Warlords, the worst non-MST3K Movie I've ever seen. One of my friends owns this peice of crap on VHS they picked up from a garage sale, and.. wow.
Synopsis: David Carradine is a soldier in a post-apocalyptic nuclear environment. He meets an absolutely abominable 80's hair woman who tweaks constantly, and fights off legions of gas-masked goons (but 3 of them are only on the screen max at one time!) and their boss, a man who looks and dresses exactly like Wario.
He fights to save his wife, who is now a totally willing harem girl lover of Lord Evil. David Carradine is tortured with a vial of mountain dew poured on his chest, and breaks free. Him and that other girl destroy a 'tank'(SUV covered in camo netting) and cars that drive past barrels that explode overtly in the background. There's about 4 whole guns in the movie, so there's this one scene where a mexican standoff occurs between 6 people, but half of them are re-using the same guns, with the same markings, scratches, etc. In the end, David Carradine is revealed to be a clone, and blews up a few model buildings and plastic model helicopters. It's bad.
It's great MST3K material honestly. Wish they made one of it.