"Prodesse Non Nocere." "It's all about popularity really, if your invisible friend that tells you to invade places is called Napoleon, you're a loony, if he's called Jesus then you're the president." "I'd drive more people insane, but I'd have to double back and pick them up first..." "All it takes for bullshit to thrive is for rational men to do nothing." - Kevin Farrell, B.A. Journalism. BOTM - EBC - Horseman - G&C - Vampire
It's Alien Hunters time! To wit. I've decided to make myself a 'new' army. As I was at Conflict North lately and got a chance to see the Inquisitor Lok model, (presently on order... who knows when he'll arrive) I've decided I want an ordo-xenos army.
So, I'm working with Witch Hunters as the base; obviously, there's an obligitory death watch kill team (latest rules, WD 306) in there too (just as soon as I find the other three death watch models I have somewhere, or replace them) and at present, no sisters.
To make things even more slanty, the Inquisitor Lord in charge is to be Maturin Ralei from Xenology, spoilers for which are minimised. Yeah, the Necron-in-disguise - I've promoted him, obviously, but hey, this is for Medusa V, which is two hundred years after Xenology. What did you expect of me?. Anyway, I'm not really intending for the army to win many battles, as much as reflect this theme of a manipulative Lord Inquisitor and lots and lots of meatshields.
So I'm using inducted Imperial Guard. Conviniently, my existing guard models (Stormtroopers excepted) are painted a particularly unfetching grey, and I'm thinking they're actually seconded PDF, rather than normal guard units. Either that, or a private army raised by the Inquisitor.
And I'm also planning to include a bunch of Zealots (WD 304) in there. While they're not exactly an alien-hunters thing, they're meant to show this particular Inquisitor Lord's nature. Which is to say, they're either C'tan-cultists or deluded fools he's rounded up to act as meatshields, cos he's a callous bastard and likes having humans die. This would be the same reason I'm so keen on unmodified guard infantry with this army too, In the words of Zapp Brannigan; "Kill-bots have a preset "kill limit", once they reach this limit, they shut down. knowing their weakness, i just sent wave after wave of our own men into battle against them, once they killed them all, they were effectively shut down." Yes, he's the General Haig of the Ordo Xenos.
So, does anyone have any suggestions on cheaply modelling a unit of twenty zealots? I'm thinking of using Empire Militia for the base (because I really like plastic), with a few Sisters Repentia thrown in (for the Eviscreators) and a pile of 40K weapons from the bitz box. Any other ideas?
Only one model from this project is finished so far, a pariah (same as a penitent really) for the Inquisitor's retunite. Alas, my webcam sucks ass, so apologies for picture quality. The silvery bit's a knife under the cushion, in case anyone's wondering. Next up for painting is a guard veteran using fire warrior parts, like the gue'vesa conversions..
Superior Moderator - BotB - HAB [Drill Instructor]-Writer- Stardestroyer.net's resident Star-God.
"We believe in the systematic understanding of the physical world through observation and experimentation, argument and debate and most of all freedom of will." ~ Stargate: The Ark of Truth
Can't comment on an Ordo Xenos force; only know what there is in the Codexes about allies and the only place I've found the DW rule PDF is on the German site. I have thought about other less-common Inquisitoral Order forces.
Anyhow, here's the images of my completed Assault Marines. It wasn't under very bright light, but it's accurate lighting nontheless.
I only planned on a little blood on the sword blades; something came over me and next thing I know there's blood... everywhere.
Imagine how the Death Company will end up.
I'm also working on this Sanguinary High Priest, as a simple 140pt HQ for smaller games where I'll want to control and guard what few Death Company Marines are present.
I've grown very accustomed to my Chapter over the past year, and as much as I've gotten used to the idea of them and their context, every now and then I look at them and they're a goofy pink hearts visual gag.
Azazal, those termies look truly awesome, I really like the rust-like thing. I really wish I could paint infantry better, I could only ever really do vehicles with any decency. Same goes for Elheru and Uts, great jobs all round!
Utsanomiko wrote:I've grown very accustomed to my Chapter over the past year, and as much as I've gotten used to the idea of them and their context, every now and then I look at them and they're a goofy pink hearts visual gag.
That would be 40K sucking you in.
The same thing happened to me. After a couple years, I looked at the small Ultramarine-knockoff force I had amassed on the sidelines when I was tired of losing battle with my Guard (goddamn was it hard to play them in 3rd Edition when no plastics existed). I saw the silly blue and red paintjob, some of the ridiculous quasi-conversions and said Oh dear sweet Emperor, what have I created?! A bottle of olive drab spray paint later and my Velociraptors were born.
