Its calculated from SWTC. Dr. Saxton had to generate power outputs for the Imperator/Imperial-class and the Executor-class, as a basis for his figures in AOTC:ICS and ROTS:ICS. He gave the Imperator/Imperial-class a peak power output of 1.0E25 W and the Executor class a a peak power output of 1.3E27 W. The MK 1 type has twelve heavy turbolasers; through which according to ROTS:ICS nearly the entire reactor output can be channeled. So, 1.0E25W/12 = 8.3E23 J instantaneous yeild. Further sense the rate of fire is 2/minute, each mount has at least a 30 second charge capacity for a minimum of 2.5E25 J yeild. Discounting, the time needed to purge waste heat from the system.I've looked everywhere for the yeild of an ISDs HTL's.. where does 198 TTs come from? And is that per gun or per turret?
I have a huge chart of Energy yield calcs, PM me if you'd like a copy.