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Post by Surlethe »

Okay, down to business. Modifications for the Irascible:

*All electronics equipment has been brought up to date with Baseline 6, the Smart Ship project, and the Cruiser Conversion program and EMP-hardened
*The Cruiser Conversion program has been carried out
*Two of the most advanced ASW helicopters are now stationed here (are they still LAMPS-IIIs?]
*In addition to the two SeaRAMs, I've installed two Block 1a Phalanx CIWS with SPY-1B radar
*Two additional quad Harpoon SLAM launchers
*VLS upgraded to be able to launch ballistic missiles as well as local ordnance
[Past here, practicability becomes speculation on my part; OOC, I'd appreciate comments]
*The propulsion system has been upgraded for quieter running
*Absorbent paint has been applied to reduce the radar profile (yes, I know I'm simply a glorified DDG, but I want to look even smaller)
*Several measures have been taken to ensure quiter running to aid in ASW.

Anyone have any more suggestions?
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Noble Ire »

[@Tasoth: At the moment, there are two position in the ranks that require filling most urgently; third in command of the 10th Marine, commanding a battalion, or as CO of the Arcadia's Marine detachment. The posts bear the rank of Lieutentant Colonel and Major concurrently. The first posting grants an increased likelihood of action, while the second is less time-consuming, and probably involves more booze. The choice is yours (although if Tycho doesn't start posting again in a few days, I'll bump you up to Colonel and give you the whole Brigade). :wink: ]

[By the way, Admiral, I messed up. The spelling is "Tycho"; just as long as your fixing up the list anyways.]
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Post by Vicious »

Surlethe wrote:Okay, down to business. Modifications for the Irascible:

*All electronics equipment has been brought up to date with Baseline 6, the Smart Ship project, and the Cruiser Conversion program and EMP-hardened
*The Cruiser Conversion program has been carried out
*Two of the most advanced ASW helicopters are now stationed here (are they still LAMPS-IIIs?]
*In addition to the two SeaRAMs, I've installed two Block 1a Phalanx CIWS with SPY-1B radar
*Two additional quad Harpoon SLAM launchers
*VLS upgraded to be able to launch ballistic missiles as well as local ordnance
[Past here, practicability becomes speculation on my part; OOC, I'd appreciate comments]
*The propulsion system has been upgraded for quieter running
*Absorbent paint has been applied to reduce the radar profile (yes, I know I'm simply a glorified DDG, but I want to look even smaller)
*Several measures have been taken to ensure quiter running to aid in ASW.

Anyone have any more suggestions?
Sounds like the block of upgrades I outlined for Arclight, aside from the stealth features. Captain Bayh, with your permission I'd like to give my own techs your list of upgrades and see what they can do for Arclight. The only thing I'd mention is that rather than having 2x Sea-RAMs and 2x Phalanx, why not 4x Sea-RAMs?

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Post by Surlethe »

Vicious wrote:Sounds like the block of upgrades I outlined for Arclight, aside from the stealth features. Captain Bayh, with your permission I'd like to give my own techs your list of upgrades and see what they can do for Arclight.
Any time I can help you, Captain Wash, it's my pleasure. I'm also developing plans for a complete overhaul of the Irascible, focusing on lengthening and broadening the hull as well as integrating advanced stealth features; if you're interested, I'd love extra input.
The only thing I'd mention is that rather than having 2x Sea-RAMs and 2x Phalanx, why not 4x Sea-RAMs?
[I tend to view of equipment diversity in a good light; the Phalanx, as far as I know, does possess a strength the SeaRAM doesn't: it fires more ammunition at the target, though at shorter range.] Perhaps I should simply install two more SeaRAMs on my baby; there's plenty of room on the bow.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by DesertFly »

I know this is highly unusual, but I've been consulting with the proper authorities, and they feel it may fit more within this task force's mission if even more drastic modifications were made to my boat. They suggest that it may be possible to remove even more of the missile launchers and replace them with a hanger, in which a helicopter could be stored to be used for scouting purposes. I think it can be agreed that this could be used to great advantage and bestow us with an unprecedented level of suprise. Since my boat, by design, is far stealthier than any surface warship can ever be, it would allow me to launch scouting missions from areas that are totally unexpected to any enemies we might encounter. If this seems at all feasible, I would appreciate suggestions as to what type of helicopter would best fit the role, and how much room it and any maintainence supplies would take up.
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Post by Surlethe »

