SW/ST AU Timeline

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Darth Fanboy
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SW/ST AU Timeline

Post by Darth Fanboy »

Kicking around ideas like it was the world cup of terrible fanfics. Have fun reading this short bit.

SW/ST AU Timeline

19.8 BBY - A CIS convoy carrying parts and equipment is enroute to the Outer Rim to help establish a new droid production facility. The Convoy is attacked by a Republic Flotilla and is forced into hyperspace dangerously close to an Energy Ribbon. (This would later turn out to be the same sort of energy ribbon as was described in ST: Generations). The leadership is in the hands of a small cadre of Neimoidians, but a Colonel who was actually one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes is present to keep watch over the selfish Neimoidians put in place by Nute Gunray.

2380 A.D. - The convoy emerges in the corner of the Beta Quadrant. Low on fuel stockpiles and food supplies the convoy is forced to establish a new colony on the fringes of the galaxy. The colony is dubbed Eppo Neimoidia. Droid foundries are established and scouts begin mapping the systems.

2381 A.D. - A joint Romulan/Starfleet exploration mission leads to the first encounter between The USS Titan, her Romulan escorts and a Munificent-class ship. Most romulans are killed while Riker and members of his command crew are taken prisoner. The leaders of the now isolated CIS faction decide to begin building up towards conquering this new galaxy.

2383 - The Klingons launch a surprise attack on the Romulans, taking the core worlds by force. Fringe elements and tributary nations of the Romulan Star Empire quickly sieze the opportunity to join the Federation to avoid Klingon wrath. Ambassador Worf resigns his post and joins the Klingon High Council at the behest of MArtok. Jean Luc Picard leads a daring fleet mission to liberate the Romulus system and succeeds, earning enough respect from the Klingons that they back out with minimal bloodshed thanks to Worf.

2391 A.D. - While mourning the loss of his old friend Captain Riker during the five year anniversary of Romulus joining the Federaton, Retired fleet Admiral Jean Luc Picard is called back into service. Fringe Colonies along the border where Riker went missing have broken contact in the wake of a new enemy. The CIS splinter group, now referring to itself as the Confederacy of Capitalist Systems, have begun their long planned invasion of the milky way.

5.2 ABY/2396 A.D. - Luke Skywalker and a New Republic task force fall fvictim to the same phenomenon, as the Wave forced to travel at sub lightspeed it now reached a location where Luke's forces were located. The Neo Confederacy decimate Luke's forces, and what few ships manage to escape make their way into hiding along with the UFP REmnant led by the returned Ben Sisko. Jean Luc Picard and Janeway are present but not in any major role, Picard is still in mental limbo after being routed in battle years earlier, while Janeway is only kept due to her influence over factions despite her lackluster abilities. The New Republic/UFP ships will rely heavily on Sisko and Skywalker in the weeks to come.
"If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little."
-George Carlin (1937-2008)

"Have some of you Americans actually seen Football? Of course there are 0-0 draws but that doesn't make them any less exciting."
-Dr Roberts, with quite possibly the dumbest thing ever said in 10 years of SDNet.
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Post by Sidewinder »

Nice outline, but is multitasking-- working on multiple stories at once-- a good idea? (I did it once when a severe bout of writer's block prevents me from making progress on a story. Are you suffering from the same problem with the 'Revenge of the Sith' AU?)

Overall, I doubt Picard will simply sit still in shock while a war's being fought, despite the loss of a close friend and comrade. Maybe you can have Picard go on diplomatic missions to recruit the Dominion and/or the various Delta Quadrant powers while Skywalker and Sisko fight in the Alpha Quadrant?
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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