YES! Thank you. I haven't played that game in years, but I remember that weapon being a big reason of why I enjoyed it so damn much.DocHorror wrote:Was that 'Rise of the Triad'?irishmick79 wrote:The automatic shotgun in Goldeneye was indeed a vicious weapon. A well trained opponent with a shotgun operating in close quarters was damn near unstoppable.
The Farsight is hands down the ultimate camper's weapon. God, I hate that fucking thing. If you played one shot-one kill on PD, the Laptop was quite the vicious motherfucker just because of the amount of bullets you could spray a room with.
What was the game that had the Flamewall in it? Basically, you would send a wall of fire racing down the board, frying every victim in its path. Then, you would see the charred, still-standing skeleton of your victim crumple into a little ball of ashes.
Top Ten Video Game Weapons
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- irishmick79
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- Old Russian Saying
I guess their criteria was kewlness not effectiveness. The gravity gun?
The flamewall lead to all kinds of 'fire, chase the wall of fire, fire again when it stopped' tactics. Given the poor RotT AI, you could clear whole levels pretty easily. Not as many eyeballs as the drunk missiles though - they usually produced about six per body.

The flamewall lead to all kinds of 'fire, chase the wall of fire, fire again when it stopped' tactics. Given the poor RotT AI, you could clear whole levels pretty easily. Not as many eyeballs as the drunk missiles though - they usually produced about six per body.

The plasma sword does distinguish itself somewhat because of the lunge feature, which makes it much more viable in skilled hands than most other melee weapons. Nevertheless, I'm not sure if it's really innovative enough to truly belong on the list. Besides, I prefer plasma grenades or dual needlers for sheer fun factor ("Dude, he killed you with needlers!" *Everyone laughs*).
The Rift
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
The lightsaber in the Jedi Knight series had an entire system of gameplay associated with it, including blocking other lightsabers, locking them, trowing them, stances, and special moves, including lunging attacks, not to mention they marked the walls on touchNoble Ire wrote:The plasma sword does distinguish itself somewhat because of the lunge feature, which makes it much more viable in skilled hands than most other melee weapons.

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Twenty-five shells... all gone in less than five seconds of killing Pfhor. Although, sometimes I feel that dual WSTE-Ms do more to mesmerize the player than actually kill anything. The Zeus and Magnum Mega Class were the trusty side-arms for me.Durandal wrote:The WSTE-M combat shotguns from Marathon 2 own all.
I didn't say the lightsaber wasn't better, did I?Shogoki wrote:The lightsaber in the Jedi Knight series had an entire system of gameplay associated with it, including blocking other lightsabers, locking them, trowing them, stances, and special moves, including lunging attacks, not to mention they marked the walls on touchNoble Ire wrote:The plasma sword does distinguish itself somewhat because of the lunge feature, which makes it much more viable in skilled hands than most other melee weapons.

Nevertheless, JK is built around the weapon; the plasma sword is more suited for comparison with other FPS weapons, as the others on the list are (except old Metroid and Contra).
The Rift
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
Mods don't count, but I remember this one Quake 1 mod that had some of the world's best guns, including: a grenade launcher mod that fired duplicates of the 'explosive' box model, and a rocket launcher mod that fired guided missiles.
So, you could block off an area with fuel boxes, fire a rocket overhead and guide it around a corner to nail some enemies, then wait for his buddies to rush the boxes and blow them up in an orgy of gibs and blood. The rockets even came with a nuclear option so that the combined explosion could send shockwaves through the walls and gib people in the next room over.
It took a while to set up, but good lord was it fun to watch.
So, you could block off an area with fuel boxes, fire a rocket overhead and guide it around a corner to nail some enemies, then wait for his buddies to rush the boxes and blow them up in an orgy of gibs and blood. The rockets even came with a nuclear option so that the combined explosion could send shockwaves through the walls and gib people in the next room over.
It took a while to set up, but good lord was it fun to watch.

