Who is your favorite Force user?

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Who is your favorite Force user?

Post by Qwerty 42 »

Few people will argue that one of, if not the, driving themes in Star Wars is the Force and its users. In all of Star Wars, who were your favorites? You can pick some from the Expanded Universe, if you choose, just try to list some from the movies for those who don't read all of the books.

For me, it would have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lorana Jinzler (Outbound Flight, Survivors' Quest.) They epitomized they Jedi principles of service and self-sacrifice without throwing out emotions, despite their mistakes.
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Post by Vympel »

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader. Best tragic character ever, and whom the entire series revolves. What more could you want?
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Post by Gandalf »

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Nice beard, nice accent, and he beat Anakin Skywalker. :D
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Post by Lex »


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Post by Surlethe »

Darth Vader, especially as described in Dark Lord, is pretty damned awesome.
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Post by Noble Ire »

As Knife says, Anakin / Vader is the character of the saga, tragic and quite awesome in both his incarnations.

As for the EU, I've always been a fan of Revan, even those his (or her) story isn't complete yet.
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Post by Isolder74 »

Mace Windu. I just like his style. And his purple Lightsaber makes his style complete.
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Post by RedImperator »

Vader. Everybody else is an also-ran.
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Post by drachefly »

That Twi'lek. Hawt.
(the one who got Order-66-ed in a giant mushroom patch. Not hawt)

More seriously, Luke. He beat Vader, he mastered himself. He did some stupid things, but he made up for it.
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Post by Crown »

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Post by Ghost Rider »

Luke, Vader and Obi Wan.

Luke because he did what Vader couldn't...though got frenched by his sister.

Vader because after falling for poon made up for the fact he was a better villain then hero.

Obi-Wan for being neither and honestly being the best hero of the batch.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

From the EU Ganner. None Shall Pass! His last stand in the well of the World Brain was one of the highlights of the NJO IMHO.

From the movies, younger Obi-Wan. He owned Revenge Of The Sith. Cool suave and he kicked ass.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Ulic Qel-Droma. Because I like his name.

BTW, Ganner's last words are "You shall not pass."
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Post by Vicious »

For EU, I gotta echo Ganner. That scene was one of the shining moments of the NJO.

As for my all-time favorite Force User? Obi-Wan, without a doubt. Esp. in RotS, he just kicks inordinate amounts of ass, and manages to convey an aura of "I'm but a humble servant" at the same time. It's sorta like the Kwai Chang Kaine effect: he's so humble, yet so badass!

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Post by Comosicus »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Ulic Qel-Droma. Because I like his name.

BTW, Ganner's last words are "You shall not pass."
Just like Gandalf on the Moria bridge :mrgreen:
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Thirded on Ganner. I mean, when you're so badass that you become a god-like figure in alien mythology millenia down the line, that's badass.

Obi-wan is awesome too. Not every Jedi can fight the Chosen One and last long enough for him to make a mistake.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

Obi-Wan. No angst, no bullshit, he just kicks ass.
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Post by Galvatron »

Vader in TESB.
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Post by Admiral Johnason »

Ep III Obi-Wan & Ep II Mace Windu tie for first.
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Post by Anguirus »

Obi-Wan, hands down.
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Post by OmegaGuy »

Exar Kun and Kyle Katarn, because they badasses.
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Post by DesertFly »

Kyle Katarn. Why? Because he uses freaking guns, and consequently is ridiculously effective, something most other Jedi seem incapable of doing unless they have no other choice.
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Post by Stofsk »

Luke Skywalker in ROTJ.

EU? Revan or the Exile. I actually find the Exile far more compelling.
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Post by Shadowtraveler »

Kyp Durron. You have to respect a guy that can get out of trouble as easily as him and do it while being a pompous ass at the same time...
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Post by Crazedwraith »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Ulic Qel-Droma. Because I like his name.

BTW, Ganner's last words are "You shall not pass."

It was "None shall pass" Actually. But it was a very good scene. Better than Anakin Solo's death even.
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