To Prove a Point(SG-1/LoZ:OoT) - Update 6/11
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Instant Sunrise
- Jedi Knight
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- Joined: 2005-05-31 02:10am
- Location: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula
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Chardok, Be careful what you wish for, it may come true.... In other news, an update to this fic. lots of backstore to it.
Dr. Weir was sitting in Hammond's former office, one that she now occupied. She had been dropped into this mess at the worst possible time she thought was imaginable. Not only did she have to study up on the enemy that had been antagonizing them for the past eight years, but she also had to contend with the arrival of Link and the vast amount of potential technology that he had brought with him. Her cold reception by the staff, who had made it perfectly clear that she had some big shoes to fill, hadn't helped either. To make things worse, Daniel Jackson had just come in requesting an off world mission to Link's homeworld of Hyrule.
“I'm sorry Doctor Jackson, but all off world travel has been suspended for the next 3 months.” Impotently stated Dr. Weir, in response to Daniel's request. “I wish I could help you, but the President of the United States has authorized this review process. I can't do anything.”
“Well then, do something! If we don't do this, Anubis would be able to walk over anything that we could throw at him. Send the Prometheus, The only thing we can't do, is do nothing.” Passionately replied Doctor Jackson. “It's not a matter of if Anubis will attack, but when!”
“I can't send the Prometheus right now. It's needed here to act as a defense against Anubis' fleet when it arrives.” Said Dr. Weir. “I know how important this is, but I can't leave Earth defenseless while you do this.”
Instantly, the argument between Dr. Weir and Dr. Jackson was broken up by the alarms that signaled an the arrival of incoming wormhole to the SGC.
“Off world gate activation!” Yelled Walter over the PA “We have an incoming wormhole!”
The pace of life in the control room in the SGC had slowed down considerably since the review process had shut down all outgoing Stargate activity. However, all of that had changed in an instant with the arrival of an incoming wormhole.
After a few nerve racking moments, the dialing computer showed the green waveform that signaled the arrival of an Iris Deactivation Code.
“Receiving Tok'ra IDC.” Stated Walter.
“Open the iris.” Ordered Dr. Weir as she headed down the gate room to greet the incoming guests.
As Dr. Weir entered the gate room the iris, the only barrier between the SGC and whatever was across the event horizon of that wormhole, quickly peeled away from the wormhole. The shimmering blue face of the event horizon exposed for all to see. After a few moments, Jacob Carter emerged from the gate with a grim expression on his face.
“Hello Sam.” He said to Major Carter, who had been standing by the gate.
“Hi Dad.” She uneasily replied. For the first time in years, Major Carter couldn't help but feel uneasy about the fact that her father was carrying a Tok'ra symbiont inside of him. “What's the occasion?” She asked, knowing that the Tok'ra didn't just stop by to say 'hello.'
“I come with bad news.” Solemnly stated Selmak. “Our operatives have just received word that Anubis is going to attack Earth. He will be here in a week.”
“If this is true.” Stated Dr. Jackson, shocked by the announcement that Selmak had just given them. “Then we have no choice, we have to go to Hyrule. It may be our only chance of stopping him.”
“What about the 'Lost City' that you found?” Asked Dr Weir.
“Well Ma'am, it's there, but it needs a power source. Unfortunately, it needs far more power than ANY Naquadah generator can supply.” Replied Carter. “Luckily, from what Daniel has been able to translate, There appears to be a suitable power source on Hyrule. We would just need to go in and get it.”
“Hyrule?!” Asked Jacob Carter, shocked that they were even considering going there. “You want to go there?”
“Yes. It's our only chance to defeat Anubis.” Replied Major Carter, unsure why her father was objecting to going there.
“The Goa'uld have avoided that planet for years.” Stated Selmak, his voice unnaturally deeper in tone. “It's suicide to go there.”
“Anubis has the Triforce of Power.” Stated Link. “If we stay here, he would get his hands on the rest of the Triforce, then nothing could stop him from enslaving the entire galaxy. You don't understand the power that the Triforce contains.”
“Link is right, this fight is not just for one planet or country. The entire galaxy is at stake here, we have to do this.” Stated Dr. Jackson.
“Alright, I've got a cargo ship ready, I can take you to Hyrule.” Stated Jacob Carter, unsure of this crazy plan to defeat Anubis. “We have to be quick.”
The inside of Jacob's Tel'tak was tense as the ship sped towards Hyrule. Inside of it, was Earth's last chance at freedom from the Goa'uld. Everybody inside was preparing for the worst case scenario when they got to the planet.
“Explain to me, Why couldn't we just dial up Hyrule and go there though the Stargate?” Asked O'Neill, who was cleaning out his P-90 and loading the magazines.
“Because Hyrule's Stargate is underwater, and the Russians wouldn't let us use their submarine.” Explained Carter.
“We're about to come out of hyperspace.” Yelled Jacob Carter from the cockpit.
On Jacob's cue, everybody got up and grabbed their equipment that they would need on the planet.
“Alight, before we ring down there, I want everybody to do an equipment check. I don't want anything going wrong on while we are down there. Alright?” Ordered O'Neill, turning to face the assembled group. “Oh, and Link?” He stated, pulling out an M-16. “This is yours, you know how to fire one of these?”
“Teal'c showed me how on the firing range, sir.” Replied Link, carefully taking the M-16 and putting his arm through the shoulder strap.
“I'll ring you guys down to the surface once we get close enough.” Said Jacob as the Tel'tak sped towards the surface.
3 Months Ago.
Link was sitting with the Elders of Kakariko village, and leaders of the resistance against Ganondorf. He had decided that this time, Ganondorf was too strong to take on by himself. He had to win the support of Hyrule away from their false god.
“<Ganondorf's forces are too strong for me to fight on my own. Will your people assist me?>” Link asked the resistance leader.
“<We will not let Kakariko fall to Ganondorf. The memory of the Sheikah will not die with us.>” Stated the elder. “<We will raid Ganondorf's tower with you.>”
“<No, This is my fight.>” Replied Link. “<You need to evacuate the village to the mountains with the Gorons. If I fail, Ganondorf will move against you and Kakriko will fall. Abandon this village, burn everything to the ground, don't leave him anything to take.>”
“<We have lived here for years.>” Angrily replied the elder. “<You expect us to abandon our homes and lives. We will stay and fight.>”
“<Homes can be rebuilt. Lives cannot.>” Said Link, his eyes casting a weariness that was well beyond his years. “<Go to the Goron City, your combined forces are the only hope for resisting Ganondorf. The pass up Death Mountain will bottleneck his troops, you can slow or stop his advance there. You stay in Kakariko, his troops will surround you by coming over the hills. If you stay here, you will die.>”
“<Alright, we'll do it. I will evacuate Kakariko to the Goron City.>” Stated the village leader, his eyes full of sorrow.
“<One last thing.>” Requested Link. “<Bury the well.>”
Two Months Later
Link was in the Goron City with the rest of Kakariko who had burnt their old homes to the ground, in the hopes of keeping Ganondorf away. Link himself was keeping to a strict training regimen, so that he would be able to face Ganondorf, and get his sweet revenge.
“<Link!>” Yelled a voice entering the city. “<I come with urgent news from the forest.>”
Immediately, Link dropped what he was doing, and turned to face the messenger who was running towards him.
“<What is it?>” Asked Link.
“<Ganondorf's troop have attacked the Kokiri.>” Breathlessly replied the messenger. “<I came as quickly as I could.>”
“<No...>” Link said to himself. His mind reeling at the thought of seeing his home burning. “<I need to go, I have to stop him.>” Link's mind made up, he turned towards his quarters.
“<Link, what is it?>” Asked Darunia, catching Link as he was heading back to his quarters.
<“I have to leave.>” Replied Link. “<Ganondorf is attacking the Kokiri. I need to help them.>” Trying to break away from the conversation.
“<Link, you can't. The people of Kakariko need you here.>” Stated Darunia. “<I don't want Kakariko's last glimpse of my sworn brother to be you running away to fight.>”
“<I'll be back, I promise.>” Stated Link, leaving Darunia for his quarters.
When Link finally arrived in the forest, he was too late. The Kokiri had managed to drive off Ganondorf's Jaffa. Unfortunately, most of the Kokiri Village had been damaged in the battle. Link was shocked to find most of it burnt to the ground. His face was horrified at the damage that the village had sustained from Ganondorf's attack.
“<Who are you!?>” Requested one of the surviving Kokiri children. Hostile to the sudden visitor.
“<My name is Link, I have come to see the Great Deku Tree.>” Replied Link, barely recognizing the face of the kid.
“<Link? Link the Impostor?! Did you come to finish the job?>” Asked Mido. “<You killed the Great Deku Tree! Now you've come back to kill Saria!>”
“<No.>” Replied Link. “<I came here to help you fight Ganondorf...>”
“<Well you're too late! We've already fought him off, no thanks to YOU.>” Spat Mido. “<Go back to Hyrule, impostor.>”
“<No. I want to see Saria.>” Said Link. “<I need to see that she is safe.>”
“<She is safe, I can assure you.>” Arrogantly replied Mido.
“<You're lying.>” Coldly stated Link. “<If you were a decent person you would let me see her so that I can be assured of her safety.””
Mido's eyes flashed on Link's revelation, instantly betraying the presence of a Goa'uld symbiont. In less than a second Link pulled out his sword and held it at Mido's throat.
“<Explain yourself Goa'uld demon!>” Yelled Link.
“<I am not a Goa'uld, I am Kanan of the Tok'ra. Forgive me, my host was unsympathetic to your cause.>” Stated Mido in a deep voice. “<I came here to help the Kokiri rebuild their village after Ganondorf nearly wiped them out.>”
“<Where is Saria?>” Asked Link. “<Is she safe, is she alright?>”
“<Saria is by the great Deku tree. Ganondorf's men have poisoned her with radiation. Her condition has stabilized, and we are doing everything we can to help her.>” Replied Kanan.
“<Show me.>” Said Link, removing his sword from Mido's throat.. “<I want to see her myself.>”
“<Come with me.>” Said Kanan, gesturing Link to follow.
Saria was lying at the base of the Great Deku Tree. In the time that Link had left the forest, the tree had grown from a small sapling in the ground to a small tree that was taller than Link. The remains of the old tree had been cut down and harvested by Ganondorf's men. Saria was covered in bandages to hide her wounds as her body tore itself apart.
“<Saria! I came as soon as I heard.>” Yelled Link as he ran towards her.
“<Link, you have returned.>” Rumbled the Great Deku Tree.
“<Yes, how is Saria?>” Said Link, approaching Saria's side in an attempt to comport her.
“<She is asleep now. Unfortunately, she is going to die very soon, the best that can be done is to keep her comfortable until then.>” Replied the massive tree.
“<How did this happen?>” Asked Link. His mind reaching to figure out how Ganondorf could have wrought such devastation.
“<They attacked at night, and took us by surprise.>” Said the Great Deku Tree. “<When we finally figured out what was going on. Ganondorf's men threatened us with a powerful bomb unless we worshiped Ganondorf as our god.>”
“<You refused?>” Asked Link.
“<Yes. In response, Ganondorf's left a bomb behind. However, before it could go off Saria managed to stop it. But not before it gave off an immense amount of energy. It was enough to cause every Kokiri to start dieing like this. Mido was the only one capable to sustaining the blast.>”
“<Because of the parasite in him?>” Asked Link, still trying to wrap his head around what had happened.
In an instant, Link found himself back in front of the ring that he had come to when he had first returned to Hyrule after his ordeal in Termina. Yet, it was somehow different, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
“<Link. You came.>” Said a voice behind him. Link immediately turn around and felt a rush of warm relief rush over him as he saw Saria standing behind him.
“<Saria! You're alright!>” Exclaimed Link, his face showing signs of relief at seeing the person who had been his only friend when he was growing up.
“<Link don't kid yourself, my body is dying.>” Said Saria. “<I came here to tell you goodbye.>”
“<Saria don't talk like that...>” Replied Link, who was abruptly cut off.
“<No Link, I gave everything to save the Kokiri from the device.>” Interrupted Saria. “<My time on Hyrule is at an end, and I have to leave now.>” As she said this, a glowing white wall of energy formed inside of the gigantic ring.
“<Saria, where are you going?>” Asked Link, blinded by the wall of energy behind her.
“<Somewhere wonderful.>” Stated Saria, turning towards the wall of light and stepping through its threshold.
In an flash, Link found himself back at the Great Deku Tree. He looked at Saria's empty and lifeless body in sorrow as it began to glow white. Soon afterwards, the glowing corpse had lost all shape of being Kokiri, and began to rise towards the heavens.
“<Goodbye Saria.>” Said Link as he turned towards the earth, and for the first time in many months, he broke down and wept.
“<Link, is Saria really... dead?>” Asked Mido.
“<No, my child.>” Said the Great Deku Tree. “<She is not dead, she has ascended to a higher plane of existence.>”
“<Ganondorf did this, he caused the deaths of the Kokiri. I will make his pay for this.>” Said Link, his sorrow turning into pure hatred of the Goa'uld.
“<No! You cannot do that.>” Said Kanan, who had resumed speaking for Mido. “<The Tok'ra have operatives in Ganondorf's power structure. If you leave now, you will expose them and put their lives in jeopardy.>”
“<And every second you allow those parasites to live, you are condemning more people to slavery or death!>” Replied Link, angry at what this Tok'ra was telling him.
“<Link, you cannot take on Ganondorf and win, he will kill you.>” Said Kanan. “<The Goa'uld must be taken apart from the inside. The Tok'ra have survived for two thousand years in the shadows, it is the only way to stop them.>”
“<Except that you won't.>” Said Link. “<You are a parasite on the Goa'uld, you hide in the shadows and simply take what you want. The Tok'ra are no better than the Goa'uld, and should be exterminated along with the Goa'uld. You have the power to save people, and you refuse to use it.>”
“<Link, Hyrule cannot be saved in one day.>” Replied Kanan. “<We need to wait for the right moment, no matter what sacrifice is needed.>”
“<You have no idea the sacrifices I had to make to save Hyrule from Ganondorf seven years ago.>” Solemnly replied Link. “<I lost seven years of my life while Hyrule was enslaved to him. So don't tell me about sacrifice.>” Saying this, Link had grabbed his gear and was walking towards Epona.
“<I'm sorry Link, but you are not going anywhere.>” Said Kanan, pulling a Zat'nikatel on Link. “<Killing Ganondorf now would only destabilize Hyrule, and would lead to massive anarchy and uprisings. Thousands would die from this.>”
“<I will stop Ganondorf. You cannot stop me.>” Said Link. Instantly he was shot by the Zat'nikatel and thrown back.
“<No Link. I will do what I must to protect the lives of the people of Hyrule.>” Replied Kanan. Holding the zat at the ready.
Link mustered all of his strength and got up from the ground and started towards Mido.
“<Link, A second blast from this will kill you.>” Threatened Kanan, his finger hovering on the trigger of the zat.
In a sudden fury of blind rage and adrenaline, Link managed to move at incredible speed towards Mido, barely missing a second zat blast, jumping into the air and impaling Mido on his sword. Removing his sword from Mido's limp corpse, he saw a small snake leave the gaping wound while struggling for life, until it finally gave up and went limp. In Mido's dying eyes, Link watched as he struggled for life, mouthing the words “I'm sorry” towards Link, and slumping to the forest floor.
Link, realizing that the time for a hero had arrived, rode off towards Ganondorf's temple to slay the false god who had enslaved his people.
Dr. Weir was sitting in Hammond's former office, one that she now occupied. She had been dropped into this mess at the worst possible time she thought was imaginable. Not only did she have to study up on the enemy that had been antagonizing them for the past eight years, but she also had to contend with the arrival of Link and the vast amount of potential technology that he had brought with him. Her cold reception by the staff, who had made it perfectly clear that she had some big shoes to fill, hadn't helped either. To make things worse, Daniel Jackson had just come in requesting an off world mission to Link's homeworld of Hyrule.
“I'm sorry Doctor Jackson, but all off world travel has been suspended for the next 3 months.” Impotently stated Dr. Weir, in response to Daniel's request. “I wish I could help you, but the President of the United States has authorized this review process. I can't do anything.”
“Well then, do something! If we don't do this, Anubis would be able to walk over anything that we could throw at him. Send the Prometheus, The only thing we can't do, is do nothing.” Passionately replied Doctor Jackson. “It's not a matter of if Anubis will attack, but when!”
“I can't send the Prometheus right now. It's needed here to act as a defense against Anubis' fleet when it arrives.” Said Dr. Weir. “I know how important this is, but I can't leave Earth defenseless while you do this.”
Instantly, the argument between Dr. Weir and Dr. Jackson was broken up by the alarms that signaled an the arrival of incoming wormhole to the SGC.
“Off world gate activation!” Yelled Walter over the PA “We have an incoming wormhole!”
