CT: Source
I join the terrorist team in Dust2. I purchased that Desert Eagle-esque pistol and stock up on ammo/grenades/etc. It's 5-v-5. We all walk into an enclosed dark area and line against the wall around the enterance or the dark area (which has a hallway leading outside), prepare for an ambush. Some hapless CT walks in and get's waisted from 5 ways to the weekend. I tossed a smoke grenade into the small hallway, filling it with...well...smoke. He was carrying a M4 Carbine. Picked it up, and just as the smoke was starting to clear, I tossed a flashbang outside. With them blinded, I ran out. Three of them was in plain sight, and started to shoot. I think they was trying shooting at us, but because of the flashbang, he completely whatever he was aiming for. My entire team behind me focused on one of them. I killed two of them, the one in the middle, and the one on the right. Running out, I turned to the left, killed this guy on a box, turned 180 degrees, and killed another guy on the box, this time a headshot. I had 2 bullets left, so I tried to pull out my pistol, but I accidentily pulled out my HE grenade (I slipped my mouse wheel the wrong way.

I saw a guy run out from behind the box (which was pressed against a wall.) With no time to react, I tossed it at him. He fired at me, brought me down to 2 health, and then ran right back behind the box. As he soon discovered, a grenade at 4 feet away isn't much different from a grenade 2 feet away. Somehow, he was still alive, so I pulled out my pistol and finished him off.
The next round, the entire enemy team was accusing me of hacking. Within a round or two, those died out and we went back to killing each other. Most of the other team left shortly after and team balance switched me to CT when we switched to Office. Someone joined the terrorists (I think it was a girl) and she was so good it's scary. She managed to plant a bullet in the head from 30 feet away. It was pretty obvious she was carrying the team. Of course, members of my team accused her of hacking. I thought she was just good, mainly because it was a VAC secured server, and I saw from her viewpoint that not only was she taking damage as well, but she was actually taking her time to aim carefully. I told my team to shut up and play. A heated flamewar ensues via the chat, and eventually, she is switched to terrorist via team balance after some n00bs join in spamming with "im new how do you play." One disgruntled member teamkills another ct who was defending said girl. Next round, our entire team TK's the bastard simultaniously shortly after spawning. Now THAT's ownage. Unfortunately, it digresses into a he-said-she-said thing (well, more of a he-killed-she-killed thing) and the girl and I switch to different servers.)