Most retarded "Talifan" criticism ever

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Post by Darth Servo »

Darth Wong wrote:
pajama boy wrote:And I say that as someone wh has some fairly impressive educational credentials.
Such as?
Such as "liking Freakazoid" :!: :!: :!: He said it right in the post. :P
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Post by Darth Wong »

I'm actually somewhat shocked that Pajama Boy actually defends the practice of assessing intelligence based on media tastes, and even claims that it's far more reliable than education as an indicator. Of course, I see it now. Somebody who has the right tastes in media and a BA in communications or some other birdshit degree is undoubtedly smarter than a nuclear physics PhD who has the wrong tastes in entertainment, right Pajama Boy? I mean, what takes more talent and discipline? Clicking a remote control or spending years taking an extremely difficult major? Obviously, the remote! Just ask Pajama Boy.
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Post by Stark »

I'd just like to add that he never stopped dropping his soundbytes. He might not have been able to address shit, or back up any of his claims - It turns out they were all 100% subjective, of course - but he can do the grandstanding style-over-substance Clinton maneuveur like nobodies business.

Unless you do it in the street and scare the horses! :lol:
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Post by Darth Wong »

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Halloween is the only time that it's acceptable to dress up like a dork. Especially if you're going to be snobby about other peoples' hobbies.
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Post by The Dark »

Darth Wong wrote:I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Halloween is the only time that it's acceptable to dress up like a dork. Especially if you're going to be snobby about other peoples' hobbies.
Arguably conventions, if it's a good costume. I saw some interesting fantasy-ish costumes at the last one I attended. The key phrase there is "good costume."
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by nightmare »

Bryan's media tastes seems to include Mystery Science Theater 3000, since he's apparently well known in (RATTM).
Star Trek vs. Star Wars, Extralife style.
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Post by Stark »

Man, MSTK3000 criticises art! Is that his dirty secret? Is he a traitor to the cause? :lol:

If this guy and his board of five are obsessed with Wayne, Jim and I, how much are we betting they think I've posted over there? Would it surprise anyone that I spent what was to me last night *not* on the internet infiltrating his tiny webboard?
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Post by Darth Wong »

The Dark wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Halloween is the only time that it's acceptable to dress up like a dork. Especially if you're going to be snobby about other peoples' hobbies.
Arguably conventions, if it's a good costume. I saw some interesting fantasy-ish costumes at the last one I attended. The key phrase there is "good costume."
Even so, you still shouldn't do that and then accuse anyone else of being too "nerdy". That's Pajama Boy's biggest problem: he's throwing stones from a glass house. If you must live in a glass house, don't throw stones. If you must point out the speck in your neighbour's eye, watch out for the log in your own eye. Etc.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by PayBack »

Darth Wong wrote:I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Halloween is the only time that it's acceptable to dress up like a dork. Especially if you're going to be snobby about other peoples' hobbies.
"I do. And while I wave my freak flag high, I do -not- wave
my freak flag high in the hopes of being the subject of anchorbanter

I wish I could trade his hypocrisy (did I spell that right? :P) for cash... look out Bill Gates.
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Post by RedImperator »

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Just me dropping in again, to make an interesting observation.

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Post by Star-Blighter »

I've been observing the Lambert specimen in this thread for awhile. Only got to page 6 when I saw this gem:
Bryan Lambert wrote:
Unfortunately, purging stupidity from the actual universe would require godlike capabilities.
Even more than that, I think. I've been at it for two and a half years and I've barely made a dent.
Funny, in a hypocritical not funny at all kind of way...
Brian Lambert wrote:You are not the target audience, you are the TARGET. That's an important difference.
I think this applies to you in reference to your "fight" against stupidity, since you appear to be one of the people who suffer from it.

Such snide remarks don't demonstrate ego at all but rather demonstrate a distinct lack of it, since ego tends to require a persons balls being attatched to them.

By that rational I hereby declare you an Ego-less, dick-less, arrogant, self-rightious, spin-doctoring, uneducated, hypocritical, unrepentant, Trolling, passive-agressive, appeal to authority (which won't help you here, the mods don't like you much either) bullshit artist.

Thats right. I'm one of your "worst nerds" since it seems your definition of a "worst nerd" is anyone and everyone disagrees with your opinion. Hell, I don't even care remotely about the numbers in question, at all and I hate your guts, purely because of the lack of respect you show to members on this board.

Virtually everyone here can see that the vast majority of your posts in this thread are thinly concealed insults and attempts to keep the topic on something "safe" for you to tip-toe around and "not-address" the rather polite requests posters have made of you. I lack that level of restraint and feel the need to make it clear why no one here thinks fondly of you:

Just because you hide your malice under the table and behind people's backs doesn't make you any less of an asshole. The fact that the forum members here voice their dislike and disgust of you to your face says only one thing about them:

They are men, while you are but a little boy, and a cowardly one at that.

Run along little boy, for I spit upon creatures such as you.
Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

Yet what he creates tends to be total shit. Example: Ode to Spot.
Purely subjective. Believe it or not, there are people who like that poem.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Sweet butt fucked Jesus, that revelation post of Poe's back on page 7 is quite possibly the single most delicious smackdown I've ever had the privilege to witness.

Taking someone's face and grinding it in their own fetid, corn-ridden, hypocritical shit with photographic evidence is exceeding in it's delightfulness.

Fuck-an-A; Wayne Poe, you are Rock. 8)

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Post by Lord Poe »

Frank Hipper wrote:Sweet butt fucked Jesus, that revelation post of Poe's back on page 7 is quite possibly the single most delicious smackdown I've ever had the privilege to witness.

