First two follow the action from Ackbar's POW when he orders his task force to "concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer": ... e5d095.jpg ... c4ccf2.jpg
The centermost ISD fires a few shots at a Mon Cal vessel, which it seems to shrug off. There's two misses before a third and fourth gigantic bolt hits the center ISD, pulverizing it. Those shots must be almost 1 km long each.
The Executor also shrugs off a few hits.
Third collage shows various angles around the Executor as it's hit and takes a dive: ... de2394.jpg
There's at least one Home One type in the first collage, to Ackbar's left (its profile is different from the sleeker Liberty ships) and a Liberty cruiser closer to the Ex.
In the final moments, there's at least two Liberty cruisers in front of the Ex, the Home One, and other blotches in the background.
There's at least one Liberty above the Ex, and at least one to its right, as well as several Nebulon-Bs, CR90s and at least one GR75. A Home One is behind it, to its right.
Since Piett says "intensify forward firing" the Ex is already firing, just not at its maximum. Can't be that much despair if Piett actually wisens up.So you'd probably get the loss of Battle Meditation or whatever that the novel describes and waves of despair through out the Imperial command structure.