Keep in mind that after taking off, the helicopter has to land again, so you will have to provide a flat, open space equivalent in size to a helipad to bring your chopper back in on.
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Vicious »

Surlethe wrote:
Vicious wrote:Sounds like the block of upgrades I outlined for Arclight, aside from the stealth features. Captain Bayh, with your permission I'd like to give my own techs your list of upgrades and see what they can do for Arclight.
Any time I can help you, Captain Wash, it's my pleasure. I'm also developing plans for a complete overhaul of the Irascible, focusing on lengthening and broadening the hull as well as integrating advanced stealth features; if you're interested, I'd love extra input.
The only thing I'd mention is that rather than having 2x Sea-RAMs and 2x Phalanx, why not 4x Sea-RAMs?
[I tend to view of equipment diversity in a good light; the Phalanx, as far as I know, does possess a strength the SeaRAM doesn't: it fires more ammunition at the target, though at shorter range.] Perhaps I should simply install two more SeaRAMs on my baby; there's plenty of room on the bow.
The main issues with adding extra armament is that you don't want to impede the use of your other weapons. From looking at photos of the Ticos, it seems that the area on for fore and aft is to give the 5-inch guns a sufficient range of motion to fire on any possible targets. If you're going to alter the hull (which is a rather more intensive modification than simply adding more weapons mounts), I'd say extend the foc's'l and the stern of the ship by a few meters each, to give you room to add the extra Sea-RAMs and any other goodies.

In regards to variety, if you still want the Phalanx-style CIWS, I'd go with a 30mm rather than a 20mm cannon. The 20mm cannon has range and penetration issues which the 30mm solves to some extent, making it more capable of shooting down a target. I do agree that a varied weapon system can be beneficial, but I was thinking purely of the American-made R2s, which aren't spectacularly effective because of their smaller ammunition.

@Captain Fly: you want to convert a boomer into a mobile underwater helipad? Having visions of SPECTRE, eh? If you really want stick a helo in there, you'll need something with folding rotots, and probably an inline cockpit like the Apache, or possibly a Commanche, which would have the added benefit of being stealthy, making a good pop-up scout. Still, it'd require some major modifications. Gutting the entire missile bay, adding an elevator (and all the added hydraulics for that), completely changing the entire dorsal structure of the sub to accomodate the lift and serve as a launch pad, room for the ammo, fuel and spare parts you'll need, as well as room for the techs and crew for the helo. Then you have to cram the helo in there as well! Retrieval would be one hell of a bitch in anything but absolutely calm seas as well.

I'll see if I can dig up some internal specs on the Typhoon-class and a Commanche and see if it's even remotely possible.

EDIT: Ok, did some digging, and mind you these numbers are all eye-balled so they're rough estimates at best. Eyeballing the missile bay puts it at about 153ft. More than enough room for a Commanche* in the length department (43ft long). Width-wise, I eyeball the bays at a total of 80.5ft. That's actually a lot larger than I was anticipating. You might have room to pull this off. A Commanche's rotor diameter is 39ft. The sticking point, though is in the height. The Commanche is 11ft high, while the missile bay appears to only be ~14ft high (again, a rough eye-balled estimate from the simplified diagram I managed to find). That means, if my eyeballing isn't too off, that there's plenty of room width and length wise, but that it'll barely fit height-wise. You still need to fit a lift, but I suppose the hydraulics could be side-mounted rather than bottom-mounted to get it out of the hull. While you could spin the rotor up inside, taking off in an enclosed space aboard a tube half-submerged in the water would be dangerous in the extreme.

*I'm using the Commanche because it would've been ideal for this kind of thing. If you want a different helo, then you'll have to plug it's specs in and see where you come out.