Agitated asshole | (Ex)40K Nut | Metalhead The vision never dies; life's a never-ending wheel
1337 posts as of 16:34 GMT-7 June 2nd, 2003
"'He or she' is an agenderphobic microaggression, Sharon. You are a bigot." ― Randy Marsh
Utsanomiko wrote:Can't comment on an Ordo Xenos force; only know what there is in the Codexes about allies and the only place I've found the DW rule PDF is on the German site. I have thought about other less-common Inquisitoral Order forces.
As I understand it, the Ordo Xenos tends to mostly act on the Inquisitor Level (hunting and purging alien cults) and occaisionally attaches a kill team to other forces. The Guard at large is after all, up to the task of facing most aliens. That said, I want my alien hunters, and I'm not waiting!
Superior Moderator - BotB - HAB [Drill Instructor]-Writer- Stardestroyer.net's resident Star-God.
"We believe in the systematic understanding of the physical world through observation and experimentation, argument and debate and most of all freedom of will." ~ Stargate: The Ark of Truth
Yeah, I know the general background for the Deathwatch, but Alien Hunters has been on the back-burner for ages. For one thing, they've suggested they want to keep Codexes internally-referenced from now on without needing other books to have stats and rules to use allies and probably will do a self-contained Inquisition Codex at a later point. Another is the lack of variety of the Deathwatch from mere Space Marine allies, but I'd think that could be alleviated by giving the Deathwatch a notably different organization, powerful Elite squads, and a fancy variety of wargear and rare-patterned vehicles.
Imagine a Razorback with a Plasma Cannon turret, drop pod/jump pack homing device and mine sweeper, containing a squad armed with range-boosted bolters, an Assault Cannon, some exotic weapon, and a Sergeant with a Signum and a melta pistol. Basically remove all the mysticism and rituals of the Adeptus Astartes and build them up as true super soldiers with shiny-weapons, devices, and sensor-suites to the Nth degree.
I'd like to also see Alien Hunter advesaries, mainly a couple different unit and weapon types with a 'create-a-race' emphasis on recreating a variety of different aliens. Genestealer Cults were suggested by the guys woking on Tyranids, but I think it needs to encompass them and more.
Besides, I found you can technically recreate a legal Genestealer cult army by modeling Witchhunter Advesary units as Hybrids, Cultists, and a Magus and adding them to a pure Genestealer army. Get enough Cultists (in and out of Chimeras) for cover-fire and Mutants as Hybrids to screen the purestrains and you've got a decent force (the Cardinal/Magus can reveal a wargear item to add 1 attack to units around him for a turn. Imagine being charged by a Broodlord and his retinue under that effect).
EDIT: Did I mention my order from Maelstrom Games came in the other day? I got busy with fiddling with the stuff in that, otherwise I'd probably have more of my Marines done. It took about 10 days to arrive, which is pretty sweet considering it's free international shipping.
Concerning Genestealer cults, one of the guys at my local GW had a 'stealer cult army. It could be gribbly, but it could also be very vulnerable. It's basically the shootiness of Guard combined with the crazy assault of stealers. If you let it outmaneuver you, then you're screwed. However, deep striking assault marines into the back line of Guard worked well; without their assault element they were very vulnerable to breaking and running for it. The list was in an issue of the discountinued Citadel magazine, can't remember its name now. For some reason the cult could also have a 'Limousine', which basically meant you took a toy car and said 'Squint and its a transport'.
What time frame are we looking at for an Ordo Xenos codex? Does this mean they make an Alien Hunters codex in a year or two, then a few years after that make a combined Inquisition codex? As far as I'm aware Witch Hunters kinda bombed; they don't have much of an appeal for new gamers, and the difficult painting etc, as well as advanced play style, seemed to make most people steer clear of them. They're also not exactly cool: choice between ultimate-uber-soldiers in the Daemonhunters, or crazy ass naked fanatics who are equally like to stab themselves as the enemy...
Lazarus wrote:
What time frame are we looking at for an Ordo Xenos codex? Does this mean they make an Alien Hunters codex in a year or two, then a few years after that make a combined Inquisition codex? As far as I'm aware Witch Hunters kinda bombed; they don't have much of an appeal for new gamers, and the difficult painting etc, as well as advanced play style, seemed to make most people steer clear of them. They're also not exactly cool: choice between ultimate-uber-soldiers in the Daemonhunters, or crazy ass naked fanatics who are equally like to stab themselves as the enemy...
