With Justice For None (Nalifan and Company)

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Erm... Dismiss him quick and carry on with the winged boots. 'Bout the only thing to do right now.

Edit: And lances are typically just a tad more than two feet long. :wink:
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Imperial Overlord wrote: There were forces other than those that preached of the greatness of a ruthless will or poisoned malice that had a say in the ordering of the world and they would not let one of their champions fall so easily.
Well apparently... they would :lol:
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Rogue 9 wrote:
Edit: And lances are typically just a tad more than two feet long. :wink:
he two foot long lance head
Why yes they are, but sometimes it helps to pay attention to every word in the sentence. :D
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The Nomad wrote:
Imperial Overlord wrote: There were forces other than those that preached of the greatness of a ruthless will or poisoned malice that had a say in the ordering of the world and they would not let one of their champions fall so easily.
Well apparently... they would :lol:
Oh, Gaheris isn't falling anywhere. He can fly just as well without Percy. :P
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Rogue 9 wrote: Oh, Gaheris isn't falling anywhere. He can fly just as well without Percy. :P
Winged boots for teh win, eh :D ? Somehow I have an Inspector Gadget image floating in the back of my mind 8) ...
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Corrosive tendrils of darkness swirled around Kaeryn, but the Banite's spell failed to penetrate her wards. A second Banite was charging up the alley towards her. Kaeryn focused the power of the crackling distortion on the charging warrior-priest. The armoured Banite imploded, collapsing into a ball about a foot in diameter. The sphere collapsed, dropping fragments of what had once been a man to the ground.

The other Banite took one look at the remnants of his comrade and dodged out of sight. Kaeryn smiled. The spell had finished a warrior-priest and a rakshasa sorcerer. Not bad at all. She let the last trickles of power fade away and turned back towards the other end of the alley. Astinius held that side.

Killing frost blasted from the arch-mage's hand, turning rain drops to ice to shatter on the rime covered ground. Of the three charging Banites, on fell and one staggered back. The third came on. He was half a head taller than the mage and far broader. The mace in his hand could break the elf's head like an egg shell.

The mace came down. The blow landed on the elf's head and Astinius rocked back. His own wards saved him from the worst, but enough force leaked through to stun him. The mace came down again. Astinius blocked the blow with his left arm. The force of the impact numbed his arm as he focused and managed to utter the initiator of spell.

Brilliant purple branches of lightning filled the alley. The ice and frost melted under the sorcerous lash. The Banite staggered and fell, smoke rising from the joints in his armour.

"They don't seem to eager to come forward and die," said Astinius. "At least not anymore

"Not without their champions," responded Kaeryn, "or numbers. If they get enough of them together-"

"It will be bad," Astinius finished. "Did you see Gaheris?"

"I lost track of him after I killed the rakshasa. The Banites were distracting."

Astinius scanned the sky. "Can't see him anymore. Could be buildings in the way."

"Let's find him. Staying here isn't smart anyway." There were ways of handling a lot of Banites, but they demanded that the battle happen on her terms, not theirs.

"Gaheris was over that way, last I saw," said Astinius, pointing.

"Let's go," said Kaeryn.


Gaheris kicked out of Percival's saddle. I'm sorry my friend, he thought, but there's no way I can do enough for you with that lance still in your chest. He reached out with his mind, urging Percival to retreat. Perhaps he would be able to return to the Celestial Realms before he landed. Perhaps he would recieve healing there in time. Perhaps.

His lance was torn out of his grasp by Razhal's falling body. The mortally wounded priest had also kicked free of his dead mount, Gaheris' lance still in his guts. Gaheris' winged boots held him suspended in the air as the priest of Bane fell. Gaheris drew Bright Edge and chased the priest down to the ground. Percival vanished in a flash of silver light just before he struck the earth.

Fryte hit the cobbles with a loud thump and splattered into a burning, gory mess. Razhal fall slowed itself and the priest landed on the rain slicked cobbles. With a roar the Banite pulled the lance out of his abdomen and tossed it on to the street. Somehow he managed a potent spell of healing. The flow of blood ceased and his abdomen closed back up. Razhal raised his spiked mace as Gaheris alighted on the ground.

"No mages to save you this time Trollbane," sneered Razhal. "This time you are my meat."

Gaheris' face was an impassive mask as he raised his blade. He had no glib words, no declarations of defiance. Only the resolve to end this monster here and now.
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Gaheris swung at Razhal. The priest parried with the rod of lightning. The force of the paladin's blow knocked the rod out of Razhal's hand and across the rain slicked cobbles. Gaheris stepped back to avoid Razhal's counter blow. "You should have put on heavier armour," Razhal growled. "You're too lightly armoured for this. It'll cost you." The warrior-priest advanced.

Gaheris gave ground. "Funny, I'm not the one who took the gut wound."

"You hit like a woman. Perhaps I shall use you as one." Razhal advanced, bringing down his mace. Gaheris backed out of the way and then stabbed at the hole in the mid section of Razhal's breastplate. The Banite parried with his vambrace, knocking Bright Edge aside.

