You mean they don't do that? Say it ain't so!Galvatron wrote:Precisely. It's a good thing Han said "there are a lot of command ships" in ROTJ. Otherwise, the EU would probably explain away the Executor as a "unique prototype" as well.Stofsk wrote:The idea that Vader's TIE was some unique prototype is one I'm not entirely sure I follow. The problem is we only see it once in the films, and never again. But why would it be the only one?![]()

See above.Let's not forget that the EU also says it was "developed to Darth Vader's specifications."And if it WAS a prototype, why was Vader of all people flying it? Is he a test pilot as well as a Sith Lord? Is this another EUism?
Vader sure is versatile.
The TIE Avenger ought to have filled the spot the Defender provided. But it didn't.I loved those fighters back when I played the games, but now I see them as the utterly wanked-out pieces of EU garbage that they are.Even here the EU gave us the TIE Avenger. (then, impossibly, gave us the TIE Defender in the same timeframe - a fighter that's better in every way conceivable to everything anyone could ever hope to field. It has every goddamn doodad including the kitchen sink)
I'd be flying an X-wing myself.
Right on. How do you feel about "sandtroopers?"I don't have a problem with your idea that TIE Avengers/Advanced/Vader's Hotrod was meant to be the long-range fighters while TIE Fighters and so on were the short range fighters.

Are you saying there are people who opposed sandies?
That's what I was thinking. I just thought the image of Alec Guiness slumped over a computer looking up Imperial fighters in addition to Twi'lek porn too funny to pass up. Obi-wan Kenobi, retired General and current Dirty Old Man.Without even invoking the EU or prequels, his experience as a military general and war veteran should explain his familiarity with such things well enough.Another question here: how would Ben the Hermit know what fighter craft the Empire fields? Does SW have a style holonet site? Or could he tell because TIE Fighters are similar in size to the kind of craft he himself flew during the Clone Wars? I'd lean towards the latter myself.