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Post by Kuja »

Stravo wrote:Not an update, I'm sorry - though one is coming very soon, I had a few questions that needed some answers for future stuff.

Are there strongholds of Chaos outside the Eye of Terror in the galaxy? For instance sectors in the Imperium where Chaos has some foot holds in terms of holding systems or maybe a sector?
As has been said, the Maelstrom. Elements of the Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons, and Word Beaers have been seen hanging out in that vicinity.
If Space Marine companies meet each other unexpectantly what can you deduce could happen? Are Space Marines generally OK with each other or are there rivalries? Can even violence occur between companies if say the Ultramarines stumble across some Space Wolves on the hunt?
Generally they are okay with each other and one will step out of the way to let the chapter with the more pertinent claim deal with their business (IE, one chapter used to dealing with orks and one used to dealing with 'Nids arrive to exterminate a genestealer cult. The ork-hunters will most likely stand down and let the nid-haters deal with the problem) unless the situation is so severe that it acually calls for both/all presant chapters to take the field (such as on Armageddon).

Probably the most noteworthy rivalry is between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels, which started back during the Great Crusade when Lion El'Jonson and Leman Russ got into a fistfight over who had a more pertinent claim and Russ ended up getting cold-cocked. They reconciled later and today the two chapters carry on a (moderately) friendly tradition of having the two most celebrated champions present engage in a short honor duel.
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Grand Admiral Ancaris
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Post by Grand Admiral Ancaris »

Stravo wrote:Are there strongholds of Chaos outside the Eye of Terror in the galaxy? For instance sectors in the Imperium where Chaos has some foot holds in terms of holding systems or maybe a sector?
The Maelstrom, of course. Smaller in size than the Eye of Terror though I've heard it described as being more turbulent/intense. The Maelstrom is also as far as I know a natural occurance and not the result of any psychic race or birth of a god or anything like that.

Hmm.... Medrengard is technically outside the Eye I guess.. Daemonworld that is homeworld of the Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines.

During the Gothic War, many worlds revolted and/or were captured by the Chaos forces. That was over 800 years ago since the current date in 40K so I don't know if any are still in Chaos hands or not.

And currently there is the global campaign for Medusa V. Depending on the results Chaos may or may not get a new daemonworld on the Far eastern side of the galaxy. That is still up in the air though.
If Space Marine companies meet each other unexpectantly what can you deduce could happen? Are Space Marines generally OK with each other or are there rivalries? Can even violence occur between companies if say the Ultramarines stumble across some Space Wolves on the hunt?
It depends entirely who is meeting, on what terms, etc. Sometimes second/third/etc chapters can be at odds with their founding chapters, depending on the circumstances. Someone else may need to correct me on this, but I think during the 3rd war for Armageddon, there was a chapter that was not listening to the orders of the overall commander. The Overall commander was (if I remember correctly) the Chapter master of the Blood Angels, and either the Relictors or the Dark Angels were doing their own thing, not doing what they were told... Again my memory on this one isn't the best so if someone else has a clearer memory of the subject please share.

Also, there was one incident in the Uriel Ventris series where Uriel had a bit of a disagreement with the Mortifactors.

Here are a few quotes relevant to that:
Warriors of Ultramar, page 20 wrote: "'Where are the Mortifactors?' hissed Pasanius.
'I don't know,' said Uriel, gripping the hilt of his sword and staring at the statues either side of him. He approached the nearest and leaned in close, sweeping its face clear of dust and cobwebs.
'Guilliman's Oath!' he swore, recoiling in disgust as he realised that these were not statues, but preserved human corpses.
'Battle Brother Olfric, may his name and strength be remembered,' said a deep voice behind Uriel. 'He fell in combat with the hrud a the Battle of Ortecha IX. This was seven hundred and thirty years ago. But he was avenged and his battle brothers ate teh hearts of his killer. Thus was his soul able to go on to the feast table of the Ultimate Warrior.'"
Warriors of Ultramar, page 22 wrote:"A pair of brass-plated servo-skulls hovered above the man, a thin copper wire running between themand dangling metallic callipers twitching as they floated into the chamber. One carried a long, vellum scroll, a feathered quill darting along its surface, while the other drifted towards the Ultramarines, a red light glowing from a cylindrical device slung beneath its perpetually grinning jaw.
It hovered before Uriel, the red light sweeping over his head, and he had to fight the superstitious urge to smash the skull from the air...
'Damn thing!' snapped Tiberius. 'What is the meaning of this?'
'Do not be alarmed, lord admiral' said the figure in the doorway. 'The devices are mearly mapping and recording a three dimensional image of your skull.'
Seeing Tiberius's confusion, the robed Space Marine said, 'So that upon your death, it may be placed in the position that most suits its dimensions.'"
I don't have Warriors of Ultramar, unfortunately. A friend provided me with these quotes years ago in a discussion we were having on how some of the Second/third/whatever founding chapters have deviated from their original founding chapters. I understand that the Mortifactors are a chapter founded from the Ultramarines.

After the quotes above, I was told that Uriel Ventris (who is an Ultramarine Captain) attacked (with his fists) the Mortifactor Chaplain.

