Ep II Hyperspace?

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Ep II Hyperspace?

Post by Alan Bolte »

Could someone please confirm the source of this image? And whether or not it is a cannon depiction of hyperspace? I am certain I have never seen this image before. Was it perhaps a graphic from SW.com's Hyperspace site? If so, what's with the photo credit?

I am primarily intrigued by the prescence of stars in the background, and the overall lack of blue/cyan coloration.
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Re: Ep II Hyperspace?

Post by apocolypse »

Doesn't look familiar to me. Also, IIRC (I'd have to double-check) Lucas specifically wanted to keep the view of hyperspace as seen inside a ship specific to the OT. I thought it was in the director's commentary or some such, but can't recall with certainty at the moment.
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Post by Vympel »

Looks like the refugee ship Padme and Anakin used.
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Post by Mange »

Yes, I remember that picture quite well. It belonged to a series of pictures which were released on the Official Site during the production of AOTC (before Hyperspace was introduced).

EDIT: I found the picture, it was George Lucas Select #20

And Vympel is quite right, it does look like the refugee ship travelling through hyperspace. IIRC, George Lucas did say something about that he wanted to introduce the hyperspace effect in ANH and so he left it out from the prequels, so this could be part of a completed but unused scene (which perhaps was replaced with the exterior shot of the ship passing by a yellow star).
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Post by Surlethe »

Thank god he didn't actually use it; it would have thrown a small wrench into Dr Saxton's description of hyperspace, since the idea that the blue is blueshifted space would have to account for these observations as well. I suppose it's possible, but I don't think it would've been pretty.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

Well, the colour is slightly violet. Perhaps it could be argued that the ship is moving even faster so the light is almost blueshifted out of the visible spectrum.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Ben Burtt? I remember when that was released, and I thought it was described as something John Knoll whipped up with Photoshop.

And if I additionally recall, it was never showing anything that was going to be used. Rather it was just an image made so that fans could speculate.
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Post by Zac Naloen »

Heh, looks like they ripped a scene from Stargate and stuck a star wars ship in there.
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