Dark Moose and KT Jelly Strike Again...

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Jim Raynor
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Lord Poe wrote:Jesus CHRIST the desperation to be accepted by a fucking WRITER is painful to watch:
I Quit...
Yep. I quit. I want to be removed from this website. I'm serious. This is not the blog it should be, so I quit. I don't care if all of you hate me for it. I may not even read the comments you leave. Luuke, remove me from the list. This is not the way I am. I was far too new to the blogs to be asking to join this place. Hey, all of you Hyperspacers, blacklist me! See if I care. I almost broke into tears when I saw all that has been happening during my absense. This is sad.

Goodbye, folks...

I am so sorry, Karen, DM, and all of the others effected.. Please don't hate me.

EDIT: Karen, I realized I was on your blacklist. That put a big hole in my heart... I really didn't want any of this to happen. I am in tears now. I just wanted to have another place to hang out. PLEASE, PLEASE forgive me. What we did was stupid, and I refuse to be a part of this "Pitiful Blog". I feel so stupid. :( I'd rather be on the good side of my favorite writer, my inspirtation, my HERO, than these guys. You made me love clones, you made me realize that two people that look exactly the same have ENTIRELY different personalities. Sure, the same is apparent with twins, but clones always seemed like useless grunts that looked the same. You changed that for me. I was always wanting to post this on your blogs, but it was not on the same subject as them. I wanted to make sure that whatever I said, it was on your good side. And now, look at me. You dislike me, with good reason. And that was a VERY large mistake.

Please, luuke, don't delete this entry. I would really like Karen to get a chance to read this.

posted by YoshiYoda at 7:03 PM 0 comments
This guy is a disgrace to SW fans, men everywhere, and humanity in general. The worst part of this is that it will only feed Traviss's ego, convincing her that she really is the hot shit that she thinks she is. "Oh Traviss, you're my HERO!" Grow a pair, you fucking pussy. :roll:
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Darth Wong »

Hopeless emo fanboy wrote:Karen, I realized I was on your blacklist. That put a big hole in my heart... I really didn't want any of this to happen. I am in tears now. I just wanted to have another place to hang out. PLEASE, PLEASE forgive me. What we did was stupid, and I refuse to be a part of this "Pitiful Blog". I feel so stupid. :( I'd rather be on the good side of my favorite writer, my inspirtation, my HERO, than these guys.
Dude, you REALLY need a girlfriend.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Lord Poe »

Darth Wong wrote:Dude, you REALLY need a girlfriend.
Trouble is, he thinks he HAS one...

...but he might need a fuzzy nose and a tail to be accepted.

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Post by Majin Gojira »

My god, that's classic FANBRAT whinery! I haven't seen the likes of that in HOURS online.

I can't believe such a shitstain actually thought she could handle pro writing. Did she retrieve ANY critique in her education?
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Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Post by Galvatron »

She probably feels she's paid her dues writing her own original sci-fi/fantasy novels and figured SW would be a snap. KJA once likened it to "flipping burgers" (which is reflected in the quality of his work).

I guess she just wasn't mentality prepared for the sheer volume and variation of opinion she'd have to deal with from such a large and diverse fanbase. Too bad, so sad. Bitch.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Am I the only one who considers Star Wars basically "complete" with all six movies finished, and thus couldn't care less about some fruitloop author and some power-mad douche of a forum moderator?

So on the shelf below a million shitty Trek novels, and across the aisle from a million shitty Dungeons and Dragons novels, there are some shitty Star Wars novels that say the clone army was six guys and the Executor was thirty-seven feet long. Who cares? I've seen the movies, I know better.

I guess all I'm saying is that 99% of the EU* is garbage, so why get worked up over it? I can get all six movies on DVD, put them up on my shelf, and that is Star Wars, and no amount of shitty literature stuffed in next to the Drizzt novels at Borders can change that.

I mean millions of people will go to see a Star Wars movie, but only a tiny fraction of them will ever read any of these suck-ass books. And as for this website they're on? Who gives a shit? What's there that anyone needs?