So they're not always buddy buddy. There are rivalries and differences, even amongst those chapters using the same geneseed.
Grand Admiral Ancaris

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Chris OFarrell
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Stravo wrote: Are there strongholds of Chaos outside the Eye of Terror in the galaxy? For instance sectors in the Imperium where Chaos has some foot holds in terms of holding systems or maybe a sector?
The Maelstrom for sure and perhaps a small number of worlds in the imediate
proximity of the EOT. The Imperium is generaly very heavy handed on any worlds which fall to Chaos. After a Black Crusade, they generaly carefuly mop up worlds which have fallen to chaos. Be it with a full scale invasion and re-unification by force, or, exterminatus.

At any one time of course there may be worlds that have fallen to Chaos and the Imperium doesn't know about it yet.
Stravo wrote: If Space Marine companies meet each other unexpectantly what can you deduce could happen? Are Space Marines generally OK with each other or are there rivalries? Can even violence occur between companies if say the Ultramarines stumble across some Space Wolves on the hunt?
Some Chapters like the Dark Angles and Space Wolves have a long standing rivalry thanks to their Primarchs having...a disagreement way back in the past. However it's been somewhat formalised over the years to combat between two Champions which is (usualy) non leathal.

Though recent events where the two chapters saved each others asses, I think in the 13th Black Crusade, may have led to a thawing in relations.

Other then that, its on a case by case situtation. Chapters that specalise in fast attack for example might think of seige specalists as slothful cowards. While the seige specalists think of the fast attack Chapter as insane and stupid beserkers.

Most Chapters look at the Grey Knights with a mixture of distrust and well if not fear (Marines don't know the word, litearly) at least suspecion, given their history of purging other chapters on behalf of the Inquisistion.

Some Chapters have quite good and cordial relations. The Ultra Marines for example as a more or less 'General' chapter excepting their elite anti Nid units, get on with anyone who strongly follows the Codex Astartes. I think for example they have quite good relations with the Blood Ravens and vice versa, with many of their second founding chapters (but not all).

Really it depends on the situation. If a Chapter with skills specific to the situation (such as an anti nid unit on a nid world or an anti ork unit) is there, they will generaly take point on the issue.
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Post by Lonestar »

Stravo wrote:Are there strongholds of Chaos outside the Eye of Terror in the galaxy? For instance sectors in the Imperium where Chaos has some foot holds in terms of holding systems or maybe a sector?
The Sabbat Worlds, of course, are Chaos held.
If Space Marine companies meet each other unexpectantly what can you deduce could happen? Are Space Marines generally OK with each other or are there rivalries? Can even violence occur between companies if say the Ultramarines stumble across some Space Wolves on the hunt?
Like what Grand Admiral Ancaris said, the Ultramarines don't really care for the Mortifcators. Of course, they are batshit crazy, but still...
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Stravo »

As usual any critiques concerning setting or character are more than welcome.

Chapter 9: Earth is your Mother

The landings happened completely and totally unopposed. The Cerberus approached Tyrial from the dark side of one her closest satellites and rapidly closed the distance with the planet under fighter cover.

Not a single anti ship shot was fired. All the planetary defenses were silent. The Orks had not set up orbital defenses around their prize and as the sleek crenulated shape of the assault troop ship descended into the thick cloud cover over their target continent the crew all held their breaths waiting for the inevitable bright blossoms of fire and shrapnel from anti air batteries that astropathic probes confirmed existed when they exited the Warp.

None came. The sky was clear and even beautiful as the Cerberus continued her power dive into the planet.

Her fighter escorts hugged her hull closely and matched her maneuvers as closely as possible so as to provide the smallest signature to Ork defensive auspexes. It quickly became obvious that all of this was unnecessary.

They had simply landed completely and totally unopposed.

While the Guardsmen and pilots all breathed sighs of relief when they were securely based on the planet General Jinn and Lazar were more concerned than ever. Orks not fighting was simply unnatural. This stank of a trap.

As the troops quickly disembarked from the Cerberus they were approached by a small group of people. Jinn shielded his eyes from the sun as he spied their approach.

“I see our brave Inquisitor has already made himself at home.” Jinn commented to Lazar under his breath. Malagaunt and his towering brute of a bodyguard, Dorian, approached the Cerberus as Guardsmen rushed to their duties. None wanted to be caught out in the open should the Orks decide to attack. They needed to start working on their defenses as quickly as possible.

“General, congratulations on your seamless arrival. We saw no defensive fire from the Orks at all. I commend you on your stealth.” Malagaunt announced with an approving smile.

“Unfortunately the Cerberus does not have the advantages of your light gun cutter, Inquisitor. Stealth blessings by the Adeptus Mechanus on Mars would be a great boon to her but we make do as we can.” Jinn replied with a perfunctory nod. “But I must admit that the lack of Ork defensive fire was not because of any great skill on our part. It is fairly obvious that they chose not to engage us.” Jinn went on to explain.

Malagaunt frowned.


“It is out assessment that we have been led into a trap, Inquisitor.” Jinn answered.

“A trap? Why in His blessed name would they want to trap us? That is not Ork style.” He hesitated. “Is it?” Malagaunt asked both men pointedly. Lazar and Jinn exchanged brief glances. The man was whip smart and driven but he obviously lacked any experience with the green skins. Anyone that had faced them even once knew that they were not the mindless animals Imperial propaganda liked to portray them as.

“Inquisitor, the Orks have been known to enjoy ambushes, traps, feints and whatever manner of military maneuvers we can think of. They obviously wanted us to land unmolested. They could have tracked us down to at least the general vicinity and astropathic scans on approach detected a mass movement of troops in this direction. They want us here and undoubtedly it’s to fight.” Lazar reported.

