Jadeite wrote:The one potential flaw I can see is that you're apparently stuck with a single starship. Then there's that apparently the game updates with new NPCs based on the creations of other people, I could see the galaxy turning nasty pretty fast as players churn out xenophobic and militaristic races.
Three rules of an alien race:
1) They will value their survival over your survival
2) They did not get to be in charge of their planet by being nice
3) They will assume the same about you.
Two races with similar environments will have it fairly easy to communicate, but will see each other as competitors to living space. Two races with different environments will find it difficult/impossible to communicate, but may eventually work out a 'compromise', where they colonise their selected environments, and only fight over the asteroids for mining.
Usually followed by the loser (but in possession of the asteroid) going, "You want it? You can have it!" and firing the asteroid at the other side's ship.
edit1: Just watched part of the video. Spore: CCG?