what to do during the assault on the planet itself.

Bombarding the planet was always an option, crude though it was. However, this particular mission demanded more of a fine touch. They had wiped out the fleet; the time had now come to show that they would take what they wished from the planet itself. After all, a city isn't very useful if it's reduced to an ash-filled crater.

The Krenim had several ships designed to operate in the atmospheric defense of the planet. They could easily stop any landing shuttles or bomb the camps and convoys of enemy forces on their planet. That was enough, or so they had thought. What they didn't realize was that the Empire had been building a war machine to stop this very tactics for years. The TIE Interceptor and TIE Defender had both proven effective fighter interceptors, and that left the TIE/ln behind as far as effectiveness. However, seeing as how the Empire had millions of the ships lying around they decided that adapting rather than scrapping was preferred, and so these TIE fighters had been specially modified to serve in atmospheric support and engagement. Their use on Bespin had shown they could handle the rigors of atmospheric drag with ease, and now they were showing the Krenim just what they were up against.

The Krenim aircraft were specifically designed for atmospheric defense; long, sleek, aerodynamic, and quick. Compared to the boxy-shaped TIEs they were elegant. In fact, from the strict standpoint of mechanics they had an edge on the TIEs. But as their squadrons tried to get a lock on the twisting ships it seemed that technology wasn't enough. Again and again the TIEs, always seeming on the run, managed to outmaneuver and destroy the Krenim fighters. They just didn't have the dogfighting experience that the TIE pilots had, and in this case that cost them the edge. After thirty minutes they found themselves actually on the defensive as the awkward ships chased them through their own skies back towards the cities they had been trying to defend. The TIE pilots easily twisted behind them as they ran, their laser cannons tearing the unshielded craft apart.

Behind the TIE/lns came another group of ships, the TIE Bomber. Unlike the TIE/ln, this was exactly what they were designed for, to seek out enemy defensive positions and eliminate them. As the large landing craft descended on the planet the bombers cleared the way for their forces to move unopposed on their final targets. The Imperial War Machine, despite all its bureaucratic flaws, was still the effective tool of expansion for the Empire. The sun was setting on the Krenim Imperium for good now... the first of many conquests in the Milky Way... the first of the conquest of the Milky Way.

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Post by ElPintoGrande »

'And Gen. Tarr bent the young Milky Way over his desk ripped it's pants down and violated it in a most uncomfortable manner. "How do you like me now, bitch?" could be heard throughout the corridors of the Vendetta. The crew looked away with red cheeks pretending not to hear the Imperial ass raping as it commenced.'
Yay! Midget Toss!
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Bitch you made me laugh. :lol:

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Second part for today; make sure to read part 6 if you haven't already.

Part VII

On the Krenim homeworld, an Imperial invasion was taking place. It was a very historic moment, the beginning of a campaign to take a hundred systems as a sort of shakedown for what was no doubt the ultimate goal: total conquest. And yet, while this was certainly significant, a singular event of far greater importance was about to take place, though it was doubtful anyone could have imagined it would be.

Dozens of kilometers from the front line, there was a flash. It was followed by a sound like several electrical discharges taking place slowly and then a figure fell out of the sky, accompanied by a long scream as he hit the ground with a thud that forced the air from his lungs. Ouch, he thought. He allowed himself a few moments to reflect on how sore he was before memory came intruding like a marching band through his mind. He was on his feet in a flash, quickly looking about at the strange surroundings. "Oh no," he said. He pulled out the scanner which miraculously wasn't damaged by the fall, looking at it as he checked the area. "No no no no no. This is not happening," he insisted, "This is NOT happening."

He put away the scanner, not even noticing the minor tremors of the ground. "Why?" he asked the universe in general. "What am I supposed to do now, huh?" He walked around in a circle as he threw his arms up, ranting at the situation. "Brilliant plan! Just inspirational! What were you thinking?!!" He looked up at the sky. "I don't need you to protect me from them!" he shouted. "You're the one who needs to be protected!"

Finally, as he realized the pointlessness of his actions, he started walking around the nearby hillside to look for a settlement, still unable to stop his mutterings. "I can't believe this. How's this supposed to help, huh? I'm lost, I have no communication, I have no idea what's going on. I might as well be dead!"