The paladin gave ground to avoid Razhal's mace. "Come and die Trollbane. Perhaps I shall be merciful and break you like your monk friend. He was stupid and weak."

Gaheris feinted toward to breach in Razhal's armour. The priest moved to parry and Gaheris dropped the point to stab between the tassets and the cuisse, driving the point on the Bright Edge into the warrior-priest's hip as he channelled holy power into the sword. Blood gushed from the wound.

Razhal cursed and swung at Gaheris. This time the paladin wasn't fast enough. The spiked mace clipped his left upper arm with jarring force. Blood flowed freely from the wounds caused by the spikes.

Razhal's wound prevented him from following up rapidly. Gaheris moved back and to the left, keeping his eyes on Razhal as channelled healing power into his arm and the Banite chanted a quick healing spell. Gaheris was almost right where he wanted to be.

Gaheris leaped to the side and grasped the rod of lightning. He had been on the recieving end often enough to have an idea on how it worked and he had a knack for these things. Razhal rushed forward but was too slow. Gaheris unleashed the full power of the rod in a brilliant arc of lightning. The warrior priest staggered back, wracked in agony as the enchantments on his armour failed to fully protect him from the power of his own weapon.

He hissed out initiators from between blistered lips. Gaheris lunged to follow up, but wasn't quick enough. Black fire swirled around him, scourging his flesh and surging against his ward of faith to consume him totally. Engulfed in pain, the paladin slipped on the wet cobbles. He regained his footing in a moment.

It was enough. Razhal's mace blow tore open Gaheris's left thigh and the force of the blow numbed the limb. The paladin fell. Razhal struck again. Gaheris parried, but recieved a kick in the side that broke ribs and propelled the paladin into the air. The rod of lightning skittered out of his grasp.

Gaheris rolled away from a follow up mace blow, but took another kick to the stomach. Gaheris resisted the urge to curl up in a ball and instead rolled away again. Razhal's mace hit him in the side. Agony enveloped him. Gaheris got to his knees and stabbed at the priest's gut. Laughing, Razhal backed away and uttered a spell of healing.

Gaheris channelled all the power he could muster into healing his wounds. Broken bones became cracked and wounds half closed. He got to his feet. Razhal swung. Gaheris parried. The force of the blow knocked Bright Edge out of his hand. Razhal stepped forward and punched him in the gut with a spiked gauntlet. Gaheris folded, although his armour prevented his guts from being punctured.

Razhal pushed the paladin to the ground as if he was a child and then stomped on his right shin. Bone broke. A gasp of pain escaped from the paladin's lips. "You wanted me too badly," said Razhal. "One of your mage friends might have had a chance, but not you. Speaking of your mage friends, where is the drow?"

"Guess," Gaheris hissed.

"The fires," said Razhal, something like awe in his voice. "He started the fires. I didn't think you had it in you." Razhal's mace struck Gaheris in his right shoulder. Bone broke and blood spilled out. "Don't think it won't cost you. Of course, I intend to deliver you alive to the Black Altar. Obliteration awaits. So much for your eternal reward, but what should a fool who picks a blinded god over one who cheats death expect?"

A drow warrior appeared in mid air and dropped to the street. His leather vest left his muscular arms bare down the mithril bracers on his forarms. He was tall, bald, and wore a pair of short swords sheathed on his belt. An intricate face plate of mithril and rubies covered his left eye and stretched out over much of the left side of his skull. "Nalifan D'Azurentien sends his greetings," said Trizkel with a smile. "He's busy with some more important business, but I'm here as his instrument in this matter."
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Razhal shouted words of power. A column of green fire roared down from the heavens and struck Trizkel. The drown vanished in a jade inferno that blasted out jets of stream as it struck the ground with awesome force. The supernatural flames flickered out and died. Trizkel was unharmed. "Not good enough," said the drow advancing. "Too bad that teleport block your mages threw up prevents a fast exit. Well, too bad for you. I was hoping I would be able to take my time."

Gaheris had taken advantage of Razhal's distraction to use his good arm and leg to pull himself a half dozen feet away. The priest unleashed another spell of destruction on Trizkel, wrapping the drow in black flames. Trizkel again emerged unharmed. The priest then noticed how far Gaheris had gotten he raised his mace and rushed towards the paladin.

Trizkel slammed into him and knocked him off his feet. The priest fell sprawling on the cobblestones a dozen feet away. "You really shouldn't be paying attention to the paladin when I'm around," said Trizkel as he tossed a potent healing draught to the paladin. "You're problem from the beginning. Paying too much attention to the paladin and not enough attention to the drow arch-mage." Razhal regained his feet.

Trizkel continued. "Did you really think he was the one that mattered? Your hatred for the Triad has lead you and your lord into error. A disasterous one. While you were playing 'chase the paladin' Nalifan was engineering your destruction. You're small fry, just notable enough to demand personal attention." Razhal charged.

Trizkel sidestepped and sidekicked the priest back down to the cobbles. "Nalifan is busy with destroying your comrades and the Nightmasks powerbase. Just so you know exactly what's happening. Sweat meat." Razhal rose again. Gaheris had regained his feet as well.

