DoW:WA Question....

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Post by Star-Blighter »

Nephtys wrote:Ah, but DoW reapers did practically no damage vs Light infantry. It was all about Banshee swarms, overrunning enemies expendably.

Four scouts can take out five reapers in a gunfight, so they have issues that means with 2 of the races. That got fixed at least. And don't forget, Spiders are mega-feeble in hand to hand.
What version were you playing? Banshees stopped being wenchs of death as soon as 1.3 came out.

Three guardian squads that always get built will dominate scouts on every map in ranged, for cost. Spiders have jumps and will mow infantry down before they even open fire, such is the incredible damage they did to Infantry_medium/infantry_high. Spiders in 1.3 never had to fear from infantry armored melee troops, ever. In 1.3 banshees were nerfed and reaper mass came into its own. Combined with the insane moral damage brightlance plats did, meant that anything reapers couldn't mow, guardians and plats could with disturbing ease, no warp spiders required unless its orks and orks+eldar = GG for orks.

But that was 1.3. WA 1.41 is a whole new animal.
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Post by Lonestar »

Beat the Order/IG Campaign. My Baneblade got stuck (Somehow, someway, it made it's way to my HQ in the middle of the "Oh noes the Necrons are here!" cinematic) And I had to take the "drown the monolith in a sea of blood" route for the Monolith that seemed to be at the wrond angle for the Titan weapons.

How does the Eldar victory win?

(Hehe...damn elves.)
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Post by SirNitram »

Lonestar wrote:Beat the Order/IG Campaign. My Baneblade got stuck (Somehow, someway, it made it's way to my HQ in the middle of the "Oh noes the Necrons are here!" cinematic) And I had to take the "drown the monolith in a sea of blood" route for the Monolith that seemed to be at the wrond angle for the Titan weapons.

How does the Eldar victory win?

(Hehe...damn elves.)
You know that Soulstone they were all about sneaking in?

Yea, it's pretty good.

Touch long on the recharge, though. Of course, the Farseer has some ideas.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

It's a lot easier as the Imperial Guard, I think. Mainly because they've got the firepower to stand and take it, unlike those Eldar sissies. :P But seriously, the Baneblade can fight a monolith to a standstill. Dispatch a techpriest to keep it repaired and it can defeat one without any other fire support.
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Post by Nephtys »

Stark wrote:Well, sounds like the tactical AI still stinks. :)
Dunno, the AI seems to own me badly on hard or harder. Last time, I had raided early with the guard squads (Which seem to be the most cost effective beginner unit), and held off a marine AI player on a 2P map. I was bulking up my forces and preparing a battle line, to throw at them. Before I could attack though, they disrupted my forces by jumping two squads of assault troops into the mix, then charging with tactical marines grenading my support squads out of position. I got ran down. :P

The only bugs I can see are Orks sometimes are afraid of grenades, but aren't able to decide if they want to rush a grenade squad or flee. So they stand still and die.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Oh, when Orks break and can't decide if they want to run or not? Yeah, given that Orks aren't supposed to run, it kinda halfway makes sense, but it's still stupid.
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Post by Lazarus »

The Land Raider escort mission didn't give me a whole lot of trouble, but I was flying by the seat of my pants for most of it, just keeping the thing from dying while frantically trying to keep the escort forces up to strength. The whole 'Hey, lets go straight through the Chaos base instead of just driving to the gate!' thing was silly.

I loved the last mission, that is after I realised that I could actually tell the Titan guns to shoot stuff... :roll:
I didn't bother with getting the Baneblade, I had originally built a couple of chimeras and Kasrkin especially for the job, then the Necrons arrived and suddenly I'm getting spammed by chaos, orks and necrons from all directions. I really liked the 'hold the line' feeling, I'd built fortifications around most of the base, and as each line was compromised I had to fall back to the next line etc, and had the marines flying around trying to hold everything together. One question though, the psychic shield was supposed to be protecting the Titan once it had been located and uncovered, so why were there enemy forces present within it, other than the Necrons?

