Bah! I want my wank dammit![There is Wank, and then there is Impossible. You are asking to have a great white's mouth put on a minnow.]

Moderator: Thanas
Bah! I want my wank dammit![There is Wank, and then there is Impossible. You are asking to have a great white's mouth put on a minnow.]
Darth Raptor wrote:[?
Anyway, here's a tentative breakdown of regional alliances across the world: Map.]
[Yeah, the Thais and Chileans are pretty buddy-buddy with the West]Lonestar wrote:[If I may make a suggestion, it is really unlikely that Thailand and Chile would be opposed to a GDI group, and Benglahesh as well, as the Bengals send more troops on peacekeeping missions than is reasonable, considering the state of their country. Maybe you could sway the three for Pakistan as part of OPFOR?]
[To be perfectly honest, if you are scrapping the hull and most of the systems, it's not really a Tico anymore. It's like a baby Kirov, or something. My post about the Iowa was only half in jest... if you are going to be modifying it so radically that the only similarity is a couple weapons systems, then it's not eactly the same class, now is it? You are making the Irascible class, presently.Surlethe wrote:Well, give me suggestions! Should I scrap that damn small Spruance hull and get something nicer, or save it for after the first deployment?
[Just Roleplay. Matthaios Metaxis is supposed to be a sub captain with experience but his player's submarine knowledge comes basically from U-Boat movies and games. I'll probably try to engage people with my deck gun.Pick wrote:[Or if Surlethe really wants a bigger ship, he can have mine. I'm so damn incompetant in this realm that I just read the thread and can't think of a bloody thing to say.]
The transmission ends there, sir.Premier Pavel Alekseyev wrote:Give this to your commander, Nickolai.
Admiral Christy! A pleasure to speak with you again! I would like to personally congratulate you on receiving the fleet you fought so hard to acquire. I know it wasn't easy convincing those NATO dogs to surrender so much money and power. It's good you're such a... how you say, "sacred cow?" among your politicians! *laughter*
I'm eternally indebted to you, Admiral. Take good care of my ships and they'll serve you well. You can trust Vianor completely- tell him I said hello. You can't trust Nickolai at all, but you can keep him under control with a steady supply of vodka and Japanese-
The last transmission is from your Secretary of Defense, sir. Encryption code confirmed.Sizani Mkembe wrote:Hello, Admiral. I probably won't get another chance to say this for a few days. Congratulations on your victory before the General Assembly. That was some impressive maneuvering. I don't need to remind you that with great power comes great responsibility. We're counting on you to help strengthen world peace. But... I implore you... Our goal is peace. I can't stress that enough. Under ideal circumstances, the UN wouldn't even have an army; but these are hardly ideal circumstances. That's why I supported you. Please don't make me regret that decision. I trust you have the good of the world in mind. Farewell.
That's all for now, sir. Judging from my experiences in New York yesterday, I can safely say it might be a few days before you're issued any official orders. They're all in a row over that train bombing in Beijing. I've heard nothing from General Steiner in Vienna. His office has been giving me the runaround. You'll know something as soon as I do.James Granger wrote:Alright Will, you win. You got your fleet. I don't like this one bit, you know that. I trust you. I DON'T trust the GDI. It's not that I don't admire your intentions, I just think they're misguided. Just remember, your loyalty is to the United States of America, not the UN. Anyway, good luck and godspeed. Give my regards to Isaac.
[ Already taken care of, man. ]Tasoth wrote:((Must say, working on the Marine detachment OOB. Three rifle companies and a support company and I'm at 497 men already. How many troops is the battlegroup capable of supporting total? 'Cause if it's only 480 troops, we might have to rename the Marines the '10th Three companies and change',))
[An easy thing to start with would be grumbling about all the flag officers you've got parked aboard your ship.Pick wrote:[Or if Surlethe really wants a bigger ship, he can have mine. I'm so damn incompetant in this realm that I just read the thread and can't think of a bloody thing to say.]