I haven't weighed in on this one yet, even though I have some very strong opinions on the matter. Let me give you the average cop's perspective. Gun control, as promoted by Sarah Brady, and organizations like Handgun Control Inc, is pretty much not only a waste of time, but actually a step in the wrong direction.
This is not to say certain sensible restrictions are not warranted. For example: I agree convicted felons, people who have been certified to be mentally unstable, etc. should not have them. I am also in favor of very tough penalties for use of a gun in any crime. But banning guns will not solve the problem; it will make it worse. Allow me to appeal to authority for a moment (though the statement can be taken entirely on its own merit, because it embodies simple common sense, no matter who said it), and quote Thos. Jefferson.
The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes....Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
This is really the crux of the matter. Why will a criminal, who is by definition a law
breaker, refrain from carrying a gun because it is against the law? Why will a criminal who is willing to risk the penalty for crimes like murder, rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault, etc. refrain from carrying a gun because it against the law? Obviously, he won't; but his intended vicitim, the law-abiding citizen, will.
It is no accident that you can take a map, and stick a pin in the cities with the highest rates of violent crime, then take another map, and stick a pin in the cities with the strictest gun control laws, and you will have two identical maps. It is no accident that when 37 states made it easier for law-abiding citizens to get concealed weapons permits, they all experienced marked declines in their rates of violent crime. It is no accident that violent crime is on the increase in England and Australia now that those countries have enacted sweeping gun bans.
On his fallacies page, Mike pointed out that the NRA, when it says that each new gun law is just another step on the road to a total ban is an example of the slippery slope fallacy. Technically, he's quite correct. It is. However, it is also true that leading proponents of gun control laws, like Senators Charles Schumer and Diane Feinstein, and others have, in their more unguarded moments, actually admitted that they are indeed working toward that goal - a total ban of all handguns, and most long guns. Is it a fallacy anymore when your opponents admit your suspicions are well founded?
I can tell you that as a cop, I am not worried about honest citizens owning guns. And the statistics show I am right not to worry about them. I am, however, worried about criminals. Statistics also indicate that when more honest citizens own guns, fewer criminals are willing to risk commiting violent crimes. That makes my job both safer and easier.