Since it’s a wiki, I don’t want to take them at face value so I ask you, how plausible are these theories? Which theory is the more plausible? Is there any recent hint that might point in another direction? Do any of you have a theory of your own?
- She is the daughter of Siri Tachi (with some fans believing Obi-Wan Kenobi to be the father, thus the reason Emperor Palpatine sent her to kill Luke). While this is one of the more popular theories, it is impossible, because Siri Tachi died in 20 BBY, two years before Mara's birth.
She is the youngling Aris-Del Wari, although this would conflict with her established birth date, as Aris-Del was born in 23 BBY, five years before Mara.
She is another descendant of Vima Sunrider, thus explaining her Force powers, long-lasting youthfulness, and red hair.
In the runup to the ending of Star Wars: Republic, some fans theorized she was the child of Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz. This turned out to not be true.
A more unlikely theory is that Mara is either descended from Mira from Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords or that Mira was based off Mara. Possible clues pointing to this are the similarities in their names, their red hair, their particularly shady pasts, and their associations with fringe groups.
Any assistance you can provide to remedy my ignorance and curiosity will be greatly appreciated.