The pace of life in the control room in the SGC had slowed down considerably since the review process had shut down all outgoing Stargate activity. However, all of that had changed in an instant with the arrival of an incoming wormhole.
After a few nerve racking moments, the dialing computer showed the green waveform that signaled the arrival of an Iris Deactivation Code.
“Receiving Tok'ra IDC.” Stated Walter.
“Open the iris.” Ordered Dr. Weir as she headed down the gate room to greet the incoming guests.
As Dr. Weir entered the gate room the iris, the only barrier between the SGC and whatever was across the event horizon of that wormhole, quickly peeled away from the wormhole. The shimmering blue face of the event horizon exposed for all to see. After a few moments, Jacob Carter emerged from the gate with a grim expression on his face.
“Hello Sam.” He said to Major Carter, who had been standing by the gate.
“Hi Dad.” She uneasily replied. For the first time in years, Major Carter couldn't help but feel uneasy about the fact that her father was carrying a Tok'ra symbiont inside of him. “What's the occasion?” She asked, knowing that the Tok'ra didn't just stop by to say 'hello.'
“I come with bad news.” Solemnly stated Selmak. “Our operatives have just received word that Anubis is going to attack Earth. He will be here in a week.”
“If this is true.” Stated Dr. Jackson, shocked by the announcement that Selmak had just given them. “Then we have no choice, we have to go to Hyrule. It may be our only chance of stopping him.”
“What about the 'Lost City' that you found?” Asked Dr Weir.
“Well Ma'am, it's there, but it needs a power source. Unfortunately, it needs far more power than ANY Naquadah generator can supply.” Replied Carter. “Luckily, from what Daniel has been able to translate, There appears to be a suitable power source on Hyrule. We would just need to go in and get it.”
“Hyrule?!” Asked Jacob Carter, shocked that they were even considering going there. “You want to go there?”
“Yes. It's our only chance to defeat Anubis.” Replied Major Carter, unsure why her father was objecting to going there.
“The Goa'uld have avoided that planet for years.” Stated Selmak, his voice unnaturally deeper in tone. “It's suicide to go there.”
“Anubis has the Triforce of Power.” Stated Link. “If we stay here, he would get his hands on the rest of the Triforce, then nothing could stop him from enslaving the entire galaxy. You don't understand the power that the Triforce contains.”
“Link is right, this fight is not just for one planet or country. The entire galaxy is at stake here, we have to do this.” Stated Dr. Jackson.
“Alright, I've got a cargo ship ready, I can take you to Hyrule.” Stated Jacob Carter, unsure of this crazy plan to defeat Anubis. “We have to be quick.”
The inside of Jacob's Tel'tak was tense as the ship sped towards Hyrule. Inside of it, was Earth's last chance at freedom from the Goa'uld. Everybody inside was preparing for the worst case scenario when they got to the planet.
“Explain to me, Why couldn't we just dial up Hyrule and go there though the Stargate?” Asked O'Neill, who was cleaning out his P-90 and loading the magazines.
“Because Hyrule's Stargate is underwater, and the Russians wouldn't let us use their submarine.” Explained Carter.
“We're about to come out of hyperspace.” Yelled Jacob Carter from the cockpit.
On Jacob's cue, everybody got up and grabbed their equipment that they would need on the planet.
“Alight, before we ring down there, I want everybody to do an equipment check. I don't want anything going wrong on while we are down there. Alright?” Ordered O'Neill, turning to face the assembled group. “Oh, and Link?” He stated, pulling out an M-16. “This is yours, you know how to fire one of these?”
“Teal'c showed me how on the firing range, sir.” Replied Link, carefully taking the M-16 and putting his arm through the shoulder strap.
“I'll ring you guys down to the surface once we get close enough.” Said Jacob as the Tel'tak sped towards the surface.
3 Months Ago.
Link was sitting with the Elders of Kakariko village, and leaders of the resistance against Ganondorf. He had decided that this time, Ganondorf was too strong to take on by himself. He had to win the support of Hyrule away from their false god.
“<Ganondorf's forces are too strong for me to fight on my own. Will your people assist me?>” Link asked the resistance leader.
“<We will not let Kakariko fall to Ganondorf. The memory of the Sheikah will not die with us.>” Stated the elder. “<We will raid Ganondorf's tower with you.>”
“<No, This is my fight.>” Replied Link. “<You need to evacuate the village to the mountains with the Gorons. If I fail, Ganondorf will move against you and Kakriko will fall. Abandon this village, burn everything to the ground, don't leave him anything to take.>”
“<We have lived here for years.>” Angrily replied the elder. “<You expect us to abandon our homes and lives. We will stay and fight.>”
“<Homes can be rebuilt. Lives cannot.>” Said Link, his eyes casting a weariness that was well beyond his years. “<Go to the Goron City, your combined forces are the only hope for resisting Ganondorf. The pass up Death Mountain will bottleneck his troops, you can slow or stop his advance there. You stay in Kakariko, his troops will surround you by coming over the hills. If you stay here, you will die.>”
“<Alright, we'll do it. I will evacuate Kakariko to the Goron City.>” Stated the village leader, his eyes full of sorrow.
“<One last thing.>” Requested Link. “<Bury the well.>”
Two Months Later
Link was in the Goron City with the rest of Kakariko who had burnt their old homes to the ground, in the hopes of keeping Ganondorf away. Link himself was keeping to a strict training regimen, so that he would be able to face Ganondorf, and get his sweet revenge.
“<Link!>” Yelled a voice entering the city. “<I come with urgent news from the forest.>”
Immediately, Link dropped what he was doing, and turned to face the messenger who was running towards him.
“<What is it?>” Asked Link.
“<Ganondorf's troop have attacked the Kokiri.>” Breathlessly replied the messenger. “<I came as quickly as I could.>”
“<No...>” Link said to himself. His mind reeling at the thought of seeing his home burning. “<I need to go, I have to stop him.>” Link's mind made up, he turned towards his quarters.
“<Link, what is it?>” Asked Darunia, catching Link as he was heading back to his quarters.
<“I have to leave.>” Replied Link. “<Ganondorf is attacking the Kokiri. I need to help them.>” Trying to break away from the conversation.
“<Link, you can't. The people of Kakariko need you here.>” Stated Darunia. “<I don't want Kakariko's last glimpse of my sworn brother to be you running away to fight.>”
“<I'll be back, I promise.>” Stated Link, leaving Darunia for his quarters.
When Link finally arrived in the forest, he was too late. The Kokiri had managed to drive off Ganondorf's Jaffa. Unfortunately, most of the Kokiri Village had been damaged in the battle. Link was shocked to find most of it burnt to the ground. His face was horrified at the damage that the village had sustained from Ganondorf's attack.
“<Who are you!?>” Requested one of the surviving Kokiri children. Hostile to the sudden visitor.
“<My name is Link, I have come to see the Great Deku Tree.>” Replied Link, barely recognizing the face of the kid.
“<Link? Link the Impostor?! Did you come to finish the job?>” Asked Mido. “<You killed the Great Deku Tree! Now you've come back to kill Saria!>”
“<No.>” Replied Link. “<I came here to help you fight Ganondorf...>”
“<Well you're too late! We've already fought him off, no thanks to YOU.>” Spat Mido. “<Go back to Hyrule, impostor.>”
“<No. I want to see Saria.>” Said Link. “<I need to see that she is safe.>”
“<She is safe, I can assure you.>” Arrogantly replied Mido.
“<You're lying.>” Coldly stated Link. “<If you were a decent person you would let me see her so that I can be assured of her safety.””
Mido's eyes flashed on Link's revelation, instantly betraying the presence of a Goa'uld symbiont. In less than a second Link pulled out his sword and held it at Mido's throat.
“<Explain yourself Goa'uld demon!>” Yelled Link.
“<I am not a Goa'uld, I am Kanan of the Tok'ra. Forgive me, my host was unsympathetic to your cause.>” Stated Mido in a deep voice. “<I came here to help the Kokiri rebuild their village after Ganondorf nearly wiped them out.>”
“<Where is Saria?>” Asked Link. “<Is she safe, is she alright?>”
“<Saria is by the great Deku tree. Ganondorf's men have poisoned her with radiation. Her condition has stabilized, and we are doing everything we can to help her.>” Replied Kanan.
“<Show me.>” Said Link, removing his sword from Mido's throat.. “<I want to see her myself.>”
“<Come with me.>” Said Kanan, gesturing Link to follow.
Saria was lying at the base of the Great Deku Tree. In the time that Link had left the forest, the tree had grown from a small sapling in the ground to a small tree that was taller than Link. The remains of the old tree had been cut down and harvested by Ganondorf's men. Saria was covered in bandages to hide her wounds as her body tore itself apart.
“<Saria! I came as soon as I heard.>” Yelled Link as he ran towards her.
“<Link, you have returned.>” Rumbled the Great Deku Tree.
“<Yes, how is Saria?>” Said Link, approaching Saria's side in an attempt to comport her.
“<She is asleep now. Unfortunately, she is going to die very soon, the best that can be done is to keep her comfortable until then.>” Replied the massive tree.
“<How did this happen?>” Asked Link. His mind reaching to figure out how Ganondorf could have wrought such devastation.
“<They attacked at night, and took us by surprise.>” Said the Great Deku Tree. “<When we finally figured out what was going on. Ganondorf's men threatened us with a powerful bomb unless we worshiped Ganondorf as our god.>”
“<You refused?>” Asked Link.
“<Yes. In response, Ganondorf's left a bomb behind. However, before it could go off Saria managed to stop it. But not before it gave off an immense amount of energy. It was enough to cause every Kokiri to start dieing like this. Mido was the only one capable to sustaining the blast.>”
“<Because of the parasite in him?>” Asked Link, still trying to wrap his head around what had happened.
In an instant, Link found himself back in front of the ring that he had come to when he had first returned to Hyrule after his ordeal in Termina. Yet, it was somehow different, but he couldn't put his finger on it.
“<Link. You came.>” Said a voice behind him. Link immediately turn around and felt a rush of warm relief rush over him as he saw Saria standing behind him.
“<Saria! You're alright!>” Exclaimed Link, his face showing signs of relief at seeing the person who had been his only friend when he was growing up.
“<Link don't kid yourself, my body is dying.>” Said Saria. “<I came here to tell you goodbye.>”
“<Saria don't talk like that...>” Replied Link, who was abruptly cut off.
“<No Link, I gave everything to save the Kokiri from the device.>” Interrupted Saria. “<My time on Hyrule is at an end, and I have to leave now.>” As she said this, a glowing white wall of energy formed inside of the gigantic ring.
“<Saria, where are you going?>” Asked Link, blinded by the wall of energy behind her.
“<Somewhere wonderful.>” Stated Saria, turning towards the wall of light and stepping through its threshold.
In an flash, Link found himself back at the Great Deku Tree. He looked at Saria's empty and lifeless body in sorrow as it began to glow white. Soon afterwards, the glowing corpse had lost all shape of being Kokiri, and began to rise towards the heavens.
“<Goodbye Saria.>” Said Link as he turned towards the earth, and for the first time in many months, he broke down and wept.
“<Link, is Saria really... dead?>” Asked Mido.
“<No, my child.>” Said the Great Deku Tree. “<She is not dead, she has ascended to a higher plane of existence.>”
“<Ganondorf did this, he caused the deaths of the Kokiri. I will make his pay for this.>” Said Link, his sorrow turning into pure hatred of the Goa'uld.
“<No! You cannot do that.>” Said Kanan, who had resumed speaking for Mido. “<The Tok'ra have operatives in Ganondorf's power structure. If you leave now, you will expose them and put their lives in jeopardy.>”
“<And every second you allow those parasites to live, you are condemning more people to slavery or death!>” Replied Link, angry at what this Tok'ra was telling him.
“<Link, you cannot take on Ganondorf and win, he will kill you.>” Said Kanan. “<The Goa'uld must be taken apart from the inside. The Tok'ra have survived for two thousand years in the shadows, it is the only way to stop them.>”
“<Except that you won't.>” Said Link. “<You are a parasite on the Goa'uld, you hide in the shadows and simply take what you want. The Tok'ra are no better than the Goa'uld, and should be exterminated along with the Goa'uld. You have the power to save people, and you refuse to use it.>”
“<Link, Hyrule cannot be saved in one day.>” Replied Kanan. “<We need to wait for the right moment, no matter what sacrifice is needed.>”
“<You have no idea the sacrifices I had to make to save Hyrule from Ganondorf seven years ago.>” Solemnly replied Link. “<I lost seven years of my life while Hyrule was enslaved to him. So don't tell me about sacrifice.>” Saying this, Link had grabbed his gear and was walking towards Epona.
“<I'm sorry Link, but you are not going anywhere.>” Said Kanan, pulling a Zat'nikatel on Link. “<Killing Ganondorf now would only destabilize Hyrule, and would lead to massive anarchy and uprisings. Thousands would die from this.>”
“<I will stop Ganondorf. You cannot stop me.>” Said Link. Instantly he was shot by the Zat'nikatel and thrown back.
“<No Link. I will do what I must to protect the lives of the people of Hyrule.>” Replied Kanan. Holding the zat at the ready.
Link mustered all of his strength and got up from the ground and started towards Mido.
“<Link, A second blast from this will kill you.>” Threatened Kanan, his finger hovering on the trigger of the zat.
In a sudden fury of blind rage and adrenaline, Link managed to move at incredible speed towards Mido, barely missing a second zat blast, jumping into the air and impaling Mido on his sword. Removing his sword from Mido's limp corpse, he saw a small snake leave the gaping wound while struggling for life, until it finally gave up and went limp. In Mido's dying eyes, Link watched as he struggled for life, mouthing the words “I'm sorry” towards Link, and slumping to the forest floor.
Link, realizing that the time for a hero had arrived, rode off towards Ganondorf's temple to slay the false god who had enslaved his people.
Last edited by Instant Sunrise on 2006-06-14 03:33pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Ford Prefect
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- Instant Sunrise
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Another short update, but things are starting to come together. Especially now that those pesky flashbacks are out of the way.
Present Day
Jacob Carter's Tel'tak was hovering near the steaming island that used to be Death Mountain. Major Samantha Carter was looking at the scan results trying to find some signs of life in the desolate wasteland of Hyrule. Everybody else was standing by at the ring transporter, waiting to go down to the surface.
“Sir!” Shouted Major Carter, ecstatic at the results that she just saw. “I've found a cavern, it looks intact, and by the shape of it it looks like it was dug out, not formed naturally.”
“Any chance we'll be able to ring down there?” Asked O'Neill, his mind firmly on the mission ahead of him.
“I can't be certain, but it looks like there is a ring transporter nearby.” Replied Carter.
“Alright, lets go down there.” Said O'Neill. Carter ran from the cockpit towards the cargo bay, grabbing her gear along the way.
“Wait.” Said Link, wearing the red tunic he had brought with him, his M-16 strapped over his shoulder. “The ring pad is in the middle of the volcanic crater. It isn't safe for you to ring down there. I have to do this alone.” Said Link, clearing SG1 off the ring pad and activating the ring transporter.
“Sir.” Stated Major Carter. “I brought HAZMAT suits on board with us.” Gesturing to one of the cargo compartments.
“Alright, suit up and we'll ring down and meet Link on the surface.” Ordered O'Neill.
SG1 had managed to ring down onto a pad in the middle of Death Mountain's volcanic crater. Unfortunately for SG1, Link was nowhere to be seen.
“Link!” Yelled O'Neill through the HAZMAT suit's speakers. “Get your ass back here right now!”
“Sir.” Said Carter, gesturing towards a hallway nearby them. “Maybe he went in there?”
“Alright lets check it out.” Said O'Neill, moving towards the entrance. “Teal'c, cover me.”
SG1 moved away from the ring pad in the volcanoes crater and into the hallway that was standing in front of them. As SG1 got the end of the hallway, they found simply a hole in the floor with a ladder going down to a floor below.
“Daniel?” Asked O'Neill, aiming the flashlight on his P90 down the hole. “We go down?”
“Well, it is the only way in or out of there.” Replied Jackson.
“Colonel O'Neill.” Said Teal'c. “There is a bridge near the ring pad. Perhaps we should check it out.”
“Alright.” Ordered O'Neill. “Carter, Daniel, check the bridge, Teal'c go with with me. Maintain radio contact and check in every ten minutes.”
Major Carter and Doctor Jackson had split off from Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c, who were checking out a structure that was built into the sides of the volcano itself. Sam and Daniel were exploring the other direction that Link could have gone, which was across a wooden bridge that had broken at some point in the past.
“How do we get across this?” Asked Daniel, puzzled at how Link could have crossed the broken bridge.
“Hookshot.” Said Carter. “Thats how Link got across this gap.”
“Okay, but that doesn't help us.” Replied Daniel, turning back towards the bridge.
“No, but I have an idea...” Said Carter.