He lost his balance as the ground shook under him from the impact, finally noticing it. The second caused him to look up and over at the Imperial Walker, a dozen meters away. "Oh kriff," he whispered. The huge "head" swiveled and looked at him as he lay prone on the ground. "Run Sebastian," he whispered. The walker took an earth-shaking step towards him. "Run!" and he jumped to his feet and sprinted in the opposite direction.

The remains of the Krenim planetary defenses, consisting mostly of ground armor units that had managed to avoid the TIE Bombers devastating strikes, now found themselves facing the same threat that had terrorized Sebastian. Several battalions of AT-ATs converged on the city of Ararok, largest and most important of all Krenim cities. They were flanked by groups of smaller Scout Walkers, called AT-STs among the military. The scouts moved quicker than their larger counterpart, and the Krenim found themselves swiveling their hovertanks to avoid their deadly weapons. The AT-ATs’ weapons, while far deadlier, were usually fired from greater distances, as they lacked the maneuverability to try and destroy the hovertanks through any other means. But what shocked the Krenims the most was the fact that these large walkers seemed to be ignoring them. Oh they shot at them certainly, but these lumbering giants didn't deviate in the slightest when the Krenim hovertanks skirted to the far right to engage them from the side.

The AT-STs were another matter. They were quicker and more maneuverable than the AT-ATs and were very interested in what they were doing. They quickly formed ranks and charged the hovertanks position as they blasted away with their smaller cannons. The weapons, while not as effective, were nevertheless quite capable of knocking out the repulsors and powerdrives if not outright destroying the tanks. Fortunately, they were clumsy and the Krenim managed to cause their first serious damage to the enemy as their tanks blasted the Scout Walkers to pieces or ripped their weak legs off. After a few minutes of straight attacks, the Krenim actually had forced the scout walkers to withdraw. It was too bad that the AT-ATs continued their unwaivering journey towards Ararok, and the tanks quickly moved in from behind to try to destroy them before they arrived and did whatever terrible thing they planned to do.

Suddenly two of the tanks were knocked off their repulsors as several vehicles rushed past them, causing a sudden confusion. They saw what they would later learn were Imperial Speeder Bikes, specially designed swoops that were used for scouting or mopping up after breaking enemy lines. General Taar had considered them an alternative to AT-STs against craft like these hovertanks. While it was true that their cannons weren't powerful enough to seriously harm the hovertanks, they were enough to knock out the repulsors, leaving the tanks unable to move. And what was most frustrating was that they were too small and too fast to hit with the tanks weapons, which had been designed to stop large armored targets. The speeder bikes weaved throughout the Krenim lines as their weapons danced over them, the hovertanks unable to shoot back for fear of hitting each other and causing even greater damage. Finally some of the tank commanders and gunners popped their hatches and started firing with their hand-held weapons. This at least met with some success, as they were able to anticipate some of the moves of the speeders and either hit a crucial point or knock off the pilot.

This was what caused them to hear that the impacts had changed. They were no longer moving away, they were getting closer. Some of the Krenim officers looked up at the approaching AT-ATs. It is one thing to know you are fighting a twenty-meter tall armored combat vehicle, but quite another to watch it stomp with slow deliberation towards your crippled battle tank. Many of the men scampered out of the tanks to run for it, knowing that to stay put would be certain death. This was when the speeder bikes really shined as they swooped in and picked off the fleeing men and women while the walkers incinerated or just crushed the wounded tanks. A few still remained active to fight, but their weapons were unable to pierce the thick armor of the walkers, and they marched on towards the city without further opposition.

The ground exploded around Sebastian as he tore through the countryside, a scout walker in pursuit. He had ignored repeated orders to surrender and now it seemed they were going to just kill him and be done with it. He jumped over the crest of the hill and rolled down the other side, jumping to his feet as he reached the bottom and continuing his zigzag path to try and avoid the walker's laser cannons. "Perfect," he muttered as he continued his run. "Millions of planets in the galaxy and I have to wind up on one under siege by the Empire." Fortunately he saw the treeline and made a run for it, the walker close behind.

He listened to the cracking of timber as the scout walker forced its way through the woods to find him. He doubled-back and waited, reaching down towards his belt as it continued its approach. Wait, he thought, gotta time this just right.... the leg stepped past and he leaped out, igniting his lightsaber and slicing through the metallic limb. The scout walker took another step and then tried again, only to twist and fall. It crashed sideways onto the ground, the impact puncturing the power cells on the right side, causing an explosion that regretfully must have killed the occupants. He shut down the weapon and returned it to his belt.