@Batman: [:P Ok, insta-retcon: Arclight carries a SH-60B and an SH-60F and the -F is perched over Konavolov. *handwaves all posts to the contrary*]

EDIT: Fixed a typo; I labled MRDOD's boat as Gnisnal, rather than the Konavolov.
Last edited by Vicious on 2006-07-13 06:15am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Batman »

[Vicious? The SH-60B doesn't have a dipping sonar. That's the -F you're thinking of.]
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'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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Post by phongn »

Surlethe wrote:*The Cruiser Conversion program has been carried out
*Two of the most advanced ASW helicopters are now stationed here (are they still LAMPS-IIIs?]
For USN service - I don't know if you can fit a Merlin aboard.
*In addition to the two SeaRAMs, I've installed two Block 1a Phalanx CIWS with SPY-1B radar
Hopefully you mean that you have SPY-1B as your "normal" radar - no way Phalanx can mount it.
*VLS upgraded to be able to launch ballistic missiles as well as local ordnance
Probably Land Attack Standard Missile (LASM) then?
[I tend to view of equipment diversity in a good light; the Phalanx, as far as I know, does possess a strength the SeaRAM doesn't: it fires more ammunition at the target, though at shorter range.] Perhaps I should simply install two more SeaRAMs on my baby; there's plenty of room on the bow.
The only problem is that Phalanx has too short a range to be effective unless you're merely hunting boghammers and whatnot.
Vicious wrote:In regards to variety, if you still want the Phalanx-style CIWS, I'd go with a 30mm rather than a 20mm cannon. The 20mm cannon has range and penetration issues which the 30mm solves to some extent, making it more capable of shooting down a target. I do agree that a varied weapon system can be beneficial, but I was thinking purely of the American-made R2s, which aren't spectacularly effective because of their smaller ammunition.
Goalkeeper requires significant under-deck space which makes in infeasable as an outright Phalanx replacement (which is bolt-on).
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Post by Surlethe »

Vicious wrote:The main issues with adding extra armament is that you don't want to impede the use of your other weapons. From looking at photos of the Ticos, it seems that the area on for fore and aft is to give the 5-inch guns a sufficient range of motion to fire on any possible targets. If you're going to alter the hull (which is a rather more intensive modification than simply adding more weapons mounts), I'd say extend the foc's'l and the stern of the ship by a few meters each, to give you room to add the extra Sea-RAMs and any other goodies.
However, there are two Harpoon quad launchers mounted on the stern aft of the rear gun, so I figure I can do the same fore of the forward gun. The hull modifications will probably take place in the future [after we've STGODed our first mission or so].
phongn wrote:Hopefully you mean that you have SPY-1B as your "normal" radar - no way Phalanx can mount it.
Yes. [That's the newest AEGIS upgrade, correct? Or do I have my radars mixed up?]
Probably Land Attack Standard Missile (LASM) then?
That sounds good. I think I'll stick with 4xSeaRAMs, instead of going for additional CIWS, in light of the range problem and lack of under-deck space to accomodate the 30-mm variety.
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Post by phongn »

Surlethe wrote:Yes. [That's the newest AEGIS upgrade, correct? Or do I have my radars mixed up?]
SPY-1B(V) is the newest cruiser-varient of SPY-1. SPY-1C (cancelled) was for carriers, SPY-1D is for destroyers and SPY-1F is for frigates.
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Post by Ar-Adunakhor »

[You know it's wank when you start inventing naval versions of missiles that are so new/experimental that their land version's name is not yet released. For the Motherland! In related news, I finally got around to upgrading some of the Harbinger's systems. :P]

So, captains Bayh and Marshall, do you wish to put in a requisition right now or wait and work it out a bit more first? Bear in mind, of course, the teams can always change in mid-project. They are just that good.

Also, Admiral Christy, you forgot to update several captain profiles from RDML Rebikov's list here.
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Post by Civil War Man »

Uraniun235 wrote:I think most of it is still pretty up to date. I changed 'Schilling' to 'Wash', and got the Gnome a Seawolf. What else am I missing?
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Post by Pcm979 »

Uraniun235 wrote:I think most of it is still pretty up to date. I changed 'Schilling' to 'Wash', and got the Gnome a Seawolf. What else am I missing?
Surlethe and I have switched our ships back. Also, in the interests of obfustication, I'd like my character's name changed to Peter Mitchell, please.
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Post by Surlethe »

Ar-Adunakhor wrote:So, captains Bayh and Marshall, do you wish to put in a requisition right now or wait and work it out a bit more first? Bear in mind, of course, the teams can always change in mid-project. They are just that good.
Bolt the new guns on; I'll think some more about exactly how I want the hull redone and what else to slap on my ship. You might note that "major reenovations are pending".
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Post by Darth Raptor »

[Do we know what universe we're in yet?]
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Post by Pcm979 »