* I'm partial to the Zahn trilogy, but after that it's all a bunch of crap. Oh the Emperor is alive again, and there's a new superweapon, and some aliens with uber-biotech. Blargh.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Alan Bolte »

Well, when your hobby is debating Star Wars, it kinda makes a difference.
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Post by Stark »

Well the net result of things like this is that more and more people give up on the EU. I guess the proportion of informed, critical fans like Ire is quite low, and (as Shaithas says) the consumers of crap ST, SW, and D&D books will just keep buying regardless of quality.
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Post by Lord Poe »

Annnd, its basically over. Dark Moose has generously decided to "forgive" the PLB, and they're happier than pigs in shit, and vow to watch what they say from now on, and hand in their testicles. Oh, and Mooseknuckle made sure to add this:
Mooseknuckle wrote:Marvolo - with one condition that I should have mentioned, and its very important - should anyone say anything unkind about KT, please do not link to it on the main site.

She and I see eye to eye on the orginal issue, continue to do so, and I completely understand why she's offended. She's very valued to the folks at LFL, and of course I consider her a friend.
So, I guess this IS the only place for a Star Wars fan to allow his man sack to swing freely...

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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Post by Darth Wong »

They're not even pretending to debate anything or come up with real justifications for their actions, are they? It's all about not "offending" Her Royal Highness and her anointed sycophants.
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"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Lord Poe »

Darth Wong wrote:They're not even pretending to debate anything or come up with real justifications for their actions, are they? It's all about not "offending" Her Royal Highness and her anointed sycophants.
Nope. All is forgotten, all is forgiven. They're hap - hap- happy that they're still allowed in the Treehouse.

Oh, and "Yoshi Yoda" will consider coming back to the PLB, but deleted his blog.

Now, are the feminine napkins with wings more comfortable for former men, or the ones without the wings? I'd like to pass that along.

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Post by Galvatron »

Mooseknuckle wrote:She's very valued to the folks at LFL

She's an expendable lackey. At best.

It amazes me that anyone thinks LFL gives a flying fuck about this little drama and its players (assuming they even know about it, which is unlikely).
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Post by Elfdart »

LordShaithis wrote:Am I the only one who considers Star Wars basically "complete" with all six movies finished, and thus couldn't care less about some fruitloop author and some power-mad douche of a forum moderator?

So on the shelf below a million shitty Trek novels, and across the aisle from a million shitty Dungeons and Dragons novels, there are some shitty Star Wars novels that say the clone army was six guys and the Executor was thirty-seven feet long. Who cares? I've seen the movies, I know better.

I guess all I'm saying is that 99% of the EU* is garbage, so why get worked up over it? I can get all six movies on DVD, put them up on my shelf, and that is Star Wars, and no amount of shitty literature stuffed in next to the Drizzt novels at Borders can change that.

I mean millions of people will go to see a Star Wars movie, but only a tiny fraction of them will ever read any of these suck-ass books. And as for this website they're on? Who gives a shit? What's there that anyone needs?

* I'm partial to the Zahn trilogy, but after that it's all a bunch of crap. Oh the Emperor is alive again, and there's a new superweapon, and some aliens with uber-biotech. Blargh.
My sentiments exactly. That was beautiful. :cry:
Alan Bolte wrote:Well, when your hobby is debating Star Wars, it kinda makes a difference.
Horseshit. Lord Shaithis, Vympel, myself and others had no problem smacking down Scooter, Newland and Big Hairy Mountain Pussy over at their now-defunct, no-EU-allowed website. Actually, without all the extraneous material, it becomes easier -a lot easier.

I love the cross-section and other DK books, but they are about the only Star Wars books worth a damn. I gave up on the EU a decade ago after nearly ten years of having my intelligence insulted by shitty writing from hacks who were not only bad writers, but they apparently didn't watch the movies or understand them.

Case in point: When Luke cuts off Vader's bionic hand in ROTJ and stares at his own, does anyone not understand that this scene is meant to show the similarities of Luke and Vader in order to contrast their behavior? That is, like his son, Darth Vader was once a brash young man who lost his limb in a fight, probably because he overestimated himself in battle. What did some EU asshole write? That Vader's hand was blasted off with the Emperor's Force Lightning because he had lost the Battle of Yavin.