“Sam?” Asked Daniel. “What are you going to do?” While he said that, Daniel was turning around to face where Major Carter had been. However, he found that nobody was there. “Sam?!” He yelled, his voice clipping through the suits speakers.
“<Doctor Jackson.>” Came a voice from across the bridge.
Instantly, Daniel turned around to face them. On the other side of the bridge was someone that Daniel had never seen or heard about before. He had an odd symbol on his chest and a mask that obscured everything except his eyes and some of his hair.
“Who.. <Who are you?>” Asked Daniel.
“<Someone you know.>” Replied the stranger. “<But for now, call me 'Sheik.'>”
“<What happened to Major Carter?>” Asked Daniel.
“<She is safe.>” Replied Sheik. “<I can assure you.>”
“<How do I know that you're telling the truth?>” Said Daniel.
“Because Doctor Jackson...” Stated Sheik, in English. Surprising Daniel. “Right now, she is closer to you than you realize.” In a blinding flash of light, Sheik disappeared from the volcanic crater, and Daniel found himself standing on the other side of the broken bridge.
“Sam?!” Yelled Daniel, frantically searching for his friend. As Daniel continued to search, he moved closer towards a cavern entrance that was in front of him. “Major Carter! Are you in here?”
Moving closer through the tunnel, Daniel eventually found a large stone at the end which had been pulled out enough so that he get through into the next room. Beyond the large block was a room that only illuminated by the small amounts of light that trickled into the room from behind the block.
“Sam? Link?” Yelled Daniel into the unforgiving void. “Are you in here?” In a sudden burst of memory, Jackson pulled a emergency flare out of his jacket and ignited it. The Goron Throne Room now illuminated by the harsh light of the flare, he found a hallway leading out towards a much larger common area, illuminated only by a burning wooden stick in the center. “Link? Sam?” Repeated Daniel. “Are you in here?”
“I'm here.” Came a voice from the shadows.
“Who said that?” Asked Daniel into the unforgiving darkness. Turning on his flashlight to pierce the void.
“I did.” Said Link, staring into Daniel's flashlight beam. “Is that you Doctor Jackson?”
When Daniel moved closer to where Link was, he found Link kneeling over his sword in front of the remains of a dead Goron.
“Yeah, its me.” Said Daniel, slightly puzzled at Link's statement. “Have you seen Major Carter?”
“I'm right here.” Came a familiar voice from the shadows. “Sorry I lost you, Sheik was showing me where Link was at.”
“Yeah...” Replied Daniel. “I saw him in the crater as well. Why didn't he just escort us both here?”
“I don't know.” Said Carter. “Sheik said he could only take one person at a time here.”
“All right, I'll go ahead and radio Colonel O'Neill.” Replied Daniel.
“Did you know him?” Asked Carter, looking at the body at Links feet.
“He was my sworn brother.” Replied Link, his eyes welling with tears as he looked back up at Doctor Jackson.
“Jackson to O'Neill.” Said Daniel into the radio.
“Go ahead Jackson.” Came Colonel O'Neill's voice through the radio.
“I've found Link, me and Carter are going to head back to the ring pad. Over.” Radioed Jackson, turning back to the throne room.
“Roger that, me and Teal'c are heading back there now. O'Neill out.” Came Jack's voice over the radio.
“Wait, we can't leave now.” Said Link. “We need to get what we came here for.” Walking towards the throne room.
“Wait, so what is it exactly that we need from here anyway?” Asked Daniel.
“A power supply.” Said Carter. “The scan data from Prometheus showed that the Lost City has absolutely no power running in it, not even a form of standby mode.”
“Alright, where is it?” He asked, still somewhat oblivious to Link and Carter's intentions.
“The Fire Temple.” Replied Link, grabbing one of the standard issue torches that Major Carter and Daniel had brought with them. “The entrance is near the ring pad.”
“That's where Jack and Teal'c went.” Said Daniel. In a brief moment, the three of them looked at each other on hearing Daniel's words before bolting through the throne room into the crater.
Doctor Weir was in her office reviewing the mission reports and personnel files from SG-1. She couldn't even begin to imagine the risks that these people took on a daily basis. O'Neill had downloaded the knowledge of an extinct alien race into his mind, Carter was briefly possessed by a member of the Tok'ra, Doctor Jackson had died of radiation poisoning and then 'ascended' to a higher plane of existence. She couldn't fathom the sacrifices that this team had made on a daily basis.
“Doctor Weir, do you have a moment?” Asked Dr. Frasier, peeking in the door of the gargantuan office.
“No.” Said Doctor Weir, much to the dismay of Doctor Frasier. “I don't care how many times they have put the planet at risk, those four have done more for this country than anybody else can even imagine.”
“Ah, I see you're busy.” Said Frasier, waiting patiently in the doorway.
“Yes, I am aware of her condition, and it is a serious concern to me.” Stated Doctor Weir into her headset, pausing to listen to the person on the other end. “I fail to see what that incident has to do with this, yes I know she was taken over by a Tok'ra. However if you would read the rest of the report you would see that it gave its life to save her, and introduced us to a powerful ally.” She said, gesturing Doctor Frasier to sit down in front of her desk. “I am quite aware of what happened to Colonel O'Neill. Yes, and we ended up with several hundred more gate addresses and the ability to translate an otherwise lost language. Look mister Vice President, I have a very important meeting right now. However, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not simply your political puppet, I will make decisions that best suit this facility as I see fit.” She firmly stated before hanging up her phone.
Turning her attention to Doctor Frasier, she shuffled the massive amount of paper on her desk “Sorry about that, I guess talking into that thing makes me look like a crazy person.” Said Doctor Weir.
“Ma'am, it's about Major Carter.” Said Doctor Frasier, struggling to find the right words through torrents of emotion. “I've been going over her MRI data and I have found some disturbing similarities to some past incidents.”
“Go on.” Said Doctor Weir, who was now giving Frasier her complete attention.
“Her brain wave patterns seem to match both that of her experience with the Tok'ra Jolinar, and Colonel O'Neill's incident with the repository of the ancients on P3R-272.” Stated Frasier. “It's like the Triforce that she is carrying is adding its knowledge to hers. The main difference is, is that this process will likely manifest itself as something similar to split personalities until whatever this process is doing finishes.”
“Then what do you recommend in the meantime?” Asked Doctor Weir.
“Once she returns from Hyrule, I think our best option would be to confine her to the infirmary until this finishes.” Said Doctor Frasier. “I don't know how much farther her condition has advanced since then, but at this point I think that would be the best option for her own safety.”
Link, Carter and Daniel were running back to the ring pad as quick as they could. The group was hoping that Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c would be there, but they were also prepared to go into the where the two had gone to rescue them if needed.
“Carter to O'Neill.” Said Sam into the radio, trying to keep up with Link as he sprinted towards the ring pad.
“Go ahead Carter.” Came Jack's voice through the radio.
“Sir, hold your position.” Said Carter. “We have reason to believe that the power source we need for the Lost City is inside that facility. Over.”
“Carter!” Came O'Neill's exasperated reply over the radio. “Don't come in here! Tell us where it is and Teal'c and I will find it. Over.”
“Sir!” Replied Sam. “Link knows this place better than anyone else....”
“My decision is final!” Said Jack, interrupting Major Carter. “This place is too dangerous for me to risk you, Link or Daniel. Get back to the ring pad and meet us on Jacob's ship. O'Neill out.”
The trio's sprint towards the ring pad came to a sudden stop when Sam and Daniel both realized that they had no way of crossing the broken bridge.
“Uh.. Link?” Asked Daniel. “How do we get across this gap?”
“The same way you crossed it before.” Replied Link, not giving Jackson's question a second thought.
“Yeah.” Said Doctor Jackson. “Sheik talked to me, disappeared in a flash and then I was on the other side.”
“Here.” said Link, handing Daniel a small hand held device. “It's point and shoot. Use it on that piece of wood. Release the trigger and the chain retracts, and pulling you towards it.” Turning to Major Carter, her handed her a similar device. “Same thing, except that the chain is shorter. But it's long enough to work here.”
“Wait, Link how are you going to get across?” Asked Daniel. Securing a wrist strap between the longshot and his arm.
“With these.” Replied Link, grabbing a pair of boots from his endless bag of equipment. “These boots are too dangerous for anybody but me to use.” After saying that, Link put the boots on and made a running start for the broken bridge, his feet sliding on the ground as he tried to build speed. When he reached the edge of the gap, Link continued on like the ground was still there for a brief moment. Shortly afterwards, gravity caught up with Link and he started to fall towards to pool of magma beneath him, it a snap decision, Link reached out and grabbed onto the bridge and pulled himself up onto it.
“Neat trick.” Remarked Daniel, aiming the longshot at the wooden beam above the bridge. Pulling the trigger, the chain shot out and secured itself on the beam. Moments later, Daniel released the trigger and found himself hanging on to the device as he dangled above the bridge. “Whoa!” He yelled out, dangling above a flimsy bridge that was over a pit of magma. Relaxing his grip on it, Daniel watched as the sharpened tip of the chain retracted inside itself, allowing it to dislodge itself from the wood, and letting gravity drop him on the bridge with a satisfying thud.
“Are you okay?” Asked Link, who had just watched Daniel make every rookie mistake in the book with the device.
“Yeah...” Said Daniel, straitening his back as he got up from the bridge. “I'll be alright.” The two of them turned to face to other side of the gap in the bridge and watched as Major Carter perfectly used the hookshot to cross the gap like she had known how to do it her entire life.
“Daniel.” Said Carter. “My HAZMAT suit is starting to fail, we need to ring back to the ship.”
“What about Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c?” Asked Daniel, Gesturing towards the entrance to the fire temple. “They went in there.”
“You two get back to your ship, I'll go and get them.” Said Link, heading into the fire temple to rescue the ones who had saved his from Anubis before.
Present Day
Jacob Carter's Tel'tak was hovering near the steaming island that used to be Death Mountain. Major Samantha Carter was looking at the scan results trying to find some signs of life in the desolate wasteland of Hyrule. Everybody else was standing by at the ring transporter, waiting to go down to the surface.
“Sir!” Shouted Major Carter, ecstatic at the results that she just saw. “I've found a cavern, it looks intact, and by the shape of it it looks like it was dug out, not formed naturally.”
“Any chance we'll be able to ring down there?” Asked O'Neill, his mind firmly on the mission ahead of him.
“I can't be certain, but it looks like there is a ring transporter nearby.” Replied Carter.
“Alright, lets go down there.” Said O'Neill. Carter ran from the cockpit towards the cargo bay, grabbing her gear along the way.
“Wait.” Said Link, wearing the red tunic he had brought with him, his M-16 strapped over his shoulder. “The ring pad is in the middle of the volcanic crater. It isn't safe for you to ring down there. I have to do this alone.” Said Link, clearing SG1 off the ring pad and activating the ring transporter.
“Sir.” Stated Major Carter. “I brought HAZMAT suits on board with us.” Gesturing to one of the cargo compartments.
“Alright, suit up and we'll ring down and meet Link on the surface.” Ordered O'Neill.
SG1 had managed to ring down onto a pad in the middle of Death Mountain's volcanic crater. Unfortunately for SG1, Link was nowhere to be seen.
“Link!” Yelled O'Neill through the HAZMAT suit's speakers. “Get your ass back here right now!”
“Sir.” Said Carter, gesturing towards a hallway nearby them. “Maybe he went in there?”
“Alright lets check it out.” Said O'Neill, moving towards the entrance. “Teal'c, cover me.”
SG1 moved away from the ring pad in the volcanoes crater and into the hallway that was standing in front of them. As SG1 got the end of the hallway, they found simply a hole in the floor with a ladder going down to a floor below.
“Daniel?” Asked O'Neill, aiming the flashlight on his P90 down the hole. “We go down?”
“Well, it is the only way in or out of there.” Replied Jackson.
“Colonel O'Neill.” Said Teal'c. “There is a bridge near the ring pad. Perhaps we should check it out.”
“Alright.” Ordered O'Neill. “Carter, Daniel, check the bridge, Teal'c go with with me. Maintain radio contact and check in every ten minutes.”
Major Carter and Doctor Jackson had split off from Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c, who were checking out a structure that was built into the sides of the volcano itself. Sam and Daniel were exploring the other direction that Link could have gone, which was across a wooden bridge that had broken at some point in the past.
“How do we get across this?” Asked Daniel, puzzled at how Link could have crossed the broken bridge.
“Hookshot.” Said Carter. “Thats how Link got across this gap.”
“Okay, but that doesn't help us.” Replied Daniel, turning back towards the bridge.
“No, but I have an idea...” Said Carter.
“Sam?” Asked Daniel. “What are you going to do?” While he said that, Daniel was turning around to face where Major Carter had been. However, he found that nobody was there. “Sam?!” He yelled, his voice clipping through the suits speakers.
“<Doctor Jackson.>” Came a voice from across the bridge.
Instantly, Daniel turned around to face them. On the other side of the bridge was someone that Daniel had never seen or heard about before. He had an odd symbol on his chest and a mask that obscured everything except his eyes and some of his hair.
“Who.. <Who are you?>” Asked Daniel.
“<Someone you know.>” Replied the stranger. “<But for now, call me 'Sheik.'>”
“<What happened to Major Carter?>” Asked Daniel.
“<She is safe.>” Replied Sheik. “<I can assure you.>”
“<How do I know that you're telling the truth?>” Said Daniel.
“Because Doctor Jackson...” Stated Sheik, in English. Surprising Daniel. “Right now, she is closer to you than you realize.” In a blinding flash of light, Sheik disappeared from the volcanic crater, and Daniel found himself standing on the other side of the broken bridge.
“Sam?!” Yelled Daniel, frantically searching for his friend. As Daniel continued to search, he moved closer towards a cavern entrance that was in front of him. “Major Carter! Are you in here?”
Moving closer through the tunnel, Daniel eventually found a large stone at the end which had been pulled out enough so that he get through into the next room. Beyond the large block was a room that only illuminated by the small amounts of light that trickled into the room from behind the block.
“Sam? Link?” Yelled Daniel into the unforgiving void. “Are you in here?” In a sudden burst of memory, Jackson pulled a emergency flare out of his jacket and ignited it. The Goron Throne Room now illuminated by the harsh light of the flare, he found a hallway leading out towards a much larger common area, illuminated only by a burning wooden stick in the center. “Link? Sam?” Repeated Daniel. “Are you in here?”
“I'm here.” Came a voice from the shadows.
“Who said that?” Asked Daniel into the unforgiving darkness. Turning on his flashlight to pierce the void.
“I did.” Said Link, staring into Daniel's flashlight beam. “Is that you Doctor Jackson?”
When Daniel moved closer to where Link was, he found Link kneeling over his sword in front of the remains of a dead Goron.
“Yeah, its me.” Said Daniel, slightly puzzled at Link's statement. “Have you seen Major Carter?”
“I'm right here.” Came a familiar voice from the shadows. “Sorry I lost you, Sheik was showing me where Link was at.”
“Yeah...” Replied Daniel. “I saw him in the crater as well. Why didn't he just escort us both here?”
“I don't know.” Said Carter. “Sheik said he could only take one person at a time here.”
“All right, I'll go ahead and radio Colonel O'Neill.” Replied Daniel.
“Did you know him?” Asked Carter, looking at the body at Links feet.
“He was my sworn brother.” Replied Link, his eyes welling with tears as he looked back up at Doctor Jackson.
“Jackson to O'Neill.” Said Daniel into the radio.
“Go ahead Jackson.” Came Colonel O'Neill's voice through the radio.
“I've found Link, me and Carter are going to head back to the ring pad. Over.” Radioed Jackson, turning back to the throne room.
“Roger that, me and Teal'c are heading back there now. O'Neill out.” Came Jack's voice over the radio.
“Wait, we can't leave now.” Said Link. “We need to get what we came here for.” Walking towards the throne room.
“Wait, so what is it exactly that we need from here anyway?” Asked Daniel.
“A power supply.” Said Carter. “The scan data from Prometheus showed that the Lost City has absolutely no power running in it, not even a form of standby mode.”
“Alright, where is it?” He asked, still somewhat oblivious to Link and Carter's intentions.
“The Fire Temple.” Replied Link, grabbing one of the standard issue torches that Major Carter and Daniel had brought with them. “The entrance is near the ring pad.”
“That's where Jack and Teal'c went.” Said Daniel. In a brief moment, the three of them looked at each other on hearing Daniel's words before bolting through the throne room into the crater.
Doctor Weir was in her office reviewing the mission reports and personnel files from SG-1. She couldn't even begin to imagine the risks that these people took on a daily basis. O'Neill had downloaded the knowledge of an extinct alien race into his mind, Carter was briefly possessed by a member of the Tok'ra, Doctor Jackson had died of radiation poisoning and then 'ascended' to a higher plane of existence. She couldn't fathom the sacrifices that this team had made on a daily basis.
“Doctor Weir, do you have a moment?” Asked Dr. Frasier, peeking in the door of the gargantuan office.