“I still do not understand why the Orks would go through the trouble of trapping us if---” Malagaunt paused and suddenly looked up sharply into the woods out beyond the perimeter and clearing where the troops were disembarking.

“Tanis.” He whispered.

“What was that Inquisitor?” Jinn asked.

“Never mind, General.” Malagaunt waved his hand away dismissively. “The objective has been discovered by my psyker agents. We are working on clearing the debris to gain access to the crypt. I need some of your engineers to assist us.”

“Of course, Inquisitor.” Jinn acquiesced.

“I will let you know as soon as I am inside the objective. Once I am inside remember the clock is running. I need you to hold this line for three days. No more. No less.” Malagaunt stepped in closer to the young general so that the difference in height was rapidly apparent, Malagaunt being a full head taller than both Lazar and Jinn, and lowered his voice. “If I am not out in precisely three days you are to withdraw your men and retreat to Cadia. Report my death to the Inquisition and give them this.” He handed the general a data slate. Jinn glanced down at it. The Inquisitorial seal was stamped on the data slate. “On that data slate I will demand an Exterminatus strike on Tyrial. This world must be wiped clean.” Malagaunt explained eyes on the general’s.

“This world is the bread basket of five neighboring star systems.” Lazar noted aghast.

“And if I have failed in my mission this world could be the source of evil and corruption that could lay waste to this Sector.” Malagaunt explained darkly. His voice was steely and his eyes were stern. There was no doubt that he meant what he said.

“That makes me wonder why we should be disturbing it in the first place.” Jinn countered.

“General, why don’t we remain in our respective bailiwicks? I will not ask you why you’re men are deploying in a certain manner and ask for you to set up defensive perimeters according to my designs and you will not interfere in Holy Inquisition concerns regarding items and artifacts that you could not possibly comprehend.” Malagaunt countered tightly.

“My apologies then, Inquisitor.” Jinn replied lowly and bowed his head slightly.

“Very well, general. I will leave you to your work. Please bear in mind that should the Orks breach your lines and gain access to my work area you, I, your men and perhaps this entire sector will know only torment and damnation. Do not let them breach your lines. If this entire unit dies in the defense of the site and holds then it was well worth it in my opinion.”

Jinn’s face flushed crimson. Lazar tried to step in quickly but Jinn was young and quick.

“Sir, my men are not pieces to be played on your damnable board. You speak casually of sacrificing all my men for this objective and I take none of their deaths casually. How dare you treat these men like cogs in your machine.”

Malagaunt arched an eyebrow and smiled coldly.

“Aren’t they general?” he replied. His eyes narrowed on Jinn’s. “Aren’t you?”

Jinn took a step forward and Lazar placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder and tightened to the point where he knew the young man would feel pain. Jinn did not seem to notice.

“Once this is over. You and I. Not your pskyers, not your wannabe space marine, not your Rosette. Just you and me.” Jinn spat through clenched teeth and it took every iota of will not to lash out and crush the Inquisitor’s throat or drive his nose up into his brain.

Malagaunt chuckled darkly.

“Do you have any idea what I’ve seen, boy? Where I have been? Oh, the places I’ve trod would have chilled your heart and stripped your soul from your flesh. But yes, if you’d like it can be you and I after all this is over.” Malagaunt smiled and Jinn blinked. There was something behind those eyes, something that he had seen in other Cadian units, those that had fought hard to repulse the Forces of Chaos during the Cadian Gate Campaign.

It was something that said he had seen too much. A warning to those who still had full possession of their faculties that this person was no longer the same as you. They had irredeemably changed and not for the better.

There was something dark nestled in the Inquisitor’s heart and it peaked out at that moment, drawn to the possibility of death and blood.

It gave the angry young general pause.

“And when it is over we can discuss your father, my dear boy. I have a feeling he would have such interesting stories to tell. Stories of why he fled your home system when the Ordos Heriticus began an audit of the officer corps. Rumors concerning your mother and her latent psyker abilities are another sweet tale. And what of your great grandfather? I think the rumors were that he had ties to a heretical cult on your homeworld did he not?”

Jinn’s blood ran cold.

Malagaunt nodded as if he could see that the general understood.

“So you see, general, you may kill me when we have at each other but I will not kill you. Oh no, I will destroy you. Utterly. Your family will be purged and your mother taken on the black ships and you…you I will leave to the tender mercies of a suicide unit and the whims of a commander far less inclined to stand up for his men as you have.”

Jinn said nothing, not sure he was hearing what was just said.

“So, are we still going to be seeing each other after this? Just you and I? Or will you be a loyal subject of the God Emperor of Man blessed be his name who sits on his sacred Golden Throne?”

Jinn swallowed feeling his throat constricting as all the moisture left his mouth.

Lazar could not look at him. There was a reason why the Inquisition was given such a wide berth even by the higher officer corps of worlds like Cadia. There were limits to what Jinn could do to Malagaunt, but there were no limits to what Malagaunt could do to him. A bitter lesson the young general had obviously needed to learn. It was unfortunate that it had to be now.

Lazar relaxed his vise like grip on the general’s shoulder. The young man seemed to shrink a bit under the icy gaze of the Inquisitor. His father. His mother. The black ships.

He looked deep into the man’s eyes.

“I will be loyal. I will protect you to the best of my abilities. You have my word as a Cadian and as an Imperial citizen.” He replied softly.

Malagaunt nodded gently.

“As it should be, general. Now, I must attend to my mission and you to yours.”

“And the space marines?” Lazar ventured quickly. He never thought he would see the general silenced in such a state. He looked shell shocked.