"Nalifan pays his debts," Trizkel said to Gaheris. "It would be unwise to lay hands upon him again." Razhal swung his mace. Trizkel caught his wrist, twisted and extended the arm. He pulled. Hard. Blood fountained as Razhal's arm was torn out of the socket. The Banite screamed.

Trizkel tossed the limb away. He reached out, seized, and shattered Razhal's remaining wrist. "All your power, cunning, and ruthlessness couldn't make up for a bad choice of enemies. I think I'll leave what's left to the paladin."

He turned and walked past Gaheris. "Nalifan says there holed up in the Kezeran warehouse. It's bricked up from the inside, only accessable through the teleport circle, but I'm sure you can manage to knock down a few walls. Firefighting, your little killing spree, and Nalifan's efforts have considerably lessoned the numbers at their temple. Its the best opportunity you're going to have."

"Do Nalifan's will like a good boy you mean," replied Gaheris.

"Yes," said Trizkel. "Not the original plan. Unfortunately Nal is going to be a little delayed. While he would prefer to personally consign Jarval Kreed's soul to the furnaces of Gehenna, that he engineered Kreed's downfall will serve if necessary. You can choose to let the murderers of your brethren live, of course."

Gaheris snarled as the drow faded from sight. "First things first," he said. He drew Bright Edge and walked towards where Razhal Ironfist was busy trying not to bleed to death. Unlike Kaeryn he had not mastered the art of casting common spells without somatic initiators. Maimed as he was, such spells were beyond him.

"So much for the ruthless might of Bane. You're just another murder to be dispossed of. Unimportant in the grand scheme of things."

Razhal hissed. "You didn't beat me. You were broken."

"Only in body for the one and irrelevant for the other. Revenge is about orchestrating the downfall of an enemy. Justice cares more about outcomes than instruments. Such as what is about to happen to you. Unlike the drow, I'll make it quick." Bright Edge came down. Blood geysered up and the Razhal's head rolled on the cobbles.
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-07-04 09:51pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LadyTevar »


Fantastic!! So where's Kaeryn and Astinius?
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Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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LadyTevar wrote:ooooooooooooooooooooo

Fantastic!! So where's Kaeryn and Astinius?
Fighting off the Banites in the previous post and then trying to find Gaheris in Westgate's rain soaked slums. Remember this is all pretty quick.
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The down pour plastered Kaeryn's hair against her head. The high priestess looked into the street. "No one," she said and stepped out. Astinius followed in her wake, about three yards behind.

The two adventurers jogged down the empty street, zig zagging as they went. Neither of them wanted to be on the recieving end of a Nightmask roof top sniper with an bespelled bolt. The reached the next intersection and Kaeryn looked each way. No sign of Gaheris. "Besheba's Brats," she muttered.

"Try left," said Astinius. "Last I saw they were that direction." It was absolutely pouring now, an unrelenting hammer of rain coming down to smash the city. Smoke still rose from the south and the east as the rain boiled into steam before it touched the raging fires. The rain slowed the fire's spread, but it did not stop it. It helped human fire fighters, of course, but the vanguard of fire elementals was another story.

Kaeryn and Astinius headed up the street. They were heading towards more upscale neighborhoods, into those of the marginally prosperous and away from those sinking into decay. "I can't see any sign of them," she said.

"There," said Astinius, pointing through an alley.

"I don't see anything," she said.

"The pool on the other end of the alley, its not water."

Kaeryn peered intently at it. The gloom from the layer of dark clouds and the sheets of rain made everything seem dull, but her eyesight was accute enough to spot the difference. "Its not red enough. Too dark." Murky pool of water dark.

"No, it isn't, but its not human blood." They advanced cautiously through the alley and into the next street. Getting blindsided by crossbowmen or rakshasas was the last thing they needed now. The emerged into the street, spells readied on the tips of their tongues.

They saw the bubbling mess that was the decaying remnants of a nightmare. Even from this distance they could smell the fetid stench eminating from the pool of black slime. Then they saw Gaheris and Razhal Ironfist's body..

The paladin was somewhat worse for wear. His clothes were torn and bloody and he walked with a limp. The red headed man still had a firm grip on his sword and Razhal's storm scepter now dangled from his belt.
Kaeryn rushed over to him. It was hard to tell how bad he was wounded as he had undoubtedly recieved some magical healing. "How bad?" she asked.

"I can't sprint, but I can still fight." The priestess's fingers slipped over his flesh.

"Don't get any ideas," she joked. "This is purely professional."

"I won- ahhh."



"It should. You shouldn't even be walking on it." She intoned a potent spell of healing. Magic flooded through the paladin, fueling unnaturally swift healing. Muscle and bone grew rapidly and knit together smoothly and perfectly while marrow produced blood to make up for the loss that Gaheris had endured. "Better?"

"Much. Thank you."

"You're welcome. What now?"

"I had a visit from Trizkel. Among other things, he mentioned where we could find the Banite temple."

"Is he going to be a problem?" Astinius asked. Kaeryn looked at them sharpley. Astinius ignored it. Gaheris looked at him steadily. She was unwilling to see the true darkness at the drow's heart.

