BDZ quotes

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BDZ quotes

Post by OmegaGuy »

I'm in a debate on another board, and I would appreciate it if someone could give me some quotes from books regarding the power and effects of a BDZ. I'm specifically looking for the quotes from the ICS, or any quotes that specify a timeframe.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

From the main site:
Historical BDZ operations
Caamas: records are sketchy about this operation, but it has been established that it was performed shortly after the Clone Wars by forces loyal to Emperor Palpatine. There were no living witnesses to the attack4, which means that there were no survivors anywhere on the entire planet (not even animals, plants, or people in buried shelters, according to the official records).
This meant that the only surviving Caamasi were those who had been off-world during the attack. It is also known that the attack took less than a day5, although we don't know how much less, and the size and composition of the attacking force is still unknown.
Moreover, we also learned that the environmental devastation was so great that even after 40 years, it would have actually been easier to terraform a barren planet to Caamas's original specifications than it would have been to restore Caamas itself6!
This suggests that Caamas was massively irradiated, or that so much of its surface material was blasted up into the upper atmosphere that it rendered normal terraforming operations impractical.
It was effectively destroyed7 as a habitable world, although not as literally or permanently as Alderaan.

Dankayo: in Scavenger Hunt, three star destroyers attacked Dankayo and reduced the Rebel base to slag.
They blasted the atmosphere off the planet and atomized its topsoil8, pounding the planet with such violence that only a "deep planet shelter" could provide protection.9.
The surface of the planet was left in an evenly cratered state, which indicates the blanket use of indiscriminate high-yield ground-burst explosions.

Emberlene: the homeworld of the Mistryls was apparently attacked and devastated around the same time as Caamas10. However, it turned out that the Empire was not responsible. The Mistryls had apparently been terrorizing their neighbours, and their neighbours had hired mercenaries to do the job11.
This is an indication of the ease with which such an operation can be performed, since freelancers can do it without the resources or knowledge of the galactic government.

Meridian: a once-powerful civilization was apparently wiped off this planet through some kind of bombardment which left its surface a radioactive wasteland12. This happened centuries before the rise of the Empire, and unfortunately, there is no information on the size and composition of the naval force involved.

Bothawui: this planet was targeted for a BDZ by three star destroyers, but not successfully attacked.
They had planned to wait until warring fleets of lesser vessels destroyed each other, and then they were to eliminate the survivors and depopulate the planet. Like Caamas, this attack was intended to leave no survivors (in fact, this was a crucial mission requirement because they were trying to frame the warring forces for the attack and fan the flames of civil war in the New Republic). Unfortunately, a stroke of ill fortune led to their early detection, whereupon they were set upon by both fleets and forced to withdraw before commencing the operation13.
The use of three star destroyers in this incident as well as the attack on Dankayo may indicate that when it is necessary to eliminate all witnesses, three vessels are required. Given a single ship's inability to fire on ships leaving from the opposite side of the planet, this is not surprising.
A few Examples of the BDZ:

Suddenly scrutiny from the Empire brought al normal life on Nar Shaddaa to a screeching halt. Moff Sarn Shild proclaimed the Hutts' lawless territory would benefit greatly from stricter Imperial control. As a public-relations stunt,
Shild was authorized to blockade Nal Hutta and turn the smuggler's moon into molten slag."- Essential Chronology p29.

"Han watched as the Princess drifted closer and closer to the large moon. Nar Shaddaa was actually the size of a small planet, almost a third the size of Nal Hutta."- Hutt Gambit p56.

"Han tensed, but made himself stay calm. He could tell Greenlax was really tempted. "Sir, what are your orders?" he asked. "Perhaps we can think of something that will benefit us both, and yet leave you free of any charge of wrongdoing."

Greelanx laughed bitterly, a short, bitten-off laugh.
"Hardly, young man. My orders are to enter the Hutt system, execute Base Delta Zero upon the smuggler's moon Nar Shaddaa, and then blockade Nal Hutta and Nar Hekka until the Hutts agree to allow full customs inspections and a complete military presence on their worlds.
The Moff doesn't want to cripple the Hutts too badly, but he wants Nar Shaddaa reduced to rubble.