"All right," he asked no one in particular. "Now what?"

"Now we leave," a voice said.

Sebastian whirled around, his lightsaber back out. "Ben?" he said in shock.

"Good to see you again Sebastian," Sisko said. "How’s Jorri doing?"

"But, but you-" he floundered, and then realized. "Linear time?"

Sisko nodded with a smile. "I always liked you, Sebastian. You were always quick on the uptake."

Sebastian put away his weapon and stepped up anxiously. "Listen to me very carefully Ben," he said with haste. "I need your help desperately-"

"I know," he replied. "But it's not time yet."

Sebastian’s stare seemed to drill into him. "But she-" he began.

"Has made her choice," Sisko said.

"Ben," he pleaded. "I don't think you understand the situation."

"I understand completely; in fact I know more about it than you do."

"Then why won't you help me?" Sebastian demanded.

"Because there are other matters that require tending now. When the time comes, I will help you... and you will help her. Trust me."

Sebastian looked at him with anything but trust in his eyes. "If it were anyone else, Ben..."

Sisko smiled at him. "You're not going to insult the man who's going to get you off this planet, are you?"

Sebastian stopped. "Lousy work," he remarked after a while. "All of the planets, and it had to be this one."

"Of course," Sisko said. "You explode a few thousand Chronaton Torpedoes you tend to distort space-time just a little. How else would I have been able to find you here?"

Sebastian just shrugged. "I thought you knew everything."

"No," Sisko replied, "I've just seen everything." He held out his hand and Sebastian took it, and the two vanished.

TIE fighters and bombers flew overhead as the plodding AT-ATs came to a temporary stop at the edge of the city. Droplines lowered from them and stormtroopers quickly slipped to the ground and secured the immediate area. In less than a minute a portable fusion generator was attached to a fully assembled E-Web and the AT-AT continued further into the area to drop the second unit. The same act was repeated throughout the city as the instructions were given to the locals through broadcasts and large speakers.

"Attention! This city is under Imperial control. A curfew is in effect as of this moment. All citizens who are not off the streets within five minutes will be brought to the detention area. Any resistance will be met with deadly force. Attention! This city..."

Many of the Krenim, unwilling to stand in the way of the forces who had annihilated their fleet and beaten back their defenses, fled to the safety of their homes. A few, mostly remaining soldiers and peace officers, began forming barricades to try and stop the advancement into the city. The stormtroopers quickly advanced on their positions and, with a few well-tossed thermal detonators, made short work of them. A few snipers on rooftops did prove difficult for several minutes, pinning down a squad of troopers who had been securing the downtown area. However, as the lumbering walker shook the buildings and rattled windows with its approach, it seemed quite clear that their efforts were for nothing. The head turned lazily towards them and with a few blasts from its cannons turned the rooftop to rubble, along with most of the upper story. That quickly discouraged any similar attempts.

As the afternoon stretched on stormtroopers burst into the government buildings where the last level of resistance was. The Krenim security had set up several effective barricades at the most important of them as the stormtroopers tried to force their way in. After the initial attempt at the main entrance failed they used some charges to blast through the wall, quickly rushing through the smoke and dust as the Krenim tried to recover from the surprise assault. Their protective armor shielding them from both those hazards as their blaster rifles quickly eliminated the remaining guards. They blew open the doors to the center of the Krenim Imperium. Within seconds the most important men and women on eight hundred forty-nine worlds were dragged into the streets to be brought to the detention center.

As they were forced towards the transport they saw the towering AT-ATs standing in the public squares, scout walkers and speeders patrolling the streets as stormtroopers set up command centers in their once peaceful city. The roar of TIEs overhead only added to the misery of knowing that their great world was now totally at the mercy of a power known for having none. Little did they realize that this was a harbinger of things to come.

As the Imperial forces began tightening their grip on the homeworld of the Krenim Imperium, something happened which, if they had understood, would have made them consider leaving after all, supernova or no. In the open field beyond there was a low hum that gradually increased in both volume and pitch until it would have driven anyone in the area to near madness. And then something appeared as the noise was cut off, and it began to look about with steady, piercing eyes. This was a look not meant to investigate the aesthetics, or even to make note of position, obstacles, and potential threats; although the latter would be considered soon enough. The stare was that of someone searching with a single-mindedness that can be hard pressed to imagine. The metaphorical needle in a haystack was as good as found under that penetrating gaze; oh it may be hidden for now, but there was no denying the inevitability of its discovery.

