Who is your favorite Force user?

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Post by Cos Dashit »

Vader in the OT, simply because of his coolness factor. Especially in ESB, with the whole deal with Lando. You have to love someone that cocky.
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Post by Sonnenburg »

Vader, with Mara at a close second, Revan even a closer third, and Sidious taking up the fourth slot.

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Post by Sunstreaker »

1. Luke Skywalker
2. Mara Jade
3. Obi Wan Kenobi
4. Darth Vader
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Post by General Deathdealer »

Episode I would be Darth Maul. Anyone who uses a Lightsaber Staff is cool (Granted he got nailed by Obi when he was a little punk). After he bought it, definitely Anakin/Vader.
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Post by Thanas »

Pure Force use: Luke Skywalker (good), Emperor (Bad)
Personality: Tholme, Revan, Mara Jade
Eye candy: Aayla, Bastilla, Mara.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I liked NJO-Luke when he was kicking ass and taking names, as opposed to meditating on the nature of string.

As for my most HATED force-User, that would have to be either Jacen Solo or Tahiri. GOD I hate Tahiri.
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Post by Wanderer »

Darth Maul, though not for the reasons the Darth Maul Estrogen Brigade likes him.

Rather for his ability to dominate that end fight till Obi saw his opening.

I also like Naga Sadow (Fall of the Sith Empire). You can't argue with blowing a few stars up :twisted:
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Post by Wanderer »

CaptainChewbacca wrote: As for my most HATED force-User, that would have to be either Jacen Solo or Tahiri. GOD I hate Tahiri.
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Post by Shadowtraveler »

Probally for the whole Vong mind-merge thingy.

I'd say Jacen's the worst of the two, though. He travels the Galaxy learning a lot of the different Force disciples, and yet he falls for the exact same trap his grandfather fell into.
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Post by Knife »

The coolest Jedi/Force user in the movies is Obi Wan. Pretty much the poster boy for what the Jedi are suppost to be. Other than that, the fallen Knight Vader appeals to me as well.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Obi-Wan. Because he tricked everyone!

From Maul going "At last I shall have my revenge" and Obi jumping and slicing him up and going "Hah! I tricked you!" to Luke going "You said he killed my father!" and Obi going "Hah! I tricked you!" to all points in between!
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Wanderer wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote: As for my most HATED force-User, that would have to be either Jacen Solo or Tahiri. GOD I hate Tahiri.
Because Tahiri's jedi power seems to be to fuck up and angst all the time. She serves ONLY as a distraction for other people, and contributes nothing.
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Post by Count Dooku »

Knife wrote:The coolest Jedi/Force user in the movies is Obi Wan. Pretty much the poster boy for what the Jedi are suppost to be. Other than that, the fallen Knight Vader appeals to me as well.
Same for me.

I'd like to have seen more from Dooku (surprise!), and Secura.
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Galvatron wrote:Vader in TESB.
Without a doubt. He embodied the "Dark Lord"-style of villain for me in that movie. Cold, calculating, powerful, feared, and supremely in control.
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Post by Kotooshu »

I simply cannot understand that in all of these replies, not a single person mentioned truly the greatest force-user of all time:

Master Yoda!

Remember, we are talking about Force Users, not necessarily about your Favourite Jedi of all-time. I think there is a distinction there.

Perhaps the question should have been phrased differently:

Which Jedi was the greatest Force User?

Once again, Yoda is the hands down winner for me...

... but Obi-Wan is my favourite Jedi.
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Post by Anguirus »

^ Maybe if that was the question asked in the OP, we would have answered it.

The question is, who is your favorite Force-user?
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

Kotooshu wrote:I simply cannot understand that in all of these replies, not a single person mentioned truly the greatest force-user of all time:

Master Yoda!

Remember, we are talking about Force Users, not necessarily about your Favourite Jedi of all-time. I think there is a distinction there.

Perhaps the question should have been phrased differently:

Which Jedi was the greatest Force User?

Once again, Yoda is the hands down winner for me...

... but Obi-Wan is my favourite Jedi.
Learn to read before diving in with both feet. FAVOURITE Force-User, jesus man it's in the thread title
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Post by Batman »

Given that Yoda WAS a Jedi I'm not sure which distinction he's seeing in the first place, NTM his inability to understand a perfectly straight question AND thread title. It says 'favourite'. Twice.
And Luke Skywalker for me.
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Post by Cykeisme »

It's a toss-up between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker for me.

