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Lord Poe
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Post by Lord Poe »

Noble Ire wrote:Though the concept of a Vong Jedi is ridiculous on numerous levels, as you pointed out, I don't see why an entire species should be condemed for the actions of some of its constituents in the past. I mean, even when the Vong were still winning their war of conquest, it was obvious that not all of them were in total agreement with their leadership, and indeed, a great number were alienated and disenfranchised.
The "shamed ones" hated Jedi and technology just as much as any other Vong. If they weren't "shamed", they'd be exactly like all other Vong. There were no JFK or MLK or Gandhi Vong in the entire run of the NJO.
To simply discount them all is stupid; should I blame every Japanese person I see for the atrocities of WWII? Every German for the Holocaust?
Don't be stupid. That's why I said "Nazi" and not all Germans. The Vong as a whole were one and the same. The only anomoly was Non Amor (or whatever the fuck his name is) who didn't believe in the gods.
Tychu wrote:to be frank. did you finish the NJO?
Yes, I bought that piece of shit TUF. But I skipped several books after "Star By Star."
The GFFA granted the remaining Vong sanctuary on the planet Zenoma Sekot.
How mighty white of them. Hence, the reason for this thread.
These Vong were the oppressed. After the warrior class was destroyed it became clear that the rest of the Vong really were just "normal" you would say.
Bullshit. As I said above, even the "shamed ones" (who are Vong that don't heal correctly from self-inflicted wounds, thus the gods hate them) were religious fanatics who longed to be "normal" Vong. They had the exact same prejudices all other Vong have.
Plus the Force works in mysterious ways. With once the force takith away the force giveith back. The force was stripped from the Vong because of their cruelty. With over a centurary passing from the NJO the force may have came back to the good Vongses. And there you go a force sensitve Vong
You are completely talking out of your ass, here. Can you provide quotes?
Oh and Nazis are not seen as can be good today, mainly because there are still some to preach Nazi and anti-simitic slogans in the soccer stadiums around Europe.
Oh, is that the only reason? :roll:

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Post by Dooey Jo »

Hold on a second. I haven't read any of this NJO stuff, but is the Vong actually a species of creatures, who all have exactly the same values, opinions and prejudices? If so, then that is perhaps the most ridiculously unimaginative piece of crap I have ever heard since the "one race, one culture" of Star Trek.

Then again, maybe this idea is meant to retcon that notion. Perhaps it was really "New Republic propaganda", just like the Clone Wars was Palpatinian propaganda according to a certain someone :roll: :lol:
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Post by Tiriol »

Actually, a many of the Shamed Ones and even many of the worker caste (with some members from warrior, intendant and priest castes) were part of the Jeedai heresy after the midpoint of the war; they no longer believed that the Supreme Overlord and the priest caste had true connection to the gods. The heresy preached that the Jedi would bring salvation to the Yuuzhan Vong and these heretics started to help the resistance movements and in The Unifying Force, even saved as many of the sacrificial victims they could from Shimrra's ceremony. They started to actively help the Federation and the Jedi.

So not all Vong were violent and cruel conquerors, although almost everyone of them was religious (Nom Anor being a notable expection and even he seemed to believe in gods sometimes).
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