Most retarded "Talifan" criticism ever

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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Isn't it funny how this attention whore tries to ally herself with R.A. Salvatore who allegedly received death threats for "killing Chewie" in Vector Prime? I've never seen any post anywhere even hinting at bodily harm to her. Yet she attempts to lump "Talifans" in that same category.
Really? I hadn't heard that Salvatore got any sort of threats over killing Chewie. was it bad?
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Post by Lord Poe »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Really? I hadn't heard that Salvatore got any sort of threats over killing Chewie. was it bad?
Everyone seems to have "heard" that story. No one's ever provided proof of it. Someone should write a Snopes article on it...

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Post by Master of Ossus »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Isn't it funny how this attention whore tries to ally herself with R.A. Salvatore who allegedly received death threats for "killing Chewie" in Vector Prime? I've never seen any post anywhere even hinting at bodily harm to her. Yet she attempts to lump "Talifans" in that same category.
Really? I hadn't heard that Salvatore got any sort of threats over killing Chewie. was it bad?
I have it on reasonably good authority from people that I trust that it happened.

Of course, NO ONE has threatened Karen Traviss that I've seen. By far the worst of this has been her feelings that we all need "garrotting," and her desire to rip out our trachea. :roll:

You've got to have guts to confront her in person--I would be afraid that she would actually hurt me, given her comments on the internet.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

And, on the other side of it, Traviss HAS spoken about her desire to kill people who disagree with her.

I belive 'garrotte' was her weapon of choice.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:And, on the other side of it, Traviss HAS spoken about her desire to kill people who disagree with her.

I belive 'garrotte' was her weapon of choice.
Yes. That's... what I just said.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Master of Ossus wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:And, on the other side of it, Traviss HAS spoken about her desire to kill people who disagree with her.

I belive 'garrotte' was her weapon of choice.
Yes. That's... what I just said.
Sorry. Brain fart.
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Salvatore on the Issue

Post by Phil Skayhan »

R.A. Salvatore's website
DR: To say that your recent Star Wars novel, Vector Prime, met with a controversial reception would be something of an understatement. I understand you have even received death threats from fans outraged at the death of Han Solo's sidekick, the Wookiee Chewbacca. Were you prepared for this degree of hostility?

RAS: I have been surprised by the level of anger in some of the people. I haven't received any of the death threats personally, but they've been made, so I've been told. I have received many angry e-mails, and I've noticed a few curious things about the progression of that anger--it's like watching people going through a grieving process. One person, for example, wrote to me immediately, outraged and in complete shock. The guy was on the edge of absolute despair, it seemed to me. Then he wrote back a couple of weeks later, saying, basically, "Okay, I'm over it. I really liked the book."

DR: What, if anything, would you like to say to these people?

RAS: What can I say? It's a fictional character, and the people working for the creator of that character made a decision that it was time for him to go. That's the prerogative of the creator of the work--it has to be the decision of the creator, whether an author, as I've done in some of my own worlds, or, in this case, George Lucas. It is the province and the responsibility of the writer to play god in his work. Even something as popular as Star Wars has to answer to George Lucas alone, and not to a million fans.
He also tell of how the decision to off Chewie came about. He never once attacks or otherwise degrades even the people who wrote to him to express their anger at that decision. Compare that to the situation we have now.

I have to admit that I haven't picked up a SW book since Vector Prime; I was not that taken with the Vong. But Chewbacca's death was rather jarring. As I said at the time
I wrote:Actually, this makes perfect sense. Vector Prime was the last Star Wars Book I bought. I still don't think I'm comfortable with what happened to Chewie. Of course, now given your analogy to wrestling, how it happened makes a little more sense.

I vividly remember my roommate's reaction when he read that. He'd taken to reading Vector Prime on the crapper and so one fateful sunny Saturday afternoon while I was watching TV in the living room......

Monkey Boy: [muffelled yell from bathroom] Holy shit!!
Me: [figuring that shit was exactly what he was referring to] You all right?
MB: You've got to be fucking kidding me!!!
Me: What?! Did Jimmy Hoffa come out your ass?

[Flush] Monkey Boy come storming out of the bathroom brandishing the book like a revival pastor waves a bible.

MB: They! Killed! Chewie!
Me: Oh that.
MB: They hit him with a moon! Un-goddamm believable! They didn't shoot him, he wasn't run over, he didn't get sick, or even sliced with a lightsaber. They had to hit him with a fucking moon!!!!
Me: Yeah, I thought that was a little much.
MB: Man I'm so pissed now. Ruined a perfectly good dump.

For the next week, every so often, Monkey Boy would turn to me and say, "A fucking moon!" I still don't think he's over it either.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Heck, i'm still not over Chewie's death either.

Fuck EU. Fuck hack writers who kill off characters for shock value.
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Post by Coyote »

Mmmm... I dunno about that, 18. I say, fuck un-assailable character shields. I like knowing that even the most beloved characters actually face risk of death, that means that their adventures come across as more, I dunno, involving I guess. Exhilerating.

Ath the same time, though, to hell with gift-wrapped "neat guy" characters with the stereotypical wife and kids back home that you know is gonna get waxed to provide some handy stepping-stone for the main character to endure.

To think that the Star Wars crew could go through as much as they've gone through and not get scratched even a bit is askingt oo much. It ain't Disney; and you don't fight Galaxy-spanning military powers and walk away untouched by events.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

If it werent so cheep and pointless maybe i'd feel better.

Oddly, I dont see anyone planning to kill Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. Or Leia, or Lando.

But the alien is fair game. Right.

So racist.

