SHIT!!!! The only rumor that would possibly make this movie not suck in my eyes shot down.neoolong wrote:"'No, I am NOT in a cameo in T3. I am in no way involved," said the actor. When the president of his fan club said she thought T3 wouldn't be that great anyway, Biehn replied "It's not Jim Cameron, period. And you can quote me on that!" (CA)THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:I hear that Michael Biehn is reprising his role as Kyle Reese in a breif appearance. Any truth to that?
I guess not.
But A wierd thing about that is that he quote to have said the same thing regarding Alien 3, but when I was watching the Alien Saga Doc, he said that he was dissapointed that Hicks was killed off in the script. Just Trying to have some Hope.