Here's the old version. Although I doubt that download link still works, there are two screenshots there which I won't bother reposting here. The old version got the highest grade in the course, BTW (so did I).
So, yeah. I've been adding some stuff since november or whenever the old version was finished. Or well I've taken three breaks from whatever I was doing at the time to add stuff to this game, and now it's finished enough.
How to play!
Main objective: Kill the Ufos!
Secondary objective: Defeat my Highscore!
- Arrow keys: Steer
- Space: Fire
- Return: Pause (yay, you can pause)
- Laser : Weak but rapid fire
- Power laser : Fires four super-charged laser beams
- Nova beam : Fires a Nova beam projectile that will drill through enemies
- Spazer gun : Fires a space wave thing
- Nova laser : Fires a continuous particle beam
- Uni-blaster : Creates uni-directional blaster surge thing at impact
- Magical goomba : Makes shiny bonuses out of impactors
- Shield booster : Increases shield power
- Super dephasorising shield : Ship becomes intangible for a short time
- Smart Bomb : Kills all enemies on screen
- Goomba Bonus : Enables Goomba Bonus Mode
- Vlad Reverse Bonus : Enables Reversed Vlad Mode
- Ufo scout ship : Normal enemy. May fly in strange formations.
- Ufo Interceptor : Powerful lasers and shields. Always moves in a zig-zaggy pattern.
- Adv. Ufo Interceptor : Even more powerful shields. Moves in same pattern. Has Spazer gun. Only in Reversed Vlad Mode.
- Space alien : Creates Vlad Reverse bonuses.
Now... who will be the first to break that 606600 highscore?