LordShaithis wrote:Am I the only one who considers Star Wars basically "complete" with all six movies finished, and thus couldn't care less about some fruitloop author and some power-mad douche of a forum moderator?
So on the shelf below a million shitty Trek novels, and across the aisle from a million shitty Dungeons and Dragons novels, there are some shitty Star Wars novels that say the clone army was six guys and the Executor was thirty-seven feet long. Who cares? I've seen the movies, I know better.
I guess all I'm saying is that 99% of the EU* is garbage, so why get worked up over it? I can get all six movies on DVD, put them up on my shelf, and that is Star Wars, and no amount of shitty literature stuffed in next to the Drizzt novels at Borders can change that.
I mean millions of people will go to see a Star Wars movie, but only a tiny fraction of them will ever read any of these suck-ass books. And as for this website they're on? Who gives a shit? What's there that anyone needs?
* I'm partial to the Zahn trilogy, but after that it's all a bunch of crap. Oh the Emperor is alive again, and there's a new superweapon, and some aliens with uber-biotech. Blargh.
My sentiments exactly. That was beautiful.
Alan Bolte wrote:Well, when your hobby is debating Star Wars, it kinda makes a difference.
Horseshit. Lord Shaithis, Vympel, myself and others had no problem smacking down Scooter, Newland and Big Hairy Mountain Pussy over at their now-defunct, no-EU-allowed website. Actually, without all the extraneous material, it becomes easier -a lot easier.
I love the cross-section and other DK books, but they are about the only Star Wars books worth a damn. I gave up on the EU a decade ago after nearly ten years of having my intelligence insulted by shitty writing from hacks who were not only bad writers, but they apparently didn't watch the movies or understand them.
Case in point: When Luke cuts off Vader's bionic hand in ROTJ and stares at his own, does anyone
not understand that this scene is meant to show the similarities of Luke and Vader in order to contrast their behavior? That is, like his son, Darth Vader was once a brash young man who lost his limb in a fight, probably because he overestimated himself in battle. What did some EU asshole write? That Vader's hand was blasted off with the Emperor's Force Lightning because he had lost the Battle of Yavin.
For all her faults, Traviss has done something useful. She lanced the EU boil. Too bad it took her obnoxious and demented behavior to get people to notice that were it not for the Star Wars logo on the covers of these books, nobody would bother with them.