Malagaunt frowned.

“They were far away. I doubt that even the vaunted Adeptus Astartes can bridge the distances between us as quickly as all that. I would expect them here on the third day if that.”

“You want us to hold the line against the Orks without promised space marine support for two days?” Lazar pressed.

Malagaunt cocked his head.

“You are a Commissar, are you not?”

“Of course I am.”

“Then do your duty and attend to their morale. There’s no reason for them to know that the Marines may not come.”

Lazar understood Jinn’s rage but he did not rise to the bait. It was almost as if Malagaunt was intentionally goading them. It was maddening trying to anticipate the man’s motives or intent.

“As you command.”

“No. As the Emperor commands.” Malagaunt corrected him sharply. “Now. Let us all do our duty in the coming days. If the Emperor wills it we will have the Ultramarines with us soon enough. If not,” Malagaunt smiled warmly. “We will always have each other.”

He turned and stalked away towards the entrance to the strange tomblike structure at the foot of the mountain.

“General?” Lazar began.

“Tend to the men, Commissar. They will need our strength soon enough. I need some time.” Jinn replied tightly and turned away.

“Of course, General.” Lazar replied with a sharp salute. He retreated quickly to see to the men.

“She’s up there somewhere.” Lieutenant Logray said nothing. “Can you imagine what it must be like, sitting in your fighter for three days up in space waiting for the enemy to come and not having anything but your thoughts to keep you company?” The sergeant paused. “And just think about going to the bathroom.” Sergeant Sejanus wondered aloud as his shovel bit deep into the earth and he hauled away the dirt over his shoulder in a practiced almost reflexive motion. Down the line the soldiers of the 502nd Cadians were mirroring Sejanus’ actions, breaking dirt and moving it with the efficiency of a well oiled machine. If there was anything Imperial guardsmen did better than any other army in the known universe including the vaunted Adeptus Astartes it was digging. They knew how to move and shape earth like no other force in the universe.

Trench lines were already beginning to take shape and up near the wood line fox holes were being dug in, quick drying ferocrete generously poured in and around the foxholes while razor wire barriers were spun out rapidly forming the no man’s land for the Cadians and the perimeter of their defenses.

The deep bass rumble of engines also filled the air and Leman Russ tanks were moving up and down the perimeter providing quick fire support and deterrence while several of the tanks equipped with jutting bulldozer blades quickly excavated deep pits for the command post and artillery fire base.

Basilisk artillery grumbled aggressively as they moved into position, the artillery men shuffling quickly and unloading pallets of shells of all shaped and sizes. A team of spotters were checking the area for land marks and incessantly scanning the perimeter with binoculars and auspex sensors. The gunners were entering strings of data into the basilisks’ gunnery computers.

Within hours this mountainside would be converted into a fortress for the 502nd Cadian. But these were also the moments of greatest vulnerability for the Guardsmen. If the Ork horde struck now, if they charged out from the emerald forest ahead of them it would be an unmitigated disaster.

As if to punctuate their vulnerability a deep bass rumble nearly sent the front line trench and foxhole diggers into a near panic, many scrambled for the las rifles while others held up their trench digging tools in defensive stances.

A pair of fighters roared past over head and vanished into the mist shrouded horizon.

“I’d say she just buzzed us.” Lieutenant Logray grumbled.

Sejanus smiled wistfully.

“I prefer to think of it as she’s looking out for us. She certainly has style dontcha think Lieu?”

“That’s lieutenant and if I catch you making goo goo eyes again I’m posting you on pebble collection duty Sergeant.” Logray smirked.

“Aye aye sir.” Sejanus responded with a quick salute, promptly caking his forehead with dirt.

“This isn’t the stinking Navy, guardsmen.” Logray replied with a laugh.

“Lieutenant.” Lazar interrupted.

Logray immediately snapped up to attention dropping his spade by his side. In the Cadian Guard Units the officers dug with their men. Lazar eyed the Lieutenant with a critical gaze then proceeded to scan up and down the trench. He was resplendent in his crimson Commissar’s uniform, his broad brimmed hat was perfectly balanced on his head and his right hand bore his power first, closed shut with fingers of steel ready to strike the enemy like a jack hammer.

“I am not satisfied with the progress of this trench line and your OP fox hole is barely a hole yet. I want your unit to redouble their efforts or there will be hell to pay. Don’t make me regret giving your section the center line.”

“No sir. There will be no regrets, I swear upon the Emperor’s Golden Throne.” Logray replied loud and crisply.

“Don’t swear on the Emperor. Swear to me that this will be done the next time I come back down this line.” Lazar huffed.

“You have my word sir.” Logray responded even louder.

“Excellent. Your units impressed me against the Tyranids, Lieutenant. Do not drop the ball on this assignment. Your general is counting on you. You men see behind you?” Lazar gestured with his gauntleted hand. The men glanced back and saw a Leman Russ dozer tank pushing out the last clump of dirt as techpriests and engineers oversaw the installation of a prefab ferocrete floor and equipment.

“That is your general’s Command Post. He is counting on you men to provide protection not just for the Inquisitor but for himself as well. Are you going to let the foul Ork get past you to assault our general?”

“No!” the men shouted out from the trench.

“Are you going to let those green skins past you to take our banner?” Lazar demanded. Behind him, as if on cue, the banner of the 502nd Cadian unfurled as it was ceremoniously hoisted onto a flag pole outside the entrance of the rapidly rising command post.