Han swallowed, his mouth dry. Base Delta Zero was an order that called for the decimation of a world- all life, all vessels, all systems- even droids were to be captured and destroyed. His worst nightmare come true."- Hutt Gambit p223/224.

A Description of:
"Nar Shaddaa-
the ungoverned "smugglers' moon", it is completely covered by interlocking spaceport facilities and kilometers-high docking towers reaching into orbit.
Nar Shaddaa's "vertical city" was built over thousands of years and is protected by often-malfunctioning shields...
most of the moon's seventy two to ninety five billion inhabitants live in the highest levels of the spaceport-cities."- SWE, p207.

More examples:
"Caamas is now a dead world.
Devastated shortly after the Clone Wars by an orbital bombardment ordered by the Emperor, Caamas' vegetation and animal life- including most of the Caamasi people- died in the space of a day."
(animals and plants destroyed in a day, no long-term effects required, no survivors except for off-world Caamasi).

"... rendezvous at Dankayo and reduce the tiny base to molten slag.
Even before the last of its atmosphere drifted away, before the dense clouds of atomized topsoil could begin to settle, Imperial transports Elusive and Timely, as well as a complement of TIE fighters, moved in to perform 'mop-up' operations and a thorough search of Dankayo's now evenly-cratered surface."- Scavenger Hunt p3 (Dankayo lost its atmosphere as well as its organic topsoil layer)

"Imperial Star Destroyers have so thoroughly blasted Dankayo that I fear for my safety, even in this deep-planet survival shelter."-
Scavenger Hunt p20 (Dankayo hit hard enough to scare even somebody in a deep-planet survival shelter, in which someone could easily survive a 20 megaton explosion directly overhead).

"The hospital ship Mercy, an antiquated Dreadnaught, two assault frigates, a squadron of Corellian gunships, and assorted support vessels orbited a recently devastated world.
Cities of colored glass, now reduced to rubble, merged with plains of heat-fused earth. This was just one of the many planets laid to waste during the last few years."
- Rebel Agent, p65.

"Have you ever seen what a Star Destroyer can do to the surface of an unshielded planet?
Stones run like water and sand turns to glass. And I have two Star Destroyers at my disposal."- Crimson Empire

"Throughout the Trioculus affair , the New Republic was engaged in a protracted military campaign for possession of Milagro, a world located at a key hyperspace junction. The Empire was prepared to lay waste to Milagro rather than allow the Rebels access to its manufacturing facilities. Following three months of exhausting clashes between AT-AT walkers and the New Republic Army, the defeated Imperials slagged the planet's surface with a withering orbital bombardment, then fled."- Essential Chronology, p71.

"Sunlight ripples across a sea of shimmering glass. Glass that had once been part of iridescent domes, towering minarets, soaring archways, vertical towers, and all the other structures that constitute a city.
A city reduced to a sea of manmade lava, as Imperial laser cannon carved swathes of destruction through the once-beautiful metropolis."- Jedi Knight p47 (also referring to Milagro).

"Once the cargo transport was safely cleaer of the target zone, Star Dream completed its sterilization of the valley with a long salvo from the cruiser's heavy turbolaser batteries ...
The bodies turned to vapor and vanished and the blood was scorched from the rocks. The ground turned to black glass, and the river exploded into steam. When the barrage was over, nothing was left of the vermin but the holes they had carved in the ground with their hands and the trails they had beaten into the hills with their footsteps." Before the Storm, p272.