"I hope not," said Gaheris. "He's better than his reputation."

"Its easy to be underestimated if you're travelling in Nalifan's shadow," said Kaeryn. "Trizkel perferes it that way."

"Nalifan set the fires," Gaheris said. Astinius could probably work that out, if he hadn't already. "To drive them out into the streets to defend the city. A big one, spreading rapidly-"

"To force them to disperse to fight it," Astinius finished. His voice was a dead as a tomb. "Force them to risk the losses or lose their prize. Gar, we can't let him do this."

"It's done," the paladin said wearily. "Its not my way and he'll answer for it sometime, but its done. We work with what we have. We can strike at the Banite temple."

"With three of us?" said Astinius.

"There forces are scattered, they've been bled, Razhal's dead, and Nalifan is providing a distraction. I think we have a chance if we hit them hard and fast."

"We do," said Kaeryn. "More than a chance."

"No," said Astinius. "Not this way. Not with this blood on our hands. If we take advantage of this obscenity, we become complicit with it. I won't do it."

"Astinius," said Gaheris, "its already done. There's only what we can do now-"

"Yes," interrupted Astinius, "that's what's left. What we can do now. How many lives have those fires claimed, how many homes and lively hoods have they consumed? I can end that." He uttered a spell and rose into the sky.

Gaheris called upon the power of his boots and rose up after him. "We can't afford this," said Gaheris. "Damn you Astinius, not now."

Astinius flew through the air towards the vast curtain of fire and smoke that divided Westgate. Gaheris followed, close at his heels. "I'm sorry Gar," said Astinius. He invoked a spell.

The magic on Gaheris's boots failed. The paladin fell slowly through the air like a leaf in autumn. "Astinius!" he cried. The wizard kept on going.

Kaeryn was running through the streets below. By the time he touched the ground, Kaeryn had reached him. "Damn," he whispered. "Damn it!" he shouted at the sky. "Merciful Ilmater, please."

"If he goes up against Nal he's going to die," said Kaeryn softly. "That poor boy."

"Maybe," said Gaheris, "but Nalifan doesn't know that Astinius has been gifted with spellfire." Kaeryn's eyes went wide. Astinius had never wielded spellfire in front of the drow.

"Sweet Mystra," she said. "Don't let all this suffering be for nothing."

"Ahmen," said Gaheris.
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Imperial Overlord wrote:"Maybe," said Gaheris, "but Nalifan doesn't know that Astinius has been gifted with spellfire." Kaeryn's eyes went wide. Astinius had never wielded spellfire in front of the drow.
Spellfire, you mean the archmage high arcana, or something else ?

At any rate, wouldn't Nalifan take precautions and assume that Astinius has something like that on principle, just in case ?
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The Nomad wrote: Spellfire, you mean the archmage high arcana, or something else ?

At any rate, wouldn't Nalifan take precautions and assume that Astinius has something like that on principle, just in case ?
No, Astinius is one of the rare individuals gifted with the ability to absorb magical energy and transform it as Spellfire. Only a few people in every generation have it. The high arcana ability is a pale shadow of the true gift.

Nalifan will assuredly have precautions and defences, but that doesn't alter the fact that Astinius has an extremely powerful gift in addition to his spell casting abilities, one that particulary useful against a magic using opponent.
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The Nomad wrote:
Imperial Overlord wrote:"Maybe," said Gaheris, "but Nalifan doesn't know that Astinius has been gifted with spellfire." Kaeryn's eyes went wide. Astinius had never wielded spellfire in front of the drow.
Spellfire, you mean the archmage high arcana, or something else ?

At any rate, wouldn't Nalifan take precautions and assume that Astinius has something like that on principle, just in case ?
Something entirely different. Something along the lines of absorbing whatever spell is thrown at him and tossing it right back in the form of the raw power of the Weave. The archmage ability pales in comparison, and so does the silver fire of Mystra's chosen.

Astinius is still in trouble, though. Nalifan can wait; the damage is done.
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Rogue 9 wrote: The archmage ability pales in comparison, and so does the silver fire of Mystra's chosen.
I would disagree on the silver fire. The ability of Mystra's Chosen, almost all of whom are titans of spellcasting power, to use it to destroy anti-magic zones and even permenent dead magic zones makes it extremely powerful and it removes one of their major weaknesses.

A skilled spellfire adept can drain magic items, use it as a weapon, and use it to heal. There are also some more powerfull techniques, although those are harder to master (which in gamespeak means you need to take the right prestige classes).
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Finding Nalifan wasn't that hard for a mage of Astinius's talents. The drow was floating invisibly in the air near the forefront of the flames. The pounding rain and the surging updrafts of hot air between them ruffled not a hair nor wetted a stitch of clothes. Astinius saw the awesome power of the Crown of Sorcery augment the drow's already formidable magics as well as providing enough raw energy to overpower null magic zones or brute force disjunctions. Lesser wards were wrapped around him and terrible, unnatural vitality torn from the lives of the slain granted him additional vigour. Astinius's keen vision also spotted new talismans on his body. The drow had obviously been successful at reclaiming his lost thaumaturgical paraphenalia.

