What version were you playing? Banshees stopped being wenchs of death as soon as 1.3 came out.Nephtys wrote:Ah, but DoW reapers did practically no damage vs Light infantry. It was all about Banshee swarms, overrunning enemies expendably.
Four scouts can take out five reapers in a gunfight, so they have issues that means with 2 of the races. That got fixed at least. And don't forget, Spiders are mega-feeble in hand to hand.
Three guardian squads that always get built will dominate scouts on every map in ranged, for cost. Spiders have jumps and will mow infantry down before they even open fire, such is the incredible damage they did to Infantry_medium/infantry_high. Spiders in 1.3 never had to fear from infantry armored melee troops, ever. In 1.3 banshees were nerfed and reaper mass came into its own. Combined with the insane moral damage brightlance plats did, meant that anything reapers couldn't mow, guardians and plats could with disturbing ease, no warp spiders required unless its orks and orks+eldar = GG for orks.
But that was 1.3. WA 1.41 is a whole new animal.