Seconded, and the enlarger gun, although I think that was only in the Atomic Edition. I always had a soft spot for the pipe bombs too.wautd wrote:The shrink gun in Duke Nukem 3D without contest
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
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"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein
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Ironically it was designed to be an anti-camper weapon initially, though at what point the penny dropped that Rare had created the ultimate camper weapon is unknown.Balrog wrote:The Farsight was evil - evil I tell you - a bloody camper's dream. Sniper rifle that shoots through walls? No thanksBounty wrote:Since when is the Gravity Gun the greatest weapon in gaming ? It may be innovative and fun but it's not what I'd think of in terms of "truly great".
The laptop gun is an odd choice too, especially when PD had a far greater weapon - the FarSight XR20.
For me SuperDragon -> Laptop Gun -> AR34 -> Regular Dragon -> Cyclones -> CMP150s >>>>>> K7 Avenger.
I feel compelled now to dig out the N64 and commence the annual Perfect Dark pilgrimage. Ah if only Rare could still make good games... *spits at PDZ*
I think it's too slow to be considered the ultimate camper weapon, especially since it leaves whoever is using it pretty much defenseless. I've played many a match with Farsights and it usually didn't take long for one of the other players to figure out the sniper's position and dart him to death between shots.Ironically it was designed to be an anti-camper weapon initially, though at what point the penny dropped that Rare had created the ultimate camper weapon is unknown.
The way it automatically scanned for targets and took over aiming was over the top, I'll grant you that.
In no particular order, I'd like to go through their list of the "Top 10 FPS Weapons".
The BFG: Ok, yes, the BFG had to be on there, but from my recollection it had basically one use: kill the Cyberdemon. That's it. Thanks, bye bye. For everything else, barring the insane "hundreds of demons in a room" scenario (which admittedly happened towards the end of Doom 2 IIRC), it was less practical than virtually anything else, because it'd backlash on you. In corridors, it was horrible except as a "blaze of glory" weapon. Again, it has to be here because it was the forerunner of it's kind and is iconic, but damnit, I still never cared for it. I'd get it, go ooh ahh then find my plasma gun and get right back to killing things.
Laptop Gun: Whoop-dee fuck, it sticks to the gorram wall. That's a neat trick, except it's noisy, wastes all it's ammo on one target and once it starts going it doesn't stop. Really fucking useful, that is. POS gun with nifty novelty trick does not a ground-breaking weapon make. The fact that they don't mention the alien rocket launcher (with the seeker-cam) is heresy. That thing would often shape a match if it was in play, period. The FarSight was ... well, I hated the damn thing. If I'm gonna snipe, I better be able to distinguish across the room from across the goddamn map. I need to prioritize threats, damnit!
Energy Sword: Wow, I can lunge at people. As if running at them and smacking them one wasn't enough? Yay, it's a one-hit kill melee weapon. But then, aren't most melee weapons one-hit kill because if you're opponent sees you coming, you're basically fucked? So, really it's a nifty lunge effect that's getting the kudos. Good pick there.
Rail-Gun: Ok, this one is deserved, though it's damn low on the list. A weapon which defined itself by redefining how the game is played. All that needs to be said.
Cerebral Bore: Ok, this is one I don't remember at all. I did miss one of the Turok games, so that's probably why. Still, going from the discription it's a drawn-out one-shot kill weapon and looks to be shortish-range. Now, personally, a good weapon is one which can bring either guaranteed death to one target at a distance, or alot of pain to several in rapid succession in closer combat. Close-range one shot kills aren't exactly something to get ecstatic over. It's basically a gimic weapon, and it's neat the first time, but as soon as the shit hits the fan, it'd be dropped for something better.
Chainsaw: Ok, this one I'm on the fence about. Yes, it was awesome, especially in corridors (ever saw your way through a backed-up line of pigdogs? Definately badass), but it was basically a last-ditch weapon, or for when you knew you could go balls-to-the-wall. Still, it was essentially the first "melee" weapon in FPS', but then Doom wasn't exactly late in the trend, so there were a lot of firsts then. Still, I suppose out of seniority it belongs here.
And finally*, the Gravity Gun: Is it cool? Definately. Does it let you do things you couldn't before? Sure. Is it a badass weapon? Not in the least. It's a POS weapon, infact. It's a bitch to aim properly and requires ammo to be on hand and movable. Right there you've got two knocks against it. Sorry, but when I'm picking weapons I want something that either situationally is godlike (certain sniper rifles) or else is just generally solid (most assault rifles/shotguns/some SMGs). Either way, the Gravity Gun does not qualify. Again, a gimic weapon that's cool but impractical.
So, as others have said, it's basically one guy's favorite weapons, only that guy happens to be on TV and is thus an "authority" or something. Honestly, a "Best FPS weapons" list would be pretty mundane, in that practically every weapon would do the same thing, because you want reliability, not gimics, when it comes down to it. Do I care if my assault rifle has a sonar built in? No. I care if it can put out enough fire to reliably bring down a badguy quickly and accurately, and it if has a large enough clip to let me engage in lengthy firefights without reloading. That's about it. Gimics are cool and fun, but they get dropped the instant a serious fight breaks out.
*I won't comment on the Metroid, Contra and Mario-Kart entries, either becuase I haven't played them, or don't remember shit about playing them.
And yes, this is longish and definately rambling because it's 6am and I'm damn tired.
The BFG: Ok, yes, the BFG had to be on there, but from my recollection it had basically one use: kill the Cyberdemon. That's it. Thanks, bye bye. For everything else, barring the insane "hundreds of demons in a room" scenario (which admittedly happened towards the end of Doom 2 IIRC), it was less practical than virtually anything else, because it'd backlash on you. In corridors, it was horrible except as a "blaze of glory" weapon. Again, it has to be here because it was the forerunner of it's kind and is iconic, but damnit, I still never cared for it. I'd get it, go ooh ahh then find my plasma gun and get right back to killing things.
Laptop Gun: Whoop-dee fuck, it sticks to the gorram wall. That's a neat trick, except it's noisy, wastes all it's ammo on one target and once it starts going it doesn't stop. Really fucking useful, that is. POS gun with nifty novelty trick does not a ground-breaking weapon make. The fact that they don't mention the alien rocket launcher (with the seeker-cam) is heresy. That thing would often shape a match if it was in play, period. The FarSight was ... well, I hated the damn thing. If I'm gonna snipe, I better be able to distinguish across the room from across the goddamn map. I need to prioritize threats, damnit!
Energy Sword: Wow, I can lunge at people. As if running at them and smacking them one wasn't enough? Yay, it's a one-hit kill melee weapon. But then, aren't most melee weapons one-hit kill because if you're opponent sees you coming, you're basically fucked? So, really it's a nifty lunge effect that's getting the kudos. Good pick there.

