Stark wrote:Everyone who voted for controllers with less than four shoulder buttons can report to the vaporisation chambers. I shit you not, Halo is way better with PS2 controllers, because l2/r2 map to black/white, so you can melee without TAKING YOUR FUCKING FINGER OFF THE TURN STICK, which frankly is the gayest interface decision ever.
There's more than one button configuration, you know. You could give other setups a try. Like "Boxer", for example- which sets the melee button to the left trigger.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
No kidding - that's how I got nades and melee to the black&white. But I feel that the more buttons you can press while still using both sticks the better. The number of bloody times in Halo I had to resort to 'jousting' in melee (because you can't turn with your thumb ready on the whack button) made me sad. It's all good now - they saw the light and the 360 controller has four shoulders. They're not even CALLED black and white any more! AND, now we can have XBox games with more than one weapon function! Maybe firemodes even!
Stark wrote:The number of bloody times in Halo I had to resort to 'jousting' in melee (because you can't turn with your thumb ready on the whack button) made me sad.
You're talking about the times before you were smart enough to look at other button configurations?
Or do you take your thumb off the stick to press the trigger?
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
Sorry, changing the two buttons for another two functions fixes NOTHING. Change my comment to 'number of times I had to resort to jousting because throwing nades is not a thumbstick function'. See? Two shoulders is crap, the end. Microsoft even FIXED it with the 360.
X360 fits my hand great, better than the Dual Shock 2, and everything works pretty well. Another great ergonomic gamepad was the original MS Sidewinder gamepad - fits great, had really cool thumb buttons. For some reason outside of the Dual Shock, SNES and N64 controllers I've around MS controllers mostly - I have two Thrustmaster Dual Triggers, but I only like them because they connect to both PS2 and PC - the buttons are really stiff and it's definately too bit for my hands.