"The shield has to cover everything from the beach to the tops of the mountains. On the North side it should be possible to blast through the mountain and open up enough of a gap to let our bombers in. Once we're under the shield, the generators go and it's over ... Grand Isle would be no match for two squadrsons of Y-wings.
In addition to two laser cannons, the Y-wings sported twin ion cannons and two proton torpedo launchers.
Each ship carried eight torpedoes, which meant either of the squadrons packed enough firepower to turn the lush, verdant landscape of Grand Isle into a black, smoking mass of liquid rock."
- Rogue Squadron, p216,224 (even tiny little Y-wings can do some serious slagging with the right loadout).
You might also find Wongs debate with Edam useful Here
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Post by OmegaGuy »

Thanks, but I used all of those already.
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

OmegaGuy wrote:Thanks, but I used all of those already.
Oh yeah, I PM'd them to you ages ago, and You must have seen them in the GT/old Debate with the fools who's names we can't be bothered to speak. :roll:

Frankly there Are'nt much more quotes, save maybe the one from the Han solo Trilogy (Hutt Gambit) About the BDZ being a standardized operation capable of being performed by a fleet consisting of crap an d Dreadnoughts and a few squadrons of Tie fighters.
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Post by Black Admiral »

Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to a last-resort "Base Delta Zero" fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag - a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars.
- EP2ICS, Acclamator entry (pg. 22)
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Post by Spartan »

ATOC ICS pg: 22
Each Acculamator coordinates its forces strategically. Orbital bombardments with high-yeild proton torpedoes and surgical turbolaser strikes hit enemy fortifications when capture is not a priority. Armies entrenched deep underground may be subject to last-resort "Base Delta Zero" fleet bombardment. Such operations reduce the upper crust of a planet to molten slag - a spectacle unseen in the Republic until the Clone Wars.

ROTS: ICS pg 19
The ship was also used o supervise naval attacks on on 26 strategic Loyalist worlds. These included the hour-long orbital bombardment that depopulated and melted the crust of the former city world of Humbarine, an anchient founding member of the Republic.

Here is a chart of the energy reqirements involved:

Energy required: Energy (J)

to melt a planets surface to 1 m depth in 1 hour 5.0E20
to melt a planets surface to 1 km depth in 1 hour 5.0E23
to melt a planets surface to 10 km depth in 1 hour 5.0E24
to melt a planets surface to 10 meter depth 2.0E25
to Boil off planetary atmosphere 1.0E26
to Boil the top 100 meter of a planetary ocean 1.0E26
to melt a planets surface to 100 meter depth 2.0E26
to Blast-Melt a 1,000 km ice-moon 2.8E26
to Boil the top 1 km of a planetary ocean 1.0E27
to melt a planets surface to 1 kilometer depth 2.0E27
to Boil off Planetary Oceans 1.0E28
to melt a planets entire lithosphere (crust) 4.0E28

Canon Starship reactor outputs and weapon yeilds: (taken directly from ATOC:ICS and ROTS:ICS)
Providence-class Star Destroyer - heavy turbolaser 1.1E22
Acclamator-class broadside (QL - only) (9.5 TT) 4.0E22
Providence-class Star Destroyer - Quad HTL turbolaser mount 4.2E22
Acclamator-class - shield dissipation rate (16.7 TT) 7.0E22
Acclamator II-class Assault Ship - reactor output 2.0E23
Acclamator II-class Star Frigate - reactor output 2.0E23
Munificent-class Star Frigate - reactor output 2.1E23
Venator-class Star Destroyer Heavy Turbolaser (107 TT) 4.5E23
Recusant-class Star Destroyer - reactor output 7.7E23
Providence-class Star Carrier/Destroyer - reactor output 1.1E24
Venator-class Star Destroyer - reactor output 3.6E24
Victor-class Star Destroyer - reactor output 4.6E24
Munificent-class - Dual Siege Cannon (~22 minute charge time) 2.8E26
Energy required to Blast-Melt a 1,000 km ice-moon 2.8E26
Grade III Battle Station - shield dissipation (10 km diameter) 2.8E26
Mandator II-class Star Dreadnought - reactor output 7.8E26

Note: reactor outputs is expressed in watts, while weapons yeilds are in joules.
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Post by OmegaGuy »

