My comments were meant in no way to disparage the illustrious Arcadia or her capable commander. More, I was attempting to point out that since she is our most valuable asset, she deserves the most capable defense we can afford her. While her air wing is indeed her first line of defense, she is too valuable to risk with only that one line. Thus, the role of the AEGIS-equipped vessels are to safeguard her should any enemy ordinace manage to get past her fighter screen.Pick wrote:Protecting the Arcadia seems like a wise plan *sagely nod*. I hear that her incompetant commander has no idea what the fuck she is doing *more sagely nodding.*
[OOC: plus, you'll need a close-in escort with the ability to engage multiple inbound vampires. CIWS is incapable of differentiating between fast-moving close proximity targets, and unless there has been extensive modification Arcadia lacks any other form of point-defense agaisnt a missile attack.]
[Pfft, what are the Marines gonna do when the enemy is launching missiles at us? Fire at them with M-16s? Ha! You grunts depend on us Navy boys to keep your asses out of the water.Noble Ire wrote: [Don't worry. I'll make sure my men let something get through every once and awhile, just for you.]

*Cookie for the reference!