I am wondering, is that a fun army, or a competition army?
It looks damn fun to play with and against (MEGA BLASTA DAKKA!) with all the blastas, bikes, and other random orkiness.
Right now its just something I thought would be fun, it fits the general character of a Kult of Speed, although I have asperations of trying my hand at the Grand Tournament. Its not fixed so naturally refinement would come from gameplay.
However, it is extremely weak. It has no real anti-vehicle abilities to the poin that the entire list loses to a Land Raider Crusader or the ubiquitous 2xhellhound of mech guard. It also has nothing reliable to take down big monsters, such as Carnifex, Hive Tyrants, Wraithlords or Greater Demons.
For vehicles theres the Tankbustas with plus 1 to armour pen. and the 3 Kannons. The best shooting weapon Orks have for anti armour ar Zzap guns, which are very random and unfortunately short ranged, 24".
Reliably taking down large monsters
What gave you the idea that Orks were reliable.
For them again missles, kannon and the Mega blastas should hopfully be effective, assuming they can hit. If I get a few games I'll probably end up switching to a mix of Blastas for heavy hitting against a squad and twin missles. The force I used to use had two twin big shootas and a heavy blasta in the squadran.
I'm also trying to figure out the right mix of foot troops, Burna boyz or tankbustas, Stormboyz or Ard Boyz. For the Ard boyz to be effective there going to need mounting in a battlewagon so I can have more than ten, which I don't have the points for.
I want to see some pictures of the models if you have some, I do love seeing well converted Orks, because you just don't see any over here in the midwest (most of the people who do really good conversions get sick of playing the orks, so you see like 2 a year, compared to the 2 dozen new marine conversions)
I have a few conversions at the minute, but I only have a cheep StyleBlink camera I bought years ago, and it refuses to comunicate with this computer. I tried, Wazdakka was going to be my first posted
I do have the basic premise for my force, which I what I want to try and theme it around.
It goes basically that one day, my warboss is shooting through space on his cruiser, looking for something to attack, when they picked up some ancient broadcasts and he tunes in to hear them. At this point he, and all the orks on the bridge, had there minds blasted, twisted and infected by a call from the Dark Prince Himself.
So after being stunned into a stupour by the likes of War PIGS and Black Sabbath and thinking Ozzy's a preacher of war, he models his army on his, slightly screwed up, understanding on the songs. Hence he dresses in black and has plames painted onto himself and all the vehicles.
Incidently, Orks hearing and completely misunderstanding the premise of War PIGs is my, completely unsubstantiated, unsupported and contradicted, reasonfor why Orks ore so addicted to War. Sod that rubbish about the Old Ones
"May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk." - Ancient Egyptian Blessing
Ivanova is always right.
I will listen to Ivanova.
I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God.
AND, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out! - Babylon 5 Mantra
There is no "I" in TEAM. There is a ME however.