Rail-Gun: Ok, this one is deserved, though it's damn low on the list. A weapon which defined itself by redefining how the game is played. All that needs to be said.
Cerebral Bore: Ok, this is one I don't remember at all. I did miss one of the Turok games, so that's probably why. Still, going from the discription it's a drawn-out one-shot kill weapon and looks to be shortish-range. Now, personally, a good weapon is one which can bring either guaranteed death to one target at a distance, or alot of pain to several in rapid succession in closer combat. Close-range one shot kills aren't exactly something to get ecstatic over. It's basically a gimic weapon, and it's neat the first time, but as soon as the shit hits the fan, it'd be dropped for something better.
Chainsaw: Ok, this one I'm on the fence about. Yes, it was awesome, especially in corridors (ever saw your way through a backed-up line of pigdogs? Definately badass), but it was basically a last-ditch weapon, or for when you knew you could go balls-to-the-wall. Still, it was essentially the first "melee" weapon in FPS', but then Doom wasn't exactly late in the trend, so there were a lot of firsts then. Still, I suppose out of seniority it belongs here.
And finally*, the Gravity Gun: Is it cool? Definately. Does it let you do things you couldn't before? Sure. Is it a badass weapon? Not in the least. It's a POS weapon, infact. It's a bitch to aim properly and requires ammo to be on hand and movable. Right there you've got two knocks against it. Sorry, but when I'm picking weapons I want something that either situationally is godlike (certain sniper rifles) or else is just generally solid (most assault rifles/shotguns/some SMGs). Either way, the Gravity Gun does not qualify. Again, a gimic weapon that's cool but impractical.
So, as others have said, it's basically one guy's favorite weapons, only that guy happens to be on TV and is thus an "authority" or something. Honestly, a "Best FPS weapons" list would be pretty mundane, in that practically every weapon would do the same thing, because you want reliability, not gimics, when it comes down to it. Do I care if my assault rifle has a sonar built in? No. I care if it can put out enough fire to reliably bring down a badguy quickly and accurately, and it if has a large enough clip to let me engage in lengthy firefights without reloading. That's about it. Gimics are cool and fun, but they get dropped the instant a serious fight breaks out.
*I won't comment on the Metroid, Contra and Mario-Kart entries, either becuase I haven't played them, or don't remember shit about playing them.
And yes, this is longish and definately rambling because it's 6am and I'm damn tired.