The drow saw him as well. Astinius slowed his fight as he closed to easy speaking distance, bracing himself to absorb magic or counter spells if necessary. Beneath them several dog sized fire spiders lunged at fire fighters, driving them back and breaking the line. The spiders charged through the gaps, steam hissing off their bodies and into the next buildings, setting them alit with a touch.

"The weather isn't good for them and soggy woods burns poorly," said Nalifan, "but once they are inside they are protected and can heal from the flames they create. And so the cycle continues, albeit with reduced numbers. There have been casualties."

"You must stop this," said Astinius. "Now. No more lives will be lost to this . . . . obscenity."

"So dissappointingly predictable," said Nalifan. "If it makes you feel any better, I have been directing my minions in a way that has minimized loss of life. Here's the part where you ask me if I know what I've done and how evil this all is."

"Yes," said Astinius with a faint tone of resignation. He had hoped he would be able to convince the drow to abandon this plan, but he hadn't believed he had much chance of success. Still, he had to try. One did not turn on one's allies lightly, but what was being done was too much to continence. "This must stop."

"Well, that's the problem. If I stop the Nighmasks get Westgate, their rakshasa and Banite allies broken in power to the point where they are decidely junior partners, and the Nightmasks retain enclaves with enough power to paralyze response throughout the Dragon Coast. They'll own all of it in a decade. We've done nothing but bleed ourselves and perhaps be a little over zealous in working their will. Nothing that really hurts them in the end. But burn Westgate, burn Westgate and they will have revealed how deadly they are while losing their prize. The rest of the Dragon Coast will be spared. So do I ravage Westgate or do I hurt the Nightmasks and save the Dragon Coast?"

"There are other ways. Better way."

"Name them. If you think I chose the method most likely to alienate Kaeryn without considering other alternatives, you are even a greater fool than I think you are. What now Astinius?"

"It wasn't that long ago that you were pulled off a Banite altar," said Astinius. "You owe."

"And good boy that you were you didn't ask for a binding promise from me in return. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am quite grateful for that even if it is to be expected from ones comrades. I'm just not grateful enough to let the Nightmasks win. Now what are you going to do Astinius?

"You gave up any chance of surprise by talking first. You're slower than I am even without my adjuncts and its no contest at all. Strike first? That would mean getting your hands dirty and still coming second in the exchange. Assume a defensive posture and try to turn my own magic back against me or use some carefully prepared trick of spellcraft? Yes, yes I think that's exactly what you're prepared to do.

"A few problems, of course. I don't have to do anything to continue burning the city. The longer you wait, the more likely it is Trizkel will arrive and there goes any hope of victory. So what is it going to be? See if you can overcome my considerable resistance to magic and beat me to the punch? Wait, hoping for something to happen before Trizkel shows up? Bad gamble. Time isn't on your side. Not much time to make your move or go and kill Banites like a good arch-mage and leave the winning of the war to me."

"As you wi-" Astinius began and then switched to casting a spell of localized temporal acceleration. Nalifan tore the spell to pieces of stray magic before he could finish. The drow had been quick before, but now he was a blur. The drow flashed across the interviening distance, a word of power rolling off his lips. The rubies on Spell Breaker flashed as its magic tore through Astinius's defences.

Astinius hung in the air, stunned by the potent sorcery. Another spell tore his contingencies and defences apart. Nalifan's gloved hand closed on his throat as the drow seized him and drew them both down to the city streets. The blazing fire caused Astinius to sweat as Nalifan touched down in an alley. The drow smiled as Astinius began to regain conciousness. Nalifan gathered the sun elf's wrist a and pinned them above Astinius's head with his left hand.

Astinius writhed. The drow's grip was like iron. "Time Stop and then elemental sphere or delayed blast spells, am I right?" said the drow. Nalifan's right hand caressed Astinius's throat. The mage attempted to writhe away, but Nalifan held him firm in his iron grip. "You're not good enough a breaching spell resistance to bring me down with that. The last person who tried it was better than you at it and I was easier meat than I am now. Nice try, although you would have had better to have attacked my the instant you saw me. I might not have spotted you yet and then you would have had a chance."

"Now what to do with you my little victim? Hmmm. Normally I would kill you but that wouldn't be showing much gratitude for your part in saving me. Of course, that leaves the little problem of leaving a live enemy behind me and one that is an arch-mage. Bad policy. So what do I do with you little mouse to both reward you and neutralize you? Any suggestions?"

Astinius trembled. Fear and revulsion was flooding his brain and he needed to think, to fight it down and think clearly. Nalifan had his hands pinned and would cut of any air if he tried to utter a word of power. That and the bastard was almost as strong as he was quick and had the resistance to sorcery one would expect from a drow high mage. He had to focus.

"Ahh," said Nalifan. "Secrets. Everyone likes their secrets and you carry so many of them. That they stay hidden from others shall be our guarrantor of peace between us. Yes, I think that will do nicely. But first things first. The lesson should stick and the victor should mark the defeated." The drow moved in kissed Astinius on the lips, his teeth tearing at Astinius's lower lip and drawing blood. Smiling, Nalifan intoned a spell to burrow through Astinius's mental defences and tear open the arch-mage's mind.

