Related:Tuesday, June 27, 2006
This isn't Funny Anymore
I just read KT's blog, and then reread some of the stuff you guys posted regarding DV and his, yes, I'll say it, stupidity. WOW. I really want to cry. What have we become? An eltist bunch of snobs that "took over and trashed a memorial blog"! Is that what people think of us? I really think this is horrible. What have we done? Is this really what we want? Are the mods even willing to "drop it", now that ya'll are backing down? Or are DM and KT and all going to hold this against all of us. KT lumps all of the PLB together, and there were many of us who were completely absent from that whole fiasco. I wasn't as much a part of it, tho I did make my appearances.
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How much shit must hit the fan before Mooseknuckle and KT Jelly are let go?