I don't see any difference between those backpacks and the current ones. What's the deal?Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Ooo, old-style backpacks. That's hot.
The old Chaos backpacks though, they look different.
Moderator: Thanas
I don't see any difference between those backpacks and the current ones. What's the deal?Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Ooo, old-style backpacks. That's hot.
Those were revealed quite some time ago (Heavy Weapons have been on the GW preview page for weeks, months for the rangers). I assumed they were relatively common knowledge by now. I'm also quite certain all the upcoming Medusa V miniatures have been revealed for this season as well.Typhonis 1 wrote:You forgot the new heavy weapons unit and the new rangers as well.
The captain's pack in particular is smaller, thinner, and sits lower on his back.Bob the Gunslinger wrote:I don't see any difference between those backpacks and the current ones. What's the deal?
The old Chaos backpacks though, they look different.
The Dark Eldar and Eldar codices are potentially still valid. Check the errata on GW's 40k site; if the errata makes sense, they work.SVPD wrote:1. I have a WH40K rulebook, and codices for SMs, dark angels, blood angels, eldar, dark eldar, and chaos space marines, all copyrighted in the 1998-1999 timefram. Do I need to replace all these books?
Everything except both Eldar, Dark Angels, and Blood Angels are obsolete; those four are merely awkwardly outdated. Although Eldar and Dark Angels will be getting new full Codexes within the year.SVPD wrote: 1. I have a WH40K rulebook, and codices for SMs, dark angels, blood angels, eldar, dark eldar, and chaos space marines, all copyrighted in the 1998-1999 timefram. Do I need to replace all these books?
You hid those powerfists so well, I can't find them!Dark Hellion wrote:SVPD: You will need to buy a new codex for Dark Eldar, as they underwent a revamp in 2004. The new codex is the Dark Eldar V2 codex, luckily it looks damn near the same except with a V2 in the corner. All it really does is update wyches and add the wych cult list.
And here is a list I am considering building over the summer.
2000 Blood Angels
The relatively obscene close combat abilites of the Death Company can be utilized to rip up multiple squads at a time, and they have survivability that is similar to Terminators, and a large number of "hidden" powerfists, allowing them to wipe out multiple squads of all but the most hardy defenders in a single turn of close combat.
The oven cleaner is working quite nicely on the plastics, it doesnt seem to touch the undercoat sprays on stuff, but it's cutting through a couple of repaints worth of stuff, which will let me do the old models up quite nicely again. I'm pondering using turps on the metal models though, I really want to get them down completely to the bare metal.Dark Hellion wrote:If you are stripping metal, or you are willing to watch the plastics very carefully, Brake Fluid strips them extremely fast, and is very cheap.
I can't wait for Finals to be over, my work with the NBCE to be done so I can go start painting my fucking marines. Gah, summer come sooner!
Orks LIKE shooting and shooty things. The bigger and louder the better.Lazarus wrote:I've always been skeptical of people going against the point of an army, like shooty focused orks, or assault focused Guard.
Bollocks, I've won with Orks against Chaos, Tau and Imperium. If flame templates are a worry, then position yourself so they can't use them on the Orks. Admittedly, it was easier for me since I used Speed Freeks for almost every Ork game after Codex Armageddon was released.Dark Hellion wrote:Yah, but Orks shouldn't win games. The army pretty much loses to anything with more than a single flame template, and every unit in the army can be chewed up by standard bolters. Feral Orks are much better, with their Madboyz and Squigoth, and they still lose against a single Hellhound, or anything fielding "real" units.
Orks are however, exceedingly good at punishing people for playing with units badly, as they eat up terminators, swamp over most heavily specialized squads, and generally just look like big green goofs.
The Captain with the storm bolter has an old style character backpack.Lazarus wrote:I'm pretty sure those backpacks on the models on the last page aren't old ones: the old ones have exterior pipes, and the bit directly behind the head is different.
That BA list looks pretty deadly to me, but I've only really ever played 1000 points, when games get above that they get too long, and first turn has too much sway on the outcome, so anything with that much power seems pretty obscene![]()
I've always been skeptical of people going against the point of an army, like shooty focused orks, or assault focused Guard. If you can pull it off, fien, but the big worry for me with an army like that is the blood lust, where if you roll a one (?) the unit must move. That is a MAJOR weakness for dev squads etc, so be careful.
And since I finally found my bloody superglue again...Dark Hellion wrote:The Emperor is pleased with your work.
I've got a mix of blood angel, dark angel and space wolf models in my collection along with standard marine models to make up my army. The toga look doesnt really work for the emperors finest.Dark Hellion wrote:Nice. I am not a big fan of the robed marines, but you managed to make him not look like a drunk after a toga party.