For all her faults, Traviss has done something useful. She lanced the EU boil. Too bad it took her obnoxious and demented behavior to get people to notice that were it not for the Star Wars logo on the covers of these books, nobody would bother with them.
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

Mooseknuckle wrote:Marvolo - with one condition that I should have mentioned, and its very important...

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Post by Vympel »

Elfdart wrote: Horseshit. Lord Shaithis, Vympel, myself and others had no problem smacking down Scooter, Newland and Big Hairy Mountain Pussy over at their now-defunct, no-EU-allowed website. Actually, without all the extraneous material, it becomes easier -a lot easier.

I love the cross-section and other DK books, but they are about the only Star Wars books worth a damn. I gave up on the EU a decade ago after nearly ten years of having my intelligence insulted by shitty writing from hacks who were not only bad writers, but they apparently didn't watch the movies or understand them.
I think on the balance the EU helps more than it hurts "versus" debates, in that it almost always confirms common sense things that your average retard will try and challenge in a debate. However, from a purely Star Wars point of view, the majority of the EU is of low-quality from a story-telling perspective. I find that the movie-reference material, specifically the DK series, is a lot more gratifying to read than some new piece of fiction, generally, because it's not making derivative shit up from whole cloth. It's merely adding depth to the universe in the films, and that's valuable. It's when that expansion is retarded that's a problem- it's not as often as you'd think, but when it does happen, it's usually really egregious.
For all her faults, Traviss has done something useful. She lanced the EU boil. Too bad it took her obnoxious and demented behavior to get people to notice that were it not for the Star Wars logo on the covers of these books, nobody would bother with them.
Well, that was always the case (no one would bother with them), but I don't think she's "lanced the boil"- she's just an unfortunate case of a hack writer getting back in. Most people thought the bad old days of KJA were gone.

Though I guarantee you KJA would have sycophants too if he made himself available on SW.com.
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Post by Elfdart »

When I say Karen Traviss (as a genius wit once wrote about another self-important crone, "like Martha Ivers, only whisper her name") lanced a boil, I mean unintentionally. She's a female Bill O'LIE-ly. Being thin-skinned and stupid is a bad combination in any line of work, more so for someone seeking an audience. Sooner or later it will bite your ass and draw blood.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Alan Bolte wrote:Well, when your hobby is debating Star Wars, it kinda makes a difference.
No, it doesn't. The Wars/Trek debate is over, and has been over for many years now. The occasional asshat might come along with ridiculous theories about Alderaan being a giant bomb or something, but nobody that insane is going to be swayed by the EU or anything else.

Or as Mike said on the "five minutes" page:

"What difference does it make? Since the film vs film and book vs book approaches both yield the same result, you can mix and match film vs book policies in any order you want (tech books for both, tech books for neither, tech books for ST but not for SW, tech books for SW but not for ST), and the result is the same."

If we all decided to agree with Scooter and toss the entire EU out tomorrow, it wouldn't REALLY make any difference.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Ghost Rider »

LordShaithis wrote:
Alan Bolte wrote:Well, when your hobby is debating Star Wars, it kinda makes a difference.
No, it doesn't. The Wars/Trek debate is over, and has been over for many years now. The occasional asshat might come along with ridiculous theories about Alderaan being a giant bomb or something, but nobody that insane is going to be swayed by the EU or anything else.

Or as Mike said on the "five minutes" page:

"What difference does it make? Since the film vs film and book vs book approaches both yield the same result, you can mix and match film vs book policies in any order you want (tech books for both, tech books for neither, tech books for ST but not for SW, tech books for SW but not for ST), and the result is the same."

If we all decided to agree with Scooter and toss the entire EU out tomorrow, it wouldn't REALLY make any difference.
Then again...Alan is not talking about ST vs SW debate which only a moron would say is alive.

He is talking about the nuances of Star Wars and regardless of how we feel it's a bit of a slap to hear some aged cunt tell us that the movies are wrong because she's so fucking arrogant not just to go oops.

