I'm living in Korea right now. There are some things I admire about their culture, but dog eating is not one of them. Of course, I prefer not to ram my personal views down any Korean's throat (that would make me almost as guilty as those PETA morons), but this is one of those aspects of their culture that I refuse to take part in.Sam Or I wrote:I guess you have never been to Korea. It is part of the Korean culture, they litrally have dog farms. It totally changes your view of a dog when you are walking down the market place and you see dog legs being sold. (I believe it is called Ka-goe-gee, I could be wrong it has been awhile.)
When you're living in another culture, the saying "remember who you are" never becomes more important. Living here "Westernizes" you in a way that is not possible in the West. You learn to appreciate what you once took for granted.
Giver me a burger, bulgogi or galbi any day.