“No.” Said Doctor Weir, much to the dismay of Doctor Frasier. “I don't care how many times they have put the planet at risk, those four have done more for this country than anybody else can even imagine.”
“Ah, I see you're busy.” Said Frasier, waiting patiently in the doorway.
“Yes, I am aware of her condition, and it is a serious concern to me.” Stated Doctor Weir into her headset, pausing to listen to the person on the other end. “I fail to see what that incident has to do with this, yes I know she was taken over by a Tok'ra. However if you would read the rest of the report you would see that it gave its life to save her, and introduced us to a powerful ally.” She said, gesturing Doctor Frasier to sit down in front of her desk. “I am quite aware of what happened to Colonel O'Neill. Yes, and we ended up with several hundred more gate addresses and the ability to translate an otherwise lost language. Look mister Vice President, I have a very important meeting right now. However, I want to make it absolutely clear that I am not simply your political puppet, I will make decisions that best suit this facility as I see fit.” She firmly stated before hanging up her phone.
Turning her attention to Doctor Frasier, she shuffled the massive amount of paper on her desk “Sorry about that, I guess talking into that thing makes me look like a crazy person.” Said Doctor Weir.
“Ma'am, it's about Major Carter.” Said Doctor Frasier, struggling to find the right words through torrents of emotion. “I've been going over her MRI data and I have found some disturbing similarities to some past incidents.”
“Go on.” Said Doctor Weir, who was now giving Frasier her complete attention.
“Her brain wave patterns seem to match both that of her experience with the Tok'ra Jolinar, and Colonel O'Neill's incident with the repository of the ancients on P3R-272.” Stated Frasier. “It's like the Triforce that she is carrying is adding its knowledge to hers. The main difference is, is that this process will likely manifest itself as something similar to split personalities until whatever this process is doing finishes.”
“Then what do you recommend in the meantime?” Asked Doctor Weir.
“Once she returns from Hyrule, I think our best option would be to confine her to the infirmary until this finishes.” Said Doctor Frasier. “I don't know how much farther her condition has advanced since then, but at this point I think that would be the best option for her own safety.”
Link, Carter and Daniel were running back to the ring pad as quick as they could. The group was hoping that Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c would be there, but they were also prepared to go into the where the two had gone to rescue them if needed.
“Carter to O'Neill.” Said Sam into the radio, trying to keep up with Link as he sprinted towards the ring pad.
“Go ahead Carter.” Came Jack's voice through the radio.
“Sir, hold your position.” Said Carter. “We have reason to believe that the power source we need for the Lost City is inside that facility. Over.”
“Carter!” Came O'Neill's exasperated reply over the radio. “Don't come in here! Tell us where it is and Teal'c and I will find it. Over.”
“Sir!” Replied Sam. “Link knows this place better than anyone else....”
“My decision is final!” Said Jack, interrupting Major Carter. “This place is too dangerous for me to risk you, Link or Daniel. Get back to the ring pad and meet us on Jacob's ship. O'Neill out.”
The trio's sprint towards the ring pad came to a sudden stop when Sam and Daniel both realized that they had no way of crossing the broken bridge.
“Uh.. Link?” Asked Daniel. “How do we get across this gap?”
“The same way you crossed it before.” Replied Link, not giving Jackson's question a second thought.
“Yeah.” Said Doctor Jackson. “Sheik talked to me, disappeared in a flash and then I was on the other side.”
“Here.” said Link, handing Daniel a small hand held device. “It's point and shoot. Use it on that piece of wood. Release the trigger and the chain retracts, and pulling you towards it.” Turning to Major Carter, her handed her a similar device. “Same thing, except that the chain is shorter. But it's long enough to work here.”
“Wait, Link how are you going to get across?” Asked Daniel. Securing a wrist strap between the longshot and his arm.
“With these.” Replied Link, grabbing a pair of boots from his endless bag of equipment. “These boots are too dangerous for anybody but me to use.” After saying that, Link put the boots on and made a running start for the broken bridge, his feet sliding on the ground as he tried to build speed. When he reached the edge of the gap, Link continued on like the ground was still there for a brief moment. Shortly afterwards, gravity caught up with Link and he started to fall towards to pool of magma beneath him, it a snap decision, Link reached out and grabbed onto the bridge and pulled himself up onto it.
“Neat trick.” Remarked Daniel, aiming the longshot at the wooden beam above the bridge. Pulling the trigger, the chain shot out and secured itself on the beam. Moments later, Daniel released the trigger and found himself hanging on to the device as he dangled above the bridge. “Whoa!” He yelled out, dangling above a flimsy bridge that was over a pit of magma. Relaxing his grip on it, Daniel watched as the sharpened tip of the chain retracted inside itself, allowing it to dislodge itself from the wood, and letting gravity drop him on the bridge with a satisfying thud.
“Are you okay?” Asked Link, who had just watched Daniel make every rookie mistake in the book with the device.
“Yeah...” Said Daniel, straitening his back as he got up from the bridge. “I'll be alright.” The two of them turned to face to other side of the gap in the bridge and watched as Major Carter perfectly used the hookshot to cross the gap like she had known how to do it her entire life.
“Daniel.” Said Carter. “My HAZMAT suit is starting to fail, we need to ring back to the ship.”
“What about Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c?” Asked Daniel, Gesturing towards the entrance to the fire temple. “They went in there.”
“You two get back to your ship, I'll go and get them.” Said Link, heading into the fire temple to rescue the ones who had saved his from Anubis before.
- Instant Sunrise
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 945
- Joined: 2005-05-31 02:10am
- Location: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula
- Contact:
Another Shortie, this story is getting harder to write, but I am almost done setting up for the kick-ass conclusion.
Henry Hayes, the president of the United States, had to give the hardest speech that any president would ever wave to give. With Anubis' entire fleet now approaching the planet with one goal in mind, annihilation. The US Air Force couldn't keep the Stargate program a secret any longer. The truth would come out now, and it would hurt.
“My fellow Americans.” He stated. “I come to you tonight with grave news. Our world stands on the brink of complete and utter annihilation. Several years ago an archaeological dig on the Giza Plateau found a strange metal ring. One of the researchers surmised that it was an alien transportation device. Eight years ago, her theory was proved to be right when Doctor Daniel Jackson successfully deciphered the symbols on the coverstone, allowing us to visit another world for the first time, opening our eyes to the what lies beyond our own world. We now face an enemy named Anubis that wants nothing less than the complete enslavement of the human race. We have seen him destroy entire worlds that did not bow down to him.” His voice showing his steadfast determination to fight this threat.
“I come to you now to ask you to stand strong in the face of adversity, and to show Anubis that we will never bow down to him, and that we will fight back.” He continued. “To accomplish this, I have ordered the creation of the 'Department of Planetary Security' to fight this and any other threats from off world. This department is going to oversee both the Stargate program, and the X-303 Prometheus, Earth's first line of defense against this enemy. This department is going to be placed under the capable hands of general George Hammond, who has been appointed as the Secretary of Planetary Security, effective immediately. He ran the Stargate program for seven years, and is the most effective person to defend this planet. Today we stand up and fight, not as a nation, but as a world. I ask the citizens of the world to stand up and show Anubis that we will not bow down before him, but we will fight.”
As the presidential broadcast ended the oval office was thick with tension as everyone came to the realization of what the nation now knew.
“Great speech Mister President.” Commented Hammond, interrupted by an aide entering the oval office.
“Mister President.” Said the aide. “The results are in from the Senate vote, General Hammond has been confirmed as the Secretary of Planetary Defense.”
“Mister President.” Said Secretary Hammond. “I think it would be best for the time being if I was on Prometheus to oversee the extraction of SG-1.”
“George, With all dues respect, we need Prometheus here right now.” Said President Hayes. “She is Earth's only line of defense against Anubis.”
“Mister President.” Replied Hammond. “Without SG1, we may not stand a chance against him. Right now they are off world retrieving alien technology that could potentially turn the balance of power against Anubis.”
“God speed George.” Replied President Hayes, as he watched Secretary Hammond vanish from the Oval Office in a flash of light.
“Mister President! You can't be serious!” Objected Vice President Kinsey. “Sending the Prometheus away on a wild goose chase to bring back that god-forsaken team?! If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!”
“Bob, there is a whole universe up there!” Retorted President Hayes. “We can't just stick our heads in the sand and ignore it. Sooner or later this would happen. We need to deal with what we have, not what we want to have.”
“Mister President.” Angrily replied Kinsey. “We need the Prometheus here, to defend against the threat that SG1 has brought to this planet.”
“Bob.” Calmly stated President Hayes. “You're fired.”
Anubis watched over his legions of Kull Warriors as they prepared to board the dozens of Ha'tak vessels that were waiting for their passengers. Anubis himself was trying to find where the other two holders of the triforce were, so that he could acquire them for himself, and bring peace and order to the entire universe with him as its benevolent god.
“My Lord.” Said his first prime. “I bring you Anise of the Tok'ra.”
“Excellent work, my servant.” Replied Anubis. “When the day of reckoning comes, you will be greatly rewarded.”
Turning towards Anise's broken and chain body, Anubis rose from his throne, towering over her as he look through her eyes. “Where is the one you call Selmak?” He demanded.
She remained silent.
“I know that Selmak left to contact the Tau'ri. Where did he go?” Yelled Anubis, his voice resonating with a chilling anger.
“If you were a god. You would know.” She spat at him as she pulled a small vial with two liquids that were kept separated from each other.
“If you will not talk, then I will take what you know by force.” He said, removing a small device covered with spikes from his person.
Anise, seeing the device, crushed the concealed vial that was in her hands, releasing the symbiont poison and killing her instantly. With her dying breaths, Anise looked defiantly at Anubis as she spat out the words. “I die... free.”
Several hours later, Freya awoke in a sarcophagus. Her body cleansed of the poison that had killed Anise. Upon realizing her situation, Freya broke down and started to weep as she realized how alone she was without Anise's comforting presence in her mind. While she crying over the loss of her friend, Freya watched in horror as the sarcophagus opened up above her.
“Now, I will take what I want from your mind.” Boomed Anubis' voice as he placed his hand onto Freya's head as everything she ever knew or felt came pouring out of her mind.
After several agonizing minutes, Anubis stopped. Satisfied in the information he had received, he removed his hand and asked her one simple question.
“Who is your master?” He inquired.
“I serve my god Anubis.” She answered, a small part of her mind screaming in horror at what she had just said.
“Colonel O'Neill, be careful of your step. This room appears to be filled with traps.” Said Teal'c, looking out over a room that had a grid of posts covering the floor.
Heeding Teal'c's warning, Jack cautiously stepped forward towards the door at the other end of the room, and was immediately jolted back from a wall of fire that blocked his way. “Thanks for the warning.” Coughed Jack as he rolled along the ground to extinguish the flames.
“Indeed.” Stoically replied Teal'c as he helped the smoldering Jack to his feet.
While Jack and Teal'c were trying to find a safe route through the room, they were surprised by Link bursting into the room behind them.
“Link?! What the hell are you doing here?” Angrily asked O'Neill. “I ordered you to get back on the ship!”
“I came here to rescue you!” Yelled Link. “This temple is too dangerous!”
“That's why I ordered you onto the ship!” Replied O'Neill. “Now get back there and wait for me to return with the power supply!” In an instant, the room went dark and all the doors in the temple locked.
“Someone just beat you to it.” Said Link. “This temple just lost power.”
“Is this what you seek?” Came a voice from the shadows.
“Sheik?” Asked Link, staring into the unforgiving shadows. “Is that you?”
“Yes.” Came his reply from behind the team. Looking over, they saw Sheik standing there, holding a glowing glass cylinder. “This is a Zero Point Module, it's what you need it to power the Lost City.”
“You're just giving this to us?” Asked O'Neill. “What the catch?”
“None.” Replied Sheik. “Look at this world, look at Abydos, Kelwona, and Tollana. Earth is next unless something is done.”
“Okay.” Said Jack, suspicious of their visitor. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sheik. I am the last of the Sheikah, the shadow tribe of Hyrule.” Said Sheik. “I came here to help you.”
“That's great and all, but in case you didn't notice, we're trapped in here right now.” Said Jack. “So right now, try to concentrate on getting us out.”
“Jackson to O'Neill.” Came Daniel's voice over the radio, interruption the tension in the group.
“Go ahead Jackson.” Said O'Neill into the radio.
“I'm back on board the ship right now. Sam's gone.” Said Daniel.
“What do you mean, she's gone?!” Yelled O'Neill, who was absolutely furious by that point.
“She's hiding.” Said Sheik, his voice drowning out Daniel's explanation. “Anubis wants the rest of the triforce, and he can feel where the other pieces are. She is hiding to keep you safe from him.”
“Well, where is she?” He asked, angry at the visitor.
“She's safe, and she is much closer than you realize.” Said Sheik, trying to protect both himself and Major Carter.
“See, that's not good enough for us. We never leave a man behind.” Said O'Neill, his anger at Sheik simmering inside of him. “You bring us Major Carter right now.”
“Or else...” Continued Teal'c, his voice deadly serious. “I will kill you where you stand.”
“All right, but I must be quick with this.” Said Sheik, vanishing in a flash of light.
Daniel and Jacob were sitting in the small cargo ship waiting for Link and the rest of SG-1 to return. They were trying to acquire the missing pieces that were needed to operate the Lost City in Antarctica. Daniel was in the cockpit of the ship with Jacob, looking over the blue ocean that now covered Hyrule. Sam had told him that she had gone to the cargo bay to check on some equipment and see why her HAZMAT suit had started to fail. Unfortunately, she never came back. Daniel heard the ring transporter activate, he went over to check, and she was gone.
“Okay, set the scanners to check a 1 kilometer radius from the ring pad.” Said Jackson, who was operating the sensor equipment in a desperate search for Major Carter.
“Doctor Jackson, there is no way she could have gotten that far.” Said Selmak. “Not on foot.”
“Look.” Said Daniel. “We... We can't just stop trying. Look, if she were in my position, I know that she would do the same thing for me.”
“You're certain?” Asked Selmak, looking over at Daniel.
“Yes, because unlike the Tok'ra, we never leave a man behind.” Stated Daniel, remembering what Jack had told him about his captivity and torture at Ba'al's hidden compound after the Tok'ra symbiont he had abandoned him.
“I'm sorry.” Said Jacob. “Continuing to scan the area.”
“Jackson this is O'Neill.” Came Jack's familiar voice from the radio.
“Go ahead Jack.” Said Daniel into his radio.
“I'm made contact with Major Carter, she's in good shape. However she is requesting to stay here for the time being.” Said Jack.
“But Jack, we need her.” Said Daniel. “Without her knowledge, there is little chance of us being able to operate whatever is there in Antarctica.”
“I know.” Said Jack. “However, this is for her own safety.”
“Jack...” Said Daniel, in a futile attempt to respond to what Colonel O'Neill had just said.
“Daniel, do you really think I would have let her done it if I didn't think it would work?” Said O'Neill.
“No, but she's the only one who knows how to operate the defenses in Antarctica.” Said Daniel, in a futile attempt to reverse the decision that had already been made.
“That's not true.” Came O'Neill's reply. “We found a local expert. He's willing to help us, and he gave us a power source for the Antarctic defenses. He calls himself Sheik, and he knows his way around ancient technology such as the Stargate and Antarctic defenses.”
“Yeah... we've met.” replied Daniel.
In an instant, Daniel watched as a single Goa'uld ship dropped out of Hyperspace on top of him.
“Uhh... Jack, we've got a problem.” Said Daniel. “A Goa'uld ship just came out of hyperspace right on top of us.”
“Oh for crying out...” Replied O'Neill. “Daniel, Jacob, take off and get the hell out of here.”
“Jack.” Said Daniel. “What happened to never leave a man behind?”
“Daniel! They aren't after you, they want us.” Replied Jack, his voice full of regret. “Draw them away from here, then come back and get us. That's an order.”
“Selmak, this is Anise of the Tok'ra.” Came a voice over the ship's communication system. “The Tok'ra has decided to restore your position on the council. We only ask that you bring Link with you to face punishment for the murder of Kanan.”
Henry Hayes, the president of the United States, had to give the hardest speech that any president would ever wave to give. With Anubis' entire fleet now approaching the planet with one goal in mind, annihilation. The US Air Force couldn't keep the Stargate program a secret any longer. The truth would come out now, and it would hurt.
“My fellow Americans.” He stated. “I come to you tonight with grave news. Our world stands on the brink of complete and utter annihilation. Several years ago an archaeological dig on the Giza Plateau found a strange metal ring. One of the researchers surmised that it was an alien transportation device. Eight years ago, her theory was proved to be right when Doctor Daniel Jackson successfully deciphered the symbols on the coverstone, allowing us to visit another world for the first time, opening our eyes to the what lies beyond our own world. We now face an enemy named Anubis that wants nothing less than the complete enslavement of the human race. We have seen him destroy entire worlds that did not bow down to him.” His voice showing his steadfast determination to fight this threat.