It absorbed every clue, every possible piece of evidence no matter how insignificant, and after this was complete it strode with determination across the field, uncaring about where it tread as long as it was to its target. As it walked it watched not for enemies but for further proof of its certainty, stopping occasionally to examine a notable piece of evidence before moving on. Its movements were the steady, patient steps normally reserved for glaciers and continental drift, and they suggested that the rest of the universe was just a background noise to be ignored.

It tracked the erratic path to the edge of the woods and followed it inside. After a short distance it found the burnt remains of the machine that had been chasing him. A single mechanical leg stood upright nearby, and it touched the edge of the cut to feel the smoothness. Only a lightsaber could make a cut like that, further confirming what it already knew.

"You!" a voice called from nearby, "What're you doing here?"

It turned towards the two biker scouts who stood nearby, casually pulling out its weapon while they continued to speak. "Surrender immediately," they ordered. Four seconds later they were dead, and it was alone again; looking about the area. This was wrong, it concluded. The tracks go in, but do not come out. No body, no evidence of disintegration. He had just vanished.

It walked to the final spot, giving it such a focused stare the ground itself might start feeling self-conscious. All possibilities were considered and discarded until only one remained. There was no other conclusion; he had escaped the planet.

Which only meant that the pursuit would continue to a new one. No words were spoken on the subject, but as the hum began again it became all too clear that was its intent. A flash, then silence, and Krenim was once again free of its presence. Even considering that it was under Imperial invasion, this was the best news it could possibly have received.

It was by sheer chance that, half a galaxy away, a Romulan ship managed to pick up a distress call. Their long-range survey in the gamma quadrant had taken them to just within range of the distant beacon, and while they might normally have just ignored it, they had no choice but to check it out. The Republic was their ally, and if it was discovered that the Romulans had ignored one of their distress calls it could have very serious consequences, considering the powder keg that the alpha quadrant was shaping into.

The Romulan landing party found the ship soon enough, but it was a little bit of a mystery. The overgrowth clearly showed the ship had been here for some time, possibly a year or more. And it looked fine; plenty of fuel, no signs of damage, not even neglect. And the distress signal had only been going for a few days, according to the computer. Whatever distress had been suffered to warrant the signal, it must have been something that leaving the planet couldn’t solve.

There was something wholly unsettling about this place. The leader of the landing party considered just leaving at that moment, but fortunately someone had detected a settlement nearby. And after a careful examination of the surrounding area, they found the distressed individual, and learned that the distress was of the more terminal quality. As soon as the commander saw the corpse he regretted ever setting foot on this world.

Whatever did this, he thought as they and the cadaver beamed back to the ship, I don’t want to think about it finding us.

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Post by Ghost Rider »

More of the little things. This one had more parts dealing with the future and is still enjoyable, if not moreso given what we do know.

It gives the feel that this work is planned rather then you going "This'll look sweet here!"

Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all

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Post by Crazedwraith »

Oh Intriquing.Esepcially when you've half forgotten it. Was the Tracker Fett, trying to find Vader? Or Kalib perhaps?
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Post by CERC »

very nice read. It's the little things you notice the second time that make all that more sense in the long run, especially with the stuff that you have added.

Sum Senatus

And thus, the Padawan and the Master are dispatched, and it falls to the champion of the Force, Yoda to save them; whom in his near infinate power, displays little intelligence, by stopping the piller with the force instead of jerking his underlings out of the way so that his fight with Dooku can continue.....
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Ghost Rider wrote:More of the little things. This one had more parts dealing with the future and is still enjoyable, if not moreso given what we do know.

It gives the feel that this work is planned rather then you going "This'll look sweet here!"
Thanks! Yeah, those are the parts I always like. This re-write gives me a chance to patch up the seams a little.

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Post by Sonnenburg »

Crazedwraith wrote:Oh Intriquing.Esepcially when you've half forgotten it. Was the Tracker Fett, trying to find Vader? Or Kalib perhaps?
It's someone who is going to be responsible for shaping the entire galaxy. :)

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