Thanks. That might work, but they tend to ignore the ICS if they don't like it.
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Post by Noble Ire »

OmegaGuy wrote:Thanks. That might work, but they tend to ignore the ICS if they don't like it.
What's the point of debating with people, especially at any length, who simply dismiss valid evidence they dislike, and can do so with impunity?
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Post by OmegaGuy »

They call Saxton 'Dr. Dipshit' and say he is a wanker who makes shit up that is not true.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Those Nar Shadda quotes can be good when applied to Coruscant. Nar Shadda has 72-95 billion inhabitants, and is a "run-down" version of Coruscant with less resources.
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Post by Noble Ire »

OmegaGuy wrote:They call Saxton 'Dr. Dipshit' and say he is a wanker who makes shit up that is not true.

When they produce a letter signed by George Lucas, or any other LFL employee, declaring Saxton's works non-canon, let us know. Until then, they're morons. Trying to debate them rationally is an utterly futile endevor.
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Post by Spartan »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Those Nar Shadda quotes can be good when applied to Coruscant. Nar Shadda has 72-95 billion inhabitants, and is a "run-down" version of Coruscant with less resources.
Well, I already post that Humbarine a core-world city planet on par with Coruscant with a population in the trillions; had its entire crust melted in an hour.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

OmegaGuy wrote:They call Saxton 'Dr. Dipshit' and say he is a wanker who makes shit up that is not true.
Ask them what ANY Star Wars writer does if not make shit up. What makes Saxton any different? Why are his additions to the SW universe not treated the same as those of other writers? :roll:

Also, try pointing them towards the Holocron thread at the official website. There's a lot of nice Chee quotes that refute this anti-Saxton/movie purist bullshit.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

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Post by Spartan »

OmegaGuy wrote:
They call Saxton 'Dr. Dipshit' and say he is a wanker who makes shit up that is not true.
What manner of idoits are these? I can't imagine why you'd want to continue a debate with someone so patently stupid. Its a wonder they are able to manage breathing un-assisted.
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Post by OmegaGuy »

The thing is, they declared the ICS and all sourcebooks to be non - canon on their board. They also say any type of calculation is unusable, so it's really hard to make a point.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Ask these morons why they feel that THEIR canon policy should be followed instead of the LFL's.

Ten bucks says that they bring up that Cinescape quote where Lucas used the term "parallel universe" in a different context (but actually said that the EU does intrude between his films), or that Starlog quote that Chee himself assured us was not meant to say that the EU isn't canon. :roll:
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Darth Wong »

OmegaGuy wrote:They call Saxton 'Dr. Dipshit' and say he is a wanker who makes shit up that is not true.
It will no doubt break their hearts when they find out that George Lucas made up Star Wars and it's not actually true.
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Post by OmegaGuy »

Actually, their answer is that 'it's our board, so whatever we say goes'. :evil:
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Push the issue and ask them why THEY can decide SW canon policy, and not LFL. Don't stop until they ban you (which would undoubtedly prove that they're not worth debating, if that hasn't already been proven).
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Darth Servo »

OmegaGuy wrote:Actually, their answer is that 'it's our board, so whatever we say goes'. :evil:
Really? The shitheads you're debating with host the thing, own the software, etc?
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Post by Darth Wong »

OmegaGuy wrote:Actually, their answer is that 'it's our board, so whatever we say goes'. :evil:
So they admit that their arguments and conclusion have no bearing on Star Wars outside their board?
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"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by OmegaGuy »

They basically get to pick and choose what is canon or not.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

OmegaGuy wrote:They basically get to pick and choose what is canon or not.
Another of McEwok's jibbering brood.... Idiots.. keep pressing them until you crack their small skulls. Seems that they can't think big and obvious will never make it big.

Incidentally, how much information do we have on the BDZ of Telos and Taris, aside from the fact that the Sith Armada slagged both planets and the Itorians had a field day terraforming them slowly.
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