Astinius braced himself. His heart was beating like a hummingbird's wings. He reached deep inside of himself, to a core of strength that he rarely could reach but that he knew was there, and opened his defences. Magic washed through him and into him, the spell dissolving into raw energy. Nalifan knew immediately something had gone wrong. His mind raced to understand what he was seeing. Understanding blossomed just too late.

Astinius used the absorbed energy to fuel a blast of spellfire and directed it the only way he had available to him as he was unable to aim. Directly into the hands that were touching his. A flash of blue-white light filled the alley as the intense heat and raw magical energy ravaged the high mage's hands.

Nalifan fell back, hissing in pain, his hands ravaged by magical energy. His wards, reclaimed ring and enchanted gloves shielded him from the worse of the destructive burst but that was the difference between damaged and destroyed. He flexed his withered claws and forced his seared flesh to obey his will. He had been trained to be able to work magic with the most severe wounds and agonizing pain. This would not undo him.

Astinius had the initiative for the slimmest of moments. It was enough time for his mind to flash through his options and find the right one. He had used most of his spellfire earlier in the battle and the recharge that absorbing Nalifan's spell had given him had been mostly used up. The drow was swift enough to dodge and well protected enough to survive even another hit. Nalifan was right enough about Astinius's chances of piercing the drow's defences with his own spells. With his own defencive spells stripped, further combat favored the drow by too large a degree.

Astinius's spell through up a temporary barrier of magical force that encased the drow in a dome. Astinius's flight spell had survived the Nalifan's mauling of his active spells and Astinius triggered it and rose into the air, using a building as cover. The drow would heal quickly using his stolen vitality and the force dome wouldn't slow him for long, but it would give Astinius enough time to escape.

With only Nalifan likely to get help in the near future, he was going to have to give this one up. For now. Kill the Banites and then Gaheris and Kaeryn would have no choice but to aid him against this evil. He could them now. The dropped to the cobblestones, blood trickling down his face. "Nalifan will have to wait," he said stonily. Let them think what they willed. "We have Banites to take care of."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-08-23 07:08am, edited 1 time in total.
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The downpour was beginning to fall off. Gaheris turned his head back towards the fires. The hell-light of burning buildings was somewhat diminished and the columns of smoke were less dense. They were also pretty much in the same place, no longer advancing on the rest of the city. Thank the gods. One less problem to worry about. As for Nalifan, well whatever he was going to do about the drow that could wait.

"No, I'm fine," said Astinius peevishly behind him. "I don't need any healing." Gaheris resisted the urge to look back into the alley to check on his companions. The confrontation with Nalifan hadn't brought out the best in Astinius.

Gaheris pointed. "There it is. The Kezeran warehouse. They've had a few bad years so its not surprising its not showing much activity. The Nightmasks must have taken it off their hands and given it to their Banite friends. Teleporting in and out means no one sees anything strange around here. Slick. So slick I'm going to have to steal that trick. Now, how do we take it out?"

"There will be rakshasas and Banites inside," said Astinius. "Probably Kreed, the white furred rakshasa, odds and ends, and a few heavy hitters in reserve."

Gaheris nodded. "Sounds about right. How do we hit them?"

Kaeryn spoke up. "Astinius blows open the wall on my mark. Then we mop up what's left."

"I must have missed something," said Gaheris. "I failed to hear anything about how we take out everyone inside."

"We don't," Kaeryn said. "I do. If anyone survives my spell, we finish them."

Astinius interjected. "What magic could you possibly command that could do that?"

"There are advantages to spending time with a brilliant wizard," Kaeryn said. She closed her eyes. "When I drop my hand, take out the wall. You can do that, right?"

"Yes," said Astinius.

"Then do it." Kaeryn began to chant softly. A soft silver light surrounded the priestess as she rose a foot into the air. She continued speaking and lifted her hands. Then she dropped them.

Astinius snapped out the words to a spells. Emerald light errupted from his hands and blasted a huge hole in the building, reducing brick and motar to glowing motes of light and floating dust. Kaeryn raised her hands again then brought them down. The silver glow left her in a stream of silver light that surged into the gap in the wall and then Kaeryn fell to the cobbles. Gaheris caught her. "Go," she whispered.


High Imperceptor Jarval Kreed's head turned as a gaping whole was opened in the side of his temple. The eleven lesser priests and the three rakshasas were all staring as well. He spoke an invocation that would shield him from magic as a stream of silver light poured in. The stream fragmented into streamers of silver light, each one heading toward a priest or rakshasa.

Each one burst into a column of silver flame that consumed armour, flesh, and bone utterly. Ash and dust rose up the shining columns of light and magic. Kreed rode out the killing sorcery behind a wall of wards, will, and adamantine faith. The ravening sorcery failed to breach his defences. He exhaled and relief and looked around. Yalshala had survived his well. All of their retainers and underlings were nothing more than dust floating in the air. A killing rage began to build. Gaheris and the male sun elf entered the hole. Kreed was almost frothing at the mouth in rage.

