phongn wrote:Vicious wrote:Personally, I carry a 20/72/30 (2x61 VSL cells) loadout, 20 Harpoons/Tomahawks, 72 SAMs/ESSMs and 30 ASROC torpedoes. I never argued that a Tico outgunned the Kirov-class, only that they are comparable in effective offensive armament.
Actually, probably more like 2x64 - the USN deleted the reload crane because it didn't work at sea. You already have 8 Harpoons in canisters; I don't know if you'd need anymore via VL-Harpoon. ESSMs are quadpacked in a cell - and that is a lot of ASROCs.
[Hmm, I wasn't aware of the non-VLS harpoons, nor that ESSM comes quadpacked. As to why so many ASROCs, I don't know why I chose that, really. Just felt like a good number. Still, perhaps I could shuffle it around some. 2x64 = 128 cells. If ESSMs come quad-packed, that means I could probably go 8 cells of ESSMs, 30 Tomahawks, 20 ASROCs, 70 SAMs*. That should give the ship a fair bit of ASuW capability, with a hellacious AAW punch (no offense to the flyboys, but I take AEGIS seriously:
Arclight is dedicated to keeping hostiles away from
Arcadia. That's her first job. Exacting vengeance is her second.

) and enough ASW coupled with my SH-60Bs that I can plink subs.
Besides, since I can change the loadout if I find that I've got too much of one thing or too little of another, there's not too much to worry about.
Oh, and while we're at it upgrading our ships, I'm gonna go ahead and add a pair of Sea-RAM launchers in place of the Phalanx CIWS.
*SAMs can also be employed against inbound cruise/ballistic ordinance, though not as effectively.]
EDIT: General Ire, it'll be a pleasure to host a platoon (I think that's right) of your fine Marines about