The thing with tougher AI is that it gets to a point where, because you're only human, you just can't keep up. You don't have the lightning quick, automatic 'redeploy here', 'build this' or 'throw grenades' responses, and I just find it annoying when within a few minutes of starting the game your base is being spammed by hordes of enemy's built impossibly fast and being issued orders at a rate I can't match.
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Post by Beowulf »

Lazarus wrote:The thing with tougher AI is that it gets to a point where, because you're only human, you just can't keep up. You don't have the lightning quick, automatic 'redeploy here', 'build this' or 'throw grenades' responses, and I just find it annoying when within a few minutes of starting the game your base is being spammed by hordes of enemy's built impossibly fast and being issued orders at a rate I can't match.
Pause button.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Lazarus wrote:One question though, the psychic shield was supposed to be protecting the Titan once it had been located and uncovered, so why were there enemy forces present within it, other than the Necrons?
I got the impression that the IG set it up, but it's hard to tell; you can definatly make out what look like Psykeres on the tops of the shield walls, which appears to be powering the thing, which seems more like a thing I'd expect from chaos... though the Imperium sacrifices loads of psykers every day just to keep things going, so it isn't really that far off from their MO.
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Post by Dominus »

I found the Land Raider escort mission almost too easy, after I realized that you could get the Baneblade at the very beginning of the mission by sending General Sturnn ahead and taking the Mars Pattern Command far ahead of time while you're still teching up to the Kasrkins. I also didn't even bother with the Chaos base (or the various gates for that matter) at all -- I took the shortcut around those pesky obstructions. :D
Lazarus wrote:The thing with tougher AI is that it gets to a point where, because you're only human, you just can't keep up. You don't have the lightning quick, automatic 'redeploy here', 'build this' or 'throw grenades' responses, and I just find it annoying when within a few minutes of starting the game your base is being spammed by hordes of enemy's built impossibly fast and being issued orders at a rate I can't match.
Agreed. What I really hate, however, is when the AI rushes you with an utterly massive and unstoppable assault comprised entirely of Obliterators and Chaos Predators that takes you by surprise while you're still trying to build up your own utterly massive army and don't even have the Baneblade as of yet. Much death ensues. :(
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Dominus wrote:Agreed. What I really hate, however, is when the AI rushes you with an utterly massive and unstoppable assault comprised entirely of Obliterators and Chaos Predators that takes you by surprise while you're still trying to build up your own utterly massive army and don't even have the Baneblade as of yet. Much death ensues. :(
That isn't even so much the issue for me, even on hard. I can usually manage a victory against that because I liberally use the pause button. The problem I always run into is when on a free-for-all map with four armies, I almost always manage to get mine caught up in a fight with one massive army as another massive army comes up behind me and slaughters me.
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Post by Dominus »

Ah. That's happened to me on more than a few occasions (with startling frequency as the Space Marines, actually), though my primary concern at this point is that I can't seem to shake these "turtling" instincts that have been driven into me since the days of the original AoE. Turtling in DoW almost always results in the absolute slaughter I described previously, though I just can't seem to stop doing it. :?
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Seriously, what's all this about taking buildings? I have never run into that. Ever.
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Post by Nephtys »

Dominus wrote:Ah. That's happened to me on more than a few occasions (with startling frequency as the Space Marines, actually), though my primary concern at this point is that I can't seem to shake these "turtling" instincts that have been driven into me since the days of the original AoE. Turtling in DoW almost always results in the absolute slaughter I described previously, though I just can't seem to stop doing it. :?
You can turtle, but DoW relies heavilly on skirmishing. It's fine to build up defenses and strength, but make sure you're always harassing the enemy with a few squads or artillery or expendable attack forces at all times. Hurt their resource points, or try to kill isolated squads. Basically, make sure they can't outproduce you while you turtle.
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Post by Dominus »

