Bryan Lambert wrote:And my columns are about the ridiculous offense put up in opposition to that number which has gone way into personal attacks and deeply disturbing behavior. So we're even on that score.
We're not even by far. The "ridiculous offense" is for starters actually defence since we're been "counter-attacked" (if you actually want to call justified criticism an attack) way past any sane proportions. We, and I, have just been responding in kind, and might I add, as far as I have seen in a vastly nicer way than the continued opposition justify. You might want to take up the problem with those blowing the thing up in the first place.
Maybe you'd like to say that we should just turn the other cheek and ignore it for the idiocy, insults and censorship that it is. I say no. It's no different from your column, which is verbally attacking broad groups of people in highly insulting manners. I can choose to be the bigger man and ignore it, but that's entirely my choice to make, and I call you on your bullshit just like I called them on theirs.
Bryan Lambert wrote:The rest of your post consists of Latent Swirlie Issues and don't relate to what I'm saying or writing.
No, I'm addressing your column which indirectly claims I need to get a life. I have no "Latent Swirlie Issues" of any kind. Want me to quote it just in case you forgot what you said in it?
Bryan Lambert wrote:"Memo to "The Talifan": BE BETTER... WAIT, YOU'RE HOPELESS."
Bryan Lambert wrote:"At what point are exile, euthanasia, or chemical castration the only alternatives to a lifetime of sad nerditry?"
Bryan Lambert wrote:"And every bit of creative mathsturbation nerds use to fill in the gaps is one more step down the road to Irrevocable Madness, and the aforementioned euthanasia."
Just a few of your golden nuggets. But I'm sure you'll soon claim that I've quoted you out of context, or misunderstood the whole thing. So why don't you explain your incredibly sophisticated column so that we may understand what's in plain daylight for us already, hm? I'll say it again; you're an asshole, but apparently you can't be man enough to stand for it. It's so much easier to insult people when they don't talk back at you, isn't it.