“No!!” The Cadians shouted as one more enthusiastically now.

“Are you going to let those slobbering barbarians break this line?” Lazar shouted loudly as he began striding up and down the line.


“In the name of the Emperor what are you going to do?”

“Hold the line!”

“In the name of our most sacred homeworld, Cadia, gatekeeper of the Eye of Terror and Guardian of the Imperium what are you going to do?”

“Hold the line!!”

“What is the standing order of the day?”

“Hold the line!!”

Lazar took a moment to watch all the men and scan around the perimeter. Many of the workers had stopped their chores to watch this ancient tradition between Commissar and men.

“Remember your oaths today 502nd, because I was here and I heard them and I watched all of you. If you should shame yourself, this unit, our world, Humanity and the Emperor himself by abandoning your oaths for your lives I will remind you of them only once. And when you forget them again I will bring the Emperor’s wrath down upon you. For in His name will I strike proud and true. Suffer not the coward to live, so said the Emperor upon setting off on the Great Crusade and so we say now.” Lazar lifted his bolter pistol into the air for all to see. “With this blessed armament I shall bring order to the chaos and death the coward. Break and run and I shall smite you down is that clear.”

“Yes Commissar Lazar!”

“Disobey a direct order from your superior and I shall smite you down is that clear?”

“Yes Commissar Lazar.”

“Surrender to the enemy in order to save your wretched lives and I shall smite you down is that clear?”

“Yes Commissar Lazar.”

“There. We have our pact. Our oaths have been spoken. Stand the line. Remember above all that you are Imperial Guardsmen. Your traditions go back millennia and you are here in His name. Together we will bring victory to this cause. Now speak the oaths of the Cadian Guard.”

“All hail the Emperor on his Shining Golden Throne, All hail the Order he has brought to the Chaos, All hail the Justice that shines upon us all from Holy Terra. In his name we live. In his name we fight. In his name we die.” The Guardsmen all chanted as one.

Lazar smiled. It was beautiful even now here on this lonely plain to hear those voices as one saying the oaths he had been raised under. An oath he was charged with upholding even if it meant killing the very men he served with.

“A few words, Commissar.” Jinn broke through the cheering. Silence swept down the line of troops like a wave. Jinn slapped his friend on the shoulder and stepped past him to stand upon a pile of dirt.

“Get him a box!”

“My helmet, sir!”

“My back general, stand upon my back!” The men began shouting, outraged that their general was standing on a clod of dirt thrown clear by someone’s spade.

Jinn held up a hand and the shouts died down.

“I am not too proud to stand on dirt and earth. Emperor knows we’ve chewed enough of it in our time to be comfortable with it.”

Some of the men laughed.

“There is an old saying on Cadia that I was always fond of when men took to back breaking labor such as this. ‘Earth is your mother.’ I say to you that it is truer than ever before. The earth itself has always been the infantry man’s closest and dearest friend. When artillery rains down on us like lightning and las gun fire ripples down the line stealing our friends’ lives we hug her close, we hug this earth as if it were our mother.” Jinn paused to take a clump of dirt in his hands and held it up high squeezing it. “This is our womb my friends and soldiers. We crawl back there when we are in danger and when danger finds us we are delivered back into it.”

Jinn smiled softly.

“The old Cadian saying has a second verse that a general is supposed to tell his troops when they dig through the earth to create the fortifications and trenches that will save us in battle. ‘If Earth is your mother remember I am your father.’”

Many of the men chuckled and smiled, the grizzled veterans nodded knowingly having heard that refrain many times, on many worlds by many generals.

“Well, I recognize that I am not nearly old enough to be father to damn near all of you.”

The men roared with laughter now and many applauded loudly. Some whistled but that brought the baleful gaze of Lazar upon them.

“But I think you can consider me your brother. So as your brother I say dig deep into your mother and raise up a fortification the likes of which will make those Ork bastards piss their pants when they cross that line.” Jinn shouted as he jabbed a hand back towards the forest.

The men roared many holding up their spades and laz rifles and pumping them in the air.

Jinn smiled and let them cheer. Lazar nodded. Good man. The general had found his stride again even after that bastard Malagaunt had struck him so hard. He may be the Boy General to many of these men but he was the best CO Lazar had ever served under and he was proving yet again why.

“Let us not forget who we are. Lieutenant.”

“Sir!” Logray snapped to full attention.

“Do you know Blessed Cadia, Fortress of my Faith?”

“Of course, sir.” Logray replied proudly.

“Then lead these men in it. I want the Orks to hear it. I want this world to know the Cadian 502nd is here and we are not afraid.”

The roar was deafening and Lazar glanced back at the silent threatening forest. He had not doubt the Orks heard that. Let them come. They would soon be ready for them Waagh be damned.

“He is a most impressive leader.” Dorian noted as the cheers of the men filtered down into the cave entrance that the crew of engineers and men were trying to clear.

Malagaunt shrugged.

“My life has seen men like that come and go, Dorian. Forgive me if I’m not impressed.”

“That is your prerogative, of course, Inquisitor.” Dorian replied neutrally.

Malagaunt glanced back at his bodyguard. He smirked.

“You have too much of the warrior in you, Dorian. You respect courage and valor far too much.”

“I don’t think there is such a thing as too much when it comes to those virtues, Inquisitor.” Dorian noted coolly.

“You may find that in some instances in life, courage and valor is not enough. Sometimes you must turn to faith or Emperor help us, wisdom to see you through.”