Taking someone's face and grinding it in their own fetid, corn-ridden, hypocritical shit with photographic evidence is exceeding in it's delightfulness.

Fuck-an-A; Wayne Poe, you are Rock. 8)

Thank you, sir! I feel that when people take the time to "shame" me, they deserve my level best in retaliation. And as should be well known by now, I don't respond in kind. I bring a fuckin' bazooka to a knife fight!

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Dalton »

Man, I have NEVER felt so satisfied in a decision to let a potential asshole in here. Top marks, gents!
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

I guess this is what we call revenge is a dish best served cold.. and space is very cold...
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Post by Star-Blighter »

Dalton wrote:Man, I have NEVER felt so satisfied in a decision to let a potential asshole in here. Top marks, gents!
Yes, it was very satisfying, even though my small bit of firepower wasn't much compared to the real masters. Honors should be awarded to Lord Poe, Stark, 18, RedImp, The Dark, nightmare, Darth Servo, Mange, and many, many others for defending this board from worthless assholes like Lambert. Wong need not be mentioned, the Emperor is just being himself as always.

When in doubt, shoulder your rifle, take aim and let loose.

This is all so overwhelming. I think I'm going to cry. Group-hug anyone?

*Gets funny looks*


Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

Yet what he creates tends to be total shit. Example: Ode to Spot.
Purely subjective. Believe it or not, there are people who like that poem.
There are people who like to eat shit too. Those people are idiots.- Darth Servo and Bounty.
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Post by Mange »

Well, well, well. Look who the 140th member of the YouAreDumb forum is... He can't pass on a chance to attack the "Talifans".
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Do idiots like Dark Moosefucker realize that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is NOT always correct? If he were smart, he wouldn't be trying to associate with someone like Lambert, who was just outed as a pretentious asshole, a grown man who still plays with action figures, and a possible furry and toy car molestor. :P
Dark Mooseshit wrote:By the way, priests do not "fuck", as per the official Catholic point of view. They consecrate the physical communion. Or something like that. I read this, being a party to the events, and having been one of the "evil mods" in question that decided enough was enough, I can only say that this discussion tickles my goofy bone.

I might say more. I might not. I really shouldn't. Saying more is indulging in secret hidden pleasures known only to those that hath tasteth the nectar of the unicorn of the level 75 uber-mage.

But what the fuck. It's just words. Regardless, its just so fucking funny. Dare I say Talifantastic. It makes me giggle so.

I'd make a fan film out of it, but I actually earn a paycheck and therefore don't have the time....

Please don't think less of me if I leave now with a contented sigh of pure smug. Smug all up in yo grill. Fo shizzle. I may be back, though. Cuz its just so goddamned funny :0)

DM out

Seriously, if I have to sign something everytime I post, then there really is no hope or expectation of distinguishing myself is there? Shall I use a handy quote of the day calendar? Oh yeah...keep it short. Nevermind.
So DM just registered at the YAD forum to say...absolutely nothing. But he'll put in a substance-less jab at the Talifans anyway. :roll: He and Lambert seem to be kindred spirits. Both of them makes posts and act superior without bothering to put in enough effort to actually make a point.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Surlethe »

And I was nice to him? It looks like my assessment of "hypocrite" was far more correct than I could've imagined.
Jim Raynor wrote:Do idiots like Dark Moosefucker realize that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is NOT always correct?
Some people have the luxury of choosing their allies; some don't. I wonder how long it will take Mr Dorkstar to jump in on this particular debacle?
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Mange »

Surlethe wrote:And I was nice to him? It looks like my assessment of "hypocrite" was far more correct than I could've imagined.
Jim Raynor wrote:Do idiots like Dark Moosefucker realize that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is NOT always correct?
Some people have the luxury of choosing their allies; some don't. I wonder how long it will take Mr Dorkstar to jump in on this particular debacle?
He already has. I checked his blog.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Jesus Christ. From reading Lambert's "Be a Better Nerd" article about us, supposedly Traviss has posted on his forum as well. How long will it be until Traviss, Dark Moose, Lambert, and Darkstar band together into a Legion of Dumb? :) :roll:
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Scooter wrote:Outsiders Astonished

G2k here ... pardon me for largely being in a state of hiatus this month. If you'll pardon my French, things have been just batshit banana-f***ing crazy.

In this mini-hiatus-break, though, I chanced upon some entertaining links related to recent entries. The Talifan are gettin' famous:

Why am I not surprised that he's acting just like Dark Moose, chiming in seemingly on Lambert's side without offering an actual opinion (or any input whatsoever) on the issue? :roll: Does Darkstar realize that Lambert would probably call him an irredeemable nerd if he knew about his site? Someone should also remind this guy that his site has been an "Awful Link of the Day" at Something Awful. :P
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

You know, the Quest Rover doesn't even look like that good of a toy, honestly. It's just a little toy car.

Seriously, it looks like something you get in a Happy Meal, yet he gushes over it as if was something truly incredible, like that super-articulated Spider-Man that came out about eight years ago...
Last edited by Spanky The Dolphin on 2006-06-01 08:57am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:You know, the Quest Rover doesn't even look like that good of a toy, honestly. It's just a little toy car.

Seriously, it looks like something you get in a Happy Meal, yet he gushes over it like it was something truly incredible, like that super-articulated Spider-Man that came out like eight years ago...
Oh, but it feels great! :P
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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