Knife,Knife wrote: Though, that would make me have to go back to an earlier argument; in which if those are ~1.2km cruisers, then by the shot from the Executor bridge, they'd appear to be past the escorting SD's, and seconds later when you see the Executor's bridge in flames, those two cruisers are not in frame at all.
Plus, Home One and it's escort still have to be there somewhere. Perhaps they're too 'high' to be seen from that angle, but you can't see those 'wingless' ones from Akbar's perspective which represents a big problem.
These are good questions. I don't have my ROTJ DVD right now as it's loaned out to a friend, but I would really like to watch the sequence you've outlined here. Like I said above, in the Akbar shot, it does seem like that's the front of a Home One type ship poking it's nose into the left viewport. The only thing that worries me is the possibility of little or no though being put into those shots at the time the movie was cut. We could be trying to figure out a puzzle here that has no answer. (But maybe not.) Also I never noticed the HO type in the scene of the Executor diving. But it clearly is one... like to look at that as well.
I guess I honestly can't tell you where I got that corellation. Over the years I've heard and seen people refer to the pearly wingless as the Reef Home. Particularly, now that I think about it, for the use of video games or RPG campaigns. I mean a lot of people VT-16 refer to that ship as the Reef Home. I can definately say you are the first instance of someone having an issue with it.VT-16 wrote:I'm sorry, this just irks me: where did you get the idea that the wingless ships are the same as the Reef Home? I've not seen anything suggesting that. :S
Do you have any kind of source or reference that explicitly shows that the Reef Home had wings?