“I’m not a big faith person Inquisitor. The only faith I have is in this.” He patted the heavy bolter slung over his hip.

“Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” A soft feminine voice intruded on their conversation. Cassandra seemed to glide as she moved between the two men. She wore a sheer silk gown that left little to the imagination but was wrapped tightly in a white fur cloak that covered her from head to toe. She clutched the cloak close to her as if trying desperately to keep a biting chill out.

Of course there was one problem with the way she was dressed and acting.

It was the height of summer on Tyrial and the day was hazy and hot. Yet she was still shivering in her furs.

“That doesn’t sound like any of the holy texts I’ve heard.” Dorian interjected.

“It isn’t.” Malagaunt added sourly.

“It is far older than your Emperor or your Imperium.” Cassandra answered turning her head on her long elegant neck to regard Malagaunt with a mysterious smile.

“What did I tell you about quoting heretical texts and these old gods of yours?” Malagaunt warned her tersely.

“I live to serve you, Ezekiel. You should know that by now.” She cooed and bowed her head to him. Dorian crossed his arms and smirked at Malagaunt.

“Ezekiel, is it now?” Dorian snorted.

Malagaunt began to open his mouth to retort when he was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Malagaunt turned his head annoyance clearly etched on his face.

“Inquisitor, I think we have something.” An engineer interrupted.

“What is it?” Malagaunt asked as he followed the engineer to the pile of rubble that choked the cave entrance.

Dorian watched the Inquisitor weave through the rubble and debris following the engineer intently. Cassandra said nothing, she watched him as well, shivering slightly as she stood next to the towering bodyguard.

“Why aren’t you with the other freaks?” Dorian asked casually keeping his eyes on the retreating figure of Malagaunt.

“Such a nasty word.” Cassandra sighed softly. She glanced over at him. “I must say I am disappointed in you. You have such promise at being a better person, Dorian. There’s no need to lash out at what you don’t understand.”

Dorian smirked but still did not look at her.

“He’s told me about you, you know. What you can do.”

Cassandra nodded slowly and smiled innocently at him. She stepped in closer, and for a moment it seemed that her breath was visible as if she were standing in arctic temperatures.

“Yet you still protect me from the likes of Ivan.” She noted softly. Dorian spared a glance at the skinny scarecrow of a man standing with the taller silent psyker Calabos. The young man was skittish, jumping at every noise and speaking emphatically with his hands.

“I should be protecting that boy from you.” Dorian agreed with a nod. “But still, why he doesn’t keep you on a short lease I’ll never understand. The likes of you are too damned dangerous to allow walking freely among us.”

“Yet Ezekiel trusts me. And that irks you.”

“Let us be clear, whore of Slaneesh.” Dorian suddenly looked down at her and his eyes were like fiery coals. “If you even think of harming that man you will know death, intimately.”

“Mmm…” Cassandra seemed to relish the possibility but then smiled sweetly and resembled nothing more than a child. The change was disconcerting to Dorian. He never got used to how rapidly she could change from wanton seductress to innocent child in the blink of an eye. “I can never harm him. I love him.” She replied simply and added a shy shrug as if apologizing for the fact.

Dorian let out a barking laugh.

“What do you whores of Slaneesh know about love?” He guffawed.

She pursed her lips and then smiled. A wispy white fog of chilled breath escaped her lips as she clutched the furs closer to her.

“What is love, warder of bodies, if not the ultimate expression of desire?” She asked.

Malagaunt stopped as he stepped up to his personal assistant, Narcis. The older dark skinned human regarded the Inquisitor over a set of spectacles perched precariously on his nose.

“Sonic probes indicate a massive chamber beyond this rubble. It may not be a cave at all.” He explained calmly.

“How large?” Malagaunt asked curiously, clearly not expecting that finding.

“A cavern would be the more appropriate term for what lies beyond this rubble and you will find this most intriguing. It is artificial.”

“Someone carved a cavern into the side of this mountain?” Malagaunt asked concerned.

Narcis nodded. “I took the liberty of asking Calabos to probe the rocks beyond.” Malagaunt began to protest but Narcis smiled and went on “Not too deeply mind you, just far enough to sense if there was anyone beyond the rubble.”


“Nothing. No life, but Calabos suspects that there was a battle fought here. He can feel the violence still permeating the air.”

“I recognize some of these markings if I may Inquisitor.” The engineer interjected cautiously and pointed to the blast points along the walls of the cavern entrance.


“Demo charges. Standard Imperial guard issue. The blast pattern suggests that like your friend here says, someone blasted this cavern here.”

“Imperial Guard?”

“There were three divisions of guard assigned to this world during the initial Waagh attack here. This could be the site of a last stand.” Narcis suggested checking his data slate.

“Nonsense. All battle reports indicated that the Orks have confined themselves to the other side of this continent. No one comes here. It’s been deserted since the world was colonized. And for good reason I suspect.” Malagaunt replied.

“Or this could be some sort of staging area for a counter attack. I’ve read through the combat logs and in the initial weeks of the assault the Guard divisions were waiting for something. Relief of some sort coming from the West. It obviously never came. My suggestion is that this cavern may contain that relief force.”

Malagaunt looked up at the wall of stone and debris.

“Can you blast this out?” He asked absently.

“Yes, Inquisitor but we were waiting for your instructions before we did so.”

“Do it.” He ordered.

The engineers quickly went to work setting the charges and clearing what debris they could before preparing to blast the wall.