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." -Richard Dawkins
It's long-range, guided projectile. Get a lock, hit the trigger and your target is dead.Cerebral Bore: Ok, this is one I don't remember at all. I did miss one of the Turok games, so that's probably why. Still, going from the discription it's a drawn-out one-shot kill weapon and looks to be shortish-range.
It was actually useful. Not so much a classic for gameplay value, but certainly very entertaining and memorable.
I would've liked to see the RCP-90 on the list, though. A barely-renamed P90 that'll rip anything in it's path apart and can fire through metal doors

Yes, that auto-target feature was just brutal. Made me feel all dirty after using the damn gun.Bounty wrote:I think it's too slow to be considered the ultimate camper weapon, especially since it leaves whoever is using it pretty much defenseless. I've played many a match with Farsights and it usually didn't take long for one of the other players to figure out the sniper's position and dart him to death between shots.Ironically it was designed to be an anti-camper weapon initially, though at what point the penny dropped that Rare had created the ultimate camper weapon is unknown.
The way it automatically scanned for targets and took over aiming was over the top, I'll grant you that.
And the cerebral bore was fun, but after awhile it gets boring watching your enemy's brains getting drilled out and his head exploding over and over and over.
'Ai! ai!' wailed Legolas. 'A Balrog! A Balrog is come!'
Gimli stared with wide eyes. 'Durin's Bane!' he cried, and letting his axe fall he covered his face.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
- J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Gimli stared with wide eyes. 'Durin's Bane!' he cried, and letting his axe fall he covered his face.
'A Balrog,' muttered Gandalf. 'Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'
- J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is a FPS based on the Quake 3 engine, the game also features a ton of other "conventional" weapons, from blasters to rocket launchers, what the hell are you talking about?Noble Ire wrote:Nevertheless, JK is built around the weapon; the plasma sword is more suited for comparison with other FPS weapons, as the others on the list are (except old Metroid and Contra).
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Indeed. Maxing out ammo for the akimbo WSTE-M's was the single best reason to cheat in Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity.VF5SS wrote:Twenty-five shells... all gone in less than five seconds of killing Pfhor. Although, sometimes I feel that dual WSTE-Ms do more to mesmerize the player than actually kill anything. The Zeus and Magnum Mega Class were the trusty side-arms for me.Durandal wrote:The WSTE-M combat shotguns from Marathon 2 own all.
Damien Sorresso
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"Ever see what them computa bitchez do to numbas? It ain't natural. Numbas ain't supposed to be code, they supposed to quantify shit."
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The TV-guided alien rocket launcher was called the Slayer, and I did love that thing. My favorite genre is fighter sims, so I was used to that kind of piloting and could achieve some wicked kills with that thing. All the same, it doesn't quite match up to hitting moving targets with the bazooka in DoD. There's something so damned satisfying about that. Good thing they remembered the cerebral bore though, I only played that game a few times and it still sticks in my mind.
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There's just no arguing with some people once they've made their minds up about something, and I accept that. That's why I kill them. -Othar
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Anyone else get the impression that some of the scenes - especially the ones with the railgun - looked like somebody was using the keyboard to aim?
What backlash? The BFG never hurt you; I've used it quite a few times in too-close quarters.Vicious wrote: The BFG: Ok, yes, the BFG had to be on there, but from my recollection it had basically one use: kill the Cyberdemon. That's it. Thanks, bye bye. For everything else, barring the insane "hundreds of demons in a room" scenario (which admittedly happened towards the end of Doom 2 IIRC), it was less practical than virtually anything else, because it'd backlash on you. In corridors, it was horrible except as a "blaze of glory" weapon. Again, it has to be here because it was the forerunner of it's kind and is iconic, but damnit, I still never cared for it. I'd get it, go ooh ahh then find my plasma gun and get right back to killing things.
The chainsaw was really most useful for conserving ammo, since it required none to use and yet was so powerful.Chainsaw: Ok, this one I'm on the fence about. Yes, it was awesome, especially in corridors (ever saw your way through a backed-up line of pigdogs? Definately badass), but it was basically a last-ditch weapon, or for when you knew you could go balls-to-the-wall. Still, it was essentially the first "melee" weapon in FPS', but then Doom wasn't exactly late in the trend, so there were a lot of firsts then. Still, I suppose out of seniority it belongs here.