This has less to do with numbers then it does with being an adult and owing up to your mistakes.
Last edited by Ghost Rider on 2006-06-29 12:16pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Lord Poe wrote:Now, are the feminine napkins with wings more comfortable for former men, or the ones without the wings? I'd like to pass that along.
The wings. Definitely the wings! :lol:

Oh, and here in the South we call em Maxi Pads or Rags.
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Post by Mange »

Lord Poe wrote:Annnd, its basically over. Dark Moose has generously decided to "forgive" the PLB, and they're happier than pigs in shit, and vow to watch what they say from now on, and hand in their testicles. Oh, and Mooseknuckle made sure to add this:
Mooseknuckle wrote:Marvolo - with one condition that I should have mentioned, and its very important - should anyone say anything unkind about KT, please do not link to it on the main site.

She and I see eye to eye on the orginal issue, continue to do so, and I completely understand why she's offended. She's very valued to the folks at LFL, and of course I consider her a friend.
So, I guess this IS the only place for a Star Wars fan to allow his man sack to swing freely...
So, Dark Moose consider Traviss "a friend". That partially explains why there's no longer any objectivity (eg. DM locking threads just because he doesn't want to upset poor KT or simply doesn't agree with what's being said) and why people have been banned by DM on a whim for criticizing Traviss (or even only have joked about it).
Jim Raynor
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Post by Jim Raynor »

Lord Poe wrote:Annnd, its basically over. Dark Moose has generously decided to "forgive" the PLB, and they're happier than pigs in shit, and vow to watch what they say from now on, and hand in their testicles. Oh, and Mooseknuckle made sure to add this:
Mooseknuckle wrote:Marvolo - with one condition that I should have mentioned, and its very important - should anyone say anything unkind about KT, please do not link to it on the main site.

She and I see eye to eye on the orginal issue, continue to do so, and I completely understand why she's offended. She's very valued to the folks at LFL, and of course I consider her a friend.
So, I guess this IS the only place for a Star Wars fan to allow his man sack to swing freely...
Wait...a condition on them being allowed back on the official SW.com forums was that they couldn't link to KT Jelly-offending material on their own site? Am I getting this right? If I am, that's total fucking bullshit.

Either way, it's clear as day that Traviss and Dark Moosefucker are out to suppress information on the internet that they don't like.
"They're not triangular, but they are more or less blade-shaped"- Thrawn McEwok on the shape of Bakura destroyers

"Lovely. It's known as impugning character regarding statement of professional qualifications' in the legal world"- Karen Traviss, crying libel because I said that no soldier she interviewed would claim that he can take on billion-to-one odds

"I've already laid out rules for this thread that we're not going to make these evidential demands"- Dark Moose on supporting your claims
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Post by Darth Wong »

Dark Moose is nothing more than a power-mad little troll who's trying to use his position as a lever to extend his influence as far and wide as possible. It actually works when others are such pussies that they would mortgage their shriveled desperate fanboy souls for a Hyperspace membership.

That's basically the problem with sw.com in a nutshell; the LFL people don't seem to realize that they've essentially put a self-aggrandizing little forum troll in charge of customer relations for their Hyperspace product by giving him the power to revoke peoples' Hyperspace membership rewards at will.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

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Post by Phil Skayhan »

Jim Raynor wrote:Wait...a condition on them being allowed back on the official SW.com forums was that they couldn't link to KT Jelly-offending material on their own site? Am I getting this right?
No, only that if someone on their PLB blog (or elsewhere I assume) says unkind things about KT not to link to it on SW.com
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Post by Darth Wong »

Phil Skayhan wrote:
Jim Raynor wrote:Wait...a condition on them being allowed back on the official SW.com forums was that they couldn't link to KT Jelly-offending material on their own site? Am I getting this right?
No, only that if someone on their PLB blog (or elsewhere I assume) says unkind things about KT not to link to it on SW.com
Yeah, you're only allowed to bash George Lucas.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

^And Dr. Saxton.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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