"Gaheris!" he roared as he lifted his shield from where it lay next to him. "Oblivion will be a mercy when I am done with you!"
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Eyfan looked at the columns of smoke rising to the sky, appalled at the damage.. "Where do we look, my lord?"

Ydrek snarled. "One looks for a devil in Hell Eyfan. This is just his kind of place. Search out the locals and ask. A black skinned drow devil will be noticed."


Gaheris didn't bother with a reply to the Banite. Instead he charged across the gloomy interior of the temple, Bright Edge shining in his hand. Power crackled around the High Imperceptor as the paladin came towards him. "Kneel!" demanded Jarval Kreed.

Steel slipped from Gaheris's grasp. His knees buckled. He tottered forward and sank to his knees. "Bow down." He leaned forward and his head forehead touched cold stone. Tears filled his eyes. "Crawl to the altar and kiss it." Treacherous limbs began to propel him across the floor.

Astinius unleashed a volley of firey orbs at the white furred rakshasa. They struck Yalshala and erupted in flames. The rakshasa serenely endured the assault and countered with a beam of utter cold. Astinius dodged out of the way and the blue-white beam coated the wall behind him with ice. Yalshala uttered the initiators of a killing spells. A bolt of crimson light flew towards Astinius.

The arch-mage had not been idle. He uttered magics of his own and the bolt rebounded off him and struck the rakshasa. She had been able to withstand Astinius's magic, but her own proved to be too potent. She staggered back. Chunks of her hide sloughed off her flesh in bloody clumps. Then her whole skin fell off in pieces, accompanied by a torrent of blood. She stood for a moment, glistening muscle naked and exposed, and then fell dead.

Kreed plucked a dart from the inside of his shield and threw it. The enchanted dart penetrated Astinius's warding and bit into his hip. The arch-mage fell to the floor and convulsed as the swift acting supernatural poison coursed through his veins. He gasped.

Kreed sneered at Yalshala's body. "Weakling." He stalked toward Astinius. "Don't worry. The poison is very swift acting, but not fatal. You'll be alive when I strap you on the altar and rend your soul."

Astinius tried to gasp out a response, but only managed to choke out some air. "We're not done yet," said Kaeryn. Kreed turned to see the high priestess stride through the gap in the wall. Her skin shone and stars glowed in her eyes. An aura of bloody mist surrounded her and thin red strands of light tethered a star to her hands. She had healed the backlash from the invoking the high magic and was ready to finish the job. "You have been judged High Imperceptor and I am here to deliver you to your doom."

Kreed didn't bother with a reply. Black fire erupted from his hands but splattered against an invisible shell that surrounded Kaeryn's body. She laughed and advanced. "The Weave obeys Mystra's will, not yours." Lightning crackled from her fingers and struck Jarval square in the chest. It writhed around him, but did no harm.

"An anti-magic shell," grimaced Kreed. "It may shield you from my magics, but even with Mystra's favor it hinders yours."

"That's why I invoked the Aspect of the Goddess," said Kaeryn as she advanced. She raised her hand and the tethered star rose with it. "So I could smear your the contents of your skull all over the floor."

Kreed drew his weapon, a malign and terrible adamantine mace with a head in the shape of a clenched fist. Not even the anti-magic shell could supress its powers. He held his shield up. "Clever. Too bad you weren't smart enough to wear a decent amount of armour." He swung.

Kaeryn was quick and dodged out of the way of the downward strike. The tethered star struck Jarval's shield with enough force to crack it. Kreed's counter strike took her in the hip and shattered bone. She screamed and fell. She lashed out with the star and caught the Banite in the shin. Armour buckled and he toppled as well.

Kaeryn rolled away, cursing and uttering a healing spell. Her own magics wouldn't work as reliably in the Weave disruption zone, but her first healing magic didn't fizzle. She ached, but got back on her feet.

Just in time. The High Imperceptor was charging. Her blow shivered Kreed's shield, the enchanted aegis breaking into three piece now strapped to the High Imperceptor's very bruised arm. She took Kreed's blow on her shoulder and felt pain bloom.

Kreed kicked her in the abdomen and she fell. She rose up quickly on her good arm. Kreed's mace caught her in the front of her jaw. Bone shattered and teeth sprayed. He kicked her hard in the chest. Bones broke. He smiled beneath his helm. "So much for Mystra. There is more to power than spellcraft, you stupid bitch."

"True," said another voice. Kreed turned, seeing a figure silhouetted in the gap. Nalifan spoke the initiators for The End of All Flesh. Bloody runes materialized around Jarval Kreed. Blood poured from the High Imperceptor's mouth and he fell. Gaheris collapsed, merely inches from the abomidable altar, the magic binding him gone.