“I come to you now to ask you to stand strong in the face of adversity, and to show Anubis that we will never bow down to him, and that we will fight back.” He continued. “To accomplish this, I have ordered the creation of the 'Department of Planetary Security' to fight this and any other threats from off world. This department is going to oversee both the Stargate program, and the X-303 Prometheus, Earth's first line of defense against this enemy. This department is going to be placed under the capable hands of general George Hammond, who has been appointed as the Secretary of Planetary Security, effective immediately. He ran the Stargate program for seven years, and is the most effective person to defend this planet. Today we stand up and fight, not as a nation, but as a world. I ask the citizens of the world to stand up and show Anubis that we will not bow down before him, but we will fight.”
As the presidential broadcast ended the oval office was thick with tension as everyone came to the realization of what the nation now knew.
“Great speech Mister President.” Commented Hammond, interrupted by an aide entering the oval office.
“Mister President.” Said the aide. “The results are in from the Senate vote, General Hammond has been confirmed as the Secretary of Planetary Defense.”
“Mister President.” Said Secretary Hammond. “I think it would be best for the time being if I was on Prometheus to oversee the extraction of SG-1.”
“George, With all dues respect, we need Prometheus here right now.” Said President Hayes. “She is Earth's only line of defense against Anubis.”
“Mister President.” Replied Hammond. “Without SG1, we may not stand a chance against him. Right now they are off world retrieving alien technology that could potentially turn the balance of power against Anubis.”
“God speed George.” Replied President Hayes, as he watched Secretary Hammond vanish from the Oval Office in a flash of light.
“Mister President! You can't be serious!” Objected Vice President Kinsey. “Sending the Prometheus away on a wild goose chase to bring back that god-forsaken team?! If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!”
“Bob, there is a whole universe up there!” Retorted President Hayes. “We can't just stick our heads in the sand and ignore it. Sooner or later this would happen. We need to deal with what we have, not what we want to have.”
“Mister President.” Angrily replied Kinsey. “We need the Prometheus here, to defend against the threat that SG1 has brought to this planet.”
“Bob.” Calmly stated President Hayes. “You're fired.”
Anubis watched over his legions of Kull Warriors as they prepared to board the dozens of Ha'tak vessels that were waiting for their passengers. Anubis himself was trying to find where the other two holders of the triforce were, so that he could acquire them for himself, and bring peace and order to the entire universe with him as its benevolent god.
“My Lord.” Said his first prime. “I bring you Anise of the Tok'ra.”
“Excellent work, my servant.” Replied Anubis. “When the day of reckoning comes, you will be greatly rewarded.”
Turning towards Anise's broken and chain body, Anubis rose from his throne, towering over her as he look through her eyes. “Where is the one you call Selmak?” He demanded.
She remained silent.
“I know that Selmak left to contact the Tau'ri. Where did he go?” Yelled Anubis, his voice resonating with a chilling anger.
“If you were a god. You would know.” She spat at him as she pulled a small vial with two liquids that were kept separated from each other.
“If you will not talk, then I will take what you know by force.” He said, removing a small device covered with spikes from his person.
Anise, seeing the device, crushed the concealed vial that was in her hands, releasing the symbiont poison and killing her instantly. With her dying breaths, Anise looked defiantly at Anubis as she spat out the words. “I die... free.”
Several hours later, Freya awoke in a sarcophagus. Her body cleansed of the poison that had killed Anise. Upon realizing her situation, Freya broke down and started to weep as she realized how alone she was without Anise's comforting presence in her mind. While she crying over the loss of her friend, Freya watched in horror as the sarcophagus opened up above her.
“Now, I will take what I want from your mind.” Boomed Anubis' voice as he placed his hand onto Freya's head as everything she ever knew or felt came pouring out of her mind.
After several agonizing minutes, Anubis stopped. Satisfied in the information he had received, he removed his hand and asked her one simple question.
“Who is your master?” He inquired.
“I serve my god Anubis.” She answered, a small part of her mind screaming in horror at what she had just said.
“Colonel O'Neill, be careful of your step. This room appears to be filled with traps.” Said Teal'c, looking out over a room that had a grid of posts covering the floor.
Heeding Teal'c's warning, Jack cautiously stepped forward towards the door at the other end of the room, and was immediately jolted back from a wall of fire that blocked his way. “Thanks for the warning.” Coughed Jack as he rolled along the ground to extinguish the flames.
“Indeed.” Stoically replied Teal'c as he helped the smoldering Jack to his feet.
While Jack and Teal'c were trying to find a safe route through the room, they were surprised by Link bursting into the room behind them.
“Link?! What the hell are you doing here?” Angrily asked O'Neill. “I ordered you to get back on the ship!”
“I came here to rescue you!” Yelled Link. “This temple is too dangerous!”
“That's why I ordered you onto the ship!” Replied O'Neill. “Now get back there and wait for me to return with the power supply!” In an instant, the room went dark and all the doors in the temple locked.
“Someone just beat you to it.” Said Link. “This temple just lost power.”
“Is this what you seek?” Came a voice from the shadows.
“Sheik?” Asked Link, staring into the unforgiving shadows. “Is that you?”
“Yes.” Came his reply from behind the team. Looking over, they saw Sheik standing there, holding a glowing glass cylinder. “This is a Zero Point Module, it's what you need it to power the Lost City.”
“You're just giving this to us?” Asked O'Neill. “What the catch?”
“None.” Replied Sheik. “Look at this world, look at Abydos, Kelwona, and Tollana. Earth is next unless something is done.”
“Okay.” Said Jack, suspicious of their visitor. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sheik. I am the last of the Sheikah, the shadow tribe of Hyrule.” Said Sheik. “I came here to help you.”
“That's great and all, but in case you didn't notice, we're trapped in here right now.” Said Jack. “So right now, try to concentrate on getting us out.”
“Jackson to O'Neill.” Came Daniel's voice over the radio, interruption the tension in the group.
“Go ahead Jackson.” Said O'Neill into the radio.
“I'm back on board the ship right now. Sam's gone.” Said Daniel.
“What do you mean, she's gone?!” Yelled O'Neill, who was absolutely furious by that point.
“She's hiding.” Said Sheik, his voice drowning out Daniel's explanation. “Anubis wants the rest of the triforce, and he can feel where the other pieces are. She is hiding to keep you safe from him.”
“Well, where is she?” He asked, angry at the visitor.
“She's safe, and she is much closer than you realize.” Said Sheik, trying to protect both himself and Major Carter.
“See, that's not good enough for us. We never leave a man behind.” Said O'Neill, his anger at Sheik simmering inside of him. “You bring us Major Carter right now.”
“Or else...” Continued Teal'c, his voice deadly serious. “I will kill you where you stand.”
“All right, but I must be quick with this.” Said Sheik, vanishing in a flash of light.
Daniel and Jacob were sitting in the small cargo ship waiting for Link and the rest of SG-1 to return. They were trying to acquire the missing pieces that were needed to operate the Lost City in Antarctica. Daniel was in the cockpit of the ship with Jacob, looking over the blue ocean that now covered Hyrule. Sam had told him that she had gone to the cargo bay to check on some equipment and see why her HAZMAT suit had started to fail. Unfortunately, she never came back. Daniel heard the ring transporter activate, he went over to check, and she was gone.
“Okay, set the scanners to check a 1 kilometer radius from the ring pad.” Said Jackson, who was operating the sensor equipment in a desperate search for Major Carter.
“Doctor Jackson, there is no way she could have gotten that far.” Said Selmak. “Not on foot.”
“Look.” Said Daniel. “We... We can't just stop trying. Look, if she were in my position, I know that she would do the same thing for me.”
“You're certain?” Asked Selmak, looking over at Daniel.
“Yes, because unlike the Tok'ra, we never leave a man behind.” Stated Daniel, remembering what Jack had told him about his captivity and torture at Ba'al's hidden compound after the Tok'ra symbiont he had abandoned him.
“I'm sorry.” Said Jacob. “Continuing to scan the area.”
“Jackson this is O'Neill.” Came Jack's familiar voice from the radio.
“Go ahead Jack.” Said Daniel into his radio.
“I'm made contact with Major Carter, she's in good shape. However she is requesting to stay here for the time being.” Said Jack.
“But Jack, we need her.” Said Daniel. “Without her knowledge, there is little chance of us being able to operate whatever is there in Antarctica.”
“I know.” Said Jack. “However, this is for her own safety.”
“Jack...” Said Daniel, in a futile attempt to respond to what Colonel O'Neill had just said.
“Daniel, do you really think I would have let her done it if I didn't think it would work?” Said O'Neill.
“No, but she's the only one who knows how to operate the defenses in Antarctica.” Said Daniel, in a futile attempt to reverse the decision that had already been made.
“That's not true.” Came O'Neill's reply. “We found a local expert. He's willing to help us, and he gave us a power source for the Antarctic defenses. He calls himself Sheik, and he knows his way around ancient technology such as the Stargate and Antarctic defenses.”
“Yeah... we've met.” replied Daniel.
In an instant, Daniel watched as a single Goa'uld ship dropped out of Hyperspace on top of him.
“Uhh... Jack, we've got a problem.” Said Daniel. “A Goa'uld ship just came out of hyperspace right on top of us.”
“Oh for crying out...” Replied O'Neill. “Daniel, Jacob, take off and get the hell out of here.”
“Jack.” Said Daniel. “What happened to never leave a man behind?”
“Daniel! They aren't after you, they want us.” Replied Jack, his voice full of regret. “Draw them away from here, then come back and get us. That's an order.”
“Selmak, this is Anise of the Tok'ra.” Came a voice over the ship's communication system. “The Tok'ra has decided to restore your position on the council. We only ask that you bring Link with you to face punishment for the murder of Kanan.”
Last edited by Instant Sunrise on 2006-07-17 11:08pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Darth Yoshi
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I assume you meant "he."Anubis himself was trying to find where the other two holders of the triforce were, so that we could acquire them for himself, and bring peace and order to the entire universe with him as its benevolent god.
EDIT: How the fuck did I fuck up the bold tags? *grumbles*
Last edited by Darth Yoshi on 2006-07-18 03:27pm, edited 1 time in total.

Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
- Instant Sunrise
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- Location: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula
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- CaptainChewbacca
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Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- Instant Sunrise
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 945
- Joined: 2005-05-31 02:10am
- Location: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula
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Blah.. Blah... short update, more coming soon... Lots of action this time.
“Colonel O'Neill, this door appears to be unlocked.” Said Teal'c, his voice piercing the unforgiving darkness.
“Teal'c, wait!” Yelled Link, his warning coming too late as the door came to life and leaped onto Teal'c.
“Teal'c!” Yelled Jack. “Get Clear!” Leveling his P90 at the door.
Teal'c, hearing the warning, managed to wrestle the door off of himself, as he placed some distance between himself and the door as several bullets from O'Neill's P90 bounced off of it, merely slowing it's pursuit. Teal'c dove towards the ground, barely missing a second attack by the door, and managed to grab his staff weapon from the floor. Turning around, a bolt from his staff crossed the room and impacted the door, causing it to shatter into many small pieces of hot shrapnel.
“You alright?” Asked Link, who was heading over to Teal'c to make sure has wasn't injured.
“Indeed.” Stoically replied Teal'c. “This was not the first time something like that has happened to me.”
“Can you move?” Asked Link, checking Teal'c for shrapnel wounds.
“I can.” Replied Teal'c, getting up from his position.
“Good.” Said Link. “Sheik, get them back onto the ship. I'll take it from here.” Once he finished giving Sheik his command, Link produced the Ocarina of Time from the pouch that he carried on his belt.
“Alright, hold on a second here.” Said Jack, watching his authority slip out from under him. “Link, what the hell are you doing, we came here to get you, now you mind explaining what's going on.”
“No.” Flatly replied Link, playing a simple tune on the ocarina as he vanished in a flash of yellow light.
“Anise, I knew what I was doing.” Said Selmak, fuming in anger at what Anise was telling him. “I left the council for a damn good reason.”
“It's our only chance to stop him.” Pleaded Anise.
“It goes against the very foundation of the Tok'ra. I won't let it happen!” Yelled Selmak, his eyes glowing for a brief moment as Jacob Carter returned to the surface. “Not after it happened to my own daughter.”
“Selmak, this is about survival.” Replied Anise. “What good are the principles of the Tok'ra if there is nobody around to honor them?” She asked, knowing full well that her query would provoke Selmak into a rash and hasty response.
“Whoa Jacob, what's going on?” Asked Daniel, oblivious to what the two were arguing about.
“The Tok'ra council ordered me to Earth when they found out that you had one of the holders of the triforce. My orders were to have Link blend with a Tok'ra symbiont, even if it was by force.” Replied Carter, ashamed at what he was ordered to do. “I couldn't go through with it, not after Sam told me about Jolinar. When I returned, the council was furious at me, and I resigned my seat on the spot.”
“Selmak is the last of the Old Tok'ra, the ones who fervently stick to the old ways, even though they was long since failed.” Said Anise. “Many of the Tok'ra has begun to change how we operate, rather than risk stagnation. In many ways, we have you to thank Daniel Jackson. Most of the New Tok'ra were inspired by the actions of the Tau'ri and the Jaffa Rebellion that you helped start.”
“These 'New Tok'ra' are no better than the Goa'uld!” Yelled Jacob. “They're just replacing one tyrant with another.”
“How can you say that?” Asked Anise. “We have delivered results, something that the old ways have failed to do. The Tau'ri have changed the battlefield, and the old ways no longer work. How else could they have done in two days what we failed to do in two thousand years?”
“Yes and there were plenty of times where we had to save them from the Goa'uld...” Replied Selmak.
“Who was it who destroyed Ra, Hathor, Setesh, and Apophis?!” Yelled Anise. “Subversion and sabotage no longer works against the System Lords, only direct force.”
“And you think that by forcing Link to have a Tok'ra symbiont that he will be able to stop Anubis?” Asked Selmak.
“Yes, because he carries the Triforce of Courage.” Replied Anise. “You have no idea what kind of power that it carries. If we had it, we would be able to harness its power to exterminate the Goa'uld in one swift stroke.”
“You really are no better than the Goa'uld.” Said Selmak. “I want you off my ship. Now.”
“You slimy traitor.” Said Anise. “Anubis is coming for the boy, There isn't anywhere that he would be able to hide that would keep him safe from Anubis, you just condemned the boy to death. If you had let him blend with a symbiont, it would have been able to hide the triforce from Anubis, and save the boy's life.”
“I said I wanted you off my ship.” Said Selmak, pulling a Zat'nikatel on Anise. “Now leave.”
“You still don't get it do you.” Laughed Anise, defiant of Selmak's orders. “The Goa'uld cannot be defeated, their empire is eternal. Surrender now, and pray to Anubis that he will show you mercy.” As she said that, Anise managed to covertly put on a ribbon device that she had hidden on her person.
Selmak fired his Zat'nikatel at Anise. “I'm not kidding. Get out!” He yelled. “Daniel, help me with the body.”
“No!” Screamed Anise, leaping up from where she was lying, and launched Jacob across the room with the ribbon device.
“Jacob!” Yelled Daniel as he saw his friend's limp body land on the ship's controls. In a rush a rage and adrenaline, Doctor Jackson pulled out the gun he was carrying on him and landed a lucky shot on Anise's hand. “What are you, really?” He asked, placing the pistol squarely on her forehead.
“Daniel!” Cried Freya, trying to break herself free of the demon controlling her. “I'm sorry Daniel. I can't stop him.” She sobbed, bowing her head down in defeat as she let the other entity take her mind.
“Freya!” Yelled Daniel. “That thing doesn't control you. You can control it. Just concentrate, okay.” Grabbing her hands as a measure of both support and to restrain her from attacking him.
“I can't Daniel.” Sobbed Freya. “If I defy Anubis, he will destroy me. Daniel, I'm afraid.”
“Anubis isn't here.” Said Daniel, trying to console Freya. “He can't hurt you here, your safe now. Just, help us.”
“Alright.” Said Freya. “I'll help you.” Instantly, Freya doubled over in pain as her body started to slowly vaporize from the inside out.
“Freya!” Yelled Daniel. “You're going to be alright!” He lied.
Looking into Daniel's eye's, Freya painfully made one defiant final statement. “Anise died free...” Arching her back in pain, Freya let out one final scream before the fires inside of her body broke through her skin and incinerated what was left of her.
“Goodbye.” Whispered Daniel.
“Fire in the hole!” Yelled O'Neill, taking cover as a block of C-4 explosives demolished a weak spot in the wall.
“Clear.” Said Sheik, not even waiting for the smoke and debris from the wall to clear.
“Teal'c, stay with me.” Ordered Jack. “Sheik, move up the middle and sweep the room.”
Sheik silently nodded in acknowledgment to O'Neill's order and disappeared into the smoky darkness that permeated the next room. After several brief moments of tense waiting, O'Neill gestured to Teal'c to go into the next room.