Er, Admiral Christie, the names got swapped too. My Duke's (re)named the HMS Agamemnon. Also, 'cause I'm feeling picky, I'd like to change his nickname to 979, please. :)

Ar-Adunakhor, you can go ahead and fill the requisition. I'll get back to you if anything new comes to me.
Last edited by Pcm979 on 2006-07-13 09:00pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Surlethe »

Darth Raptor wrote:[Do we know what universe we're in yet?]
[Weren't we in Red Storm Rising, some twenty years after the Soviet coup? I'm going to have to read that over the weekend.]
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Surlethe wrote:[Weren't we in Red Storm Rising, some twenty years after the Soviet coup? I'm going to have to read that over the weekend.]
[Pending final approval by the admiral. No one's raised any objections, and it's been 24 hours, so I'll just post what I have so far. Bear in mind it's been forever since I've read the book, but it's not like we have to follow it strictly.]
World War III

Although one of the most destructive conflicts in history, most historians agree that WWIII had the potential to be far worse. Contrary to everyone's worst fears, no nuclear weapons were used and official military operations on both sides were strictly conventional. In 1986 Azerbaijani rebels attacked and destroyed a vital Soviet oil refinery, crippling the infrastructure to the extent that the entire Soviet economy teetered on the verge of collapse. No longer able to maintain its holdings in Europe and the Middle East, the USSR was forced to make massive concessions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The unstable situation exploded when a hawkish faction of the Politburo, unwilling to allow the Union's borders to recede, decided to take Middle Eastern petroleum resources by force. In order to prevent a united responsive strike by NATO, the KGB performs domestic terrorism that is blamed on West Germany. In response to the “attack” the Soviet Union launches a full-scale invasion of Europe. However, the KGB's mission in Germany was not completely successful. NATO did not fracture and its ground forces had enough warning to mobilize and prepare for the Soviet invasion. Because of the Warsaw countries' superior (both numerically and qualitatively) ground forces, they continued to gain more and more ground against NATO, but at the cost of massive casualties. In the North Atlantic, Keflavik Air Base was captured and the USN's surveillance capabilities were compromised. This allowed the Soviet Navy to enter the Atlantic undetected and cut off US resupply convoys, further crippling NATO's ground forces. Nevertheless, the multinational Allied army defending Europe fought valiantly, and made the WARPAC forces fight hard for every kilometer gained. Failing to achieve the breakthrough they expected, the Politburo hawks planned on resorting to tactical nuclear weapons to break the Allied lines. General Pavel Alekseyev, the Soviet commander, stages a coup in order to prevent nuclear escalation and end the war. The armed insurrection is successful, and junior members of the Politburo replace the hawkish faction. Although the cost was incredible, the world managed to avoid a global thermonuclear exchange.

United Nations Global Defense Act

In 1997 the post-war reconstruction period was drawing to a close. A shadow of its former self, the Soviet Union caved to both internal and external pressures and began an extensive demilitarization program. Tensions mounted as Russia refused to sell its hardware to the United States, while America just as adamantly opposed the sale of destabilizing weapons systems to rogue states. In September a compromise was reached: The UN Security Council voted unanimously to organize its own official multinational military force. The Global Defense Initiative would serve as a repository for former Soviet military equipment and personnel. Although not under the direct control of the United States, the disbanded components would still be subject to UN oversight, meaning that both America and Russia maintained some semblance of say in its activities. Largely a security measure by the West with no inherent strategic value, assets donated to the UN were essentially mothballed. This insured that Russia was compensated for its losses while the materiel remained outside of direct control by either the US or Russian allies. Meanwhile, the UN remained effectively demilitarized, consistent with world opinion at the time.

