Now , on Coruscant, on a landing platform, a nanomissile explodes within a Naboo cruiser, killing ... a decoy !!
Two Jedi are sent to protect Senator Amidala, while Rabid Trekker sends... a Culture Terminator !
Now what's a Culture Terminator ? Basically it is the name I gave to the killer nanoswarm at the end of Look to Windward.
Its mission is to kill Padme first, then all the Senators, and finally Chancelor Palpatine !
Abilities of the Terminator : sadly, it doesn't have solid holograms nor fields ( as far as we know )...
However it carries AM-powered nanomissiles ( .5 kiloton is to be considered an absolute upper limit in this thread, although it is probably much less ) which in this thread could be replicated at a rate of 50 per day, basic ammo 5000, has the ability to take any shape, can divide into e.g. swarms of insects or simple dust, resisted apparently undamaged to a probably megawatt-ranged laser in "insect swarm" mode, can synthetize complex weapons ( aka laser ), and has an... effector