It's simply been mentioned as off in the future for several years now, nothing of any detail or solidity.
I hear people mention owning and having interest in Witchhunters quite a bit; probably as much as Orks, Demonhunters, Tyranids, and such. I Find the Sisters of Battle more appealing than simply Grey Knights, and consider the Ordo Hereticus a better representitive of 'typical' Inquisitorial units, at least.
EDIT: And I've finally taken a photo under stronger ligthing, showing off the details and edge highlights a bit better (area highlighting is a bit washed out, though that may simply be because of the amount of blending and the straight-on angle).
I hear people mention owning and having interest in Witchhunters quite a bit; probably as much as Orks, Demonhunters, Tyranids, and such. I Find the Sisters of Battle more appealing than simply Grey Knights, and consider the Ordo Hereticus a better representitive of 'typical' Inquisitorial units, at least.
Meh, it could well be different in various areas, but when I went to Conflict Manchester last time, out of around 60 40k players, there was one sisters of battle player.
I'm thinking of ordering a Valkyrie just for the fun of making it, though £80 is a bit steep...
Sisters are very powerful if you manage faith correctly, but they are expensive to build, thus mostly older sister players are the people still playing, and some haven't adjusted yet.
A teenage girl is just a teenage boy who can get laid.
We're not just doing this for money; we're doing this for a shitload of money!
Finished off my Termies, not 100% satisified with them. Probably play a few games with them, then CSC and repaint them down the line. But for now, they are playable
I think they look really good. A little glossy and bereft of major highlights, but they've got good details and terminatus emblems.
I've gotten pics up of my latest 3 Assault Marines from yesterday. Had to pack up my painting table for today, so the last guy will have to wait. Probably won't be able to swing out and get primer for my Sgt shoulderpads and Death Company until after next week; more than a couple damnable automotive issues are pissing me off.
Also, my near-finished standard Sergeant, WIP Sanguinary High Priest (his left arm isn't even properly attached temporarily, but it shows the narthecium), and WIP Veteran Sergeant with main colors applied, demonstrating the even more-gaudy Veteran & honor Guard colors of pink helmets and white-gold trim.
Just don't paint them straight-up as Blood Angels; it bugs me to no end that so many people play so many of the exact same 1000-man Chapters. Don't they want some uniqueness or orginality? The main Chapters on my list (asides from my own, which I settled upon after developing its background and realizing I'd had it in mind for model painting for an entire year) were Blood Ravens, Crimson Fists, Iron Hands, followed by other non-Ultramarine/DA/BA/SW options. It just didn't make sense to run around with everyone else's choice and eveyone else's Commanders and heros. Black Templars are a bit different, as they're massive and scattered by nature you can't keep track of all their Crusades.
Even once I had Blood Angels rules in mind, my first alternate choice was Angels Vermillion, and slightly modifying the BA emblem decals. There's five divergent Chapters shown in the Codex, yet I've only seen Flesh Tearers on occasion and only 1-2 instances of Angels Sanguine. Same with a couple display pieces Angels of Redemption, and none of Absolution or Vengeance (despite so many people stating they'd prefer DA in black armor) or Absolution. There's plenty of Codex Chapters for every color available to use whatever traits and army lists desirable.
Sometimes I still think about having gone with Angels Vermillion, but never straight-up Blood Angels. Besides, dark red on a black undercoat is easier to paint than bright red on white, anyway.
So I'm having a problem with the squad of fire warriors i got the other day... seems the left arms don't fit with the weapons. The half-bent arms work fine with the rifles and carbines, the straight arms are decent with the carbines, but the right-angle bent arms just don't work for ANY of them. I managed to get one on alright (with a carbine), but there's this rather unsightly gap... I'll be getting some green-stuff to patch that, but I was wondering if any of you had run into this?
Elheru Aran wrote:So I'm having a problem with the squad of fire warriors i got the other day... seems the left arms don't fit with the weapons. The half-bent arms work fine with the rifles and carbines, the straight arms are decent with the carbines, but the right-angle bent arms just don't work for ANY of them. I managed to get one on alright (with a carbine), but there's this rather unsightly gap... I'll be getting some green-stuff to patch that, but I was wondering if any of you had run into this?
If they're anything like plastic Guardsmen, then each gun arm matches up with a specific left arm. If you mix'n'match, you'll end up with the problem you describe, and some won't fit right. Usually the sprues pair them up so if you cut them out one pair at a time you're fine, but otherwise you may need to do some trial and error (sans glue of course).
