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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Well sure, if you're going up against heavy Ordnance then you probably don't want to dance a Land Raider around and practically beg for that Ord Penetrating 6. But no one plays Guard, and they're the only army capable of scoring an Ord Pen 6 against a Land Raider (unless you're at point-blank with a Vindicator for some reason).
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Well I'm just back from my first proper game of 4th edition.

I won in the last turn killing off his master in combat with my master.
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Post by Lost Soal »

I finally have everything I need to take pics. :D Mates camera didn't have drivers or transfer cable. Got the drivers online, but the cable costs £17 in town, fuck that for a laugh. Got one on Amazon, 1p plus postage.

Anyway the cable arrived this morning. I'm leaving in about half an hour to go see X3 so I'll take and post some pics this afternoon.

Then you get to wonder what all the fuss was about :lol:
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Post by Lost Soal »

Well here we go, my pictures (themselves of dubious quality) of some of my marines and orks I've painted over the years. Al arranged for you to see, ogle, and laugh at.

One of the first characters I ever painted.

Lord Mepthiston


The only Blood Angel in my army which could be remotely considered a conversion.

My Zzap Gun armed Gun Trukk

2nd Ed Wazdakka. As promised.

And finlly, the beginnings of my new Warboss' Warbike.

As I slowly get back into painting and modelling I post some more stuff in the future.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

You might want to check what the focal length is on the camera, or if it has a macro lens to get clearer pictures.
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Post by Lazarus »

Well sure, if you're going up against heavy Ordnance then you probably don't want to dance a Land Raider around and practically beg for that Ord Penetrating 6. But no one plays Guard, and they're the only army capable of scoring an Ord Pen 6 against a Land Raider (unless you're at point-blank with a Vindicator for some reason).
Or, you know, anything else which uses ordance, like a Defiler, and a whole shitload if people play Chaos. And then of course there's Iron Warriors, and the only real reason to take them is to use a Basilisk.

Lost Soal, I like the idea with that first model, the black flames look nifty. Personally I stay away from large gold areas without detail, it tends to make the models look plasticy. Try and pick out some of the details, example: on Mephiston paint the flexible leg joint black, and the recesses and pipes on the backpack black or boltgun metal.

:lol: The assault trooper is great, Matrix style 'bring it!'. Again, you could try painting the eye sockets on the helmet etc, the idea has a lot of promise. Well done with the metal on the Trukk as well, thats looking pretty authentic.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

A Defiler mounts a Battlecannon, no? Which is incapable of scoring a penetrating hit against armor 14.

I'll give you the Iron Warriors, but they are only 1 of 9 Chaos armies.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:A Defiler mounts a Battlecannon, no? Which is incapable of scoring a penetrating hit against armor 14.

I'll give you the Iron Warriors, but they are only 1 of 9 Chaos armies.
Yeah, and Space Marines are only one WH40K army in 11. :P Come on now, who only sees one Iron Warriors force out of nine Chaos Legions with an almost-equal appearance of Night Lords or World Bearers?

So anyway, I've got my Assault Marines primed now, with only some places to touch-up since the can is running dry now (I'll have to buy some replacement black when I pick up a can of white). I took another blob of greenstuff and did a couple more conversions, namely some hair for an unmasked Marine, couple basic shoulder repositionings, and a Chapter icon or two. I'm really eager to see my Sergeants completed and show them off so I probably will stick to them first.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Utsanomiko wrote:Yeah, and Space Marines are only one WH40K army in 11. :P Come on now, who only sees one Iron Warriors force out of nine Chaos Legions with an almost-equal appearance of Night Lords or World Bearers?
Well, speaking only from personal experience, I have never fought Iron Warriors, only various combinations of World Eaters, Black Legion, Thousand Sons, and generic Chaos.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:
Utsanomiko wrote:Yeah, and Space Marines are only one WH40K army in 11. :P Come on now, who only sees one Iron Warriors force out of nine Chaos Legions with an almost-equal appearance of Night Lords or World Bearers?
Well, speaking only from personal experience, I have never fought Iron Warriors, only various combinations of World Eaters, Black Legion, Thousand Sons, and generic Chaos.
so I guess those sound and drug loving freaks aren't seen either?

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:so I guess those sound and drug loving freaks aren't seen either?
I am rectifying that. I bought my first Emperor's Children model recently and will be building around it soon.
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Post by Azazal »

Updates on the termies, linked for the dial-up and or apathetic crowd


Serg 2

Hvy flamer

Chainfist trooper

CF Trooper 2

Ass Can

Ass Can 2
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Post by That NOS Guy »

Speaking as a guard player I can attest to the awesomeness of an ordinance penetration result on a Land Raider.

I <3 Basilisks.

But yes, watching this thread makes me continue the laborous process of painting my models (which is fun in a mechanized regiment usually loading out at 7 chimeras :/). Anyone got any tips for a grey/white paint scheme?