Malagaunt was standing with his psykers and regarding each one.

“Calabos, you felt beyond that wall. Did you pick up any other emanations beyond the violence?” Malagaunt asked as the engineers began blasting.

The tall but obese man shook his head, paused for a moment and replied telepathically “I felt ancient abiding sadness as well.” Calabos could not speak. He had lost his tongue long before coming into Malagaunt’s service and never wished to discuss it.

“Sadness?” Malagaunt pressed. “You’re certain?”

“Grief and a longing that I cannot explain.”

“Doesn’t exactly make sense does it?” Cassandra added meaningfully.

“We’re all so dead…dead. Dead. Dead.” Ivan chattered.

The rubble cleared and Malagaunt ordered the Guardsmen assigned to him to enter the breach with caution. Dorian led them. Malagaunt waited impatiently as they entered the swirling dust clouds around the cleared entrance.

“You don’t want to wake it up. No. It must sleep. Sleep. Sleep.” Ivan whispered insistently to himself and rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet. Cassandra looked on him for a moment with pity.

“Inquisitor! Come, we’ve found something!” Dorian called back from the entrance after what seemed like an eternity.

Malagaunt quickly strode into the cavern and smoothly drew his bolter.

Dorian stood at the entrance, whitish rock dust caking his armor and face mask. He nodded over his shoulder.

“Dead guardsmen everywhere. Looks like whatever took place here wasn’t a battle but a slaughter.”

Malagaunt peered past Dorian’s bulk and saw several guardsmen scattered about the floor in various states of decay, rock dust sunk into the wounds and screams frozen on those that still had faces.

“What could have done this?” A guardsmen gasped.

“It’s the Fighting 79th.” Another exclaimed in horror. The banner of the Cadian division was lying wrapped around the body of two guardsmen who were pressed under the blackened and charred remains of an armored vehicle, probably a Chimera but it was burnt and warped beyond recognition.

“You men pull back.” Malagaunt ordered.

“With all due respect Inquisitor we can’t leave it.” A gruff sergeant replied.

“Leave what?” He turned to Dorian. The big man motioned for him to follow. Malagaunt saw it immediately as they crossed another open area of corpses. His eyes widened slightly.

“Jinn will love this.” Dorian smiled grimly. “Our position is no longer so precarious.”

“Bring a tech priest. Now!!” Malagaunt shouted over his shoulder and turned his attention back to the stricken giant before him. One tread was wrapped around a boulder. An armored plate was peeled back like a banana peel and there seemed to be fires still burning within the wreck of the vehicle but there was no denying what he was looking at.

The Baneblade super tank was stricken, perhaps even crippled but there she stood, imperious even in her wounded state.
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Post by Grand Admiral Ancaris »

Pretty good chapter!

The only things I would point out is that entering and exiting the warp typically has to be done at the edge of a starsystem, far away from any gravity wells. Bad things tend to happen when you try to enter or exit the warp in a gravity well.

Second, the fuel capacities of Imperial fighters is very limited. I find it highly unlikely they would be capable of 3 days constant operation.
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Post by Feil »

What could put the smackdown on a Baneblade without leaving any signs of battle behind?

This doesn't look too good for our Imperial friends...
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Post by Stravo »

Is it impossible for a unit of Guardsmen to have Psykers attached to them? Say a Commissar or Officer who was also a Psyker? In the alternative is it possible for someone to be a weak latent psyker that escapes detection all of his life and ends up in the Guard?
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Post by SirNitram »

Stravo wrote:Is it impossible for a unit of Guardsmen to have Psykers attached to them? Say a Commissar or Officer who was also a Psyker? In the alternative is it possible for someone to be a weak latent psyker that escapes detection all of his life and ends up in the Guard?
There's Sanctioned Psykkers; These guys serve the Guard. They're not the most powerful or reliable, but they do the job.
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Post by Elheru Aran »

Note that if Sanctioned Psykers show any sign of being possessed, the nearest attached Commissar will automatically execute them...
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Post by speaker-to-trolls »

And according to the Uplifting Primer they have three guardsmen watching them at all times so even if there's no commisar around they can be taken out.

Great chapter, especially liked Malagaunt putting the fear of the Inquisition into Jinn. But I have to ask about this
“This world is the bread basket of five neighboring star systems.” Lazar noted aghast.
How can it be the breadbasket of five other systems if it's overrun by orks?
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Post by Comosicus »

speaker-to-trolls wrote:And according to the Uplifting Primer they have three guardsmen watching them at all times so even if there's no commisar around they can be taken out.

Great chapter, especially liked Malagaunt putting the fear of the Inquisition into Jinn. But I have to ask about this
“This world is the bread basket of five neighboring star systems.” Lazar noted aghast.
How can it be the breadbasket of five other systems if it's overrun by orks?
Maybe it was before the Waagh ... That might also explain the efforts that were made in taking the planet back.
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Post by Stravo »

Comosicus wrote:
speaker-to-trolls wrote:And according to the Uplifting Primer they have three guardsmen watching them at all times so even if there's no commisar around they can be taken out.