Agitated asshole | (Ex)40K Nut | Metalhead The vision never dies; life's a never-ending wheel
1337 posts as of 16:34 GMT-7 June 2nd, 2003
"'He or she' is an agenderphobic microaggression, Sharon. You are a bigot." ― Randy Marsh
Elheru Aran wrote:So I'm having a problem with the squad of fire warriors i got the other day... seems the left arms don't fit with the weapons. The half-bent arms work fine with the rifles and carbines, the straight arms are decent with the carbines, but the right-angle bent arms just don't work for ANY of them. I managed to get one on alright (with a carbine), but there's this rather unsightly gap... I'll be getting some green-stuff to patch that, but I was wondering if any of you had run into this?
If they're anything like plastic Guardsmen, then each gun arm matches up with a specific left arm. If you mix'n'match, you'll end up with the problem you describe, and some won't fit right. Usually the sprues pair them up so if you cut them out one pair at a time you're fine, but otherwise you may need to do some trial and error (sans glue of course).
Blegh! Okay.... -grumbles-
Ahem. Anyway. *poink*
Shas'ui with ta'lissera-- I kind of fucked up his head colouring though...
The shas'la with carbine, the one that got fucked up--
Closer views of the problem--
I suppose green-stuff and paint will be the answer...?
Elheru, I don't think the shoulder looks all that bad. Compare to some of the Kroot shoulder fits, that tau looks like he got off lucky!
One thing I did notice though, was that your Tau red seemed a bit patchy. I'm not sure if you're doing it for cammo or not, but if you want a solid red or yellow coat, your best bet is to first paint on some red/yellow mixed with white (so it's slightly more white than red/yellow) and coat that on. Once you have a more opaque layer of pink, you can paint a thin coat or two of red over it and get a much more solid, brighter color. also, mixing some white glue and water with some red ink will make a pretty interesting stain over a model, particularly if you drybrush it with white first.
Anyway, your chaos marines kick much ass, and I can only hope that the Tau die quickly.
"Gunslinger indeed. Quick draw, Bob. Quick draw." --Count Chocula
"Unquestionably, Dr. Who is MUCH lighter in tone than WH40K. But then, I could argue the entirety of WWII was much lighter in tone than WH40K." --Broomstick
"This is ridiculous. I look like the Games Workshop version of a Jedi Knight." --Harry Dresden, Changes
"Like...are we canonical?" --Aaron Dembski-Bowden to Dan Abnett
Argh... New Battle Report (going off memory so its kinda sketchy)
Me: Blood Angels (1850, thus my posted list minus one assault squad)
Him: A rather odd, exotic Grenadier based Imperial Guard Army (while it looks rather odd, he is very good at playing it, and it is a very decent piece of jank)
HQ: Heroic Senior Officer w/PW, Medic, 2x plasma gun, 2xmelta gun in Chimera w/hull heavy bolter, extra armour
Lascannon Sentinel
Elites:2x 8 Veterans w/3xplasma guns, plasma pistol/pw serg, and Lascannon
Ratling snipers x10
Troops: 2x 7 Grenadiers w/ 2plasma guns, serg w/plasma pistol/PW
Fast Attack: 3x Hellhounds (bloody hell these things fucking rock)
Heavy Support: 2x Russ w/hull las,HB sponsons
Kroot Snipers: 9 snipers, Shaper with Eviserator
Pregame: I roll up an absolute shitload of DC (too many for my liking, they made me change my plan a lot) and thus had a lot of really small squads (which came in handy, letting me avoid Ordinance easier). The terrain covered around 2/5 of the board, included 2 forest on my left, and a lot of little valleys that screwed with Infantry LOS but didn't block vehicle LOS too bad (handy for him with all his vehicles).
Set Up: I spread out across the board, with lascannons spread even over the whole board to prevent a quick wipe out from the Russ, put the two missle squads on my right, the HB squad on the left with the DC, put the Assault Squad and Librarian on the far right, and hide the Landspeeders behind the forest. He spread across the board rather evenly, putting his Grenadiers and 1 vet squad on my right, and his other vet squad, his HQ and snipers on the left. This was in retrospect bad for him, and my deployment was good enough with the general Marine Fudge Factor for me to handily have won the deployment battle. I win for first turn and start pounding.
Turn 1: My pounding generally blows, and all I do is kill 4 guardsmen and 5 ratlings. Hoo-boy. He turns around and kill 14 DC marines and causes a 1 or 2 scattered casualties. He marches into RF range with some guys and kills 2 assault marines (who run back a couple inches) and 1 Las/plas squad. Both of us unloaded on eachother for minimal points damage.