Also, it would be quite the awesome if anyone on this board was in the Philadelphia/NJ area, I'd like to play someone from here.
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Post by Lazarus »

Well then I guess practicality of various army compositions depends on the likelihood of coming up against certain armies. I think my lists have always been quite anti-armour centric because I most commonly fought either Chaos, Necrons or SM's. I used to play Iron Warriors almost every week, so fear of ordinance plays quite heavy in my opinions of units I suppose. I digress that perhaps in a larger game of 1500 or 2000 points a LR has a role, but in a 1000 points game its just too many points to be spending on one unit.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Well after the fun I had using them on tuesday I picked myself up some more bikes. The bike squadron box set actually to add some special weapons to my options. I'll post some pictures once they're done up.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

Say, anyone got any ideas for some themed accessories and minor bits for my Chapter's veterans and leaders? I've already got the general style for the Happiness Patrol/Beatitus Partolum set in stone stone/paint, and decided to go towards some sort of funerary and martyr-reverance theme. Since their background is a late-founding Blood Angels Chapter, they were founded with few rituals or traditions beyond what was borrowed from their Primogenitor Legion. When it became apparent they still suffered from the Black Rage despite their additional psycho-conditioning, it goes to say they'd embrace more mournful iconography along with their further promotion of the Blood Angels' Cult Sanguinius.

So anyhow, I've of course got Chapter symbol-shaped stuff, and a lot of wings, blood, and cherubs carrying grails for Blood Angels ties, but in the more unique 'funeral' and 'martydom' department I've only got censers on chains, shrouds, and possibly urns or actual sarcophagi towed into battle.

It might be intersting to do rosaries for Sanguinius (as opposed to an Ecclesiarchal rosarius) with ranges in size and style, like from small blod-drop necklaces to big sculptures draped over standards or vehicles. Would also give me a use for the foot or so of jewelry chain I got besides hanging censers & scrolls (thought about hanging chapter symbols and wrapping it around their armor, but that's too much of the Black Templars' forte). Altars would be good for large structures. I've had in mind an altar-like structure on the back of at least one Dreadnought for a while, with grails, burial shrouds, and the weapons/artefacts of the Marine entombed within. Actually large candles might be viable in such an arrangement. I've considered braziers, but I think such bits would be expensive to buy and/or complicated to sculpt & paint them in more than one instance. Same with candles, and those would look tiny, cumbersome and likely make an Honor Guard more like a birthday cake.

That's about all I've mulled over for now. Nothing too extreme or straight-cut, just a blend of stuff to a similar degree the Dark Angels will be doing next year.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Nothing wrong with candles. You can find them everywhere on Chaplain and Reclusiam oriented stuff. There are several in my Reclusiam squad pic a few pages back even, though I know the quality is poor.
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Post by Utsanomiko »

I know, I may do one or two instances, but I don't want to make them a common element or anything. Maybe a Dreadnought altar, a Chaplain and an Honor Guard Marine.

Speaking of which, I've got a WIP of two Assault Marines basecoated, including the Veteran Sergeant with powerfist.

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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Scouts with wings and melta bombs....

give them an extra bit of toughness to represent the power of sanguinus's rage, and call them attack bikes :twisted:

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Post by Dark Hellion »

Nope Laz, you got it right, the land raider blows unless you can field 4 or more of em, and then it's a gimmick army that is very paper rock scissors. The Crusader would be useful if it cost 30 or so points less.
And Laz, I recommend you try to get your group up to 1500-2000 point games, GW doesn't like to admit it, but the game doesn't quite balance right at under 1500 or at much over 2000. At 1000 points 3x Russ or 3X SC falcon is horrifically broken, but at 1500 they balance out better (of course a proper outfitted falcon is tougher than a LRC by like 50%).
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Post by Azazal »

Almost done, need to finish up some minor details and do some touch-ups here and there, but here is where I stand.


Sgt Crux
I do like how the cruxes came out

Assault Cannon

Hvy Flamer

Chainfist trooper

Just need to put on my decals, paint a few details (crux gem on the sgt for one :blush: ),use a satin brush on clear coat to help smooth out the graininess the spay coat leff, and then the bases. So close, yet so far.

Forgot to add in, the resized pics came out to 666 X 500 pixels. Looks at date, coincidence, I think not.
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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Let us not forget that 666 is the Chapter number of the Grey Knights. ;)
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Two games tonight, both against imperial guard, both of them slaughters.

So far I am undefeated in 4th Edition ;)

Most amusing was trying to fight guard with 2+ invulnerable saves...
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Any of you know the answer to these three questions?

1) Does using Fury of the Ancients in the shooting phase prevent an assault?
2) Does the librarian have to aim it in the direction of a table edge that makes it pass over the target a unit he is with is shooting?
3) If he can assault after using it, does it have to be a unit that was under the line of the power?
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Post by Azazal »

Keevan_Colton wrote:Any of you know the answer to these three questions?

1) Does using Fury of the Ancients in the shooting phase prevent an assault?
2) Does the librarian have to aim it in the direction of a table edge that makes it pass over the target a unit he is with is shooting?
3) If he can assault after using it, does it have to be a unit that was under the line of the power?
1. No, it's just what he uses for the shooting phase, it's not labled heavy or rapid fire.

2. Yes point and fire at the table edge, hits any enemy unit in the path.

3. No, he can assult any unit in range, the power does not target a specific unit. AS such the shoot target X, assault target X rule is not in effect.
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