“Hold up.” Came Sheik's voice out of the darkness. “There are several legions of Kull Warriors lying in wait in the room ahead.”
“For us?” Asked O'Neill.
“For her.” Replied Sheik, appearing out of the shadows. “They want Major Carter and Link, dead or alive.”
“Major Carter is not with us.” Noted Teal'c.
“Except that if we emerged right now we would draw their suspicion, possibly enough to blow her cover.” Said Sheik. “I can get her out of here but it is you I am concerned about. I know that Sam cares strongly for you, and that she would never leave a man behind.”
“We need a distraction then.” Stated O'Neill. “Teal'c?” He asked. “I wonder if that thing likes Kull Warriors as much as HAZMAT suits?”
“Daniel...” Rasped Jacob, his limp body barely able to get to the controls for the ship. “Help them.”
“Jacob.” Replied Daniel, standing by his side. “I'm not going to leave you here.”
“Selmak is dying.” Said Jacob. “When he goes, I go. Now get out of here and stop Anubis. The Prometheus is on the far side of the planet waiting. I'll provide a distraction so you guys can escape.”
His eyes flashing defiantly, Selmak gave Daniel one final request. “Do it Daniel.” Selmak bellowed as several rings descended from the ceiling to encompass Doctor Jackson. “Save them.”
The Temple of Time was one of the few structures that had managed to survive the flooding of Hyrule. It's massive doors that had stood open for years were sealed shut, in preparation for the cleansing of the land. In the inner chamber, which had remained sealed until seven years ago still had the legendary master sword embedded in its pedestal, waiting for the legendary Hero of Time to return and take it. Meanwhile, in the outer chamber an ancient mechanism rumbled to life as six rings jumped out of the pad on the floor and flooded the room with light as Doctor Jackson rematerialized inside of the rings.
“Hello?” He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the temple. “Is anyone here?”
“Over here!” Came Link's reply from the inner chamber.
“Link? What are you doing here?” Asked Daniel as he approached the pedestal that Link was standing on.
“Getting what I came here for.” Said Link, His hands resting on the sword embedded in the center of the platform.
“That sword?” He asked.
“Yes. It is the legendary Master Sword, and now is the only blade capable of permanently defeating Anubis.” Replied Link, as he lifted the sword from the pedestal. Instantly, the three triangles on the floor began to glow blue as the Hero of Time retrieved the Master Sword from its resting place.
“Colonel O'Neill, this door appears to be unlocked.” Said Teal'c, his voice piercing the unforgiving darkness.
“Teal'c, wait!” Yelled Link, his warning coming too late as the door came to life and leaped onto Teal'c.
“Teal'c!” Yelled Jack. “Get Clear!” Leveling his P90 at the door.
Teal'c, hearing the warning, managed to wrestle the door off of himself, as he placed some distance between himself and the door as several bullets from O'Neill's P90 bounced off of it, merely slowing it's pursuit. Teal'c dove towards the ground, barely missing a second attack by the door, and managed to grab his staff weapon from the floor. Turning around, a bolt from his staff crossed the room and impacted the door, causing it to shatter into many small pieces of hot shrapnel.
“You alright?” Asked Link, who was heading over to Teal'c to make sure has wasn't injured.
“Indeed.” Stoically replied Teal'c. “This was not the first time something like that has happened to me.”
“Can you move?” Asked Link, checking Teal'c for shrapnel wounds.
“I can.” Replied Teal'c, getting up from his position.
“Good.” Said Link. “Sheik, get them back onto the ship. I'll take it from here.” Once he finished giving Sheik his command, Link produced the Ocarina of Time from the pouch that he carried on his belt.
“Alright, hold on a second here.” Said Jack, watching his authority slip out from under him. “Link, what the hell are you doing, we came here to get you, now you mind explaining what's going on.”
“No.” Flatly replied Link, playing a simple tune on the ocarina as he vanished in a flash of yellow light.
“Anise, I knew what I was doing.” Said Selmak, fuming in anger at what Anise was telling him. “I left the council for a damn good reason.”
“It's our only chance to stop him.” Pleaded Anise.
“It goes against the very foundation of the Tok'ra. I won't let it happen!” Yelled Selmak, his eyes glowing for a brief moment as Jacob Carter returned to the surface. “Not after it happened to my own daughter.”
“Selmak, this is about survival.” Replied Anise. “What good are the principles of the Tok'ra if there is nobody around to honor them?” She asked, knowing full well that her query would provoke Selmak into a rash and hasty response.
“Whoa Jacob, what's going on?” Asked Daniel, oblivious to what the two were arguing about.
“The Tok'ra council ordered me to Earth when they found out that you had one of the holders of the triforce. My orders were to have Link blend with a Tok'ra symbiont, even if it was by force.” Replied Carter, ashamed at what he was ordered to do. “I couldn't go through with it, not after Sam told me about Jolinar. When I returned, the council was furious at me, and I resigned my seat on the spot.”
“Selmak is the last of the Old Tok'ra, the ones who fervently stick to the old ways, even though they was long since failed.” Said Anise. “Many of the Tok'ra has begun to change how we operate, rather than risk stagnation. In many ways, we have you to thank Daniel Jackson. Most of the New Tok'ra were inspired by the actions of the Tau'ri and the Jaffa Rebellion that you helped start.”
“These 'New Tok'ra' are no better than the Goa'uld!” Yelled Jacob. “They're just replacing one tyrant with another.”
“How can you say that?” Asked Anise. “We have delivered results, something that the old ways have failed to do. The Tau'ri have changed the battlefield, and the old ways no longer work. How else could they have done in two days what we failed to do in two thousand years?”
“Yes and there were plenty of times where we had to save them from the Goa'uld...” Replied Selmak.
“Who was it who destroyed Ra, Hathor, Setesh, and Apophis?!” Yelled Anise. “Subversion and sabotage no longer works against the System Lords, only direct force.”
“And you think that by forcing Link to have a Tok'ra symbiont that he will be able to stop Anubis?” Asked Selmak.
“Yes, because he carries the Triforce of Courage.” Replied Anise. “You have no idea what kind of power that it carries. If we had it, we would be able to harness its power to exterminate the Goa'uld in one swift stroke.”
“You really are no better than the Goa'uld.” Said Selmak. “I want you off my ship. Now.”
“You slimy traitor.” Said Anise. “Anubis is coming for the boy, There isn't anywhere that he would be able to hide that would keep him safe from Anubis, you just condemned the boy to death. If you had let him blend with a symbiont, it would have been able to hide the triforce from Anubis, and save the boy's life.”
“I said I wanted you off my ship.” Said Selmak, pulling a Zat'nikatel on Anise. “Now leave.”
“You still don't get it do you.” Laughed Anise, defiant of Selmak's orders. “The Goa'uld cannot be defeated, their empire is eternal. Surrender now, and pray to Anubis that he will show you mercy.” As she said that, Anise managed to covertly put on a ribbon device that she had hidden on her person.
Selmak fired his Zat'nikatel at Anise. “I'm not kidding. Get out!” He yelled. “Daniel, help me with the body.”
“No!” Screamed Anise, leaping up from where she was lying, and launched Jacob across the room with the ribbon device.
“Jacob!” Yelled Daniel as he saw his friend's limp body land on the ship's controls. In a rush a rage and adrenaline, Doctor Jackson pulled out the gun he was carrying on him and landed a lucky shot on Anise's hand. “What are you, really?” He asked, placing the pistol squarely on her forehead.
“Daniel!” Cried Freya, trying to break herself free of the demon controlling her. “I'm sorry Daniel. I can't stop him.” She sobbed, bowing her head down in defeat as she let the other entity take her mind.
“Freya!” Yelled Daniel. “That thing doesn't control you. You can control it. Just concentrate, okay.” Grabbing her hands as a measure of both support and to restrain her from attacking him.
“I can't Daniel.” Sobbed Freya. “If I defy Anubis, he will destroy me. Daniel, I'm afraid.”
“Anubis isn't here.” Said Daniel, trying to console Freya. “He can't hurt you here, your safe now. Just, help us.”
“Alright.” Said Freya. “I'll help you.” Instantly, Freya doubled over in pain as her body started to slowly vaporize from the inside out.
“Freya!” Yelled Daniel. “You're going to be alright!” He lied.
Looking into Daniel's eye's, Freya painfully made one defiant final statement. “Anise died free...” Arching her back in pain, Freya let out one final scream before the fires inside of her body broke through her skin and incinerated what was left of her.
“Goodbye.” Whispered Daniel.
“Fire in the hole!” Yelled O'Neill, taking cover as a block of C-4 explosives demolished a weak spot in the wall.
“Clear.” Said Sheik, not even waiting for the smoke and debris from the wall to clear.
“Teal'c, stay with me.” Ordered Jack. “Sheik, move up the middle and sweep the room.”
Sheik silently nodded in acknowledgment to O'Neill's order and disappeared into the smoky darkness that permeated the next room. After several brief moments of tense waiting, O'Neill gestured to Teal'c to go into the next room.
“Hold up.” Came Sheik's voice out of the darkness. “There are several legions of Kull Warriors lying in wait in the room ahead.”
“For us?” Asked O'Neill.
“For her.” Replied Sheik, appearing out of the shadows. “They want Major Carter and Link, dead or alive.”
“Major Carter is not with us.” Noted Teal'c.
“Except that if we emerged right now we would draw their suspicion, possibly enough to blow her cover.” Said Sheik. “I can get her out of here but it is you I am concerned about. I know that Sam cares strongly for you, and that she would never leave a man behind.”
“We need a distraction then.” Stated O'Neill. “Teal'c?” He asked. “I wonder if that thing likes Kull Warriors as much as HAZMAT suits?”
“Daniel...” Rasped Jacob, his limp body barely able to get to the controls for the ship. “Help them.”
“Jacob.” Replied Daniel, standing by his side. “I'm not going to leave you here.”
“Selmak is dying.” Said Jacob. “When he goes, I go. Now get out of here and stop Anubis. The Prometheus is on the far side of the planet waiting. I'll provide a distraction so you guys can escape.”
His eyes flashing defiantly, Selmak gave Daniel one final request. “Do it Daniel.” Selmak bellowed as several rings descended from the ceiling to encompass Doctor Jackson. “Save them.”
The Temple of Time was one of the few structures that had managed to survive the flooding of Hyrule. It's massive doors that had stood open for years were sealed shut, in preparation for the cleansing of the land. In the inner chamber, which had remained sealed until seven years ago still had the legendary master sword embedded in its pedestal, waiting for the legendary Hero of Time to return and take it. Meanwhile, in the outer chamber an ancient mechanism rumbled to life as six rings jumped out of the pad on the floor and flooded the room with light as Doctor Jackson rematerialized inside of the rings.
“Hello?” He yelled, his voice echoing throughout the temple. “Is anyone here?”
“Over here!” Came Link's reply from the inner chamber.
“Link? What are you doing here?” Asked Daniel as he approached the pedestal that Link was standing on.
“Getting what I came here for.” Said Link, His hands resting on the sword embedded in the center of the platform.
“That sword?” He asked.
“Yes. It is the legendary Master Sword, and now is the only blade capable of permanently defeating Anubis.” Replied Link, as he lifted the sword from the pedestal. Instantly, the three triangles on the floor began to glow blue as the Hero of Time retrieved the Master Sword from its resting place.
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Teal'c vs. Door! Brilliant! Needs more Carter, though.

Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
- CaptainChewbacca
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- Location: Deep beneath Boatmurdered.
I think it would be awesome if every so often when they uncover something an odd chime plays and they all look around.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- Instant Sunrise
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Yarr... Updated with lots of happy fun plot stuff!
“Colonel Emerson, we're picking up SG-1's transmitters.” Said one of the technicians on the bridge of the Prometheus.
“Open a channel to their radios.” Ordered Emerson.
“Channel established.” One of the crew members replied.
“SG-1, this is Colonel Emerson of the Prometheus. We're here to get you out. Over.” Said Emerson into the communications system.
“This.... G-1... ay again...” Came O'Neill's reply from the speakers on the bridge.
“Boost the power.” Ordered Emerson. “SG-1, this the Colonel Emerson of the Prometheus. We're here to extract you and get you back to the SGC. Over”
“Sir, I've got three beacons.” Stated another one of the personnel on the bridge.
“Bring them up.”
“I can't, sir.” Said the technician. “They're too deep inside the mountain. We won't be able to beam them up until we get further overhead.”
“SG-1 this is Prometheus.” Said Emerson into the communications system. “ Hold your position until our orbit brings us close enough to beam you out.”
“Negative Prometheus.” Replied O'Neill through the radio. “Anubis's fleet is on top of us. If you wait you will be within his firing range.”
“Can you get to higher ground?” Asked Emerson into the radio.
“Negative sir, we're trying to get out now, but we've got several hundred Kull warriors blocking us in.” Came O'Neill's voice. “Well signal for you on your next pass.”
“We copy that O'Neill.” He replied over the communications system.
“Sir, sensors are picking up several Goa'uld ships over the horizon.” Said a crew member. Our orbit
“Change our heading and move to a higher orbit.” Ordered Emerson. “Shut down all active sensors and scanners. We're running dark.”
“Colonel, We're changing our orbit, next window to beam out is in 72 hours.” He radioed to the surface.
“Roger that, O'Neill out.” Came the reply over the communications system.
This is what it's like to be Samantha Carter.
You have access to more knowledge than anybody else. Your mind is is home to three other people like you. But you are so wanted by the enemy that you have to hide, inside of your own body.
Well, what used to be your body. It isn't really yours anymore. You have done exactly what you despise the Goa'uld for. All you can do now is watch as everything you've known for the past ten years fall apart around you. You have become a parasite inside of your own body.
You try to wake up from the nightmare but you can't, you won't. He's out there, looking for you. You tell yourself its the only way, but it never helps. You are what you hate.
This is what it's like to be Samantha Carter.
“The two heroes have returned to the sacred realm.” Came a familiar voice from the darkness.
Link found himself and Daniel standing in the Chamber of the Sages, the same place he stood seven years ago. While time had changed for Hyrule, this place had remained constant through time, unchanging and unaffected by the war that was burning below.
“Hello Link, hello Daniel.” Repeated the voice, as Link and Daniel turned around to face the person who had just spoken, Oma Desala.
“Hello.” Said Daniel, looking in awe at an old friend. Link merely bowed his head slightly.
“The time has come for the Hero of Time to rise up and crush the evil that is Anubis.” Said Oma, her voice carrying the weight of the rest of the Ancients behind it.
“Wait a minute. I thought that the Ancients didn't interfere in our affairs. Why the sudden change?” Asked Daniel.
“Anubis is a greater threat than ever. Now he has the power to overwhelm us, even here.” Said Oma. “We have no choice in this matter we will be destroyed, along with all life in the galaxy, if we stand by and watch.”
“So you really DON'T care about what happens to us at all?” Prodded Daniel.
“No, To us, all life is sacred.” Replied Oma.
“But you wouldn't do anything about it until you were also a target. You would sit by and watch all life in the galaxy become slave, and do nothing. But only when your own existence is threatened do you step in and help.” Said Daniel.
“It matters not.” Replied Oma. “The new sages will awaken soon, and the Hero of Time will vanquish Anubis from existence. The days of the Goa'uld are numbered.”
“But why now?” Asked Daniel. “Why couldn't you have let me stop him on Abydos?” He continued, as a long buried memory rushed back to him.
“You remember now.” She said. “Daniel, your attack of Anubis was premature.”
“Yes it was, but I could have ended it there. How many people are dead because you waited?” Pleaded Daniel, trying to figure our why the Ancients had let his adopted people die, every last one of them. “The Abydonians are dead now, through no fault of their own, because you didn't want to interfere then.”
“What's done is done, Daniel Jackson.” Said Oma, her voice showing a slight hint of annoyance. “Link, the need for you has returned. It is time for you to embrace your destiny as the Hero of Time.”
Columns of light began to surround Link and Doctor Jackson as the chamber began to fade away into a featureless white void.
The mountain range that was once was crowned by Death Mountain, now stood as a chain of small islands, in a seemingly endless and unforgiving ocean. On one of the islands, the remaining people of Hyrule stood defiantly. When the floodwaters had started to rise, the Gorons had ordered the remaining villagers from Kakariko and Hyrule Castle town to flee to higher ground. It would prove to be the final, defiant, stand for the remaining Goron people. In one of the villages, the people looked in awe, and fear, as two columns of light and energy suddenly appeared from the sky. Inside the columns, Link and Daniel Jackson descended from the sky, their feet slowly touching the ground and the columns of light disappeared.
“Uh.. Hi, I'm Daniel Jackson. I'm an explorer, from a place called Earth.” He stated, trying to greet the fearful populace.