Rogue 9 wrote:Seriously, what's all this about taking buildings? I have never run into that. Ever.
What we mean by "taking" actually refers to scripted events where you'll gain control of a given building if you bring the Command Squad into the general vicinity -- say, the Mars Pattern Command hidden in the northwestern corner of the map on the aforementioned Land Raider escort level. You automatically gain control of the building when the General passes by.
Nephtys wrote:You can turtle, but DoW relies heavilly on skirmishing. It's fine to build up defenses and strength, but make sure you're always harassing the enemy with a few squads or artillery or expendable attack forces at all times. Hurt their resource points, or try to kill isolated squads. Basically, make sure they can't outproduce you while you turtle.
Yeah, I know. That's why I'm having so many problems in Skirmish -- my playing style tend to shift towards heavy defense, and I largely ignore everything else and concentrate on building up a defensive force only. The more aggressive AI then outproduces me in a hurry and launches a mass assualt on my base which I absolutely have no hope of repelling...
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Yeah, I'm something of a turtle myself. You have to break the habit. As much as I like to hang back behind a wall of turrets to unleash a devastating, full-squad cap attack in the endgame with my Baneblade leading the charge, you can't afford to do that. The AI will show up with about seven Chaos Predators (or whatever) just as your superheavy is building and shred you.
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Post by Lonestar »

Yep. I'm a turtler. And My AI Allies are six different kinds of useless, so I usually end up making a last stand.
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Post by PainRack »

Hmmmmm......... it sounds as if the expansion pack is much nicer than the vanilla DOW.

Maybe I should try it one of these days......

Anyone can tell me what they felt was better in the expansion pack over the DOW?
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Post by Rogue 9 »

PainRack wrote:Hmmmmm......... it sounds as if the expansion pack is much nicer than the vanilla DOW.

Maybe I should try it one of these days......

Anyone can tell me what they felt was better in the expansion pack over the DOW?
The Imperial Guard, the Imperial Guard, and oh yeah, the Imperial Guard.


Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
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Post by PainRack »

Rogue 9 wrote: The Imperial Guard, the Imperial Guard, and oh yeah, the Imperial Guard.


Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
I don't know. I read the reviews and the plot and frankly, the idea of the IG having to salvage an Imperial Titan to win some war, as well as the tech tree of the IG just doesn't turn me on...........................

I mean, the game seems to take away the main emphasis of the IG. Tanks, tanks, tanks, oh, and superheavy tanks.:D:D
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Post by Lord Revan »

PainRack wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: The Imperial Guard, the Imperial Guard, and oh yeah, the Imperial Guard.


Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
I don't know. I read the reviews and the plot and frankly, the idea of the IG having to salvage an Imperial Titan to win some war, as well as the tech tree of the IG just doesn't turn me on...........................

I mean, the game seems to take away the main emphasis of the IG. Tanks, tanks, tanks, oh, and superheavy tanks.:D:D
well you can fight with IG without using tanks but it's so damm hard it normally ain't worth the effort (just keep doing some minor harassment raids on the enemies until (like salvo from 3 Basilisks) until you get Leman Russ and Baneblade and then :twisted: )
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Post by Acidburns »

Rogue 9 wrote:Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
Space Marines in WA are almost certainly one of the best races. Even with the wacky bugs they have. Of course, some of them work in their favour. Maybe late game Eldar with Avatar, 10 Fire prisms, and a dozen warp spider units are a match for late game marines. Until then they are strong for the whole game.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Acidburns wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
Space Marines in WA are almost certainly one of the best races. Even with the wacky bugs they have. Of course, some of them work in their favour. Maybe late game Eldar with Avatar, 10 Fire prisms, and a dozen warp spider units are a match for late game marines. Until then they are strong for the whole game.
Then why is it that a squad of Guardsmen can kick the shit out of Assault Marines in melee?
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Post by Nephtys »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Acidburns wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:Space Marines got nerfed all to hell, to the point where I can't win with them anymore. My old strats just don't work in the expansion, and I like the Guard too much to be arsed to come up with new ones for the Marines.
Space Marines in WA are almost certainly one of the best races. Even with the wacky bugs they have. Of course, some of them work in their favour. Maybe late game Eldar with Avatar, 10 Fire prisms, and a dozen warp spider units are a match for late game marines. Until then they are strong for the whole game.
Then why is it that a squad of Guardsmen can kick the shit out of Assault Marines in melee?
Because for the price, guards outnumber them 2:1, while some stand on the sidelines shooting. Assault marines aren't supposed to work alone. They're a disruption unit.

I've had four squads of guardsmen, two of kasrkin holding a chokepoint once. two squads of Assault marines jumped in and screwed up my formation, so that another two squads of normal marines came and wiped out everything I had there. Normally, those would be dead marines. :)
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