Nalifan walked to Kaeryn's side. "Sorry I'm late. Ran into some interference earlier, but that's been dealt with."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2006-07-06 03:54am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Xon »

Great piece, but you swapped referances to Kreed & Kaeryn all over the place in the last half(name wise and "his"/"her" etc).
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Xon wrote:Great piece, but you swapped referances to Kreed & Kaeryn all over the place in the last half(name wise and "his"/"her" etc).
Thanks for catching that, but it was only twice.
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Post by Xon »

I blame thier placement which ade it confusing :P
Imperial Overlord wrote:She smiled beneath his helm.
Missed one :P
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
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So I guess that Ydrek is related to Messina, then ?
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Xon wrote:
Imperial Overlord wrote:She smiled beneath his helm.
Missed one :P
Ack. Looks like its time for seppuku. *insert stomach slicing smiley*

And Nomad, go reread the early parts with Ydrek in them.
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Ugh. I should know better than to rely on distant memories.
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Nalifan bent over Kaeryn as the high priestess began the silent spells to rebuilt her flesh. "Nasty wounds," said Nalifan as Kaeryn's jawbone reformed and muscle reknit itself. He extended his hand. Kaeryn took it and the drow pulled her to her feet.

Skin healed over the now repaired wounds. "Nal," she asked with dread leaking through into her voice, "did you start the fires?"

He smiled. "Of course I did. But you already knew I was responsible, one way or the other." Gaheris regained his feet. "But before we have this conversation, you had better see to Astinius. Wouldn't want him to expire while we are talking."

Kaeryn walked over to where the sun elf lay. She chanted a spell that closed his wounds and drove the toxin from his system. "Rest easy," she said. "Your strength will return quickly." Gaheris retrieved Bright Edge and stood a dozen feet off Nalifan's left, close enough to act without being so close as to put Nalifan on guard.

"Oh Nal," Kaeryn said, "how could you?"

"That is question of morals, not of means correct? It was the best weapon at hand. Recall that you had rejected my advice and continued the campaign while I had withdrawn to recover what was mine. I was able to do so quickly, well that is obvious is it not, and then had the good fortune to have Trizkel and Sylvetria arrive. On a related note, you need to tell Imizael to have her sister resurrected. That's if she's restorable, of course.

"Stay with me, I'm almost there. So here I am with enough power to launch a campaign and my allies are busy getting themselves chopped to pieces by the Banites. Even if I kill all the Banites and rakshasas, all I've done is weaken the Night Mask's coalition and ensured their dominance over those that remain which still leaves them in position to conquer the Dragon Coast. Even if I succeeded, the Nightmasks would be victorious."

"So you decided to wreck their powerbase. Oh Gods Nal, at what cost?"

"Don't give me that. The Night Masks were able to manufacture crisises all over the Dragon Coast to isolate Westgate. The whole region was ripe for the taking. The cost in lives would have been far greater than what I have done here and that doesn't even begin to address what the Night King would have done next. Besides, it isn't as bad as you might think. I targetted property, not people. Kelemvor's toll is about half of what it could have been. And only my hands are bloody. Actually, that's not quite true."

"And their lives were wortheless anyway, right?" said Astinius as he rose off the floor.

"Messina thought otherwise," said Nalifan. "So despite the fact that if I lay bleeding in the street and the only people in Westgate who would stop would be the ones who would cut my throat, rob me, or both, their lives have value to me. I shed blood today and if I succeeded I averted two centuries of blood letting. If you're finished seizing the moral high ground, which I gladly conceed to those obssessed with keeping their hands clean, can we move on?"

"It doesn't sound like their lives are worth much to you," said Astinius.

"If I was going to weep about it, I would have done so when I made the decision," said Nalifan acidly. "Of course, I'm not a pathetic mental cripple who puts on constant displays of so called virtual to feed his need for constant reinforcement from others in order to maintain a sense of self worth. I should add your interruption probably ended up killing several more people who would have otherwise survived. The elementals have their instincts and I can't over ride them if I'm busy keeping you from killing me. Now is Gaheris going to try and slip his sword between my ribs or are we going to play nice?"

"We settle this latter," said Gaheris. "What is done is done. The fire were dying when I last saw. Killing you here isn't going to bring anyone back to life and there is enough evil here without adding treachery to the list."

"Well said," said Nalifan. "Speaking of things that can't be undone." He raised his hand and pointed at the altar stone. The soul eating abomination was swollen with stolen power and radiated such a palpatable evil Gaheris didn't dare view it with his soul sight. Nalifan invoked a spell. Blazing crimson cracks split the stone and then it exploded into pieces.

Gaheris nodded in approval. Gods he was tired. He had been locked in combat with a powerful and cunning enemy for what felt like days and every part of him ached. And the cost, gods the cost had been high. Too high. He wanted to just fall over and quit, but he had sworn oaths.

"So by there absence I assume Morfindel and Imizael have been killed or crippled. Am I correct?"

"Yes," said Gaheris. "And we have their bodies."

"Then I'll leave them in your hands. The fires are dying, the powerful of the Nightmasks remain safe, and the Banites and rakshasas have taken massive casualties. Do we have any other immediate business besides swearing to bring me to justice and other personal matters?"

Gaheris gritted his teeth. "That about covers it. Astinius, we've still got a few people unnaccounted for. Let's see if we can find them." The elf nodded and the two of them left the temple.

"Nice of them to leave us alone," said Nalifan. "Shall we have it out?"
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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