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Post by The Original Nex »

Just to clear things up, Salvatore did not make the decision to kill Chewie, it was a decision made in advance by LFL on consult with George Lucas. It just makes it all the more sad that Salvatore got such an aggressive response, even if he didn't recieve the threats personally. (I still think he's a shitty writer, but he doesn't appear to be an ass about it when people complain like Traviss is, so I can still respect the man.)
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Post by Darth Servo »

Darth Wong wrote:
Darth Servo wrote:
Stark wrote:The irony of using made-up Star Wars 'bad names' to insult people is hilarious. Is it *that* hard to type 'person who disagrees with me' or 'my detractors' or even 'those idiots'? What's with this pet name bullshit?
Its called "poinsoning the well" or in more logical circles, the "ad-hominem fallacy".
After all, why attack your opponent for things that are actually true, when you can associate them with murderous religious fanatics?
Well, while she is being a jerk for using this term, how is it different from when people would attach the word "nazi" to the end of something to describe its fanatical members? (eg Trek nazis, femi-nazis, grammar nazis, etc)?
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Post by Darth Wong »

Darth Servo wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:
Darth Servo wrote: Its called "poinsoning the well" or in more logical circles, the "ad-hominem fallacy".
After all, why attack your opponent for things that are actually true, when you can associate them with murderous religious fanatics?
Well, while she is being a jerk for using this term, how is it different from when people would attach the word "nazi" to the end of something to describe its fanatical members? (eg Trek nazis, femi-nazis, grammar nazis, etc)?
It's not really much different. The term "feminazi" is right-wing bullshit anyway, and I don't think the term "Trek Nazi" would be very appropriate either (although it is in far less widespread use, if it's indeed used significantly at all).
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

When the "council of writers" came together to decide what could happen in the NJO, Chewbacca was just one of the characters who was "at risk" for being killed by writers. Han Solo was also a possible death, as was Jacen Solo and Lando.
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Post by Knife »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:When the "council of writers" came together to decide what could happen in the NJO, Chewbacca was just one of the characters who was "at risk" for being killed by writers. Han Solo was also a possible death, as was Jacen Solo and Lando.
I thought it would have been kind to let Solo bite it, rather than the bullshit the writers made him into in that series. Better to let him become a background character or kill him outright than the pathetic pussy he's become in the EU.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by 000 »

Meh, I didn't at all about Chewbacca's death, it was the shitty writing, plot, and characterization that killed Vector Prime for me.

As for the Skywalkers and Solos-- they're not safe anymore. We'll see what Legacy of the Force brings, but I wouldn't doubt that one or more of them won't make it to the end.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

The Original Nex wrote:Just to clear things up, Salvatore did not make the decision to kill Chewie, it was a decision made in advance by LFL on consult with George Lucas. It just makes it all the more sad that Salvatore got such an aggressive response, even if he didn't recieve the threats personally. (I still think he's a shitty writer, but he doesn't appear to be an ass about it when people complain like Traviss is, so I can still respect the man.)
Unlike Traviss, Salvadore actually cares about those who read what he writes. I can personally attest.
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Post by Elfdart »

Knife wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:When the "council of writers" came together to decide what could happen in the NJO, Chewbacca was just one of the characters who was "at risk" for being killed by writers. Han Solo was also a possible death, as was Jacen Solo and Lando.
I thought it would have been kind to let Solo bite it, rather than the bullshit the writers made him into in that series. Better to let him become a background character or kill him outright than the pathetic pussy he's become in the EU.
Harrison Ford was right. They should have killed off Han in ROTJ. Better a heroic death fighting the Empire than being turned into a bumbling dad from a sitcom.
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Post by The Original Nex »

DPDarkPrimus wrote: Unlike Traviss, Salvadore actually cares about those who read what he writes. I can personally attest.
Exactly. He doesn't shit about like Traviss does.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Elfdart wrote: Harrison Ford was right. They should have killed off Han in ROTJ. Better a heroic death fighting the Empire than being turned into a bumbling dad from a sitcom.
Amen to that dude.

The only thing more shitty than having a good character die a cheep death is having a good character be mutated into a fucking stay-at-home dad. :x
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Post by Lord Poe »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:The only thing more shitty than having a good character die a cheep death is having a good character be mutated into a fucking stay-at-home dad. :x
I even wrote a fanfic about that 9 years ago. Why isn't Han allowed to teach his kids the things HE learned? Why must all his kids be Jedi?

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Post by VT-16 »

I remember seeing a family picture of old Han and Luke and their kids. They were either in Jedi-attire or orange jumpsuits and he looked like this confused old bum who'd accidently wandered onto the photo-shoot. Sad.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I had thought that Jaina learned a lot of her mechanical aptitude from Han and Chewie, as well as her piloting.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Lord Poe wrote:
18-Till-I-Die wrote:The only thing more shitty than having a good character die a cheep death is having a good character be mutated into a fucking stay-at-home dad. :x
I even wrote a fanfic about that 9 years ago. Why isn't Han allowed to teach his kids the things HE learned? Why must all his kids be Jedi?
When you think about it, they might as well be Luke's kids. They have some mechanical aptitude or such, but none of them learned to fly from dad(Jaina is nearly Femme Luke in this department), and neither has an ounce of skill in politics or diplomacy learned from Mom.

If you descrbed Jacen, Jaina and Anakin...but didn't say their last name, I believe you would get Luke as dad versus Leia or Han.

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Post by Alan Bolte »

Well, that's the Jedi Order for you. They steal your kids from you and make them into Jedi. Even when they live with you.
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