I have to thank Braedley for unknowingly sending me to an account who had a +834 UP planet. Not huge, but Rath is a very nice addition to my empire if it lasts till accending time.
Necromancer of Rath wrote:I have to thank Braedley for unknowingly sending me to an account who had a +834 UP planet. Not huge, but Rath is a very nice addition to my empire if it lasts till accending time.
You keep your planets after ascending. It's pretty cool.
Dear English speaking Internet users: please learn how to speak English.
Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.
Necromancer of Rath wrote:I have to thank Braedley for unknowingly sending me to an account who had a +834 UP planet. Not huge, but Rath is a very nice addition to my empire if it lasts till accending time.
You keep your planets after ascending. It's pretty cool.
Oh, I know that. I'm more worried about being able to hold on to it in face of any attacks. The being able to keep planets is cool and makes a ton of sense to me.
Good lord, so the player who lost their planet to me wants it back. Not sure what I'll be able to do here. Can't remove defenses from it, not that I'm inclined to do so in the first place. This is an example of the really 'fun' players. "You stole my planet! Waa waa waa!" "Well, you know how you can help prevent that from happening? Build some fucking defense!" It's right up there with the idiots who want their naq back after they can't defend it. Or rather who demand that you give them their naq back, wanting it is a different matter.
Necromancer of Rath wrote:Good lord, so the player who lost their planet to me wants it back. Not sure what I'll be able to do here. Can't remove defenses from it, not that I'm inclined to do so in the first place. This is an example of the really 'fun' players. "You stole my planet! Waa waa waa!" "Well, you know how you can help prevent that from happening? Build some fucking defense!" It's right up there with the idiots who want their naq back after they can't defend it. Or rather who demand that you give them their naq back, wanting it is a different matter.
Tell him to fuck off. That's all you need to do.
EDIT: By the way Rath, you got a messanger? I've got an idea for you.
Dear English speaking Internet users: please learn how to speak English.
Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.
Necromancer of Rath wrote:Good lord, so the player who lost their planet to me wants it back. Not sure what I'll be able to do here. Can't remove defenses from it, not that I'm inclined to do so in the first place. This is an example of the really 'fun' players. "You stole my planet! Waa waa waa!" "Well, you know how you can help prevent that from happening? Build some fucking defense!" It's right up there with the idiots who want their naq back after they can't defend it. Or rather who demand that you give them their naq back, wanting it is a different matter.
Tell him to fuck off. That's all you need to do.
EDIT: By the way Rath, you got a messanger? I've got an idea for you.
I'm getting to saying that if they keep bitching. And I'm on AIM as RathiNecromancer and Yahoo as necromancer_of_rath.
Necromancer of Rath wrote:I have to thank Braedley for unknowingly sending me to an account who had a +834 UP planet. Not huge, but Rath is a very nice addition to my empire if it lasts till accending time.
I did who-in-the-what now?
My brother and sister-in-law: "Do you know where milk comes from?"
My niece: "Yeah, from the fridge!"
Necromancer of Rath wrote:I have to thank Braedley for unknowingly sending me to an account who had a +834 UP planet. Not huge, but Rath is a very nice addition to my empire if it lasts till accending time.
I did who-in-the-what now?
Excellent, confusion. In the old thread you posted a link to someone who attacked or was farming you. I happened to click the link last niht and they had a wonderful planet for the taking.
Edit: I snagged a UP planet this afternoon, and unfortunately, it really isn't worth sinking points into it's upgrade. 1 level will only increase your UP by one, and the cost for the next level is still the same increase as that in the training screen, where each level gets you an increase in UP of 3.
My brother and sister-in-law: "Do you know where milk comes from?"
My niece: "Yeah, from the fridge!"
Braedley wrote:Ahh, I see. That makes more sense now.
Edit: I snagged a UP planet this afternoon, and unfortunately, it really isn't worth sinking points into it's upgrade. 1 level will only increase your UP by one, and the cost for the next level is still the same increase as that in the training screen, where each level gets you an increase in UP of 3.
It all depends really. It's really nice for ascending since it will stick around each time. It helps one spend less each time on raw UP, or get more with the minimum 999 UP.
Braedley wrote:Ahh, I see. That makes more sense now.
Edit: I snagged a UP planet this afternoon, and unfortunately, it really isn't worth sinking points into it's upgrade. 1 level will only increase your UP by one, and the cost for the next level is still the same increase as that in the training screen, where each level gets you an increase in UP of 3.
If you don't want it, I'll buy it from you for say 200mill naq?
Dear English speaking Internet users: please learn how to speak English.
Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.
What's a safe number of defenses to have for a planet? I just had a planet with 125 defenses (330,000,000 defense) swiped from under my nose by a guy who attacked repeatedly and cranked up the number of ships each time (starting at 400 and ending with 800 Enhanced Death Gliders). It was my best one, too (+425 UP). I'm hoping to swipe it right back once my MS returns.
My planet BOB has 525 defences for 1.5bil defencive power. However, this came at a very steep cost of about 36bil naq, which was much more than it should have been since the planet was upgraded to huge..
BOB is safe I think, and since it is huge I don't think anyone would want it anyway.
Perhaps upgrading your planets to huge can be substituted for building defences on them, but I would just go for about 200 defences.
I've gone with actual defences on Rath as well. Mostly to spite the whiny ass who complained when it was taken. That, and it could be nice later. Though I was lucky enough that Rath was still at tiny so defence costs, for me at least, will scale much better.
And I do agree that upgrading to huge might fend off some attackers. My issue with it would be how much more defences will end up costing when you finally do build them up.
Hmm...it seems I have unintentionally beat the shit out of someone. Had a bit too much fun raiding 8k UU.