Coalition Task Force 81

All of this changed with the turn of the millennium. No longer a major world power, the Soviet Union continued to recede (essentially consisting of the Russian SSR alone by 2001). As its borders withdrew, more and more military assets including NBC weapons fell into the hands of rogue states and terrorist organizations, despite the best efforts of both America and the UN. By 2005 the greatest threat to world security came from Middle Eastern and South Pacific terrorists and the small but heavily armed nations that supported them. A new role emerged for the GDI that all of its members were comfortable with: Locating and engaging terrorist organizations and disrupting aid from the countries that sustain them. The United States of America, the world's only remaining superpower, revitalized the GDI by providing unprecedented amounts of vehicles, equipment and personnel to the UN on “indefinite loan”. America's NATO allies quickly followed suit, and soon the United Nations had a powerful multinational military surpassed only by the United States itself. The naval arm of this force was Coalition Task Force 81, established by US Admiral William Christy. A hero of the Third World War, Christy was a charismatic carrier commander who argued eloquently for a stronger UN military force in accordance with the Global Defense Act of 1997. Universally popular, he was able to secure generous budget allocations from the NATO countries as well as mysterious private donations from his supporters. His almost unilateral creation of CTF 81 earned him almost unilateral say in its composition, allowing for the addition of irregulars such as pirates, mercenaries and the entire nation of Alania. As of 2006, CTF 81 has yet to be deployed, but few doubt that the seas will be far safer once the Arcadia and her sisters set sail.
[Note: The GDI stuff is tentative. This isn't C&C, but I figured we could pilfer the name and symbol anyway because I like them.]
Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Nickolai “Raptor” Rebikov

Eccentric, flamboyant and with questionable connections and loyalties, CTF 81's Senior Intelligence Officer is nevertheless vital to its operations and was instrumental in its creation. Born in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 1961 Rebikov was the youngest man ever to attend the Grechko Naval Academy. A counter-intelligence specialist, Rebikov made a name for himself with his photographic memory and obsessive attention to detail. His innate talent at naval war game simulations earned him the nickname “Raptor” due to his preference for stealth and lightning strikes with groups of missile submarines. In 1987, his skills attracted the attention of the Politburo, who secretly recruited him and expedited his graduation and promotion to commander. During World War III, Commander Rebikov's mission was the disruption of USN surveillance equipment, especially hydrophones. Although instrumental in the fall of Iceland, Rebikov was part of the Politburo faction that opposed the war and took part in General Alekseyev's coup. Leaving the Navy in 1990 he lived in Vladivostok for the next fifteen years. From 1991-1997, his only public function was advisor to Russia's successive UN ambassadors, wherein he worked to create a more cooperative relationship between the United States and his crumbling motherland. Rebikov helped facilitate the sale of Soviet Naval assets to the United Nations, and joined Coalition Task Force 81 in an official capacity in 2006, having his commission reinstated and receiving two promotions in the process. Currently, Rebikov and his staff are stationed aboard the Arcadia. Tactically his role is battlefield surveillance and counter-intelligence; strategically Rebikov maintains CTF-81's personnel, equipment and mission files. He also supplements the UN's limited budget with his own deep pockets and facilitates the CTF's operations with his extensive “unconventional” connections.
[That's right. You boys go ahead and wank out your fancy ships. I'll munchkin myself, thankyouverymuch. :P]
Last edited by Darth Raptor on 2006-07-16 08:35pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ar-Adunakhor »

The latest modifications have been made and are moving along quite well. Here is the current status. If anyone wishes for alterations to be made, say so.

As for the backstory, we really need something that slapped the US a bit, too. The UN needs to have some real power, not just be a mewling harlot who pimps itself to member countries. My backstory will be forthcoming today or tomorrow. Maybe the day after, if I get lazy.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Ar-Adunakhor wrote:As for the backstory, we really need something that slapped the US a bit, too.
[The US didn't escape unscathed. Casualties among NATO forces in Germany (a large portion of which were American) were absolutely massive. The goings on in the Atlantic were an unmitigated disaster for America as well .]
The UN needs to have some real power, not just be a mewling harlot who pimps itself to member countries.
[Agreed but an immediate transition during the relatively peaceful 90s didn't seem all that likely. Shifting more and more power towards the United Nations seems like a grueling uphill process and an excellent candidate for one of our "hidden objectives". I'm open to suggestions, though.]
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Post by Batman »

[@A-A:Unless Agamemnon intends to deploy them Harpoons via helicopter that ought to be RGM-84K :P
@Darth Raptor:Nice work. I officially approve.]
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'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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'You know, for a guy with like 50 different kinds of vision, you sure are blind.'
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Post by Ar-Adunakhor »

Batman wrote:[@A-A:Unless Agamemnon intends to deploy them Harpoons via helicopter that ought to be RGM-84K :P
@Darth Raptor:Nice work. I officially approve.]
[Heh, thanks. That's what I get for trying to modify too many ships at once.]
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Post by Noble Ire »

[Very well put together, Raptor. I approve of the setting, and GDI fits in well with it, if only in name. I'll post my own bio presently.]
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