Gaming for the Napoleonic Era?

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Gaming for the Napoleonic Era?

Post by irishmick79 »

Any fans? I've been a big fan of Empires in Arms for a while now, and I'm definitely looking forward to Matrix Games' pending release of the computer version of the game. I was wondering, are there any other good titles I should be on the look out for, both board or PC games?
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Post by wautd »

Imperial Glory was allright if you like games like Total War
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Post by weemadando »

Imperial Glory was fucking BROKEN. There was no morale modelling not to mention the horrific naval controls.

Look for any number of the turn based Napoleonic games for PC. Or even the Cossacks series which is excellent.

On the tabletop you are really spoilt for choice.
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Post by fgalkin »

I've waited for so long for Cossacks 2. Then I got it, and was disappointed. Oh, RTW, how you spoiled me! :(

Have a very nice day.
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Post by LeftWingExtremist »

Apparantly there's a napoleon total war floating around somewhere.

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Post by Adrian Laguna »

It's a mod for Medieval with the Viking Invasion Expansion Pack. The same team will make a one-battle demo mod for the Rome engine, and a full mod for Medieval 2, which is based on a refined version of the same engine.
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Post by irishmick79 »

LeftWingExtremist wrote:Apparantly there's a napoleon total war floating around somewhere.
Wha wha WHAAAAT!?!? Why was I not informed of this development? I always thought that the Total War engine would lend itself well to napoleonic style gaming. I'm definitely gonna have to try this out.

Thanks for the link, Adrian!
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