I would've prefered dedicated battleships, perhaps not on the scale of Executor, but substantial, throughout most of the Clone Wars.
There's going to be a lot of "I agree" in the following, because I think that all of your ideas would be great. So yeah, I would have liked dedicated battleships too, but I'm still a big fan of the
Lucrehulk. It also established once and for all that large ships are immune to unsupported fighter attack unless one of them's being piloted by Anakin Skywalker.
How is Obi-Wan's Venator a variant?
It has a small dorsal door that his fighter flies through. No other observed Venator has this, and it's very visible on Obi-Wan's whether open or closed.
The Venator design itself is stupid with its garage-door dorsal face, vulnerable docking rings from the broadside, and the retarded landing gear and compromising its naval tasks to provide a troopship role for the Grand Army when they had the Acclamator (which is also dumb, but I'll get there later).
Yeah, but I'm a fan regardless. (shrug) At least that explains why they were retired.
The ISD, of course, also has a great deal of space devoted to troops and war-machines.
ROTS displays total ubiquity.
Yeah, that's a serious pet peeve for me as well. They should have shown us
Acclamators as well as larger warships and more variants.
I would like tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of ships in a single engagement, and battleships that showed where Executor came from in swarms. I'd like to see war on a scale that would make up for the absence of the Death Stars. I'm a maximalist.
Stop it, you're making me drool on my keyboard.
Despite the name, though,
Star Wars isn't about large-scale space combat. It's all backdrop for the heroes to do their thing. Sigh.
Point-blank range in ROTJ was supposed to be unprecedented, and that was in the dozens of kilometer range in many cases. In ROTS you have ships with the firepower to glass worlds exchanging potshots over the course of hours within a ship's length of each other.
Well, the
Venators could have backed off and allowed the CIS forces to escape, but that would have been a little too sporting. There were thousands of ships crammed into Coruscant's upper atmosphere, and the Republic ships were making a massive push towards the
Invisible Hand. I think I can forgive 'em. (Even as I relish smart portrayals of space combat, I realize that Star Wars is not the place to find them.)
And as for crewing, I mean staffing a warship with ground troops in full body armor and NBC gear within the confines of a warship.
In combat conditions, especially crewing guns that fire out into space, full armor and NBC protection is SMART, not DUMB. You might as well take exception to the Imperial gunners from ANH. We see the command crew of the RotS Star Destroyers and they're already in Imperial uniforms.
Clones fill a variety of specialty positions from their introduction on, but very few hold command rank. That makes sense: specialty training in the creche is easy, getting regulars to take orders from clones "bred to be more docile" is probably harder.
And since there were no doubt quadrillions of clones at the least, it's not a stretch unless one buys into the BS, in which case one is so dumb that this conversation is already way over one's typical level of thought.