Turn 2: Some general lucky blood rage rolls gets me a tac and dev squad in charge range, and my assault squad and Librarian in another charge range. I shoot and immobilize his left Hellhound, blow up 1 Russ and his right Hellhound, and stun his Chimera. A HB takes out 1 Kroot, and my DC advance and use the mighty Bolt Pistol to take out 4 veterans. I charge a vet squad, and a Grenadier squad on the left. My Librarian Kills 2 guys, suffers no wounds and proceeds to run down the squad. My Dev and Tac squad kill 2 vets, but the other three fight on. Running up the hill must have tired them out though, as the next three rounds of close combat will see 1 PW wound from the vets and nothing from the Marines. His return fire weakens me to judge my Chaplain and 3 PF in the the DC. His Hellhound destroys a Tornado and shakes the other.
Turn 3: My DC charges his vets on the left, my Landspeeder runs into his deployment zone to set up for a rear shot on a russ next turn, a lone las/plas duo decide to run like mad up the middle and I let em. I las the Chimera in the ass and blow it up. I missile the Russ and bounce off, a few other shots do little. Both my CCs bog down, but my Chaplain alone kills all the guardsmen and I consolidate into his HQ. On his turn he blows up 1 missile launcher guy with his russ, forcing a test which they fail and they nearly run off the board. He Snipes my Librarian with a lascannon and misses, but kills him wiht plasma from the last squad of Grenadiers. He charges his Kroot into my DC. My Chaplain kills 2 from his HQ, and my PF kills 3 from his Kroot, his Eviserator kills 2 of my DC. I win and both his squads run, and both escape rundown.
Turn 4: I charge my assault squad, and Tac squad into his last grenadier squad, I jump my DC to follow up his Kroot and HQ and charge his HQ. My Landspeeder jumps behind his russ for an ass shot, but wiffs. I snipe his Sentinel and drop it. I run my Dev squad back up to get into position to shoot at him again. The rest of my shots do little to nothing. In CC my Tac/Dev and his vets masturbate a bit more and he kills 1 marine, I hold. My Tac and assault kill 3 Grenadiers, he kills a Marine and he holds. My Chaplain kills the rest of his Hq and I consolidate back into the woods. He wiffs with his Russ round, his hellhound does nothing to the DC, his middle Hellhound kills the plasma gunner from my Las/Plas Duo charging up the middle. In CC all holds steady with the Vets. My assault squad and Tac squad kill a few guys and run down the remnants. His Kroot run off board.
Turn 5: My assault squad charges in to help against the vets, my Lanspeeder rips the Russ a new asshole. My missile squad wipes out the Inferno Cannon of the Middle Hellhound, and I forget to move my DC. My lone lascannonier makes a fool of himself and gets trampled under Hobbit feet. My assault squad breaks his vets in half, killing 2, and my dev squad stomps on his sergs head. He conceeds with 5 ratlings and an immobile Hellhound and Gunless hellhound (225 points) against my 2 full tac squads, half a HB squad (full points), 2 full point missile Dev squads, 2 full point Tac squads, my half Landspeeder (full points), half assault squad (full points), and my Chaplain and his single DC bodyguard (full points for Chap) a total of almost 1500 points by the very cheesy math Blood Angels use for Vps. He had killed over half my army, but he did it on free units (DC) or spread out to much leaving all my squads above half.
He made a few mistakes, but so did I, and I had bad first turn shooting. I think the game was a rather fair representation of my army, if a little lacking for his.
A teenage girl is just a teenage boy who can get laid.
We're not just doing this for money; we're doing this for a shitload of money!
Well, I got my security deposit back from my time in canada and it was a bit more than I expected so I now own a techmarine in servo harness with an bodyguard of servitors
"Prodesse Non Nocere." "It's all about popularity really, if your invisible friend that tells you to invade places is called Napoleon, you're a loony, if he's called Jesus then you're the president." "I'd drive more people insane, but I'd have to double back and pick them up first..." "All it takes for bullshit to thrive is for rational men to do nothing." - Kevin Farrell, B.A. Journalism. BOTM - EBC - Horseman - G&C - Vampire
I'll have dire avengers, avatar, falcon, vypre, and jetbikes soon.
unfortunately, my painting skills aren't what they used to be.
Shit like this is why I'm kind of glad it isn't legal to go around punching people in the crotch. You'd be able to track my movement from orbit from the sheer mass of idiots I'd leave lying on the ground clutching their privates in my wake. -- Mr. Coffee