i personally believe that it does however take place far in our past and that the narator is telling us the story of a long time ago. Why tell the story 3 times?Junghalli wrote:Personally my take on the matter is SW happens in the very far future, when mankind has spread out to other galaxies and Earth is an obscure historical reference or a myth, and the "a long time ago" was supposed to indicate the narrator was telling the story to someone even further into the future, as it's presented as history. So there'd be no contradiction.General_Soontir_Fel wrote:I do not recall that, and they do try to avoid it (using groundquake rather than earthquake, for instance.)
Eventually I believe that The SW people will leave their galaxy and then spread to others one being ours and there you go, Humans on Earth.
But Anyways Duck always botherd me, Hot Chocolate always botherd me
And the planet Bastion bothered me the most.
One it was the Empires final safe planet and its new capital
in our world Bastion is a safe place and is a safe place that will harbor you.
sounds very similar