I was at the vetrans night at the local GW last night. I had two games, a 500 odd point patrol against some Sisters and a 1250 point game against some plague marines.
The patrol against the sisters was a slaughter, not one of them survived my plasma death
Against nurgle things were a bit trickier. I lost my dreadnaught in turn 2 to a a plasma gun, and my assault squad got caught short on a charge and ended up with two squads of plague marines charging them.
My own heavy weapons though did quite nicely, taking out one of his dreads in turn two and laying waste to two full squads and damaging his lord (one of those bloody awful demon prince pimped out lords...this one with strength and toughness 6 and a load of other stuff). My assault marines did well against nurgles ickiest, managing to take out six plague marines with just normal attacks in a single round. My vet sarge with a power weapon though didnt manage to kill a single model. Typical.
His plague marines got stuck in on the other side of the battlefield as well and took my cheap flamer squad down to two men before they fell back in good order and blasted away with their bolters. Two survivors from another plague squad charged my heavy plasma armed squad and started trying to slice it up with a plague sword. Unfortunately he hadnt noticed my nice new deathwatch captain lurking in the unit who then promptly killed his plague marines.
The funniest moment came in the last turn when the battle still hung in the balance. His lord was in charge range of on of my undamaged squads, if he could take them below half strength then the game would be pretty much a tie.
His lord was down to one wound from heavy weapons fire, and decided to use his "Winds of Somethingorother" power to blast my squad before charging in. He rolled a double 1...then managed to wound himself and fell over dead in a puddle of his own drool in front of my marines
End result another victory added to the annals of the Astrum Corvus.