“<You dare show your face here?!>” Angrily asked one of elders. “<After you left us to fend for ourselves?>”
“<You knew what you had to do.>” Replied Link. “<One person's help wouldn't have mattered.>”
“<Did you think we were soldiers?>” Asked the elder in disbelief. “<Because we are simple people, and without a strong leader to guide us, we easily fell.>”
“<Then where were you?>” Asked Link, clearly finished with the conversation. “<What's done is done, and don't waste my time on what you couldn't change.>”
The elder, having nothing else to say to Link turned his back and left the two.
“<Hello, My name is Daniel Jackson, I'm a peaceful explorer. I'm here to help you.>” He announced to the village, realizing that these were the survivors of Link's planet. “<My people can help you to relocate to another world.>”
“Daniel...” Whispered Link into Daniel's ear, taking care to not let the rest of the survivors hear him.
“<Look we can help you get through this but you have to work together. Okay?>” Said Daniel, desperately trying to take care of a seemingly hopeless situation. “<I know this looks bad, but you can get through this.>”
“<Look bad?>” Asked another one of the elders. “<Our people are dying every day. Even the water we drink here is poison.>”
“<What water are you drinking?>” Asked Daniel.
“<Do you not see it?>” Said the elder. “<It is all around us here. We drink the water that we find, just like we did before the great flood.>”
“Link, did Hyrule have an ocean before the flood?” Asked Daniel.
“No. The only body of water most of these people have known is Lake Hylia.” He replied, unsure of what Daniel was asking.
“<I know you want to drink that water, but you can't. It's ocean water and it has lots of salt in it. If you drink it you'll just get dehydrated.>”
“<Link, your friend is incredibly stupid.>” Flatly stated one of the elders. “<Does he not know that our salt came from the mountains above us, and that you cannot get salt from water.>”
“O'Neill to Jackson.” Said a harsh and cracking voice from nowhere. The sudden appearance of that voice and without a person to say it caused the survivors to jump back in surprise.
“Go ahead Jack.” Said Daniel into his radio.
“We're almost out of this place. Meet us at the rendezvous point on the ring pad.” Replied O'Neill.
“Uhh.. Negative. Me and Link are topside and we've linked up with the survivors.”
“Copy that Daniel. We'll meet up with you topside. O'Neill out.” Said Jack's disembodied voice.
“Alright, on three.” Said Jack, carefully pushing an improvised crate which contained a giant leech-like thing onto a group of Kull Warriors.
“One.” He said, as he pushed the makeshift crate towards the edge of the platform. “Two.” Jack paused as the crate stood balanced on the edge of the metal grating.
“Three!” He yelled as the crude container fell towards the ground and splintered open. It's disgusting resident, an enormous leech, quickly devoured the nearest Kull Warriors.
The group of Kull Warriors merely turned and began firing on the new annoyance that had fallen onto them. After it took a few blasts, the creature finally gave up its fight and spat out the Kull Warriors, sans their armor. Looking up at the ceiling, they merely saw a stone block fall to the floor, with nothing on top of it.
Sensing a trick, the warriors flooded the room with blasts from their wrist-mounted weapons. Every blast harmlessly impacting the walls around them. Realizing that there was nothing there, the warriors simply returned to waiting for their targets to enter the room, while two of them slowly edged their way out of the room without any of the others noticing.
“<Alright listen to me!>” Yelled Daniel, increasingly frustrated with the Hylian survivors refusal to cooperate. “<You people are going to be dead soon if all you do is fight about whose fault it is! There will be time for that later. Right now you should be focusing on try to rebuild what has happened already.>”
“<How can you ask us to do this when you defend the very person who abandoned us in our hour of greatest need.>” Replied one of the villagers. “<He brought this down on us, and he should pay for it!>”
Daniel, in an act of sheer frustration pulled out his pistol and shot several rounds into the air. Shocking and terrifying the survivors. “<You have three options. Let us help you rebuild what you have here, we can relocate you to another planet. Or you can stay here and slowly die. It's your choice.>”
Link, walking towards the shoreline, saw mountains of debris that were floating in the ocean and washing up onto the shore. One of the which was the bloated remains of one of the Zora. Link jumped back in horror when he suddenly recognized his ex-fiancée, Princess Ruto.
“Daniel!” Yelled Link, barely able to keep his lunch down after seeing what had happened to her.
Hearing Link's yell, Daniel ran over the the shore the Link was standing by, and nearly froze in shock at seeing the corpse that had washed up.
“No...” Said Link, realizing the fate of the Zora race. “They can't be...”
“Looks like salt water poisoning.” Remarked Daniel.
“If it happened to her, then that means that...” Said Link, his voice trailing off as he tried to hide where his thoughts had gone.
“Then the entire population is likely dead.” Said Daniel.
“Doctor Weir?” Said a short stocky man wearing a large pair of glasses that adorned his mostly hairless head, knocking on the already open door.
“Come in.” Said Weir, not even bother to look up from her desk.
“I'm Richard Woolsey of the International Oversight Committee. I've been sent here by the office of the Vice President to investigate some of your recent decisions.”
“Get out.” Ordered Weir.
“I don't think I need to remind you that your cooperation in this investigation is required.” Said Woolsey.
“I'll be glad to help you in your investigation Mister Woolsey, but right now, I have an impending invasion by Anubis to deal with at the moment.” Replied Doctor Weir. Internally fuming with anger at having her decisions second guessed.
“Doctor Weir, just because the 'impending attack' trick worked before, don't assume that it will work again. Especially when we were able to stop such an attack once.” Flatly said Woolsey.
“What happened a year and a half ago pales in comparison to what is coming our way.” Replied Doctor Weir. “In that case the attack was simply directed at our Stargate. He knows what we have right now, and make no mistake about it, Anubis is going to attack, it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. I stand by my decision.”
“Your decision to send away our planet's only line of defense, when you yourself said that the threat of Anubis is only a matter of time.” Said Woolsey, slowly cornering Doctor Weir into his trap.
“I didn't make that decision. That was Secretary Hammond's call.” Replied Weir.
“But he did follow your recommendations, did he not?” Asked Woolsey.
“Yes he did.” Said Weir, unaware of the trap that was just sprung onto her.
“Then I have no choice but to finalize MY recommendation to the IOC to have the Stargate program be moved to a one hundred percent civilian operation.” Said Woolsey, having proved his point that the stargate is too valuable to have kind of military involvement.
“Colonel Emerson, we're picking up SG-1's transmitters.” Said one of the technicians on the bridge of the Prometheus.
“Open a channel to their radios.” Ordered Emerson.
“Channel established.” One of the crew members replied.
“SG-1, this is Colonel Emerson of the Prometheus. We're here to get you out. Over.” Said Emerson into the communications system.
“This.... G-1... ay again...” Came O'Neill's reply from the speakers on the bridge.
“Boost the power.” Ordered Emerson. “SG-1, this the Colonel Emerson of the Prometheus. We're here to extract you and get you back to the SGC. Over”
“Sir, I've got three beacons.” Stated another one of the personnel on the bridge.
“Bring them up.”
“I can't, sir.” Said the technician. “They're too deep inside the mountain. We won't be able to beam them up until we get further overhead.”
“SG-1 this is Prometheus.” Said Emerson into the communications system. “ Hold your position until our orbit brings us close enough to beam you out.”
“Negative Prometheus.” Replied O'Neill through the radio. “Anubis's fleet is on top of us. If you wait you will be within his firing range.”
“Can you get to higher ground?” Asked Emerson into the radio.
“Negative sir, we're trying to get out now, but we've got several hundred Kull warriors blocking us in.” Came O'Neill's voice. “Well signal for you on your next pass.”
“We copy that O'Neill.” He replied over the communications system.
“Sir, sensors are picking up several Goa'uld ships over the horizon.” Said a crew member. Our orbit
“Change our heading and move to a higher orbit.” Ordered Emerson. “Shut down all active sensors and scanners. We're running dark.”
“Colonel, We're changing our orbit, next window to beam out is in 72 hours.” He radioed to the surface.
“Roger that, O'Neill out.” Came the reply over the communications system.
This is what it's like to be Samantha Carter.
You have access to more knowledge than anybody else. Your mind is is home to three other people like you. But you are so wanted by the enemy that you have to hide, inside of your own body.
Well, what used to be your body. It isn't really yours anymore. You have done exactly what you despise the Goa'uld for. All you can do now is watch as everything you've known for the past ten years fall apart around you. You have become a parasite inside of your own body.
You try to wake up from the nightmare but you can't, you won't. He's out there, looking for you. You tell yourself its the only way, but it never helps. You are what you hate.
This is what it's like to be Samantha Carter.
“The two heroes have returned to the sacred realm.” Came a familiar voice from the darkness.
Link found himself and Daniel standing in the Chamber of the Sages, the same place he stood seven years ago. While time had changed for Hyrule, this place had remained constant through time, unchanging and unaffected by the war that was burning below.
“Hello Link, hello Daniel.” Repeated the voice, as Link and Daniel turned around to face the person who had just spoken, Oma Desala.
“Hello.” Said Daniel, looking in awe at an old friend. Link merely bowed his head slightly.
“The time has come for the Hero of Time to rise up and crush the evil that is Anubis.” Said Oma, her voice carrying the weight of the rest of the Ancients behind it.
“Wait a minute. I thought that the Ancients didn't interfere in our affairs. Why the sudden change?” Asked Daniel.
“Anubis is a greater threat than ever. Now he has the power to overwhelm us, even here.” Said Oma. “We have no choice in this matter we will be destroyed, along with all life in the galaxy, if we stand by and watch.”
“So you really DON'T care about what happens to us at all?” Prodded Daniel.
“No, To us, all life is sacred.” Replied Oma.
“But you wouldn't do anything about it until you were also a target. You would sit by and watch all life in the galaxy become slave, and do nothing. But only when your own existence is threatened do you step in and help.” Said Daniel.
“It matters not.” Replied Oma. “The new sages will awaken soon, and the Hero of Time will vanquish Anubis from existence. The days of the Goa'uld are numbered.”
“But why now?” Asked Daniel. “Why couldn't you have let me stop him on Abydos?” He continued, as a long buried memory rushed back to him.
“You remember now.” She said. “Daniel, your attack of Anubis was premature.”
“Yes it was, but I could have ended it there. How many people are dead because you waited?” Pleaded Daniel, trying to figure our why the Ancients had let his adopted people die, every last one of them. “The Abydonians are dead now, through no fault of their own, because you didn't want to interfere then.”
“What's done is done, Daniel Jackson.” Said Oma, her voice showing a slight hint of annoyance. “Link, the need for you has returned. It is time for you to embrace your destiny as the Hero of Time.”
Columns of light began to surround Link and Doctor Jackson as the chamber began to fade away into a featureless white void.
The mountain range that was once was crowned by Death Mountain, now stood as a chain of small islands, in a seemingly endless and unforgiving ocean. On one of the islands, the remaining people of Hyrule stood defiantly. When the floodwaters had started to rise, the Gorons had ordered the remaining villagers from Kakariko and Hyrule Castle town to flee to higher ground. It would prove to be the final, defiant, stand for the remaining Goron people. In one of the villages, the people looked in awe, and fear, as two columns of light and energy suddenly appeared from the sky. Inside the columns, Link and Daniel Jackson descended from the sky, their feet slowly touching the ground and the columns of light disappeared.
“Uh.. Hi, I'm Daniel Jackson. I'm an explorer, from a place called Earth.” He stated, trying to greet the fearful populace.
“<You dare show your face here?!>” Angrily asked one of elders. “<After you left us to fend for ourselves?>”
“<You knew what you had to do.>” Replied Link. “<One person's help wouldn't have mattered.>”
“<Did you think we were soldiers?>” Asked the elder in disbelief. “<Because we are simple people, and without a strong leader to guide us, we easily fell.>”
“<Then where were you?>” Asked Link, clearly finished with the conversation. “<What's done is done, and don't waste my time on what you couldn't change.>”
The elder, having nothing else to say to Link turned his back and left the two.
“<Hello, My name is Daniel Jackson, I'm a peaceful explorer. I'm here to help you.>” He announced to the village, realizing that these were the survivors of Link's planet. “<My people can help you to relocate to another world.>”
“Daniel...” Whispered Link into Daniel's ear, taking care to not let the rest of the survivors hear him.
“<Look we can help you get through this but you have to work together. Okay?>” Said Daniel, desperately trying to take care of a seemingly hopeless situation. “<I know this looks bad, but you can get through this.>”
“<Look bad?>” Asked another one of the elders. “<Our people are dying every day. Even the water we drink here is poison.>”
“<What water are you drinking?>” Asked Daniel.
“<Do you not see it?>” Said the elder. “<It is all around us here. We drink the water that we find, just like we did before the great flood.>”
“Link, did Hyrule have an ocean before the flood?” Asked Daniel.
“No. The only body of water most of these people have known is Lake Hylia.” He replied, unsure of what Daniel was asking.
“<I know you want to drink that water, but you can't. It's ocean water and it has lots of salt in it. If you drink it you'll just get dehydrated.>”
“<Link, your friend is incredibly stupid.>” Flatly stated one of the elders. “<Does he not know that our salt came from the mountains above us, and that you cannot get salt from water.>”
“O'Neill to Jackson.” Said a harsh and cracking voice from nowhere. The sudden appearance of that voice and without a person to say it caused the survivors to jump back in surprise.
“Go ahead Jack.” Said Daniel into his radio.
“We're almost out of this place. Meet us at the rendezvous point on the ring pad.” Replied O'Neill.
“Uhh.. Negative. Me and Link are topside and we've linked up with the survivors.”
“Copy that Daniel. We'll meet up with you topside. O'Neill out.” Said Jack's disembodied voice.
“Alright, on three.” Said Jack, carefully pushing an improvised crate which contained a giant leech-like thing onto a group of Kull Warriors.
“One.” He said, as he pushed the makeshift crate towards the edge of the platform. “Two.” Jack paused as the crate stood balanced on the edge of the metal grating.
“Three!” He yelled as the crude container fell towards the ground and splintered open. It's disgusting resident, an enormous leech, quickly devoured the nearest Kull Warriors.
The group of Kull Warriors merely turned and began firing on the new annoyance that had fallen onto them. After it took a few blasts, the creature finally gave up its fight and spat out the Kull Warriors, sans their armor. Looking up at the ceiling, they merely saw a stone block fall to the floor, with nothing on top of it.
Sensing a trick, the warriors flooded the room with blasts from their wrist-mounted weapons. Every blast harmlessly impacting the walls around them. Realizing that there was nothing there, the warriors simply returned to waiting for their targets to enter the room, while two of them slowly edged their way out of the room without any of the others noticing.
“<Alright listen to me!>” Yelled Daniel, increasingly frustrated with the Hylian survivors refusal to cooperate. “<You people are going to be dead soon if all you do is fight about whose fault it is! There will be time for that later. Right now you should be focusing on try to rebuild what has happened already.>”
“<How can you ask us to do this when you defend the very person who abandoned us in our hour of greatest need.>” Replied one of the villagers. “<He brought this down on us, and he should pay for it!>”
Daniel, in an act of sheer frustration pulled out his pistol and shot several rounds into the air. Shocking and terrifying the survivors. “<You have three options. Let us help you rebuild what you have here, we can relocate you to another planet. Or you can stay here and slowly die. It's your choice.>”
Link, walking towards the shoreline, saw mountains of debris that were floating in the ocean and washing up onto the shore. One of the which was the bloated remains of one of the Zora. Link jumped back in horror when he suddenly recognized his ex-fiancée, Princess Ruto.
“Daniel!” Yelled Link, barely able to keep his lunch down after seeing what had happened to her.
Hearing Link's yell, Daniel ran over the the shore the Link was standing by, and nearly froze in shock at seeing the corpse that had washed up.
“No...” Said Link, realizing the fate of the Zora race. “They can't be...”
“Looks like salt water poisoning.” Remarked Daniel.
“If it happened to her, then that means that...” Said Link, his voice trailing off as he tried to hide where his thoughts had gone.
“Then the entire population is likely dead.” Said Daniel.
“Doctor Weir?” Said a short stocky man wearing a large pair of glasses that adorned his mostly hairless head, knocking on the already open door.
“Come in.” Said Weir, not even bother to look up from her desk.
“I'm Richard Woolsey of the International Oversight Committee. I've been sent here by the office of the Vice President to investigate some of your recent decisions.”
“Get out.” Ordered Weir.
“I don't think I need to remind you that your cooperation in this investigation is required.” Said Woolsey.
“I'll be glad to help you in your investigation Mister Woolsey, but right now, I have an impending invasion by Anubis to deal with at the moment.” Replied Doctor Weir. Internally fuming with anger at having her decisions second guessed.
“Doctor Weir, just because the 'impending attack' trick worked before, don't assume that it will work again. Especially when we were able to stop such an attack once.” Flatly said Woolsey.