The game, or at least the latter part of the game, is built completely around extensive lightsaber use. Aside from all of the environment interaction things you have to do with it specifically, the sheer number of Reborn and Shadow Troopers essentially require it's usage.Shogoki wrote:Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast is a FPS based on the Quake 3 engine, the game also features a ton of other "conventional" weapons, from blasters to rocket launchers, what the hell are you talking about?Noble Ire wrote:Nevertheless, JK is built around the weapon; the plasma sword is more suited for comparison with other FPS weapons, as the others on the list are (except old Metroid and Contra).
The Rift
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
Stanislav Petrov- The man who saved the world
Hugh Thompson Jr.- A True American Hero
"In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope." - President Barack Obama
"May fortune favor you, for your goals are the goals of the world." - Ancient Chall valediction
- irishmick79
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I forgot about the CMP-150's. Having double CMP-150's was probably my preferred loadout in that game, since we usually played one hit kills. You could spray a lot of bullets pretty accurately, and the ammo you picked up for it conveniently worked with the laptop guns. I got pretty good at setting up some ambushes by driving opponents into corridors where I had set up laptops.
Also, I have got to give props to the chainsaw from Konker's Bad Fur Day. Watching a cute, cuddly little cartoon character cackle madly while hacking another cute, cuddly little cartoon character's head off was pretty twisted. Come to think of it, there was a lot of twisted shit in that game....
Also, I have got to give props to the chainsaw from Konker's Bad Fur Day. Watching a cute, cuddly little cartoon character cackle madly while hacking another cute, cuddly little cartoon character's head off was pretty twisted. Come to think of it, there was a lot of twisted shit in that game....
"A country without a Czar is like a village without an idiot."
- Old Russian Saying
- Old Russian Saying
No shotgun-style weapon(preferably the Flak Cannon, but I'm not picky)?
A melee weapon with a lunge(as an ENERGY SWORD?!)? Beating out the lightsaber?
Heresy, heresy, HERESY!
Of course, filling up 10 as an interesting list will be a bitch. Revolutionary weapons aren't always the sexiest.
On the other hand....
*looks at gravity gun*
Must.... play..... HL2.
A melee weapon with a lunge(as an ENERGY SWORD?!)? Beating out the lightsaber?
Heresy, heresy, HERESY!
Of course, filling up 10 as an interesting list will be a bitch. Revolutionary weapons aren't always the sexiest.
On the other hand....
*looks at gravity gun*
Must.... play..... HL2.
"Peace on Earth and goodwill towards men? We are the United States Goverment - we don't DO that sort of thing!" - Sneakers. Best. Quote. EVER.
Periodic Pwnage Pantry:
"Faith? Isn't that another term for ignorance?" - Gregory House
"Isn't it interesting... religious behaviour is so close to being crazy that we can't tell them apart?" - Gregory House
"This is usually the part where people start screaming." - Gabriel Sylar
Periodic Pwnage Pantry:
"Faith? Isn't that another term for ignorance?" - Gregory House
"Isn't it interesting... religious behaviour is so close to being crazy that we can't tell them apart?" - Gregory House
"This is usually the part where people start screaming." - Gabriel Sylar
I always had a soft spot for the original Doom shotgun. It was pretty much my weapon of choice for most of the game.
I am capable of rearranging the fundamental building blocks of the universe in under six seconds. I shelve physics texts under "Fiction" in my personal library! I am grasping the reigns of the universe's carriage, and every morning get up and shout "Giddy up, boy!" You may never grasp the complexities of what I do, but at least have the courtesy to feign something other than slack-jawed oblivion in my presence. I, sir, am a wizard, and I break more natural laws before breakfast than of which you are even aware!
-- Vaarsuvius, from Order of the Stick
-- Vaarsuvius, from Order of the Stick
Really? I remember it hurting you if you were too close to the blast. Ah well, it has been well over 10 years since I've played it, so my memory could be fuzzy.Uraniun235 wrote:What backlash? The BFG never hurt you; I've used it quite a few times in too-close quarters.Vicious wrote: The BFG: Ok, yes, the BFG had to be on there, but from my recollection it had basically one use: kill the Cyberdemon. That's it. Thanks, bye bye. For everything else, barring the insane "hundreds of demons in a room" scenario (which admittedly happened towards the end of Doom 2 IIRC), it was less practical than virtually anything else, because it'd backlash on you. In corridors, it was horrible except as a "blaze of glory" weapon. Again, it has to be here because it was the forerunner of it's kind and is iconic, but damnit, I still never cared for it. I'd get it, go ooh ahh then find my plasma gun and get right back to killing things.

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." -Richard Dawkins
- Uraniun235
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