Obi-Wan because he's both the quintessential Jedi, and the unassuming hero (whose heroism is insane in magnitude, extending beyond death). Plus Shroom Man's comments on how he basically proves that you can fool all of the people all of the time. Even for a good cause, Obi-Wan's kind of a jerk that way.

Anakin due to.. well.. his story from cradle to the grave is truly epic, and it's the focus of the saga (for me personally, anyway.. since I don't follow post-RotJ EU).

Lord Pounder wrote:
Kotooshu wrote:I simply cannot understand that in all of these replies, not a single person mentioned truly the greatest force-user of all time:

Master Yoda!

Remember, we are talking about Force Users, not necessarily about your Favourite Jedi of all-time. I think there is a distinction there.

Perhaps the question should have been phrased differently:

Which Jedi was the greatest Force User?

Once again, Yoda is the hands down winner for me...

... but Obi-Wan is my favourite Jedi.
Learn to read before diving in with both feet. FAVOURITE Force-User, jesus man it's in the thread title
Oh god, I know this is bad, but I couldn't help literally laughing out loud at that.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi, easily. He's a nearly ideal Jedi, and underrated as a badass. Sure Count Dooku, his master's master, always seemed to have his number, but everyone else to cross blades with him went down in pieces.

Darth Maul? Mister "I have a double-bladed saber and look like Satan" tough guy? Chopped in fucking half while Obi was still a padawan.

General "but I was uber in the cartoon" Grievous? Was losing an arm every fifteen seconds fighting Obi, fled, and ended up getting his guts blown out anyway.

And Anakin Skywalker. The chosen one. The king of angst. Thought he was the most powerful thing in the universe, went up against Obi, and ended up a pile of flaming chunks.
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Post by RedImperator »

Kotooshu wrote:I simply cannot understand that in all of these replies, not a single person mentioned truly the greatest force-user of all time:

Master Yoda!

Remember, we are talking about Force Users, not necessarily about your Favourite Jedi of all-time. I think there is a distinction there.

Perhaps the question should have been phrased differently:

Which Jedi was the greatest Force User?

Once again, Yoda is the hands down winner for me...

... but Obi-Wan is my favourite Jedi.
So, um, if Yoda wasn't a Jedi, what was he doing sitting on the Jedi Council? Are you on drugs or something?
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Post by Dorsk 81 »

Probably a toss up between Shaak-Ti, Mara or Obi Wan.
Shadowtraveler wrote:I'd say Jacen's the worst of the two, though. He travels the Galaxy learning a lot of the different Force disciples, and yet he falls for the exact same trap his grandfather fell into.
Bollocks, Jacen's fall is nothing like Anakin's. Jacen fell because of his underlying lust for knowledge, and some bitch shows up offering it to him. Anakin fell because he wanted to save the woman he loved, and because Palpatine spent years grooming him like a paedophile.
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Post by Agent Fisher »

I would have to say Ganner. Its just the whole, 'becomes the new Vong guardian of the underworld' thing.
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Post by Kotooshu »

I won't bother quoting all the flames I got... to rebut:

Yes, I understood the question... Favourite Force User, and everyone's opinions and answers are justified.

My point was that the question seems to want to lead us into considering The way our "favourite" uses the force, not simply who is our favourite Jedi / Sith. This is to take nothing away from Obi-Wan's or anyone else's bility to use the force... But in the movies, "use of the force" is pretty much limited to force-pushing and force-pulling, with the occasional acrobatic leap. But since the original trilogy, Yoda has always been depicted as a character deeply in-tune with the Force, to the point where it was the greatest shock of all time to see him draw a lightsaber in EpII.

In conclusion, the distinction I'm making is this: Everybody in this thread cited their favourite Jedi, and proceeded to defend their choice through argumentation of why that Jedi is great. But in that argumentation I didn't see many attempts to bolster one's pick through examples of how they use the Force.
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Post by Gandalf »

What the shit are you on about?

The OP asks for favourites. It doesn't ask for the specific reasons about which you're rambling.

If your criteria for great Force user is their hairdo and robe choice, then cite your reasons and so be it.
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