“What happened a year and a half ago pales in comparison to what is coming our way.” Replied Doctor Weir. “In that case the attack was simply directed at our Stargate. He knows what we have right now, and make no mistake about it, Anubis is going to attack, it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. I stand by my decision.”
“Your decision to send away our planet's only line of defense, when you yourself said that the threat of Anubis is only a matter of time.” Said Woolsey, slowly cornering Doctor Weir into his trap.
“I didn't make that decision. That was Secretary Hammond's call.” Replied Weir.
“But he did follow your recommendations, did he not?” Asked Woolsey.
“Yes he did.” Said Weir, unaware of the trap that was just sprung onto her.
“Then I have no choice but to finalize MY recommendation to the IOC to have the Stargate program be moved to a one hundred percent civilian operation.” Said Woolsey, having proved his point that the stargate is too valuable to have kind of military involvement.
Last edited by Instant Sunrise on 2006-08-26 10:45pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Ford Prefect
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- Instant Sunrise
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- Location: El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula
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Guess what boys and girls! It's baaaaack!
“My lord, We have found the Tau'ri and the Hylians.” Reported one of Anubis' Commanders.
“Excellent work. Bring them to me.” Replied Anubis, facing out the Pel'tak window, seeming oblivious to the rest of the ship, as the mark of the Triforce glowed brightly on the back of his hand. “I know your secret Major Carter, there is no use hiding from me any longer...” He continued, introspectively.
“Launch all gliders and bombers. Under no circumstances will failure be tolerated!” Yelled the commander to the entire ship. “Bring them alive.”
“Colonel Emerson? Anubis' Command Ship just launched a massive wave of fighters towards the surface.” Reported one of the bridge officers.
“Scramble Blue Squadron and prepare for Hyperlaunch.” Yelled Emerson “Now!”
“Yes sir.” Replied the officer.
In Blue Squadron's ready room on board the Prometheus, the cocky group of pilots waited around in case they might be needed. It may have been the standard operating procedure for deployment into potentially hostile space, but it was also incredibly boring for the pilots, who had found ways to pass the time.
“So it's his first day out of basic.” Said Major Cameron Mitchell, failing to suppress his own laughter. “And we tell him to go 'A' CO and get our 'PRC-E7's.'” He continued to the rest of the F-302 Pilots. “So he goes up to the sergeant, and with a straight face, says 'I'm here for the prick...'”
“Attention all personnel, man your battle stations, this is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill.” Yelled a voice over the loudspeakers, interrupting Major Mitchell's story. In an instant, all of Blue Squadron's pilots were in the cockpits of their respective aircraft and awaiting deployment.
“Teal'c! We got incoming!” Yelled O'Neill as a black cloud began to emerge from Anubis' mothership.
“Understood O'Neill!” Yelled Teal'c as the pair dove behind the nearest mound of dirt, a futile attempt to shield themselves from the approaching slaughter. Teal'c's Staff Weapon and Col. O'Neill's FN P-90 would hardly be enough to take down an entire wing of death gliders. However, they had to try, if only to buy enough time to get Carter and Link back to the Prometheus.
“Teal'c, it was nice knowing ya.” Said O'Neill, his mind made up that this would be his last stand.
“I do not believe that we are about to die O'Neill.” Replied Teal'c, carefully stashing his optimism underneath his normally stoic self.
The massive cloud of Death Gliders flew closer, and closer to the two. Every second the impending strike grew nearer, blotting out the sky with sheer numbers and scale.
2 Kilometers. The black cloud began to break up into individual fighters.
1 Kilometer. They were almost in range.
“Wait for it! Wait for it!” Yelled O'Neill, waiting for the Death Gliders to be close enough so that their weapons fire would be able to hit them.
“NOW!” Yelled Teal'c with the swarm of gliders directly overhead, they were an easy target for the concentrated weapons fire.
The AP rounds of the P-90 shredded the fuel reserves of one glider, sending a hail of debris through the rest of the squadron. The burning shrapnel from the former glider embedded itself into the cockpits of the fighters near it, killing the pilots instantly. Now pilotless, the Gliders quickly drifted into other nearby gliders, causing severe damage.
“O'Neill!” Yelled Teal'c. “The fighters are flying close together. Destroying one will cripple the ones near it.”
With a second fighter killed, the furious maelstrom continued past O'Neill and Jackson, unabated from the intended target.
“FUCKING SHIT!” Screamed Jack. “They're heading for the village that Link and Daniel are in.
“Jackson! Anubis's mothership just launch a wave of fighters your way!” Yelled Colonel O'Neill through the radio.
“<Everybody!>” Yelled Link. “<Get inside! Get underground!>” The young hero readied his bow, and with a short incantation, the tip of the arrow began to burst into flame.
With the surviving Hylians panicking and scattering for cover, the massive wave of Death Glider descended onto the village, making strafing run at the population.
With one simple move, the flaming arrow leaped out of Link's bow and sailed through the cockpit glass of one of the Death Gliders, igniting the interior of the cockpit, and its pilot, as the out of control Death Glider spiraled straight into an Al'kesh Bomber.
“C'mon Link!” Yelled Jackson, who had already began to run in the direction of Death Mountain. Link immediately began to follow behind Doctor Jackson, shooting flaming arrows at the onslaught of Death Gliders to keep them at bay.
Link grabbed an M67 “Baseball” from his pouch. Attaching it to one of his arrows, he yanked the pin out, taking care to keep the spoon from releasing.
Quickly picking a spot, Link aimed his bow towards a small cluster of fighters. There, that spot will work. His mind raced as the bow lined up on its target.
Link adjusted his hand on the front of the bow, the spoon on the grenade-arrow chimera leaped off the improvised warhead.
“One.” Link counted, the gliders making potshots at the civilian populace around him.
“Two.” He continued, barely flinching as a bolt from one of the glider's cannons exploded on the ground near him.
“Three!” He shouted as his hand released the bowstring and with it, the arrow.
Gliding out of the bow, Link's improvised missile sailed into the sky. Near it, a tight formation of death gliders was circling around for another strafing run.
“Four.” Link stated, seemingly oblivious to the danger around him. The arrow continued on its trajectory as the gliders, unaware of the impending danger, continued their turn.
“Five.” As if on on que, the grenade exploded in the middle of the Death Glider formation, hardly 300 feet away from Link. The white-hot fragments embedded themselves into the canopies of several fighters, and puncturing the fuselage and wings of several others. The formation had barely felt the explosion within them.
Link swore something in Hylian as he dove towards the nearest piece of cover.
“SG-1 this is Blue squadron, we're on your six!” Yelled Major Mitchell into his headset. Following his squadron, Major Cameron Mitchell, callsign “Shaft,” fired off one of the Naquadah enhanced missiles into the raging cloud of Death Gliders.
The smoke from the volley of missiles laid a soft white blanket across the sky as they streaked closer towards the violent maelstrom above the village.
The missiles screamed closer towards the village. The death gliders still unaware of the impending volley.
Then, within an instant, they all impacted into the swarm of gliders. Dozens of them were instantly destroyed from the surprise attack. Nearly a hundred more were disabled or severely damaged from the explosions. Debris and shrapnel tore through the cloud of Death Gliders like tissue paper. The ground beneath the battle was scarred and cratered from the volume of debris, and in the chaos, several wooden buildings and thatched roofs exploded into flame.
Underneath a fallen stone archway, Link and Doctor Jackson had taken cover from the fight up above. With the massive onslaught of missiles from the F-302s, outside in the open had become nearly lethal. The darkened skies rained scorching hot debris, causing numerous small fires throughout the village.
“Hard... To breathe...” Link Gasped, struggling to inhale the lifeless, smoky air.
“Link... It's okay, the fire in consuming most of the oxygen.” Reassured Daniel. Link, in a sudden flash on intuition, grabbed a blue tunic out of his back. Wrapping it around his face, he dunked his head into the pool of seawater that filled the other end of the fallen arch.
After a few minutes Link pulled his head out of the water, calm and collected.
“Here, use this to breathe.” Said Link, handing the tunic to Doctor Jackson. “It won't last long, the salt in the water is messing with the gas exchange, but it will last long enough for the fires to die.”
Daniel, taking the Tunic from Link, wrapped it around his head and stuck it underwater.
Tense moments later, Doctor Jackson and Link vanished in a flash of white light.
Materializing on the bridge of the Prometheus, Daniel and Link instantly dropped to the deck of the bridge, now that the places that they has wedged themselves into were no long there.
“Welcome aboard the Prometheus.” Greeted Colonel Emerson.
“Thanks..” Replied Daniel, as he and Link picked themselves up off of the deck.
“My lord, We have found the Tau'ri and the Hylians.” Reported one of Anubis' Commanders.
“Excellent work. Bring them to me.” Replied Anubis, facing out the Pel'tak window, seeming oblivious to the rest of the ship, as the mark of the Triforce glowed brightly on the back of his hand. “I know your secret Major Carter, there is no use hiding from me any longer...” He continued, introspectively.
“Launch all gliders and bombers. Under no circumstances will failure be tolerated!” Yelled the commander to the entire ship. “Bring them alive.”
“Colonel Emerson? Anubis' Command Ship just launched a massive wave of fighters towards the surface.” Reported one of the bridge officers.
“Scramble Blue Squadron and prepare for Hyperlaunch.” Yelled Emerson “Now!”
“Yes sir.” Replied the officer.
In Blue Squadron's ready room on board the Prometheus, the cocky group of pilots waited around in case they might be needed. It may have been the standard operating procedure for deployment into potentially hostile space, but it was also incredibly boring for the pilots, who had found ways to pass the time.
“So it's his first day out of basic.” Said Major Cameron Mitchell, failing to suppress his own laughter. “And we tell him to go 'A' CO and get our 'PRC-E7's.'” He continued to the rest of the F-302 Pilots. “So he goes up to the sergeant, and with a straight face, says 'I'm here for the prick...'”
“Attention all personnel, man your battle stations, this is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill.” Yelled a voice over the loudspeakers, interrupting Major Mitchell's story. In an instant, all of Blue Squadron's pilots were in the cockpits of their respective aircraft and awaiting deployment.
“Teal'c! We got incoming!” Yelled O'Neill as a black cloud began to emerge from Anubis' mothership.
“Understood O'Neill!” Yelled Teal'c as the pair dove behind the nearest mound of dirt, a futile attempt to shield themselves from the approaching slaughter. Teal'c's Staff Weapon and Col. O'Neill's FN P-90 would hardly be enough to take down an entire wing of death gliders. However, they had to try, if only to buy enough time to get Carter and Link back to the Prometheus.
“Teal'c, it was nice knowing ya.” Said O'Neill, his mind made up that this would be his last stand.
“I do not believe that we are about to die O'Neill.” Replied Teal'c, carefully stashing his optimism underneath his normally stoic self.
The massive cloud of Death Gliders flew closer, and closer to the two. Every second the impending strike grew nearer, blotting out the sky with sheer numbers and scale.
2 Kilometers. The black cloud began to break up into individual fighters.
1 Kilometer. They were almost in range.
“Wait for it! Wait for it!” Yelled O'Neill, waiting for the Death Gliders to be close enough so that their weapons fire would be able to hit them.
“NOW!” Yelled Teal'c with the swarm of gliders directly overhead, they were an easy target for the concentrated weapons fire.
The AP rounds of the P-90 shredded the fuel reserves of one glider, sending a hail of debris through the rest of the squadron. The burning shrapnel from the former glider embedded itself into the cockpits of the fighters near it, killing the pilots instantly. Now pilotless, the Gliders quickly drifted into other nearby gliders, causing severe damage.
“O'Neill!” Yelled Teal'c. “The fighters are flying close together. Destroying one will cripple the ones near it.”
With a second fighter killed, the furious maelstrom continued past O'Neill and Jackson, unabated from the intended target.
“FUCKING SHIT!” Screamed Jack. “They're heading for the village that Link and Daniel are in.
“Jackson! Anubis's mothership just launch a wave of fighters your way!” Yelled Colonel O'Neill through the radio.
“<Everybody!>” Yelled Link. “<Get inside! Get underground!>” The young hero readied his bow, and with a short incantation, the tip of the arrow began to burst into flame.
With the surviving Hylians panicking and scattering for cover, the massive wave of Death Glider descended onto the village, making strafing run at the population.
With one simple move, the flaming arrow leaped out of Link's bow and sailed through the cockpit glass of one of the Death Gliders, igniting the interior of the cockpit, and its pilot, as the out of control Death Glider spiraled straight into an Al'kesh Bomber.
“C'mon Link!” Yelled Jackson, who had already began to run in the direction of Death Mountain. Link immediately began to follow behind Doctor Jackson, shooting flaming arrows at the onslaught of Death Gliders to keep them at bay.
Link grabbed an M67 “Baseball” from his pouch. Attaching it to one of his arrows, he yanked the pin out, taking care to keep the spoon from releasing.
Quickly picking a spot, Link aimed his bow towards a small cluster of fighters. There, that spot will work. His mind raced as the bow lined up on its target.
Link adjusted his hand on the front of the bow, the spoon on the grenade-arrow chimera leaped off the improvised warhead.
“One.” Link counted, the gliders making potshots at the civilian populace around him.
“Two.” He continued, barely flinching as a bolt from one of the glider's cannons exploded on the ground near him.
“Three!” He shouted as his hand released the bowstring and with it, the arrow.
Gliding out of the bow, Link's improvised missile sailed into the sky. Near it, a tight formation of death gliders was circling around for another strafing run.
“Four.” Link stated, seemingly oblivious to the danger around him. The arrow continued on its trajectory as the gliders, unaware of the impending danger, continued their turn.
“Five.” As if on on que, the grenade exploded in the middle of the Death Glider formation, hardly 300 feet away from Link. The white-hot fragments embedded themselves into the canopies of several fighters, and puncturing the fuselage and wings of several others. The formation had barely felt the explosion within them.
Link swore something in Hylian as he dove towards the nearest piece of cover.
“SG-1 this is Blue squadron, we're on your six!” Yelled Major Mitchell into his headset. Following his squadron, Major Cameron Mitchell, callsign “Shaft,” fired off one of the Naquadah enhanced missiles into the raging cloud of Death Gliders.
The smoke from the volley of missiles laid a soft white blanket across the sky as they streaked closer towards the violent maelstrom above the village.
The missiles screamed closer towards the village. The death gliders still unaware of the impending volley.
Then, within an instant, they all impacted into the swarm of gliders. Dozens of them were instantly destroyed from the surprise attack. Nearly a hundred more were disabled or severely damaged from the explosions. Debris and shrapnel tore through the cloud of Death Gliders like tissue paper. The ground beneath the battle was scarred and cratered from the volume of debris, and in the chaos, several wooden buildings and thatched roofs exploded into flame.
Underneath a fallen stone archway, Link and Doctor Jackson had taken cover from the fight up above. With the massive onslaught of missiles from the F-302s, outside in the open had become nearly lethal. The darkened skies rained scorching hot debris, causing numerous small fires throughout the village.
“Hard... To breathe...” Link Gasped, struggling to inhale the lifeless, smoky air.
“Link... It's okay, the fire in consuming most of the oxygen.” Reassured Daniel. Link, in a sudden flash on intuition, grabbed a blue tunic out of his back. Wrapping it around his face, he dunked his head into the pool of seawater that filled the other end of the fallen arch.
After a few minutes Link pulled his head out of the water, calm and collected.
“Here, use this to breathe.” Said Link, handing the tunic to Doctor Jackson. “It won't last long, the salt in the water is messing with the gas exchange, but it will last long enough for the fires to die.”
Daniel, taking the Tunic from Link, wrapped it around his head and stuck it underwater.
Tense moments later, Doctor Jackson and Link vanished in a flash of white light.
Materializing on the bridge of the Prometheus, Daniel and Link instantly dropped to the deck of the bridge, now that the places that they has wedged themselves into were no long there.
“Welcome aboard the Prometheus.” Greeted Colonel Emerson.
“Thanks..” Replied Daniel, as he and Link picked themselves up off of the deck.
- Darth Yoshi
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Bomb—er, grenade arrows! Fucking sweet!

Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
- Ford Prefect
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My only complaint is this; Anubis is a fully Ascended being. Describing him as being in a 'half ascended state' describes how he stradles the physical relm and what ever the hell the Ascended live as. He is limited by acting with in the bounds of what a Goa'uld can know and do, despite the fact he has an Ascended knowladge of the universe and physics.
Part of that knowladge is knowing where old Ancient technological caches are. He is forced to use pawns to do all the work, but he has a massive advantage of knowing stuff is posible and where to find the technology to rip off.
Part of that knowladge is knowing where old Ancient technological caches are. He is forced to use pawns to do all the work, but he has a massive advantage of knowing stuff is posible and where to find the technology to rip off.
"Okay, I'll have the truth with a side order of clarity." ~ Dr. Daniel Jackson.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." ~ Stephen Colbert
"One Drive, One Partition, the One True Path" ~ ars technica forums - warrens - on hhd partitioning schemes.