Great chapter, especially liked Malagaunt putting the fear of the Inquisition into Jinn. But I have to ask about this
“This world is the bread basket of five neighboring star systems.” Lazar noted aghast.
How can it be the breadbasket of five other systems if it's overrun by orks?
Maybe it was before the Waagh ... That might also explain the efforts that were made in taking the planet back.
Yeah, I tried to make that clear in an earlier chapter when I first described Tyrial and the three prior attempts by the Imperium to take the planet. It's feeding a bunch of outlying system as an essential agragrian world. With the Orks there worlds are now starving.
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Post by Grand Admiral Ancaris »

Stravo wrote:Is it impossible for a unit of Guardsmen to have Psykers attached to them? Say a Commissar or Officer who was also a Psyker? In the alternative is it possible for someone to be a weak latent psyker that escapes detection all of his life and ends up in the Guard?
As mentioned by others the Imperial Guard are allowed Sanctioned Psykers. Also as previously mentioned a Commissar will at the slightest hint of a possession even starting immediately execute the Psyker. The tabletop rule is ironically(or not) called "It's for your own good!"
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Post by Junghalli »

Grand Admiral Ancaris wrote:Second, the fuel capacities of Imperial fighters is very limited. I find it highly unlikely they would be capable of 3 days constant operation.
You don't need to use much fuel to operate in space. You just put yourself in a stable orbit and you can hang there basically indefinitely.
Of course, oxygen supplies might be an issue. And the reactor will need some fuel just to keep life support and computers running.
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Post by Stravo »

Junghalli wrote:
Grand Admiral Ancaris wrote:Second, the fuel capacities of Imperial fighters is very limited. I find it highly unlikely they would be capable of 3 days constant operation.
You don't need to use much fuel to operate in space. You just put yourself in a stable orbit and you can hang there basically indefinitely.
Of course, oxygen supplies might be an issue. And the reactor will need some fuel just to keep life support and computers running.
I'm going to address Ancaris' critique in the next chapter by having the fighters orbitting with a refuel post set up in apogee orbit with them. There was just no way to fit an airfield into the battlezone I envisioned and the rest of the planet is overrun by Orks.
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Post by Kuja »

Feil wrote:What could put the smackdown on a Baneblade without leaving any signs of battle behind?
I can make a few guesses, none of them pleasant.
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Post by Grand Admiral Ancaris »

Junghalli wrote:
Grand Admiral Ancaris wrote:Second, the fuel capacities of Imperial fighters is very limited. I find it highly unlikely they would be capable of 3 days constant operation.
You don't need to use much fuel to operate in space. You just put yourself in a stable orbit and you can hang there basically indefinitely.
True, however the fighters did a pass over the IG post in the chapter, Entering and exiting the atmosphere will certainly burn large amounts of fuel.
Kuja wrote:
Feil wrote:What could put the smackdown on a Baneblade without leaving any signs of battle behind?
I can make a few guesses, none of them pleasant.
As can I. We shall see what is in store for our dear Inquisitor and cohorts soon enough.
Stravo wrote:I'm going to address Ancaris' critique in the next chapter by having the fighters orbitting with a refuel post set up in apogee orbit with them. There was just no way to fit an airfield into the battlezone I envisioned and the rest of the planet is overrun by Orks.
I PMed you a relevant quote on fighters a couple days ago. As it's still sitting in my Outbox I don't think you've read it yet. It may come in useful.
Grand Admiral Ancaris

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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Hot damn that was cool.

Bring on the showdown between Truk'o'doom and Mister Baneblade here!
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Post by Shinova »

Your work is marvelous, once again. Great dialogue. Great development. great characters. Nothing but praise from me here.
What's her bust size!?

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Post by Elheru Aran »

Copy/pasting this into a Word document for reading at home if you don't mind. I like it all so far. :D

I may make a PDF with accompanying illustrations if/whenever I get regular Internet access back, if you'd like... admittedly, most of the pics would be lifted off the GW and other 40K sites, but I'd be trying to get them to coordinate with the story well as I could. I think this story's worth that little bit of work for sure :D
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Post by Lord Zentei »

Kuja wrote:
Do Marines die of old age or illness (if they survive combat) or is it considered dishonorable for a Marine to live that long? And is it physically possible for them to die of disease?
To your first question, it is unknown since generally marines keep on fighting until they die. To the second, yes, but it has to be one motherfucker of a disease.
To the first, "yes" since it is specified that the Blood Angels are unusually long-lived, with Commander Dante particularly noted for this (and the manner in which this information was given suggests that they were not referring to survival in combat).
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Post by Stravo »

Elheru Aran wrote:Copy/pasting this into a Word document for reading at home if you don't mind. I like it all so far. :D

I may make a PDF with accompanying illustrations if/whenever I get regular Internet access back, if you'd like... admittedly, most of the pics would be lifted off the GW and other 40K sites, but I'd be trying to get them to coordinate with the story well as I could. I think this story's worth that little bit of work for sure :D
I have always been curious to see my work paired with some nice illustrations. I would be really grateful to see some of your work. Feel free to post it here in this thread as it comes along.
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Post by That NOS Guy »

Lord Zentei wrote:
To the first, "yes" since it is specified that the Blood Angels are unusually long-lived, with Commander Dante particularly noted for this (and the manner in which this information was given suggests that they were not referring to survival in combat).
Isn't Dante like 1000+ years old?

He's got some legs.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Wonderful chapter as always Stravo. It was awesome to see the morale lift in action and like the others I'm going "Something offed a Baneblade, and we have no evidence of what... well this won't be good." I'm sure that prick Malagaunt already has some idea of what is in there.

I would like to see some dogfighting between the imperial fighter squadron and an Ork skwadron. That would be both amusing and awesome. As I pointed out in the book recomendation thread there's a graphic novel by the name of Deff Skwadron that's out which goes over the exploits of some fly boyz.
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