Vendetta wrote:
It was more useful against Volgin. Throw him to the floor then shoot him in the ass with the shotgun whilst he gets up. I believe I used the same strategy against The Boss. Attacking at range just took too long, blasting a floored opponent at point blank took big meaty chunks out of their health.
Volgin was easy- all you need to do is run up behind him while he's charging up an attack and hit him with the shotgun. Repeat about 3 times and you're done. The most I ever got hurt was that big globe-bullet attack in the second part of the fight.
As it is, shooting the Boss on the ground doesn't seem to do the damage that nailing her when she's standing up seems to do. The worst I hit her was with a shotgun blast at close range, where by some miracle she couldn't see me crouching down right in front of her.
I always used CQC. It was very useful in conserving rounds
You needed to conserve rounds?
and the interrogating of that one grunt so as to get into the R&D centre was fun.
Interrogate the who what to get into the where now? I never interrogated anyone *shrug* I mean, I knew you could do it- but why risk the annoyance of getting caught?
I took on whole squads with my hands until they got a good shot in. I hope they flesh it out more in MGS4, because being able to use a knife when your Colt is empty (and 7 fucking rounds ain't enough) is a godsend. Fighting The Boss isn't random though. You need to time it right, because if you grab her then don't immediately floor her, she'll simply reverse the hold and get out of it, then probably clobber you. It's possible to get her with just CQC, but it takes bloody ages.
I never floored her- I just got behind her and then kicked her in the head a few times till she fell over. Really, my CQC technique is terrible. I remember now I only used it once- to kill the guards in the rope bridge map in Operation Snake Eater (not Virtuous Mission)- since I didn't have my M1911A1, I just cut his throat and then dropped his body into the gorge.
Which reminds me- when Ocelot has Eva caught in that bit in Rassvet, and then he tries to shoot Snake with that fancy engraved gun, nothing happens, and Snake reminds him he's only got six shots- I don't remember Ocelot firing prior?
I forgot to mention how fucking awesome the chase against Shagohod and then the chase after was- very Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I hear people liked to use the RPG, but the M63 was where it's at for me.
And another Metal Gear gripe- why isn't there a load option? I'm sick of throwing myself off a cliff to die, go back to main menu, load, everytime I get caught in an alert. This has been going for three games now. (I never use continue, takes your stats down).